Losing Baby Weight



  • mowens77
    mowens77 Posts: 36 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!!!

    Tomorrow is my weigh in day I have been sick all week so I have exercised that much or ate the well so I'm hoping that doesn't impact my weight loss too much especially since I just broke through my first goal...

    Beside being sick I am having a hard time between work my commute home and 4 kids finding time to work out I do walk during lunch for 20-30 minutes but I'm thinking maybe that's not enough I should be doing more... I feel like my day is so jam packed that I don't have any time to do extra do any of you have any ideas on how I can work in a little workout?

    cat1110- where do you get the baby age ticker? that is too cute

  • michfitzhome
    michfitzhome Posts: 187 Member
    I laugh at all the snow stories and here in Atlanta, they ahve cancelled flights for tomorrow b/c we may get 1-2 inches and they have cancelled flights already!! i just find it funny. some of the pictures i have seen make it all look so fake, i went to college in Bethlehem, PA and i can only imagine the snow they ahve today!!

    tattoofref - not sure your name, but how old are your kids? i love meeting people that are crazy like me and have 5, i love it, just busy and i know the locked up days are teh worst and the worst eating days for me.

    off to cook some dinner and then we are all going to the gym, all my kids love going to kids club, it is fun to them!

  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    How awesome. I just entered my dinner, and after entering line after line after line, I glanced down at my total for the day and was shocked to see I am only at 932. LOL. I guess I have some snacking to do tonight! That's sure not an awful thing!

    Michelle, my name is Jessica. I keep meaning to add it to my signature, but I can't remember where I go to edit it. I know I would find it if I looked around, but I just haven't done it. My kids are as follows:

    Austin: 11
    Vance: 10
    Kira: 9 (next week)
    Avery: 7
    Josephine: 5 months

    We have talked about #6, but I don't know if I want to go there or not. It is so much fun to just have ONE baby. The others are old enough to help, and then there's only one to chase when they're wandering off and stuff as toddlers. If we had the room though, I'd probably say let's have 5 more :) It is crazy busy, but what would I do with myself if I wasn't busy scrubbing an entire tube of toothpaste out of the sink, or trying to figure out whose undies the dog is chewing on.

    It's funny, because for whatever reason, I can't seem to remember that mich in michfitzhome is your name. I always think Michigan!

    Michelle Owens- good luck at weigh in tomorrow! I am a Friday weigher too :)

    Cat, I laughed out loud at Carter's back flip story. I can just picture how he must have looked falling off. It's a good thing kids are built to be parent-proof! LOL
  • Well, today is my rest day, and I managed to finish almost a bottle of wine....but I still remained under my calorie goal! yay!!! :)
    In all honesty, I have really cut down on my drinking though. I usually only have a few glasses of wine...once or twice a week. I have realized that my drinking was really making me gain weight!

    Michelle O - Where do you live? I feel you with the commute. Mine is about an hour. Luckily, I am able to work from home usually 3 days a week which helps. It sucks to lose 2 hours a day sitting in traffic. Total waste! I did the 30 day shred with Jillian Michaels for a few weeks - it's only about 25 minutes and incorporates weights, cardio, and abs. If you are strapped for time, that might be helpful for you. I think I bought it for about $10 at Target. By they way, I absolutely adore your baby girl's name!

    Michelle F - What area of Atlanta do you live in? I live in Alpharetta. I'm a little skeptical about getting real snow tomorrow...they have been saying that for weeks!!! We'll see tomorrow.....either way, I'm sure everyone will freak out as usual!
    Southerners are funny! :)
  • michfitzhome
    michfitzhome Posts: 187 Member
    I live in Dacula, GA,

    Jessica I understand wanting 2 small ones to have each other, I love that mine are close in age, and i am with you I would have number 6, but not allowed to and IVF is a little more money than we need to be spending right now, I am just sad as the trips keep growing, i am not going to have a baby around for much longer. it goes by so quick.

    off to watch some tv while i have some quiet!

  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Cat, yep, alcohol is such a diet buster! So many empty calories! Did you get any real snow?

    I agree Michelle, it really IS so sad to watch them grow and think the baby days are soon over. I felt that with my older ones, which is one of the reasons Josie feels like such a total blessing!

    Ok....weigh-in day!!!! This week I am down 2.4!!! Which means, I hit my mini goal!! WHOOOOHOOOOO!!!! I am no longer obese! Now I am just overweight with a BMI of 29.9! I am so excited to be rid of that label!! I really was hoping and working so hard to hit 3 pounds this week. I wanted to be out of the 190s, and am at 190.5. But that's ok, I will hit that next week! Heck, maybe I'll shatter it :)

    I have to think carefully what my next mini goal will be. I'm not sure I want to say "10 pounds in a month." That just sounds boring. LOL
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Morning ladies!

    Okay...so I had a melt-down last night. Had a horribly stressful day at work, came home and fed Kadence as I usually do. Then went downstairs to get on the treadmill. Started running and my knees wouldn't have it! I tried to run through it and ended up sobbing! I started feeling so sorry for myself...wanting my old body back, to be rid of the scars that are all over my tummy...I was SOBBING! I ended up power-walking for the remainder of my workout, but then after I had showered and had a healthy dinner, I ate everything sweet in sight! Thank goodness I don't keep much in my house! I had 2 chocolate chip granola bars, a can on mandarine oranges, and some reduced fat graham crackers with Cool Whip Free. Felt horrible afterwards, but it was what I needed at the time. I hate nights like this! Totally gave in! Oh well...

    SO...it's a new day and I totally have a better attitude! Got to work early and am planning on getting a workout of some sort in tonight! Have a chicken in the crockpot so dinner is taken care of! Hoping I can be SUPER good today to make up for yesterday!

    Jess...YAY for the loss and meeting your mini-goal!!!

    Cat...Mmmmm...vino! I think I am do for a wine night!

    Everyone else...HELLO!!!

    Have a great morning!
  • elle23
    elle23 Posts: 19
    Hello all! I have been a member of MFP for a little less than a month. I am so glad I found this thread. My daughter was born November 23, 2009, she is almost 3 months. Since mid january I have been working hard to lose this baby weight. So, here's my story: I am 5'8 and I was never above 180 my entire life (Im 21). A few months before I got pregnant I got up to around 200 and felt like crap. On the day I delivered, after 3 weeks of hospital bedrest I weighed 272 lbs. On around january 15 I was 245, just from doing regular everyday activities. I joined MFP a few days later and as of now I am 232 and on my way back down to 150! I havent been that size since high school and I am ready to be in shape again!
  • Hi Gals -
    Looking for some ideas! Even if we don't get snow tonight, it is bound to be cold and icky and a great night to stay in and watch a movie. After eating healthy all week, I don't want to blow my diet, but would love some comfort food...or something that seems like a cheat meal, but it's not. Maybe a healthy makeover of a normally unhealthy meal.
    Anybody have any ideas? The only thing I can come up with is a pizza on a wheat crust.....I would love to do something in the slow cooker, but the meats that usually get really tender are full of fat.
    If anybody has any ideas, send them my way! :)
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Cat....here's the version of Mac and Cheese I use...it's really yummy!

    Creamy Mac and Cheese

    1 (16 oz.) Box Whole Wheat Macaroni
    2 Tablespoons Fat Free Margarine
    3/4 Cup Chopped Onion
    2 Tablespoons Flour
    2 (14 oz.) Cans Fat Free Chicken Broth
    1 (10 oz.) Can Campbell's Cheddar Cheese Soup, undiluted
    8 oz. Velveeta Light Cheese, cubed
    1 teaspoon Dry Mustard Powder
    1 teaspoon Pepper
    Salt to taste (optional)

    Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Cook macaroni according to package directions. Drain, but do not rinse; set aside. In a medium pot, combine the margarine and onions. Cook over medium low heat until the onions are tender. Whisk in the flour, then whisk in the chicken broth, soup, Velveeta, mustard powder and pepper. Cook until the Velveeta has melted and the mixture is creamy. Spray a 9X13 cake pan with non-stick cooking spray (Don't use a regular casserole dish because it will overflow unless it has high sides). Combine the cooked macaroni and cheese sauce, and then pour into the prepared pan. Bake for 35-40 minutes or until thick and bubbly, stirring half way through the baking time. Let stand for 5 minutes before serving.

