Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Friday Fitness - nothing - still fighting cramps in both arms, shoulders, biceps and wrists. Bottom is healing well, and that is excellent news. Wish I could swim but afraid I would drown with my arms not cooperating. Had to have help grocery shopping the other day. Wonder what is happening to me. Will see the doc in follow up in another week.

    Keep up the good work everybody, at home at work and at school. Kudos to all the teachers and students here!
  • beachgirl613
    beachgirl613 Posts: 139 Member
    Friday Fitness - My truck is still in the shop so we're down to 1 car this week. We've been getting up at 5 and getting home at 7 so I haven't really done anything at all.
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    It is such a beautiful day today! I love cool mornings walking with Belle and praising God for His creation. On a sad note, I am out of:frown: peanut butter. Guess I will have to grocery shopping. I am going to walk Walmart today instead of using the scooter. Also planning a trip to Aldi's. No big plans for the weekend, have a Bible focused weight group in the morning and Church tomorrow night and then Sunday supper at my son and dil's. Might ask my grandson if he wants to spend Saturday night with me.

    Friday fitness remember to start doing the wall pushups, going to start with 3 reps of 8. Continue my 2x a day walking Belle and walking Walmart rather than riding scooter.

    To all those racers out there praying you have fun and finish well. To everyone have a wonderful, stress-free weekend.

  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Friday Fitness::: Well I have a schedule made out so I'm going to try and start it tomorrow.....wait let me rephrase that..I'm GOING to start it tomorrow. I will work out every Sat-Tues and every other Wednesday. This is my goal. Not only does it help not having to get up early but it also helps my weekends because those are the toughest and the extra calories...should I need them will be there from my workout!
    Now to decide what to do! Start up one of my Jillian Michaels or Biggest Loser DVD's or use my elliptical or run? Maybe just switch up everyday? I will figure something out.

    @naceto::: I am nervous about the schedule and schooling itself and just nervous in general. But I know everything will be fine! And I know I will feel proud of myself as you do! Congrats to you for going to school! What are you going for? Once I take my testing I am going to figure out what classes I need and hopefully get some more help from financial aid.
    As sad as it is to say it, for this moment I wish I was single mom because my whole school would be paid for I know it. But I’m blessed with my family and wouldn’t trade it for the world!

    @skinnyjeanz:::: I am most definitely going to check into online classes and everything I can to make this work. I would much rather be in a class room since I would get the proper information and help. But I will do the best I can.

    @ohpampered1::: Great job on starting your journey and taking up this new lifestyle to make you healthier for you! Who cares what everyone else says. Just eat your lunch and know you are doing what you need to for you. I know it’s annoying and hard to block out but just keep thinking how this is for you!
    As for the diet coke thing. I used to drink nothing but soda and then I started drinking nothing but water. And I HATED water. Now I love it. I still have a diet soda now and again. Like I’ll go weeks without buying any, bought some a couple weeks ago and maybe have one with dinner some nights. The headache’s will stop maybe just cut down to one day and go from there?

    @lmackbethl::: This is what I do about trying to reply to everyone when I get a chance, I have to windows up on my screen, one is Microsoft word and the other is this thread and I scroll through and type my comments in word and then copy and paste  so simple that way!
    As for work. I understand your not liking where you work and moving on. That’s what I’m trying to do…I work for my parents though and it’s frustrating. I couldn’t imagine working nights I don’t think I could ever do it…if I had to but wow I am so not a night person! Good luck with everything and hope you do find a different job!

    @Doug:::: Good luck tomorrow!!! So excited for you and proud of you! I know you are going to do VERY well! Makes me want to sign up for a race!

    @sunshine_frec::: I LOVE Zumba! I was going 3nights a week. Then my daughter started school and things got hectic, even though it’s just pre-k lol I have to pick her up now on the days my husband works so I can’t make it to the Zumba class because I have her. SO that sucks. I still may try to make it to the Mon-Tues classes if I can. Because like you it really is one of the highlights of my week!

    @RoibinsEgg:::: I really hope that you start getting better soon and hope that when you see the doctor it’s not bad news! Will be thinking about you!

