5 Pound a Month February 2010 Challenge



  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member

    JENN- How are you? We need more of your little kids stories. Love hearing from you.

    :laugh: hi phyljen!
    I am good. Internet is down at my house for a few weeks and I was so busy at work I didn't get a chance to log in! But I am going to make time from now on!

    As far as funny kid stories go, I have TONS!
    Saturday night I tried making black bean brownies. I didn't tell the family the secret, but only said they were a bit healthier. Gave the kids each a piece before Daddy because what Daddy dose, kiddos do. If he says gross, they stop eating and think it is gross also. :grumble:
    Anyway, they were well liked by the kids and my little guy even had a second piece before Daddy came into the room to taste. He ate 2, said "they are ok" and left the room again. After I cleaned up the kitchen and started running the bath for the kids my daughter came running into the room to "tell on Daddy".
    "Daddy said not to eat the treats you made, because he wants your butt to stop getting smaller!" :laugh:
    I am guessing that was his way of telling them to leave some for me. It helped me not eat more than one tho :wink:
  • lilwade84
    Hey everyone i'm in!!!

    Jan=235 i didn't find out about this site till mid January :frown:
    Feb = 231
    Mar goal = 225
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    I have a little kid story for you. I do home daycare and today only 2 showed up because of illness or bad roads. For lunch they were sitting at the table eating and the 3 year old (I'll call her Lena) start yelling Lars (also a made up name and he is 2) is kicking me. He does like to swing his feet under the table. Before I had a to respond Lars starts yelling "Lars is kicking me too!"

    Sorry I have not been around much lately I have been not feeling well. A combination of IBS acting up and lots of heartburn. Hopefully I am getting them under control. I feel better now than I have all day. I am taking that as a good sign. I also have been trying to get my daily potassium up to where it needs to be. I have prehypertension and would like to get my blood pressure to go down from food and diet and get rid of the water pills. I am finding that to get in that much potassium it is hard to stay in calorie goals, but it is a learning experience. Also potassium is not required to be listed on food labels so it is hard to know on some items if they contain potassium.

    Hope everyone is having a great week!
  • lreed
    lreed Posts: 348 Member
    pretty happy, I did REALLY well on Superbowl Sunday. The key was having the party at my house and having healthy snacks! I came under my calories for the day with two glasses of wine, ofcourse the burning of MANY calories by rollerskating helped immensely! I am hoping for a loss in the next week! :tongue:
    Congratulations on sticking with such a great game plan!
    Thanks for the encouragement!
  • lreed
    lreed Posts: 348 Member
    Congrats, Jennifer, on all of that weight loss.

    I forgot to check in for last week, although did weigh myself on Monday (got confused about how this all works) - .5 pounds down, from 192.5 to 192. :grumble: At least the scale is budging! Hopefully, I'll see more at the end of this week. :smile:
    slow and steady wins the race! Congrats on a loss!:smile:
  • lreed
    lreed Posts: 348 Member
    Okay here is my weigh in:
    1/2/10 171.0
    1/9/10 168.8
    1/16/10 165.8
    1/23/10 167.0
    1/29/10 168.8
    2/1/10 167.2
    2/7/10 165.8

    I am getting there. 10 more pounds to go.

    I am sorry I have not been on much lately. I have just been so busy. I will try to get on again soon to check out how everyone is doing. Keep pushing yourself and you will get there. Have a beautiful week everyone. :bigsmile:
    Great Job! You have a beautiful week too!:wink:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I have been without internet for five days. Oh, the withdrawal...I am also still getting ill from some of the foods I am consuming. I am glad I have my food diary to show my dr on Thursday so we can find out how to improve my health :smile: So this week has been a wash also. Even though I am watching what I eat, I am not strictly following the plan as I was. I will be back on track after my dr visit though.

    Hope everyone is having a great week.


    Glad you have the internet back. I know how you feel when you don't have it.

    I hope your doctor's appt goes well for you. Let us know. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    JENNIFER- Way to go. you are doing so good. WOW just 10 to go. I have more than that but it is going down and that is the exciting part. For about a year, I had pretty much decided that I was too old to lose weight. I thought that I was just stuck at the weight I was in and decided to just be happy with that. But then I had a wake up call and I am so happy to find this site and this group to talk to and lose weight with. You guys all motivate me. When I feel like eating I just pull up MFP and read stuff and hear all about people just like me that are struggling with weight and doing something about it. It really helps me. THANKS a TON.

    I initially set out to lose 41 pounds at the beginning of last year and have finally made that goal. Now the 10 pounds are to look HOT in my wedding dress this August. I figured that would be a good goal.

    You are right, coming here is a great way to keep you motivated to workout and eat better. You are doing awesome, keep up the great work. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    TCASMEY-I hope you get to feeling better. :bigsmile:
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    TCASMEY-I hope you get to feeling better. :bigsmile:

    Thanks. The heartburn is more under control today. Along with the IBS. It is more of a nuisance that just makes me feel icky.

