Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I made chicken taco salad for dinner. It says that's 460 calories. Does anyone know whether or not the includes the chips and salad dressing?
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Thursday Truth: I'm finally feeling good and back to my normal way of eating and everything. Just got off track for awhile. I'm going to start working on a strict work out schedule that I will follow. Right now I think it's going to be Sat-Tues and every other Wed. So I wont have to get up at 4:30 on the days my husband works.

    As for financial aid for school. I received my letter and as long as I go full time 12credit hours I have been awarded $4350. Now I'm not really sure how this works cause I've never been to college. So I'm not sure if that's for the whole time I go to school or just this year I don't know. But I go Monday for my placement testing...nervous about that! And once I know what classes I need to take then I will go from there. If I can't get it to work around my work schedule I'm not sure if I will be able to go or not. I am praying and hoping that it all works out.
    I have not told my parents yet, I work for them. I am nervous that my Dad will be upset about it. I don't know how to tell them either. Just very nervous.

    Have a great Thursday everyone!

    @sunshine_frec::::: I DIDN'T weigh myself this morning! I wanted to...but I didn't! And it's driving me crazy lol

    Tina -Congrats on getting the financial aid for college and for taking the next step. Just tell your parents once you know what your schedule will be. Hopefully, they will be thrilled that you are working even harder to make your future better. You are setting a great example for your daughter as well. I hope you can take all the credits you need to take for the semester.

    Kris- Happy Birthday. Best wishes for the year ahead. Welcome to a new decade and may it be filled with you experiencing new challenges as you become healthier.

    monochris- Hope you feel better soon.

    Truth- I am getting back in the swing of things. I meet with a new trainer tonight and it was a good workout with room for improvement. He realized that I am capable of doing more than he was expecting. I even had him rock climbing tonight- he agreed to try it and did a good job. Then his next two clients also climbed tonight- they realized it was harder than it looked. I will workout with him again to see how it goes. He will be talking to my other trainer so that should prove interesting. My other trainer is not off the hook, I am just giving him his space until his life settles downs and he can be consistent with a training schedule. I need that instead of hit or miss every week.

    Happy Friday Everyone. :bigsmile:

    Water Tag you are it!!!! Go drink a cup of water.:drinker: :drinker: Go! What are you waiting for?:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    My favorite movie - I love to watch it when I'm sick especially - is Walt Disney's Fantasia.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    My favorite is Singing in the Rain.

    Grandmakayak- You can enter the recipe into the recipe maker on this website and it will calculate the calories, carbs, protein etc for you. It is quick and easy especially if you know the amounts.

    I am done writing the night so good night. I will drink my water so here is the water tag again.

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Water Tag you are it!!!! Go drink a cup of water. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Go! What are you waiting for? :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Thank you everyone for the kind word and advice about getting my financial aid and going back to school.

    Ok so I thought I was awarded $4350....not so much.
    So I actually have a pell grant for $850 for one semester..
    And a friend of mine said a semester runs around $1500.
    Hopefully I can get accepted for student loans....

    BUT I don't even know for sure until I take the placement testing on Monday. Which I'm nervous about.
  • NAcetoLang
    NAcetoLang Posts: 517 Member
    What day is it? Thursday? Seriously? This week has been crazy!

    Skinny- I'm taking English Composition 101.... It is super interesting for me (I love to read and writing is my passion) but sooo challenging. I have 3 reading assignments (including the textbook, not including the lectures and other intro stuff). I have 2 discussion board posts (online class), 4 responses, and 3 other writing assignments. I am pretty sure the instructor means well, or she is trying to kill me :laugh:

    Tina - That is awesome that you are going to school!! You will do terrific. I was so nervous at first, but the pride I have in completing an assignment or understanding an equation far outweighs me being nervous. I went in today and got my student ID and parking pass... I wanted to cry, I was so proud of myself. :bigsmile: It is a lot of work, but it is worth it already, just because of the confidence I have built in myself. :drinker: you can do it!:drinker:

    Did I wish on Wednesday or skip straight to Math class? lol sooo out of it! My Thursday truth: I have been eating junk. I keep meaning to buy healthy food at the store, but making my lunch is such a drag lately.... I just want to grab and go. This weekend, I am going to start fresh with some healthy and easy lunches for the week. I think I will try to make up my lunches a few days in advance.

