Challenge 10 lbs gone by end of March



  • teresa011
    teresa011 Posts: 101 Member
    Hello all!!! wow I can't believe the response I received just from one posting, this is great!!! I haven't been on the past 2 days, I had work, I work 12 hour shifts, and drive and hour both ways to and from work............Everyone keep up the great work, and keep in touch when you need some motivation and encouraging words, or hell even if you want to brag......that's what we are all here for!!! :bigsmile:
  • Count me in!!!
  • LostTeen
    LostTeen Posts: 110
    Can I be in this challenge?
  • I would like to join you. I just started this week and would love my first 10 pounds gone by the end of march!! :smooched:
  • i'm in 100%!!!!! WHEW HEW
  • teresa011
    teresa011 Posts: 101 Member
    Lostteen.....everyone is welcome for this challenge..........even if your a late starter............we are all in this together.........woohooo!!!
  • Five weeks isn't alot of time. Going to have to work on it every single day to get there! That is why today, although I was nearly falling asleep at my desk at work, I still came home, made a very sensible dinner, and then did an hour of exercise. And even though tomorrow is another 10 hour shift, I intend to do the same.

    I think I need more sleep, and more water. And I am way under my calories today which is just crazy considering I ate 450 for breakfast.. How the... ? I don't want to snack too much late in the evening, that doesn't seem like it's a good idea... but it also can't be great to be so short this often. Hm, I guess I need to work on this. Oh yeah, that's why I am here!! :laugh:

    Really ,reeeeeally would be good to be 10 down at the end of March.

    Lets do this for real!
  • Sounds like fun! This is just what I need so I'm in.
  • Im in doing the 13 week challange at work lost 3 pounds last week this will add to the motivation
  • Aid_B
    Aid_B Posts: 427
    Yep sign me up i'm in.

    10lb in 5 weeks

    I could do with a good challenge and an excuse to stay at the gym longer
  • Yes, I'm in! I need to lose about 15 all together but would be happy with 10 by end of March. Really, I lose great if I stick with a plan that always works for me....NO sugar, NO white flour products or other bad carbs, and lots of lean protein and veggies. I use Ezekel breads and eat lots of eggs, chicken, and veggies and fruit. If you stick to this I swear the weight just drops. Oh, and lots of water and exercise moderately with some strength thrown in. I always feel great when I eat like this too, it's just hard to ALWAYs stick to it, which is where I gained 10 lbs...Christmas. Good luck everyone!
  • o.0 I'd love to join, but I''ve already joined another '7 lbs down by the end of March' or something similar...Oh, well. As long as I lose more than 5-6 lbs :)
  • Fayegill
    Fayegill Posts: 39 Member
    I'm also in. It's my daughters 1st bday and it would be great to have another 10lbs of baby weight gone.
    That would leave me with 5 - 7 to do.
  • mlally1014
    mlally1014 Posts: 119 Member
    Would love to join your challenge! I have about 20 pounds till goal and I really need some motivation. Sounds great
  • Kalamitykate
    Kalamitykate Posts: 34 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Today is my one month anniversary with MFP. I've never lost weight in a healthy way and this month has been amazing. I made a lot of excuses over the years and am relieved, and a little annoyed, to find out how easy it is. I hit the 10 pounds lost mark today - which drops me out of obese, I've been craving edamame, fresh fruit, and water like a fiend, and when I'm on the treadmill I want to run. I'm a DD cup and have never, ever wanted to run :laugh:

    It's exciting to see what happens in the next month for everyone on this board. If you're new know that this can work and it's not as hard as you might think. If you've been around a while thanks for being so inspiring.

    Have a great day and stay warm in the snow! :bigsmile:
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Good morning, Kalamitykate. Glad to hear about your success so far! Way to go!
  • teresa011
    teresa011 Posts: 101 Member
    Great job to all of you!! I'm down a pound since my last weigh in.....down 11 so far........but its actually 14, lost three pounds before joining this site........10lbs by March is just have to want it bad enough.........and I want it bad enough.......I can't wait to get under the 200 mark........and i'm sooooooooooooooo close.....Might be getting a promotion at work, so I would love to lose the weight so I can go shopping for new clothes.........wooohoooo!!!
  • imcanadianangel
    imcanadianangel Posts: 40 Member
    Congrats on the lost I am also in too !
  • mlally1014
    mlally1014 Posts: 119 Member
    Would love to join your challenge! I have about 20 pounds till goal and I really need some motivation. Sounds great

    Jan 1st weight 170lbs
    SW 162lbs
    1st goal 150 (March 30th)
    2nd goal 145 (May 1st)
    3rd goal 140 (June 1st)
    Re-evaluate goal at this point, I am 5'7" and have to see how I look
  • light1980
    light1980 Posts: 158 Member
    I'm in too...we are doing the biggest loser at work, but something new will keep me motivated even more.!! Good Luck everyone!! :-)
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