Strength Training PR's - Brag About Your Success



  • Determinednoob
    Determinednoob Posts: 2,001 Member
    I wish I thought I could keep the pace on all of them next month, but I doubt it. The presses and probably the clean too I don't think will make it. I knew going in this was mostly a "get my fuggin squats up" deal though.
  • Big_Daddy6
    Fairly new to lifting but I got a 345lb "raw" deadlift this week.That's up 45 pounds from my last attempt and got 300 on the bench. I am hoping to blow those out of the water soon. 890lbs for 10 reps on the seated leg press.
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    My stand-in trainer wanted to prove to me that it's not my strength standing in my way when it comes to deadlifts, but rather my grip... to do this he suggested we use the deadlift machine.

    He knows that normally I'm against using machines, but he said this was a once off as a 'tool', so I agreed.

    90kg is my PB.

    On the machine I did:

    80kg x 9 (I miss-counted and thought it was 10).
    100 x 6 (first lift over body-weight)
    110 x 3 (grip failed)
    110 x 3 (grip failed)
    80 x 8
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    My stand-in trainer wanted to prove to me that it's not my strength standing in my way when it comes to deadlifts, but rather my grip... to do this he suggested we use the deadlift machine.

    He knows that normally I'm against using machines, but he said this was a once off as a 'tool', so I agreed.

    90kg is my PB.

    On the machine I did:

    80kg x 9 (I miss-counted and thought it was 10).
    100 x 6 (first lift over body-weight)
    110 x 3 (grip failed)
    110 x 3 (grip failed)
    80 x 8

    The what-lift machine? There's such a thing...? I'd say cut back on your reps a little, use a mixed-grip on the DL (not the DL machine) and then do things like Farmer's Walks with heavy DB's to help work on grip-strength.
  • Determinednoob
    Determinednoob Posts: 2,001 Member
    You could also train your grip directly with heavy grippers (or lighter if you need to start) after your workouts (not on off days) If I do mine I just do it sitting here at my desk at home after a w/o. Fill out some training logs, make some forum posts, play some MW3, mix in gripper sets in between.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    My stand-in trainer wanted to prove to me that it's not my strength standing in my way when it comes to deadlifts, but rather my grip... to do this he suggested we use the deadlift machine.

    He knows that normally I'm against using machines, but he said this was a once off as a 'tool', so I agreed.

    90kg is my PB.

    On the machine I did:

    80kg x 9 (I miss-counted and thought it was 10).
    100 x 6 (first lift over body-weight)
    110 x 3 (grip failed)
    110 x 3 (grip failed)
    80 x 8

    The what-lift machine? There's such a thing...? I'd say cut back on your reps a little, use a mixed-grip on the DL (not the DL machine) and then do things like Farmer's Walks with heavy DB's to help work on grip-strength.

    I asked about this mystery machine last night when she posted this on her feed- since it's the middle of the night (I think?) in Australia I'll take the liberty of posting her response:
    It's sort of like this:

    but it has more of a swivel-grip so that it's more similar to a regular bar.

    Deeva- YOU ROCK! Way to GET IT and introduce all of us to a crazy new contraption!
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    My stand-in trainer wanted to prove to me that it's not my strength standing in my way when it comes to deadlifts, but rather my grip... to do this he suggested we use the deadlift machine.

    He knows that normally I'm against using machines, but he said this was a once off as a 'tool', so I agreed.

    90kg is my PB.

    On the machine I did:

    80kg x 9 (I miss-counted and thought it was 10).
    100 x 6 (first lift over body-weight)
    110 x 3 (grip failed)
    110 x 3 (grip failed)
    80 x 8

    The what-lift machine? There's such a thing...? I'd say cut back on your reps a little, use a mixed-grip on the DL (not the DL machine) and then do things like Farmer's Walks with heavy DB's to help work on grip-strength.

    I asked about this mystery machine last night when she posted this on her feed- since it's the middle of the night (I think?) in Australia I'll take the liberty of posting her response:
    It's sort of like this:

    but it has more of a swivel-grip so that it's more similar to a regular bar.

    Deeva- YOU ROCK! Way to GET IT and introduce all of us to a crazy new contraption!

    Ah, thanks for the post Bean. That just looks like a Shoulder Shrug machine that goes to the floor. Which reminds me... for grip training you could also do Trap-Bar (aka Hex Bar) Deadlifts. The neutral grip is a little easier and can get you working with some heavier loads.
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    We've been working on my grip with farmers walks.