    Hope you all are fabulous! For some reason I am craving zucchini bread :huh:
  • NAcetoLang
    NAcetoLang Posts: 517 Member
    Thank you everyone for the kind word and advice about getting my financial aid and going back to school.

    Ok so I thought I was awarded $4350....not so much.
    So I actually have a pell grant for $850 for one semester..
    And a friend of mine said a semester runs around $1500.
    Hopefully I can get accepted for student loans....

    BUT I don't even know for sure until I take the placement testing on Monday. Which I'm nervous about.

    Check with your financial aid dept for other grants... sometimes there are state grants or even the college has money set aside. I take two classes (10 credits) and it runs me around $1100 plus books. The placement test scared me too, but surprisingly, nobody laughed when they gave me my results... they still let me in, and gave me the opportunity at great classes. Don't worry too much, just do your best. :)
  • Sherrielsb
    Sherrielsb Posts: 505 Member
    Thursday truth- I haven't gotten caught up on the palst couple pages but will do so soon, I figured I had better get this writte out before it gets too late and I am too tired. Not that I am playing confessional but my truth for today is why I had been absent for so long. During the summer I took my kids in for their yearly check up, middle daughter (7) had not grown a single inch sinc elast year and had fallen off the growth chart. She was a preemie and has always been little but her old pediatrician said to wait until puberty and then look into growth hormone shots. That Dr has retired and our new one just finished her residency at the local children's hospital. She suggested a few tests and after multiple trips to the hospital, blood works, specialists and some minor surgery she was diagnosed with a gluten allergy/intolerance. Basically anytime she eats anything with wheat, rye or barley in it - it damages the villi and she can't absorb any of the nutrition from the food she eats. After the initial shock and guilt over my child being so malnourished for so many years, we met with nutritionists and I began devouring every book I could find about it. The guilt was my biggest issue- wondering if I did something wrong during the pregnancy or when she was an infant that I should ahve done differently. I know that reasonably it isn't my fault but the "mama bear" gene kind of kicks in and reason seems to leave. That week I discovered a flavor of Ben and Jerry's ice cream called Chocolate Therapy, had 4 pints in 1 week and still didn't feel very therapeutic. Claire's nutrition became so all encompassing that I had no energy left to do uch more that log in my breakfasts. Thanksfully going gluten free is much easier than it was years ago and there are some very helpful phone apps I am using all the time at the grocery store. Our biggest challenge yet is to find a bread she likes and doesn't have anasty after taste so she can eat sandwiches again. Our whole family has gone gluten free as well and this is becoming our new normal. At least normal enough that I am ready to get back on track and get rid of this extra weight. At her last check up she has grown an entire 1/2 inch so I know these changes are working and benefitting her so its worth it.

    The only thing I did keep up was my running, it kept me sane and I even signed up for another race so I would have something to focus on. 2 Saturdays ago I ran the Air Force 1/2 marathon and had my best time ever. 3 hours and 8 minutes. BEst part is that for the first time in my life I actually felt like a real runner

    Sorry my truth has transformed into a bit of a novella
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @nicole--glad you find your English class interesting, even if it is challenging.

    @tina--as far as your class schedule, don't forget to check out online classes. They tend to be a bit more work, but they are much easier to fit into your schedule.

    @laurie--glad this new trainer shows potential--hope it all works out.

    @mymowmow--congrats on signing up for that 5k!! :drinker:

    @doug--it's not sadistic at all--in fact, it's downright inspirational!!

    @sunshine--don't feel guilty--you have every right to say "no"--it's important to take care of yourself.

    @kjeffries--great change of plans--i would choose the park over Mcd's any day!

    @hayley--can you just say "thanks so much! I just had a snack, but I will save this for later"? And then either toss it or give it to someone else.

    @kris--happy b-day!!! :flowerforyou: Honestly, turning 40 didn't bother me. In fact, the only b-day that depressed me was turning 25--I was so unsettled at that point in my life, and it was just annoying to not be where I wanted to be in life.

