What is or was your exercise for the day??



  • Saw this on FB and tried it today:
    10 Push ups
    20 Sit Ups
    25 Squats
    20 Lunges (10 on each leg)
    80 jumping jacks
    (repeat 3 times)

    I haven't been this sore in a long time...great workout!
  • lilmisfit
    lilmisfit Posts: 860 Member
    Today I did chest presses, some lat pulldowns, 45 minutes on the treadmill and 15 on the recumbent bike.
  • CrossFit for an hour :)
  • DesignGrrl
    DesignGrrl Posts: 147 Member
    First day of C25k Week 4! And I didn't die!! Woot! lol
  • quietasariot
    quietasariot Posts: 198 Member
    Today is my day "Off" from running and weights, but I walked around the outlet mall for about an hour :). Tomorrow: New Rules of Lifting (workout #3) and probably going to run a few miles.
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    Saw this on FB and tried it today:
    10 Push ups
    20 Sit Ups
    25 Squats
    20 Lunges (10 on each leg)
    80 jumping jacks
    (repeat 3 times)

    I haven't been this sore in a long time...great workout!


  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    5 mile run and 40 min of Insanity Plyo workout.
  • Sogj76
    Sogj76 Posts: 21
    35 minute hill workout on the treadmill, 20 minutes of pilates!
  • kwest_4_fitness
    kwest_4_fitness Posts: 819 Member
    Zumba and walking.
  • veryoutspoken
    veryoutspoken Posts: 8 Member
    30 min bike
    30 min elliptical
    30 min hills on tread mill
  • ConnieM20
    ConnieM20 Posts: 493 Member
    today was a walk/jog of two miles. was able to jog a mile straight, woohoo! slowly getting stronger
  • Sub30RAT
    Sub30RAT Posts: 6 Member
    Rode the bike trainer for 45 min this morning to shake out the legs from racing Sat and Sunday....tonight was Cyclocross practice..race two races tonight...wanted to vomit. Great night :)
  • an hour of Trampoline Dodgeball
  • funsiiz
    funsiiz Posts: 246 Member
    Walking the dog :tongue:
  • Ideacraft
    Ideacraft Posts: 6 Member
    Mondays - 60 minutes of Body Pump with weights, 10 minutes elliptical, sometimes hip hop class at night
    Tuesday - Friday - 60 minutes Zumba
    Saturday - 60 minutes of Zumba and 60 minutes of hip hop.
    Sunday - Volleyball and/or Zumba
  • nukehiker
    nukehiker Posts: 457
    I ran 4 miles !!
  • 50 minutes of Zumba...so much fun! :wink:
  • flatblade
    flatblade Posts: 224 Member
    Ten minutes on the bike, four separate weights, and then a shortened round of golf.
  • MizzDoc
    MizzDoc Posts: 493 Member
    Since the weather was raining and cold here, I decided to exercise inside.

    Fit Walk w/ Kendra Kemerley (On Demand)- substitute for my outdoor walk- 15 min
    Recipe For Success w/ Robert Jones (On Demand) - 25 min
  • wjranch
    wjranch Posts: 152
    Standard Deadlift - 4 sets x 10 reps 110lb
    Seated Cable Row - 4 sets x 10 reps 65lb
    Pull Ups Assisted - 4 sets x 10 reps 65lb
    Wide Grip Lat pulldown (front) 4 sets x 10 reps 65lb
    Wide Grip Lat pulldown (rear) 4 sets x 10 reps 45lb
    Hang Snatch 3 sets x 8 40lb