    Keep up the great work! Looking hot in your wedding dress is an awesome motivation.
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    TCASMEY- I loved the funny kid story! :laugh: I laugh everyday with my kids and cant even remember what I did for fun before they came into my life.
    I hope you feel yourself again soon. :flowerforyou:

    Last night I walked on the tredmill while I watched the biggest loser- 2 hours!:love: I was feeling very proud of myself and so I am adding a new goal! Every Tuesday I will do a "biggest loser challenge" for the time while I watch the show. Seeing them working so hard keeps me going. I might not do the same thing every week, but I will be moving the whole time.

    I have also been extra good about not getting on the scale this week! Last time I looked was at the Friday weigh in. This is a huge deal for me because I am a daily scale sinner. I wanted to give the once a week thing a try, and this is my 3rd week doing it. However, both pre. weeks I did check on Monday to make sure I didn't gain over the weekend. Monday and today it was hard to stay away, but I am telling myself how great it will feel to see a big drop come Friday. I hope that happens.

    Good luck to everyone today, make good healthy food choices and get extra exercise in if you can. If you have had a hard week so far today is the day to turn that around! You can still lose by Friday if you kick it up a bit! We can do this together!
  • upsy
    upsy Posts: 42
    So far very good - no bad days, full with energy, every spare time (like i have one with 4 kids :D ) im on wii. Lots of support form kids (checking that im not cheating while exercising ) and husband.
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Saw this today and thought I would share...
    Good, true advise.

    Jillian Michaels quote:

    There are no mistakes, just learning experiences. Weight loss is a process — it takes time. You will encounter small failures — everyone does — but every pound you gain can be lost.

    And if you miss a workout, it's not the end of the world! Get to the gym the next day and continue to focus on your short-term goals. Just because you made bad choices today doesn't mean you can't start over tomorrow. New day? New beginning.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    So far very good - no bad days, full with energy, every spare time (like i have one with 4 kids :D ) im on wii. Lots of support form kids (checking that im not cheating while exercising ) and husband.

    Wow, with 4 kids you get a chance to use the Wii. My kids always take it away.....:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: (but then I can leave and go use the treadmill or bike without interruption.:smile:
  • lreed
    lreed Posts: 348 Member

    Last night I walked on the tredmill while I watched the biggest loser- 2 hours!:love: I was feeling very proud of myself and so I am adding a new goal! Every Tuesday I will do a "biggest loser challenge" for the time while I watch the show. Seeing them working so hard keeps me going. I might not do the same thing every week, but I will be moving the whole time.
    Wow! What a great idea! Good Job!
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Well it is finally Thursday! The day before our weekly weigh-in. How is your week going? Are you going to pump it up a level today, or are you happy with what you have accomplished this week. For me I plan to eat the same and workout the same as I have been this week. Hopefully the scale drops.

    Those of you who have been getting all this snow, spring is just around the corner. It was 2 degrees here yesterday, but the sun was out and it was melting off the roof and driveway. That is a great sign the sun angle is getting us stronger sun rays. Hang in there!:happy:
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    We are almost a month and a half into the new year. How are those resolutions holding up?

    According to Shape Magazine 75% of people who make resolutions abandon them within months. The problem isn't lack of willpower- its how you frame your goals.

    Instead of I'm going to lose 10 lbs this months, say I will trim 100-200 calories from each meal. "The easiest way to lose weight is by taking small, manageable steps."

    What are your small steps to help you achieve your goals this year? Do you need to reevaluate and change any? ( I have already. One of my goals this year was to become a runner. I discovered that running irritates some chronic neck pain that I have. So for now back to walking. When I lose another 20 pounds I plan to try again.) Keep your goals at the front of your mind, and feel free to share your goals and what you are doing to achieve these goals. Keep up the awesome work!:drinker:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    TCASMEY-I hope you get to feeling better. :bigsmile:

    Thanks. The heartburn is more under control today. Along with the IBS. It is more of a nuisance that just makes me feel icky.

    Keep up the great work! Looking hot in your wedding dress is an awesome motivation.

    Glad you are doing better today.

    I bought these new jeans this week from "Buckle". I never thought I could fit in a pair of their jeans. They are a lower rise than I am use to so I wore them out last nite and I felt great in them and I got a few compliments on how well I look in them. I am definitely at a pretty good weight, but can't wait to see how I feel with another 10 pounds off. So many things are going my way at this point in my life and I am feeling great with all aspects of my life. Having my body where I want it has definitely helped with my confidence. I love feeling awesome. I am so glad that there are sites like this one to help keep me motivated to keep going.

    Thanx for all of your support and encouragement. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Last night I walked on the tredmill while I watched the biggest loser- 2 hours!:love: I was feeling very proud of myself and so I am adding a new goal! Every Tuesday I will do a "biggest loser challenge" for the time while I watch the show. Seeing them working so hard keeps me going. I might not do the same thing every week, but I will be moving the whole time.

    That is great to set a goal like this. You can definitely do it. Keep up the great work. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    So far very good - no bad days, full with energy, every spare time (like i have one with 4 kids :D ) im on wii. Lots of support form kids (checking that im not cheating while exercising ) and husband.

    That is great that your kids are supportive, that always helps keep you moving. keep up the awesome work. :bigsmile: