
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Hello ladies, Dad is still in the hospital. Thinking of all of you. My best to you all.

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Good morning to all! I am a little bit happy today, because although it isn't much, I did post a loss this morning for the first time in a very long time. Maybe my new plan will get me off of my plateau! Here's hoping, anyway. :wink:

    Happy Monday and President's Day to all, and here's to smart choices!
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Good morning-
    I know I have been MIA again, but this time it's just because I was away and not comletely falling off the wagon. I was visitng my parents in Fla and no scale and no computer. I didn't do too much damage despite a lack of exercise (other than the occasional walk). I did more damage yesterday when my husband regaled me w/food gifts for Valentine's Day (he missed me and made all these surprises...oh well). He was sweet.
    I will try to catch up on the thread - it's hard since everyone is so prolific and I need to catch up on bills, laundry, unpacking, etc and we are going into NYC to see our kids today.
    Have a great holiday everyone.
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Happy Monday!

    Boy it sure is hard to keep up when the home computer is dead:sad: We have ordered a new one, but in the meantime will only be able to check in at work during the work week.

    Karen - So sorry:cry: to hear about your Dad in the hospital.

    Mom was moved yesterday from the hospital to a rehab place. It's going to be a long recovery and I now have the unfun task:grumble: of getting her to realize that she needs to be in a adult foster home where she will have care 24/7. After her move yesterday she was in quite a bit of pain:cry: but with a pelvic fracture that's to be expected.

    Hope all of you had a good weekend. I was able to be good until last evening when the Hubby said how about sushi/chinese food....I said yes....and of course there was too much sodium:sad: and for my weigh in Monday no improvement...but there is always tomorrow:wink:

    :drinker: Here's to all of you and a good week ahead!
  • Good morning all! Hope you had a great weekend. It was a bit chilly on Saturday, but warmed up nicely yesterday. Then another cold front came through last evening. It will be chilly this week with a warm up this weekend. Can spring finally be here in Texas?? I'm ready for it.

    I did alot of cleaning and organizing this weekend. Although I'm up from what I weighed on Friday, I'm down officially 2 lbs. as my weigh in is today.

    Have a great Monday!:smile:
  • best2b
    best2b Posts: 2 Member
    Well I wasn't going to use the msg board but after a month+ keeping track of calories I felt I needed a bit of motivation. I read some of the mssgs and felt very encouraged and inspired to see the weight loss of 50+ lbs. WOW! I love this site and this is probably the longest I've kept track of my food so I'm encouraged. I joined all kinds of programs before but always hated the chit chat trivial talks of some of those clubs and most leaders had more interest on the numbers than on the people reaching their goals. Real bad experience there. So, this is non threatening. I can write when I want and express my struggles, my goals, my heart and be an encouragement to someone else. I like that. So far I've been able to keep at the eating area but the exercise thing - let's just say it's like eating raw fish. Not too appealing and time schedule is a big problem. I can't get up any earlier and when I exercise at night I'm up all night. So forget that. I tried during lunch but walking outside in carbon monoxide laden streets doesn't really appeal to me. My most successful exercise has been to walk at the icepark near me where they have an indoor walking track. Now if I can just make 30 minutes for myself between work and family it would be awesome to get back into it. I'll keep you posted on that progress. Looking forward to many new friendships. God Bless all.
  • Carrolle - I have found posting a great motivator. Everyone is encouraging and it just seems to help me keep on track. I see how well everyone is doing and so I want to do just as well.

    Have a great day and look forward to more posts from you!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Carolle, if that "raw fish" is sushi than I would LOVE it.:laugh:

    Well, we are getting more snow. Should have between 3 and 5 inches by tonight. It will probably cause the YMCA to cancel classes again. I did get to Zumba on Saturday but most of the classes have not taken place the last two weeks.
  • clwasmer
    clwasmer Posts: 57 Member
    And a Happy & Blessed day to you All!!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    I'm back from my Century ride... I earned 3650 calories from exercise!! I love endurance sports. :laugh:

    So the ride was challenging in a couple of ways, but I knew I could do it, if I split it into 3 rides of 30-35 miles, But then I got lost (took the 60 mile route instead of the 100 mile route and had to turn around) and added 11 more miles to my ride. So i ended up taking an extra break. I also had issues with my seat and my girly bits. :blushing: So I was the last one to return, but I did make my goal of getting back before dark even though it took me an extra hour due to my little detour.

    I wrote up more details here:


    I read the account of your ride and even more than admiration for your level of fitness, I admire what you said about self talk and turning the negative around to the positive.....I believe that what goes on in your head is equally or more important than what goes on in your body.....I am listening to a CD about persistence and your ride is an amazing example of persistence in action.....thank you for sharing this with us.
    :heart: Barbie
  • DebbieW
    DebbieW Posts: 187
    Hello everyone,

    Well this past weekend was DH and my get together with friends. We get together for a "theme" dinner party regularly with a group of wonderful and truly happy friends that I am so blessed to have in my life.

    This month the theme was Moroccan cuisine, so everyone had a chance to research food dishes from Morocco.

    Well, I knew (thankfully) what the menu was ahead of time and the recipes (Moroccan's have a very healthy diet by the way).

    So, before heading out to the dinner party I made time to log all of the Moroccan food into mfp. Because I did this ahead of time, I knew in advance how much I could eat from the different dishes served. I also opted to drink non-alcoholic beverages so that I would remain vigilant with "mindful eating".


    I figured out what I was going to eat and drink ahead of time (I allotted myself 700 calories in total). I did not have any snacks leading up to the dinner and my breakfast and lunch were low on the calories, but very healthy, of course.

    I still came in UNDER my calorie goal for the day!

    Plus, I didn't deprive myself of any of the fabulous dishes that were served.


    So this (I hope) demonstrates that if you strategically prepare yourself ahead of time, you won't slip up and feel horribly guilty the next day.

    I am so pleased to say that I remain VERY FOCUSED and VERY DETERMINED to be a FIT and FABULOUS 50 years YOUNG woman.

    I know that all of you can do this too!

    Good luck everyone and have a great day making the right choices for your body.

  • DebbieW
    DebbieW Posts: 187
    Oops, somehow this posted twice. I had to edit. Sorry

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: Thanks for the well-wishes. Still not feeling well, not eating much and resting a lot. Went to the dentist and have a prescription for strong antibiotics and tomorrow an immediate root canal. I am in so much pain. It's excruciating. :sad: It must be because the mouth is such a sensitive area of the body. My apologies for not being too social, ladies. I am kinda busy being self-absorbed :sad: :blushing:

    'nough complaining. I've never watched so much Olympics in my entire life!! Also watched the movie "Driving Miss Daisy" yesterday. It helps pass the time. DH is doing his best to comfort me. He has been awesome.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member

    So this (I hope) demonstrates that if you strategically prepare yourself ahead of time, you won't slip up and feel horribly guilty the next day.

    I am so pleased to say that I remain VERY FOCUSED and VERY DETERMINED to be a FIT and FABULOUS 50 years YOUNG woman.

    I know that all of you can do this too!

    Debbie you are so right......I heard someone say "If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail"........no one has to be a victim of their social life.....there is a way to enjoy your friends and stay with your smart choices.....thank you for showing how you did it.
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: you continue to be an inspiration and a great example and a generous person willing to share what you've learned.
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Barbie:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    DebbieW--So glad you found the secret of success. Nothing can stop you now. That is how I have managed to get where I am now, by PLANNING. That is why after 10 months I still don't feel deprived.