    Note: This isn't a real orange macaroni and cheese if you're use to the stuff out of a box. It's actually more of a tan color. If you don't want to make so much macaroni and cheese at once, you can cut the recipe in half and just bake it in a smaller pan. The recipe I got this from was actually for half, but I didn't want a half of can of cheese soup left over. I haven't tried it, but you should be able to freeze individual portions of this for later.

    Serves: 10 (1 Cup Each)
    Per Serving: 283 Calories; 6g Fat (19.2% calories from fat); 15g Protein; 44g Carbohydrate; 4g Dietary Fiber; 17mg Cholesterol; 981mg Sodium. Exchanges: 2 1/2 Grain (Starch); 1 Lean Meat; 0 Vegetable; 1/2 Fat; 1/2 Other Carbohydrates. WWP: 5 (www.AimeesAdventures.com)
  • mowens77
    mowens77 Posts: 36 Member
    OK I weighed in this morning and with being sick not working out and not eating too healthy I lost .4 lb not bad I guess well I'm back on the wagon and this will be a better week :smile:
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Michelle, hey that's not too bad! It's still a loss! That's great for a "bad week!"

    Kristin- don't feel bad about last night. I think it's totally normal to mourn the loss of our old bodies and to have to deal with what we've got now! This fact is only aggravated when we're in pain! But, at least your sweets weren't awful! It could have been waaaaay worse!

    Welcome Elle! We're glad to have you here with us! Looks like you are making great progress so far!

    Cat- if you are looking for some meats in the crock pot, I have two suggestions that I do. One is a pork tenderloin, and then just coat it with a bottle of Heinz 57 sauce. Add a little water to the bottom of the crockpot. It gets tender and delish! The other thing I love to do (on days where I am not fretting over my sodium) is to get a turkey ham (Kunzler is my favorite) and a giant can of Hanover green beans and baby taters in ham flavored sauce. Just dump both in the crockpot and cook all day. OMG, it is so tender and good, and tastes like a full flavored ham.

    I don't know what is wrong with me today. I think it's just cabin fever, but I am lacking any motivation for sticking to my diet and working out. I decided this morning that I was not going to work out today, as my last rest day was 10 days ago. I've been working out so hard and shoveling so much, I told myself this morning that I had earned the right to a day off, and I was not working out. Also thinking my body would enjoy the switch up. Well, hubby came home for lunch, and I suggested we go out for dinner so that I could get out of the house. I told him I was going to order a huge burger sub and fries and pig out on bread. This all sounds good, but I don't even WANT to. I don't want to mess things up, but I want to WANT the food. How weird is that? Then I started thinking, and thought, well, I should just work out, and then I won't have to feel bad about whatever I do choose to eat. But now I don't want to work out, because then I'd be breaking my resolve to NOT work out today! Then I thought, well then I will just eat something healthy when we go out. And then I thought, well if I am doing that, why even go out when I can just cook it myself..... Sigh. WTH is wrong with me? LOL Maybe I am just bored.
  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    hmm, maybe skip the workout, eat mostly healthy, and order a dessert to share then?
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Well, I did ok at the restaurant. I ordered a chicken stir fry and baked sweet potato. In the end I could not bring myself to order anything too bad. And we skipped dessert. I had a jello mousse temptations when I got home. I did allow myself to have a roll with one pat of butter. I am glad today, because even though I was over my MFP cals for the day, I was still under my daily calories, so still had a negative for the day. This morning I woke up with a rockin sore throat, and the baby is sick :( I guess that explains my weird mood yesterday. The poor little babe is all snotty and snarfy, and her poor little eyes are watering.
  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    Cat1110, you're in Atlanta? I'm in Dallas, Ga (north of ATL)!
  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    OOps, I meant to post this all in one.