    Thursday Truth:
    I've been really bad about getting enough sleep the past couple of weeks. I find that if I don't make sleep one of my "goals," I just stay up way too late.

    Mon--walk dog + core DONE!!
    Tues--walk dog + gym (weight machines + stairmaster and/or stationary bike) DONE!!
    Wed--long run outside DONE!!
    Thurs--walk dog + core DONE!!
    Friday--walk dog
    Sat--5k walk (Out of the Darkness) + walk dog
    Sun--walk dog + core
  • ohpampered1
    ohpampered1 Posts: 37 Member
    Thanks for all for the nice welcomes! You all seem so nice. So it's Truth Thursday..... lets see, I'm scared to tell anyone that I'm am trying to lose weight. I have failed so many times, and then I find my co-works look at what I'm eating for lunch and feel they have the right to tell me what they think I should eat.

    Truth is, I'm addicted to Diet Coke, I'm trying to stop and I'm getting really bad headaches.

    Happy birthday to all that had a birthday today, and you guys rock with all exercises! Have a good day everyone, I will check back in tomorrow night.
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    @Kaye, Yay on getting the red robe finish I bet it looks lovely. I agree you being here is proof of your strength. I am praying for you.

    @Christine hope you feel better soon

    @Laurie glad it seems like its working out with the new trainer

    @Happy Birthday to everyone.

    Thursday truth really tired this keeps taking twice as long cause with hands on keyboard I keep nodding off. I need to go to bed way sooner, I get off at 6;30 had dinner by 7 clean up kitchen start a load of laundry than bed seems like no time ...

    guilty pleasure movie Knotting Hill, Rio Bravo, (any John Wayne Western)

  • I need to get better at taking notes while I'm reading this thread so that I can do personals! So many birthdays this week! I hope that all of you have (or had) a great one!!! And to all those preparing for races short and long (I'm so impressed), best of luck! I'm thinking about trying to get in shape for a triathalon next summer (the "short" variety - half-mile swim, 12-mile bike, 5k run), but I have not fully committed to it yet (and at still over 300 pounds, it's more than a little bit daunting).

    Thursday truth - I'm tired of working overnights and of the program I am working for (won't go into details, but there are many legitimate frustrations). I think I'm giving notice tonight. We have to give 20-working days' notice to get paid out vacation time, so that's five weeks (my week consists of 4 10-hour nights), and then I will get a couple weeks' pay-out, and I think I can find a job in the interim. I would stay and suffer through -- I've worked long enough to know that no job is perfect -- but I think it's time to move on, because working overnights seems to be effecting my (mental and physical) health and I'm pretty burnt out (which isn't good for me or the clients). Plus, my ultimate goal is to finish graduate school and I need a job that will enable that. I also never want to be the one who stays in a job she dislikes when it's clear to everyone that she should have gone, so don't want to get to that point. Still, I would feel better about this if I had already found a next step.

    @ Gloworm- thanks for the advice about the moleskin. I've tried nu-skin, which I suspect is similar. It is helping some but stings horribly, because the heels are still quite raw, sigh.

    @ Skinnyjeanzbound - I would love to post some pics from my hike (Mt. Jefferson Wilderness Area is so gorgeous!) but I only see the option to change my ruler pic (presently my kayak, but for the change of seasons, a mountain scene will be motivating, I think), or my profile pick. I'll try to figure it out tomorrow (after I apply for a couple jobs).
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Skinny- I'm taking English Composition 101.... It is super interesting for me (I love to read and writing is my passion) but sooo challenging.

    oddly, i also love to read and writing is actually my job, i'm an author. but i always hated english comp and never did particularly well. i think my average english comp score was low B's or maybe high C's. which is really lame for me.
    During the summer I took my kids in for their yearly check up, middle daughter (7) had not grown a single inch sinc elast year and had fallen off the growth chart. She was a preemie and has always been little but her old pediatrician said to wait until puberty and then look into growth hormone shots. That Dr has retired and our new one just finished her residency at the local children's hospital. She suggested a few tests and after multiple trips to the hospital, blood works, specialists and some minor surgery she was diagnosed with a gluten allergy/intolerance. Basically anytime she eats anything with wheat, rye or barley in it - it damages the villi and she can't absorb any of the nutrition from the food she eats. After the initial shock and guilt over my child being so malnourished for so many years, we met with nutritionists and I began devouring every book I could find about it.