    @Christine::: You are doing such a fantastic job! All the walking and things you’re doing to keep getting better, such as walking in walmart instead of the scooter, is just fantastic! Keep up the great work!!!

    Have a fantastic Friday everyone!!
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Wish I could swim but afraid I would drown with my arms not cooperating.
    Could you stay in the shallow end and just kind...jog under water? Where your feet can barely touch easily. That way you're safe and yet still moving around with water resistance? I hate that you're still not feeling very well. If you lived closer (much closer) I'd totally do your shopping for you....

    @ Christine - I had the same experience yesterday morning. This is my favorite time of year and when I drove in to work yesterday there was mist rising off the fields. The air was cool and c rips and everything smelled SO fresh and clean. I actually circled my work's campus twice so I could roll the windows down and enjoy the beautiful morning.

    @Sweettalker & Nzenc - Hang in there :) It'll happen if you do the steps and trust the process. We're always here to support you when you need it!

    @Patty - VERY belated happy birthday to yoU!

    Happy birthday to others that I know I missed!

    @Dobarber - Good luck tomorrow! You'll kick butt!

    @ Ohpampered - My co workers all knew but only because a major health event kicked off my start so I was in hospital for 6 days and out of work. When I got back and told them what I would need to do they were all *amazing*. People were always bringing in snacks and leaving them on the table by my desk (centralized spot). Without prompting from me they moved their snack spot to a back corner about as far from my desk as you can get. They ate back there and not in front of me (until I told them it was quite ok. it didn't bother me). They have been an amazingly sweet and supportive bunch of guys all telling me how proud they are of me and complimenting me on my weight loss. Give people a chance :) They are often just wanting to help in any way they can.

    @Naceto - Good luck in your classes! I'm so excited for you to be going back to school. I would *LOVE* to be able to do that (although finances right now won't permit it).

    Friday FItness! I also had instruction from the DR to back off a little bit on exercise this week. At my appointment on Monday he claimed I looked "run down and exhausted". I was to eat MORE calories (at maintenance) and lay off exercise for two or three days. I ate a BIT above calories but not at maintenance and I took Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday off.

    The next handful of days will look something like this:

    Friday - Swim (45 minutes)
    Saturday - Walk (20 minutes at brisk pace)
    Sunday - Rest day
    Monday - Swim (45 minutes)
    Tuesday - Walk (25 minutes @ brisk pace)
    Wednesday - Swim (45 minutes)
    Thursday - Walk (25 minutes @ brisk pace)
    Friday - Swim (45 minutes)

    *Brisk pace for me is about 3.5 according to my iPhone walking app.
    **Swim = combination of breast stroke and freestyle.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Friday fitness: I worked up a sweat this morning cleaning and organizing my pantry. The local grocery store is starting their case lots sale next week. I had to make space.

    I see the dr today about scheduling my knee replacement. I will be so glad when it is over!
  • tungsten93
    tungsten93 Posts: 76 Member
    I've been MIA lately due to work and a case of bronchitis but am trying to get back into the world of the living.

    Wednesday wish - that I could keep up with this group. Before I joined I was reading it every day and now that I finally joined I can't seem to log in every day and keep up with what;'s going on with everyone.

    Thursday truth - Sometimes I just can't imaging being able to lose another 80 lbs. The first 45 were not too bad but it's getting harder due to having to eat fewer calories and/or exercise more. Can I really keep up with this forever?

    Friday fitness - none. My work schedule has been hectic and I'm taking the day off. Will be at the gym tomorrow at 10:30 for a session with my trainer.
  • bellawares
    bellawares Posts: 558 Member
    Friday Fitness - nothing - still fighting cramps in both arms, shoulders, biceps and wrists. Bottom is healing well, and that is excellent news. Wish I could swim but afraid I would drown with my arms not cooperating. Had to have help grocery shopping the other day. Wonder what is happening to me. Will see the doc in follow up in another week.

