What makes you unfriend somone?



  • only people i delete if they aint logged in for 2 weeks plus, as in my eyes they've given up lol
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    1 girl I deleted because she logged sleeping as exercise and was trying to convince everyone they should log it.

    Maybe she has restless leg syndrome and her legs constantly kick while she sleeps. Kind of like the dog dreaming of chasing a cat or something lol. That could be exercise lol Please don't tell her that because I'm sure she'll try to convince MFP to add it to their list of acceptable exercise lol
  • Lindaendall
    Lindaendall Posts: 177 Member
    For me - 2 main reasons, if they do not interact with me I will unfriend them. I always try to 'talk' to my friends everyday and comment on exercise, diaries or day-to-day life. I keep my friends list short so that I can do this.

    Secondly, if I have real concerns about someones eating habits.....eating very few cals, having one big meal a day that is total junk food/chocolate etc I will always comment and share my concerns - hopefully in a constructive way.........they sometimes get defensive or down right rude, but at the end of the day, that is what this site is for.......so I unfriend them, if they haven't already unfriended me for being honest!!
  • MrsWilsoncroft
    MrsWilsoncroft Posts: 969 Member
    I can't stand negative people and those who moan too much on their statuses.

    Worst of all is those who say loose instead of lose!! Lol
    BARBnKS Posts: 84 Member
    It bothers me to see a person whose diary only includes protein shakes, bars & yogurt and they don't eat 3 meals a day. I feel it's not healthy and feel this is not a lifestyle but a temporary way of eating. If this friend does not interact & since their goals are entirely different from mine I will unfriend.
  • KRobertson36
    KRobertson36 Posts: 25 Member
    I'll delete someone if they bash me for not making a cal limit. This is a process not an event and for some its not easy. I know I'm still learning and have unfriened 1 for bashing me on the 3 day for going over.
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    I can't stand going to someone's profile and seeing only others giving them feedback and not the other way around. I know this is the virtual world but I have actually made some lovely, real friends here. Flying to England in a couple weeks actually to have a little get together. I love my friends that interact with me on a personal level. A "way to go" here and there is fine but I need more from my friends as I am a very compassionate and empathetic person and extremely supportive!!! Phony, everything has to be perfect all the time kind of people have to go and people that don't say anything to me. We are all human after all and no one is perfect.
  • xxloveiswarr
    I haven't deleted anyone yet, but I'm thinking about it. A girl sent me a message saying she was a pescetarian that loved veggies too so I thought great! However, her statuses are mostly complaining about her boyfriend and wanting to smoke pot.... not exactly the kind of friend I'm looking for.
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    Eeyore Syndrome... woe is me, I can't loose weight, nothing will work, this is pointless, I'm going to give up (but I want you guys to talk me out of it)... ahhhhh Eeyores.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    Eeyore Syndrome... woe is me, I can't loose weight, nothing will work, this is pointless, I'm going to give up (but I want you guys to talk me out of it)... ahhhhh Eeyores.

    I love Eeyore. Not as a friend, as a purple donkey who has to have his tail tied on. People who are Eeyore "wanna bes" will never make my friend list.
  • sarahisme18
    sarahisme18 Posts: 574 Member
    I know it's bad, but I really want to unfriend people who are constantly negative and won't take the encouragement to do better next time. :/ I understand that it is hard, but I think when you're constantly complaining, it seems like more wanting attention than really wanting help....
  • redhousecat
    redhousecat Posts: 584 Member
    I set my privacy settings where only my exercise is posted in news feeds and nothing else. I don't need a "way to go" because I ate some fish or something.

    I debated on whether to do the same with exercise, but I have come to find that with the friends I have, exercise and types of exercise is the common ground we share and often discuss.

    But like I said earlier, I am in no place to judge folks by the way the eat or exercise. Friends are the fun part. Only you can help you.
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    Going on and on about things that have nothing at all to do with fitness or weight loss. I really don't need to know about your personal sex life. REALLY, SERIOUSLY!

    I do.

    ETA: Okay, maybe not "going on and on"... but the rest of it is good with me. ;)
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    Personally, if someone has not logged on in 4 or 5 days I go to their profile and see if there is a "vacation" or "hospital issue" or anything that explains why they may not be online, if there is nothing there then I click the 'ol Remove Friend button. I am certainly not perfect, and don't expect others to be, but if you can't be here for me when I need you (which is why we are friends on this site) then all you have done is proven I don't need you as a friend here. That may sound a bit cold, but I am here to get **** done and I refuse to be held back, or even associate with someone who is not dedicated to the same ending result: Being Healthier.