    Thanks ladies for the tummy talk. My stomach isn't all that bad I'm just having a hard time accepting this new body. I don't really plan on ever being in a two piece again with all my stretch marks and c-section scar, but I just hate having this loose flap hanging down, it makes me feel very uncomfortable and I even find myself yelling at my husband when I see him watching me undress. He's a guy, he's gonna look and I truly believe he loves what he sees, but I don't. I think my main plan of attack will be to keep up the cardio and making healthy choices. I already try to incorporate abs, legs, arms and weights during my week. Thanks for your help!
  • Chuffmn
    Chuffmn Posts: 267 Member
    Jess - you crack me up!!!!

    I just ate a mess of cheesecake after having a burger and 3 beers. dammit! My parents came to town to babysit and my hubby and I went out for the first time in months. We had good intentions and went to the gym for an hour and then planned to see a movie but pulled into the theater parking lot and decided burgers, beer, and pool sounded like more fun (and it was!). Then we came home and my
    Mom had brought chocolate cheesecake for V Day and I lost my cool. Going to have to chalk this day up as a cheat day. Had fun though :wink:

    Melissa - I totally feel you. My husband is the same way and I know he thinks I am beautiful and I try to be grateful for that but I would rather he just no look because I am SO uncomfortable in my own skin! There has to be a way to tighten our tummies and I am going to find it! The hard work will pay off if we just stick with it; it has to!

  • Hello everyone!

    I just found this thread and I am new to MFP this week. My baby just turned one month old and I am more than ready to get back to exercising and getting back to my prepregnancy weight. Until my doctor approves though, I'm taking things slow and getting into the habit of counting my calories. We all know how easy it is to give into those pregnancy cravings... and now I'm having a hard time giving some of them up! :-) I'm hoping to lose about 30 pounds by mid-September.

    Anyways, I'm beginning to understand the tummy talk. My husband keeps staring at my tummy and poking my stretch marks. I know he still likes what he sees but I don't want him to look right now! I don't know if I'll ever have the same body again, but until it looks a little better I wish he'd not pay attention. :ohwell:
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Welcome Thuffers!

    Cris, we can be cheat buddies today!! My hubby, I love him to death. He came home from work and was all excited and kept asking me if he could please give me a valentine's day present early. I don't EVER like getting presents early. But for whatever dumb reason, I agreed. So he gives it to me in front of the kids, and it was a gift bag filled with Girl Scout cookies!!! OMG. GIRL SCOUT COOKIES. Well I said right then and there that I was not eating any. Course, I also knew I was in trouble when the kids asked me if they could have some and I said no!! There I was, holding these delicious cookies that I said I was not going to eat and I wouldn't share them with my kids!! What kind of mom does that??!! I stopped feeling bad for saying no, though, when they started telling me I was in shape (cuz round is a shape) and saying they know where the baby gets her fat legs!!! (we pick on each other mercilessly in this house btw).

    SO there I was tonight, I am working on this project making my own diaper bag since I couldn't find one I liked in the store. And I was getting frustrated, because the front just isn't turning out like I envisioned. Everything else looked great, but the dumb top part looks like a kindergartener sewed it. So I start stress munching the peanut butter do-si-dos, and before I realized it, I had eaten half a box!! Arrrggghh!! And it was mostly that mindless eating where you reach for the other half of your cookie only to realize you already stuffed it in your face!

    BTW Cris, I love the pic you put in your ticker :)
  • michfitzhome
    michfitzhome Posts: 187 Member
    Good evening everyone, I should be in bed but instead my husband decided to make cookies, sugar, none the less, and here it is 1 am and i am exhausted so all i want to do it eat. This is my hard time for me, I am bored and I want to eat. So instead i am going to go and clean, i am far behind in that. I see that i get exercise calories for that!!!

    Have a great valentine's day everyone
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