The most expensive item ever purchased for YOURSELF?



  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    I bought myself a Louis Vuitton purse a couple years ago. I saved up birthday/Christmas money and my loose change for a looooong time, and then when I got the job I have now (which is with like my dream company/career) I got it for myself as kind of a congratulations gift. I have a couple other smaller LVs that I got as gifts, but never had the guts or the funds to buy one for myself. I will definitely carry it until it falls apart because it was embarrassingly expensive, but I love it so much!

    This is what it looks like (well, what it looked like when I got it...the handles/trim is a lot darker now):


    I've also bought myself a car, but that doesn't really count I guess since it was more out of necessity than for fun :smile:
  • cdngirl71
    cdngirl71 Posts: 2,707 Member
    A car.
  • KBE1990
  • vickilm1976
    vickilm1976 Posts: 141 Member
    I just bought myself a Clarisonic face brush. It wasn't super expensive, but I am so excited about it! It hasn't come in the mail yet though.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    House and cars and investments and furniture aside,

    I don't think I've spent more than a couple grand on a toy. I think my 5D MKII camera is the most expensive.

    Same here... camera gear! Lenses, camera bodies, etc!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    A treadmill. It's awesome and now Hubby is using it too.
  • PJ_73
    PJ_73 Posts: 331 Member
    Houses, house stuff and holidays aside, my biggest personal buy was probably a pair of Jimmy Choo shoes - to the tune of £520.

    Must be a woman thing!

    Sadly my feet look fat in them at present!!
  • erinxo13
    erinxo13 Posts: 892 Member
    my beautiful macbook proooo, two years ago... it's my baby.
    and if we're being REALLY particular.... my university degree that I will have in my possession in june.... but I haven't started paying off the loans for that yet :P:tongue:
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    My pineapple green cheek conure (parrot) - Mango.
    He was 350, but all the other stuff was hundreds so it all added up.

    Awww I really want a green conure :)))
  • kenjancef
    kenjancef Posts: 63 Member
    House and cars and investments and furniture aside,

    I don't think I've spent more than a couple grand on a toy. I think my 5D MKII camera is the most expensive.

    Same here... camera gear! Lenses, camera bodies, etc!

    Every time I think about the total price of my gear I nearly pass out... lol... :)
  • ccburn5
    ccburn5 Posts: 473 Member
    A house. I never quite finished paying for that one though.


    3rd that...
  • ccburn5
    ccburn5 Posts: 473 Member
    A house. I never quite finished paying for that one though.


    3rd that...

    As far as possessions..

    Paid off my Expedition about a year ago. After that would be my 55" LG 3D HD smart tv I guess $1300 or so...
  • emilymiesel
    emilymiesel Posts: 216 Member
    My boobs and my Benz but those were before baby...I'm waiting to splurge till I've lost all the weight.
  • ogriffix
    Boobs :smile:
    Boobs (o) (o)
  • ogriffix
    Seatbelt bag.

    Other than that, I cant really think of it. I got pregnant really young and never really had any money. Then got married, bought a house and still dont have loads of extra green sitting around.
    That is so bad assed. I have to have one.
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    Spent about $1400 on a trip to California this summer.
  • morningmud
    morningmud Posts: 477 Member
    Assuming we're not counting the house and car, hmm I bought myself a $275 Tiffany ring. I guess that would be the single item that costs the most. However, I've enjoyed some shopping sprees that resulted in a much higher total. lol
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    Well, my car may not count because that was bought for me to drive my kids around, and not just for my own enjoyment. Next to that, it'd be the hand-made, custom-finished electric bass I ordered from a luthier in France.
  • turkeyhunter60
    turkeyhunter60 Posts: 319 Member
    99 Chevy Tahoe, used, in 2007-midlife crisis, first vehicle I didn't have to share with the kids.
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    My laptop. I don't have kids though, so I guess there's that. Regardless, I need a laptop for work.