Ladies, when you're at the gym...



  • sarahisme18
    sarahisme18 Posts: 574 Member
    I think I feel best (maybe not the prettiest, but I feel AWESOME) when I'm no makeup, at the gym, sweating all over the place. I mean, in my head I'm like a BEAST. Hahaha. But, it is hard not to feel self-conscious, especially when my body isn't exactly to the place I want it to be yet. Like, my legs... I always feel self-conscious about those, but I know if I just keep doing it, I will get there!

    Also, nobody is really paying that much attention to everybody else at the gym and what they look like, and EVERYBODY had to start somewhere. So, don't worry about it! Often if I see someone who is at the place where I started, I'm not judging them, I'm quietly cheering them on in my head. I like to think the people who are at the next level from me are doing the same thing! :)
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    Nope, I don't feel subconscious at all. It's a gym, not a fashion show :) My motto is: If you still look cute after a workout, you didn't train hard enough!
  • Pinkgirl319
    Pinkgirl319 Posts: 80 Member
    Sorry to say I'm one of those girls. I won't get the newspaper without makeup on!! I don't do a full face but I do wear some to the gym. It makes me feel better and more confident about going. My boyfriend is a personal trainer at my gym so I want to look decent when I see him too. I never really sweat a lot, never have I just get really hot and my face gets flushed. You should feel comfortable at the gym so whatever makes you comfortable so you go more often you should do!
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    I feel most powerful and most attractive in the boardroom at work when I'm doing my thing, or when I'm kicking my own *kitten* on the gym, the sports field or the pavement on a run.
  • underwater77
    underwater77 Posts: 331 Member
    I get super self conscious. I also just started at a spin/yoga specific gym that (unfortunately) is super hip and trendy and filled with stay-at-home moms who workout all day long, pull up in their mercedes benzes, etc. etc. I don't know why I get so intimidated by them, but I do. Thankfully spin is in the dark. Haha.

    At my other gym, the spin room is in the way back, so I have to walk through the machines and weights areas and I hate that too.

    I never wear make-up unless I am going out to dinner or something, which is pretty rare. So it isn't really that, I think it is more that I wear clothes comfortable to workout in that aren't the most flattering. Ahhh well. Something I need to work on, I guess.
  • aallison85
    aallison85 Posts: 97 Member
    Feeling much better about this now! Im fairly new to this gym, and since one of the better looking guys added me to facebook, its been weighing on me a little bit more then a few weeks ago, since he's seen my pics of me looking amazing, and then its so different when im at the gym. not sure why I let the guy who I see check his abs out in the mirror 6 times in a hour bother me in this way.

    This is you thinking he might be judging you. Not him. He probably thinks you rock for getting to the gym and not worrying about your makeup/hair. Seriously. You go girl. Don't let your own negative self-talk hold you down!
  • cdngirl71
    cdngirl71 Posts: 2,707 Member
    I don't care what I look like at the gym. I am there to workout not to look pretty for people.
  • ittyXbittyXbritty
    I just go ahead and look my most unattractive at the gym. I'm not there to socialize or hang out, I'm there to workout. If I look like a hobo, then whatever.
  • LovelyLifter
    LovelyLifter Posts: 560 Member
    I go to lift heavy things and sweat ...... I wear no makeup and normally baggy clothes

    amazingly tho I feel strong and sexy as hell when im done

    so no it doesn't bother me
  • Leah2975
    Leah2975 Posts: 65 Member
    Ah man, your gym-time's been ruined!

    Unsubscribe from that guy's feed. Even if he's cute, he's a douche if he wanted to add you, but won't actually talk to you. (Bc yes he thinks you're hot, but no he won't bother to get to know you, he thinks you'll fall over yourself looking at his biceps.)

    & go at a different time. Wear a do-rag, NO makeup & sweat pants and those old guys will leave you alone to work.

    Also: best gym I ever went to = boxing gym that tolerated non-boxers for the $. All business there.

    Ive seen girls with do-rags! does this help the sweat? i have a few here, but they are all glitzy.
  • Be_EmbracE
    Be_EmbracE Posts: 1,472 Member
    Haha.. As for me I without makeup in gym and after gym. I seldom makeup, I like being comfort and casual. Anyway I love it when I sweat alot and had a great workout that is the purpose that why I am there. Workout! XD I am more of feeling uncomfortable and intimidated in a mixed gym whenever being stared at by males. Feel so threatening and can't focus xD
    Well, that why I am in a female gym instead and I enjoy it! ^.^
  • leahbobeah
    My issue is that yesterday I went to a Zumba class and everyone looked all cute and skinny and knew the moves and here I am looking like a hippo and icky and sweaty! WTF lol
  • Melolicious
    Melolicious Posts: 71 Member
    I enter in Beast Mode and then leave accordingly. It would be a waste of my time to walk in feeling less than awesome, because I would be too worried about others and not focused on my workout.

    This. 10x over. I am there to get what I need to do done as quickly and efficiently as possible. I sweat buckets and don't care - makeup would be pointless, lol.
  • embercakez
    I go to the gym to sweat and lift heavy things.
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    Ah man, your gym-time's been ruined!

    Unsubscribe from that guy's feed. Even if he's cute, he's a douche if he wanted to add you, but won't actually talk to you. (Bc yes he thinks you're hot, but no he won't bother to get to know you, he thinks you'll fall over yourself looking at his biceps.)

    & go at a different time. Wear a do-rag, NO makeup & sweat pants and those old guys will leave you alone to work.

    Also: best gym I ever went to = boxing gym that tolerated non-boxers for the $. All business there.

    Ive seen girls with do-rags! does this help the sweat? i have a few here, but they are all glitzy.

    Yes :) & lol!
  • zachatta
    zachatta Posts: 1,340 Member
    Does anyone else feel not so pretty at the gym? I mean, most of the time im makeup-less. Now, i dont look horrible without it, but just, not as good. There are always so many people, and sometimes I feel self-concious! Does anyone else get this?

    On an off note: I find it amusing when I read comments like these, and then I see women have the audacity to accuse men of not being confident. LOL

    Seriously though, who cares you're in the gym.
  • JewelsinBigD
    JewelsinBigD Posts: 661 Member
    I enter in Beast Mode and then leave accordingly. It would be a waste of my time to walk in feeling less than awesome, because I would be too worried about others and not focused on my workout.

    Here is what I think when I see people at the gym.

    Fit person: "Wow, I want to be like you one day"
    No-so-fit-person: "Good for you for taking care of your health"

    The end.
    I totally agree and I walk in feeling the same way - proud of myself for being there, wishing I had more energy to do what I am about to do, but grateful! And I agree- I want to be the fit person and am so proud of the not-so-fit person for being there! Way to go!
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    You should feel comfortable at the gym so whatever makes you comfortable so you go more often you should do!
    I agree with this!
  • wanda9501
    wanda9501 Posts: 114
    You go to the gym to work..not look pretty :wink:
    This. Those girls on the elliptical, with make up on and not breaking a sweat? Yeah, that's not helping them all that much.

    I call them "Gym Bunnies" because they hop from machine to machine trying to get noticed!
  • presleytitus
    presleytitus Posts: 22 Member
    After a spin class I look a crazy hot mess! I am coated in sweat and my hair is a frizzy puff ball!! LOL!
    The good part is that most of the class is in the same state so I don't really stand out. :)
    I would just concentrate on your personal workout- if others are concerned with how you look at the gym they are probably wasting their money on the membership! ;)