    Rebel--I have only had one root canal. It really was NOT that bad, compared to the pain I was having BEFORE having it. I have had several crowns and found the process for them to be more annoying than a root canal, because the prep and other time for the crowns seemed to take longer than for the root canal. You WILL survive, and be VERY glad when the process as completed, because you will no longer have to think about your tooth pain 24/7!!! Good luck:flowerforyou:

    I took the babies to the groomer today, and Mai Li, once again, proved that she is still perfectly capable of living up to her nickname "Diva Girl." All three of them got out of the car for a little last minute business in the yard of the grooming establishment, which is at the end of a long driveway, away from the street. As we walked toward the door of the shop, Mai Li got to the door and suddenly turned tail and headed out, into the yard down the driveway and then a turn on the sidewalk and down the street--:noway: with "momma" in hot pursuit. All commands to "wait" were ignored. Despite my improved level of fitness, for a fat "old lady"of 11.5 years, my little piglet girl can still really move fast!! Fortunately, she encountered a smell interesting enough to stop for and I was able to snag her and attach a leash and lead her back to the front door!!

    Bradley and Pepper, meanwhile had walked inside and were patiently waiting for us to come back!!:heart:

    Archie--the French Bulldog that my neighbor just got over the weekend does NOT like stairs--a problem since his new home is on the second floor of the condo building!!:laugh: So far, when he sees stairs he heads the opposite direction--so "daddy" gets to haul 30 lbs. of Frenchie up and down the stairs while Katie the pug (his other dog) looks on and seems to find the process quite amusing.

    Well, I have so far not done anything I was supposed to today except drop off the doggies and visit my parents--there now-so I have to get off here or get nothing done for the day!!


  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    no time to read the posts today. I will try and catch up tomorrow. Yahoo had an interesting article on loosing weight on the main page today. http://health.yahoo.com/featured/81/6-easy-slim-down-strategies/

    Nothing really new, but it's always nice to get what we are doing reaffirmed. I guess I need to start weighing in everyday, eating more fiter and drinking that water. lol

  • firetuck
    firetuck Posts: 87 Member
    I'm still here - but I've been terrible about posting lately. I'm still getting my exercise done every day and have been doing well at staying within my calories. This weekend was tough because we went out for dinner with friends. I wish I could have read Debbie's post before I went! I'm definitely using her advice the next time this comes up! I need to step it up a bit on my goal of focusing on my blessings. It's been tough to stay positive with all the snow we've been getting and the stress I've had at work. Still have half a month though so it's never too late to start making those good choices.
  • doobiedoo
    doobiedoo Posts: 194 Member
    :flowerforyou: Well, day 1 found me giving in to chocolate left over from Valentine's Day. I remember part of my success was staying out of the kitchen! When I loiter, then I give in to temptation. If I will just do what I know I should do, then I'll be okay. It is a change of lifestyle and mindset, not just a weight challenge. I still have time to get on the treadmill and the Wii. Thank goodness for exercise to help us out when we fudge (ohh, that's not a good word to use...) I mean, when we mess up!! Have a good evening!:flowerforyou:
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    :heart: Good evening, everybody!:flowerforyou:

    I enjoy reading all your posts and they help me stay on track. Thank you all so much!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I had a good weekend. I went shopping and got my daughter some maternity clothes. She needed them more than she realized!:laugh: She told me she didn't know that maternity jeans would feel so good! (Plus, now she looks pregnant and not fat!:smile:)

    I also got a couple of things including a new pair of wrist supports! (I need them at night because of carpal tunnel syndrome.) Mine had gotten too big and weren't giving me the support I needed. My hands feel SO much better today!:happy:

    I never thought of needing things like new wrist supports (or shoes!) because of losing weight!

    I hope everyone is having a good day and evening.
  • genann
    genann Posts: 236
    :drinker: Just checking in and want to congratulate everyone on their weight losses.:drinker:

    :flowerforyou: Rebel, sorry you have to have a RootCanal, but you'll feel so much better in a day or so.

    The weather is really doing a number on my RA. Taking a lot of Aleve. Can't take much else because I have kidney problems. Really wanting Spring to come so I can get out get some fresh air and do some walking. Spring always makes me feel so much better and I'm more likely to lose weight because I'm doing yard work and planting flowers.

    :yawn: Well got to go get some sleep, 5:00am some pretty early :yawn: and then off to work again. :frown:
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