    @RobinsEgg - So sorry you are struggling. It's too bad you don't live in Wisconsin. I would be happy to help you. I had to learn real fast how to be a great care giver and I am becoming a pro at getting to the bottom of medical issues :wink: . Hope you get everything sorted out. (((HUGS)))

    Friday Fitness :flowerforyou:

    I've actually found time to clean out my last closet and find a home for the last of my stuff. I guess I will call this fitness since I have to move at warp speed to get any "ME" time in :laugh: . This is as close to fitness I've gotten in the last 2 months. I miss my gym :cry: .
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    @Toots: Are you a published Author? If, so what kind of books? I :heart: Stephen King...( KInd of Sadistic, I know..:blushing: ) but he scares me to death...Love that!

    I am published and occasionally i even write horror but my published books are romance. i also write YA, or young adult books. it's hard to break in there though. and i'm starting my foray into inspirational (or religious) romantic comedies this fall.
  • @Toots: Are you a published Author? If, so what kind of books? I :heart: Stephen King...( KInd of Sadistic, I know..:blushing: ) but he scares me to death...Love that!

    I am published and occasionally i even write horror but my published books are romance. i also write YA, or young adult books. it's hard to break in there though. and i'm starting my foray into inspirational (or religious) romantic comedies this fall.

    do you use a pen name? I will look for your work...Love to read on my nook
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    Not sure if I am posting correctly. If anyone has any hints on how best to approach the posting, I would appreicate that.

    What I am doing for exercise is going to the gym 3-4 times weekly for Water Aerobics class. This works for me because my joints are bad and this is low impact. Today, she had us running in the water and we got a good cardio workout. I am also walking a little each night. The walking is very difficult for me but I plan to continue and add a little to the distance each week. Getting the weight off will help me tremendously. I just started this

    I am also doing Wii Yoga a couple of times a week and a free weight program with stretch bands that is designed to build your bones up. l was diagnosed with Osteoporosis years ago and used this set and at my next bone density test, the diagnosis was changed to osteopenia, so I did notice an improvement.

    For ohpampered1

    Thanks for all for the nice welcomes! You all seem so nice. So it's Truth Thursday..... lets see, I'm scared to tell anyone that I'm am trying to lose weight. I have failed so many times, and then I find my co-works look at what I'm eating for lunch and feel they have the right to tell me what they think I should eat.

    Truth is, I'm addicted to Diet Coke, I'm trying to stop and I'm getting really bad headaches.

    My husband quit smoking 100's of times before he succeeded. I have yo-yo'd with my weight for over 40 years, but still beleive I will eventually suceed. I don't want to become someone who just quits trying.
    Just keep trying, you never know when it will stick
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    My knee replacement surgery has been scheduled for October 15. Don't like to wish my life away, but I will be glad when it is over!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,354 Member
    Friday fitness: Yep, boring old me........gonna keep on walking. I may take a day off from time to time though. For me, hitting 5 miles each day is still a stretch so I'm going to give myself permission to scale back from time to time.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,354 Member
    Friday fitness: Going to think of the Samuel Coleridge Taylor quote from the Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner as I drink water all day today to prep for the race tomorrow(water water everywhere but not a drop to drink). Just kidding. In a weird mood today. I'm sitting here at work after running 3 miles last night and working the pain out of my foot. It initially hurt when I started running but about a half mile in all of the pain went away and the last 2.5 miles were pain free. I think the muscle just needed to be stretched in a way that only running could do. Can't wait til tomorrow morning!

    I'm yelling at you---GOOD LUCK TOMORROW!!!!

  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    My knee replacement surgery has been scheduled for October 15. Don't like to wish my life away, but I will be glad when it is over!

    My mom had it done and she's a new woman! It really took all her pain away and gave her so much freedom. Best of luck and we'll be praying/thinking about you!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @kjeffries--you are doing just fine with the posting. If you want to quote someone else to respond directly, just click on "quote" in her post box and then put your reply outside (above or below) the bracketed [ quote ]--leave those in place so the original post shows up in a blue box. I personally rarely quote anyone--I just right click on "reply" and then click "open in new tab." Then I flip back and forth between the 2 windows and reply. Hope this helps. :flowerforyou:

    @bella--cleaning out a closet sounds like a great (and productive) calorie burn. Hope your "me" time increases exponentially in the near future!