    wow, what an experience. how big is she? my older daughter is also very small. i asked my last pediatrician if we should talk about growth hormones and he said he wasn't worried about it since she'd always been small. but she just doesn't seem to grow. she's almost nine and she literally just grew out of toddler sized shoes. we changed doctors and i thought about taking her back in but i'm not sure. the last doctor told me not to worry even though they can't even chart her expected height because she's consistently under the third percentile. i'm wondering now if this is something that i need to have checked out too. your novella was definitely interesting reading to me and i'm glad your girlie is doing better.
    Truth is, I'm addicted to Diet Coke, I'm trying to stop and I'm getting really bad headaches.

    i'm having the same experience with Dr. Diet Pepper and I'm trying to cut down slower, to beat the headaches. maybe try dropping down one or two a week. like i used to drink six a day. so i dropped down to four. now i'm trying out three this week. after that, in a week or two, i will drop to two and on from there. even if i could get myself down to one a day i would be thrilled.
  • dobarber
    dobarber Posts: 611 Member
    Friday fitness: Going to think of the Samuel Coleridge Taylor quote from the Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner as I drink water all day today to prep for the race tomorrow(water water everywhere but not a drop to drink). Just kidding. In a weird mood today. I'm sitting here at work after running 3 miles last night and working the pain out of my foot. It initially hurt when I started running but about a half mile in all of the pain went away and the last 2.5 miles were pain free. I think the muscle just needed to be stretched in a way that only running could do. Can't wait til tomorrow morning!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,354 Member
    Thursday truth- I haven't gotten caught up on the palst couple pages but will do so soon, I figured I had better get this writte out before it gets too late and I am too tired. Not that I am playing confessional but my truth for today is why I had been absent for so long. During the summer I took my kids in for their yearly check up, middle daughter (7) had not grown a single inch sinc elast year and had fallen off the growth chart. She was a preemie and has always been little but her old pediatrician said to wait until puberty and then look into growth hormone shots. That Dr has retired and our new one just finished her residency at the local children's hospital. She suggested a few tests and after multiple trips to the hospital, blood works, specialists and some minor surgery she was diagnosed with a gluten allergy/intolerance. Basically anytime she eats anything with wheat, rye or barley in it - it damages the villi and she can't absorb any of the nutrition from the food she eats. After the initial shock and guilt over my child being so malnourished for so many years, we met with nutritionists and I began devouring every book I could find about it. The guilt was my biggest issue- wondering if I did something wrong during the pregnancy or when she was an infant that I should ahve done differently. I know that reasonably it isn't my fault but the "mama bear" gene kind of kicks in and reason seems to leave. That week I discovered a flavor of Ben and Jerry's ice cream called Chocolate Therapy, had 4 pints in 1 week and still didn't feel very therapeutic. Claire's nutrition became so all encompassing that I had no energy left to do uch more that log in my breakfasts. Thanksfully going gluten free is much easier than it was years ago and there are some very helpful phone apps I am using all the time at the grocery store. Our biggest challenge yet is to find a bread she likes and doesn't have anasty after taste so she can eat sandwiches again. Our whole family has gone gluten free as well and this is becoming our new normal. At least normal enough that I am ready to get back on track and get rid of this extra weight. At her last check up she has grown an entire 1/2 inch so I know these changes are working and benefitting her so its worth it.

    The only thing I did keep up was my running, it kept me sane and I even signed up for another race so I would have something to focus on. 2 Saturdays ago I ran the Air Force 1/2 marathon and had my best time ever. 3 hours and 8 minutes. BEst part is that for the first time in my life I actually felt like a real runner

    Sorry my truth has transformed into a bit of a novella

    Don't feel guilty---it won't help a bit. I have celiac and was diagnosed in my 50's after I had my gall bladder removed. ANYWAY, if you haven't already done so and have access to it, try Udi's gluten free bread. The slices are relatively small but to my taste buds, it's as much like *real* bread as I have found. They have both white and dark. Also I remember right after being diagnosed, I wasn't able to tolerate lactose well BUT as my gut healed, I was able to reintroduce lactose to my diet. Try to be patient. Good luck and if I can help, let me know.