    I truly do not know how I can be supportive of you, in this healthy journey, if you choose to have your Diary closed. I cannot speak for anyone else, I look to see if you have hit your goals, and to ensure you are not starving yourself; as so many seem to try to do these days. I really cannot, in good conscious, tell you “Good Job” or offer any other congratulatory remarks when you have only netted 200 calories for the day. It is your life, and you choose to do what you choose to do, I am not trying to tell anyone how to live there life. I am saying that I want to be able to support, encourage, and comment on my friends here at MFP and that with a closed Diary I simply do not feel that I can honestly do so. With that being the case, if you choose to keep your diary private then we need to part as friends. I have no hard feelings and hope that you do not either, and I wish you nothing but success in your endeavor.

    After reading this thread it is proof that people are different, we have different goals, methods, and expectations from our friends. I do not think that unfriending someone is a big deal, chances are you did not know the person before you befriended them, and in the process of getting to know them you decided that you did not appreciate their methodology; we do it in real life all the time.

    Have a Great Weekend :-)

    FROM ME:
    Totally agree with you. And this is not a place where the more friends you have, you win. No, I don't do that on Facebook either or in real life. I've learned through the months that I need to keep the most positive, dedicated and most similar to my issues rather than they type of people who have huge crisis, you are there for them and then they are never there for you. It's too lopsided as it would be in real life as well.

    totally agree with these replies!

    I actually deleted my account on MFP after 2 years of being on here, due to the stress or whatever you want to call it of `friends` it got crazy.

    I changed my name and started all over again, and would never add friends again!

    I love the forum and will stick with that, I got lots of support only last week, for a bit of a personal situation,

    But each to their own :smile:
  • hikeout470
    hikeout470 Posts: 628 Member
    Some people have their diary closed for legal reasons. Unfriended 2, only because they used foul language and or multiple posts in a row so I could not see my other friends.
  • crackdmirror
    crackdmirror Posts: 20 Member
    I frankly think it's stupid how many people are THAT nosey that they need their friends to have their diaries open. Mine is closed, even to my friends, because rather than being held accountable, I found that I was more likely to be dishonest with myself on how much I actually ate to try to look good. So I closed it because now no one is there to say what a "****ty" job I did that day because I went over by 50 cals. No thanks, mind your business. If I want it open, I will open it. If you don't want friends that have it closed, I'm probably better off anyway.

    Word! It seems....vaguely voyeuristic to require THAT much access to a person's information. Not to mention, very, very few of you are registered dieticians. My credentials as a nurse probably make me more qualified than 90% of other MFPs to determine the right thing to eat (and I do eat well, always have aside from the murder that was nursing school). If I want advice on my diet, I will ask someone with the proper education to provide such information.

    And how on earth do the "must have food diary open" folks have time to stalk their friends' pages and critique their food logging? I only have a handful of friends, and I don't look at the food diary unless there is recent comment asking for opinions. That would seriously take away from my gym time ;).

    Also, I wanted to quote the person with a TARDIS in her progress tracker. Just because. :)
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    If they haven't logged in for 2 months (unless I'm friends with them IRL)!!! 1 month could be justified due to being sick/vacation/etc but after that I don't feel they are invested!!
  • emyjeter
    emyjeter Posts: 75 Member
    So far, just inactivity.
  • Sharon009
    Sharon009 Posts: 327 Member
    Some of you are hardcore.

    Looks at my friends list.

    So and So hasnt logged on for 3 weeks, 2 months, etc.

    What to do..........

    I totally agree. I'm faithfully on this website but I do it for me. I like having people on my friends list, but I'm not always going to comment of stuff. And I dont require them to do it at all. I also dont care if they dont log in, exercise or whatever.
  • barbaramitchell101
    barbaramitchell101 Posts: 360 Member
    I like people who use this primarily as a 'fitness' website. I've only deleted one person because he posted sexually explicit pics. I'm also not a fan of seeing peoples personal drama that has nothing to do with fitness or 'growing' spewed out on my news feed.

    when this happens you should report the post