    #tungsten--I sometimes feel the same way. I've been stuck around 50lbs lost for so long :grumble: and still need to lose a minimum of 30 more (but probably more like 50) to be at my ideal weight. I'm not so worried about keeping this up forever b/c I've been doing it for long enough that it's become my life. However, I sometimes wonder what more I need to do to make more progress. I've tried less calories, more cardio, more weights, switching up my workouts, more calories--I'm really hoping the October reduced carb challenge does the trick.

    @mymowmow & kelley--I bet taking it easy for a couple of days will help recharge your batteries and make your future workouts more productive.

    @tina--maybe switch it up between cardio and strength training so you don't get bored? I :heart: working out on the weekends b/c then I don't have to worry so much about any excess calories--I think you will enjoy that cushion as well, expecially since weekends have been historically tough for you.

    @christine--you sound just like me about the peanut butter--I would definitely have to make a special trip to the store if I ran out! :laugh:

    @robin--like someone else suggested, could you just play in the shallow end? Not deep enough to risk losing your footing, even jogging in waist high depth would give a good workout due to the resistance from the water. Also, I wonder if the water would help loosen up your shoulder muscles. Perhaps you should ask the dr. if it's a good idea.

    @nzenczak--I also like to mix up my workouts with the constant of walking my dog everyday. You can see my plan below.

    @doug--I'm so excited for you!! You are going to love your 1st 5k and I know you will do great!! Glad the foot loosened up with your run yesterday.

    @ohpampered--I used to be addicted to Diet Coke (in a can--it's gotta be in a can!) but quit cold turkey and switched to green tea. I didn't get headaches b/c I didn't give up caffeine. Now I have diet coke in my rum and occasionally as a "treat."

    Friday Fitness:
    I didn't get around to doing my core work last night, so I did it tonight instead. Am excited for my 5k tomorrow, though just to clarify, mine is not a race--it's just a walk to raise money for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. Here is the link if anyone wants to donate (no pressure :smile: ):

    Mon--walk dog + core DONE!!
    Tues--walk dog + gym (weight machines + stairmaster and/or stationary bike) DONE!!
    Wed--long run outside DONE!!
    Thurs--walk dog + core DONE!!
    Friday--walk dog DONE!!!
    Sat--5k walk (Out of the Darkness) + walk dog
    Sun--walk dog + core

    Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend! :flowerforyou:
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    @Toots: Are you a published Author? If, so what kind of books? I :heart: Stephen King...( KInd of Sadistic, I know..:blushing: ) but he scares me to death...Love that!

    I am published and occasionally i even write horror but my published books are romance. i also write YA, or young adult books. it's hard to break in there though. and i'm starting my foray into inspirational (or religious) romantic comedies this fall.

    do you use a pen name? I will look for your work...Love to read on my nook

    i will PM you. i don't really like having my pen name related with my real name in public.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Friday fitness- I climbed again tonight and this evening I conquered one of the wall that had a roof like over hang that I finally got up and to the top. I was thrilled to make this time. The last time I tried it I scrapped my knee. I had some other good climbs tonight and I can see the improvements in climbing.

    Workout goals for this week

    Monday- gym (Cardio- weight)
    Tuesday- gym (trainer?)
    Wednesday- Frisbee golf this will include a nice walk around a park
    Thursday- gym and/or trainer if Tuesday does not work
    Friday- rock climbing
    Saturday- swim or gym
    Sunday- bike ride or swim

    A rest day will be included when my body needs it or I need a break.

    Many papers to grade this weekend.
    Warm up x/120
    lab x/87
    one pagers x/87
    science fair project proposals x/30

    It will be a long weekend but I will find a way to have fun and relax.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    i will PM you. i don't really like having my pen name related with my real name in public.

    me too please!!
  • wish you good luck I too am trying for 100, just wanted to say we can do it yaaaaaaahhhh