  • @Doug: Good Luck tomorrow!!! I'm sure you will kill it!:flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker:
    @Toots: Are you a published Author? If, so what kind of books? I :heart: Stephen King...( KInd of Sadistic, I know..:blushing: ) but he scares me to death...Love that!
    Friday Fitness: Get on the "eviliptical" as Aug calls it...I'm in a good place today... OH TGIF!!! Hope you have a Fabulous Day!
    Be Healthy, Be Happy, Be Blessed:heart:
  • nzenczak
    nzenczak Posts: 69 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Fitness Friday...What activity am I doing to help me shed pounds. Well I'm trying to work out 6x a week doing a range of different activities. 1. I have a personal training session on Monday nights for an hour followed by a 45 minute spin class. It is complete torture, but it is such a good feeling when you get the whole thing done. 2. I walk with my dog for 30 minutes everyday I do not have a class scheduled and am going to slowly work up to 60 minutes. 3. I take an hour exercise class on Thursdays. The class is a mix of cardio and strength training. That's it for me right now.

    What is everyone else doing for exercise?

    Tomorrow is my first weigh in since starting on Sunday. Keep your fingers crossed for me and I'm looking for new friends to so feel free to add me. I have alot of weight to lose and could use all the support I can get. :) Have a great day everyone!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Friday Fitness~My doc put me on two days gym restriction, wanted me to nap/rest - which I did. I'm allowed back to the gym today for a light workout, so plan on treadmill/weights. I'll do a light workout tomorrow, too, and then have session with my trainer on Sunday. Except for today, I shouldn't have any dining out/food concerns - today is our annual employee appreciation day and lunch is catered. I've planned for it, so will just enjoy.
    Thursday Truth:
    I've been really bad about getting enough sleep the past couple of weeks. I find that if I don't make sleep one of my "goals," I just stay up way too late.

    @Karen~I'm going through the same thing. Honestly, I'm a really light sleeper to begin with and going to bed later than I should doesn't help. My doctor said to me a couple of days ago that I need to allow myself time for naps, she's worried about my level of exhaustion. Its not good for our health, for weight loss or otherwise. I think its a good "goal" for both of us - set a "bed time" and stick to it! Good luck on your race tomorrow, you'll do great - have fun!
    Thanks for all for the nice welcomes! You all seem so nice. So it's Truth Thursday..... lets see, I'm scared to tell anyone that I'm am trying to lose weight. I have failed so many times, and then I find my co-works look at what I'm eating for lunch and feel they have the right to tell me what they think I should eat.

    Truth is, I'm addicted to Diet Coke, I'm trying to stop and I'm getting really bad headaches.

    Happy birthday to all that had a birthday today, and you guys rock with all exercises! Have a good day everyone, I will check back in tomorrow night.

    To tell you the truth, we are nice.:laugh: Don't worry about telling anyone about your weight loss efforts, really its a personal thing. When I first started I didn't tell anyone, kept it to myself - only did I start talking about it when people started to notice the weight loss. So, keep it to yourself until you're ready. Now, for the diet coke addiction you need to slowly decrease your intake to offset the caffeine headaches that often come with stopping caffeine cold turkey. I don't drink soda anymore (used to be addicted to diet dr. pepper); I do have one on occasion but for the most part I drink water, green tea and coffee (I AM addicted to coffee but drink it black).
  • nzenczak
    nzenczak Posts: 69 Member

    I feel the same sometimes too. I too have alot of weight to lose and it is hard to come to grips with the fact that it is just going to take time. Please consider adding me as a friend. I would if we could provide each other support through our journey.
  • 2S_1R
    2S_1R Posts: 171
    Friiiiiiiiiday Fiiiiiiiiitness! hmmm.... Yesterday, I did Zumba again. I love that class so much. Like seriously, it is the best part of my week. Love love love!! Today I have work and then i'm going to lift a bit. Maybe get back into the routine of lifting. (I lifted a lot in highschool for sports and stuff, but quit soon after). We'll see how it goes!

    TGIF! Have a great weekend everyone!