    I was down on myself for dropping the bar at 90kg after 2 reps, and he was just trying to show me that I can lift the weight.
  • thathockeychick23
    I can do lunges no problem now. Even jumping lunges. Which are killer. My legs are so much stronger now and I can feel and see the difference. I am also to hold a plank no problem and a side plank. There's so many things I can do that was just not possible before. I feel so much stronger.
  • Big_Daddy6
    I got 225lbs for 4 reps on the close grip bench press today!
    MOOOSEEE3 Posts: 218 Member
    Power Snatch - on 9/4/12 I did 85 pounds...tonight, 30 days later a new PR of 100 pounds!!
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    Wow I am jealous!

    I just started back up again with the stronglifts this morning! I'm not going to share my numbers though. Not yet anyway. Lol.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Power Snatch - on 9/4/12 I did 85 pounds...tonight, 30 days later a new PR of 100 pounds!!

    That's great. I've met guys with decent strength that can even snatch that. Awesome. :)
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Wow I am jealous!

    I just started back up again with the stronglifts this morning! I'm not going to share my numbers though. Not yet anyway. Lol.

    Looking forward to seeing your progress! Don't feel like you have to compete your #s with anyone, bada$$ery comes from within. =)
  • Nataliaho
    Nataliaho Posts: 878 Member
    Thought I'd drop by and share a great PB, not about me...

    My trainer posted a video on FB this morning of her 76-year old, 5-foot-nothing mother doing a 60kg deadlift with perfect form. AND did it so easy:) awesome!!
    MOOOSEEE3 Posts: 218 Member
    Wow I am jealous!

    I just started back up again with the stronglifts this morning! I'm not going to share my numbers though. Not yet anyway. Lol.

    Looking forward to seeing your progress! Don't feel like you have to compete your #s with anyone, bada$$ery comes from within. =)

    Exactly! I just started doing Crossfit on 7/5/12, and I've seen improvements with everything. It's awesome, I feel strong, I feel power, and I'm beat at the end of the workouts. I compete with myself all the time seeing if I can reach a new PR. Some of my other numbers are as follows....Yes, I'm proud :)
    1) Power Clean - 125# 9/25/12
    2) Sumo Deadlift - 175# 9/18/12
    3) Back Squat - 135# 8/23/12
    4) Overhead Squat - 90# 9/6/12
    5) Box jump - 30" 9/25/12
    6) Strict Press - 100# 10/2/12
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    Worked through my lower back injury to hit a 185 squat, and 125 power clean.
  • monipie
    monipie Posts: 280 Member
    i don't do low reps but yesterday i was able to squat 155 12 reps. i weigh 122! this was my last set so i don't know how much i could max rep as i usually do 5-6 sets of squats. my legs are killing me today. oh and yes, they are ripped!
  • KiltFuPanda
    KiltFuPanda Posts: 574 Member
    This isn't strictly a numbers PR - but still related:

    Had my last highland games competition last weekend. Think 6 hours of throwing heavy weights outdoors. Normally, this would turn me into jelly for 3 days or so as my body recovered (don't even ASK me to move quickly the day after).

    For the past 4 months I've been tearing it up in the gym, actually doing proper powerlifting. This was a big change from before, when I would go into a gym once every 6 months or so for a couple days.

    This was this week's events, broken down:

    Saturday: Competition
    Sunday: Walk around for a couple hours chasing a 2 year old around a Ren Faire, then drive back home (4 hour drive).
    Monday: Hit the gym for some light work to "work out the kinks". My muscles responded quickly to the warmups and were BEGGING for some heavy deadlifts. So I pull out the belt and the wrist straps, and just keep pounding away, adding plates until I busted out a new PR of 500 lbs, and was able to get a half-pull on 515!

    And the next morning I was sore, but nowhere near like I used to be.

    Panda Power!
    MOOOSEEE3 Posts: 218 Member
    This isn't strictly a numbers PR - but still related:

    Had my last highland games competition last weekend. Think 6 hours of throwing heavy weights outdoors. Normally, this would turn me into jelly for 3 days or so as my body recovered (don't even ASK me to move quickly the day after).

    For the past 4 months I've been tearing it up in the gym, actually doing proper powerlifting. This was a big change from before, when I would go into a gym once every 6 months or so for a couple days.

    This was this week's events, broken down:

    Saturday: Competition
    Sunday: Walk around for a couple hours chasing a 2 year old around a Ren Faire, then drive back home (4 hour drive).
    Monday: Hit the gym for some light work to "work out the kinks". My muscles responded quickly to the warmups and were BEGGING for some heavy deadlifts. So I pull out the belt and the wrist straps, and just keep pounding away, adding plates until I busted out a new PR of 500 lbs, and was able to get a half-pull on 515!

    And the next morning I was sore, but nowhere near like I used to be.

    Panda Power!
