40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • SherryR1971
    SherryR1971 Posts: 1,170 Member
    Good morning, everyone!! :)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,979 Member
    Wow, is the "lack of activity" on here due to Sandy??

    I hope everyone is SAFE!

    No work-out for me, today. Tried a fast, today, but failed at noon. Maybe I'll try again tomorrow - or thursday.
  • amydee714
    amydee714 Posts: 232 Member
    Hi there peeps!
    New to the cool club but only becuase I am sooo cool that I had to arrive fashionably late. :smokin:

    My name is Amy and I am 40. I have 2 daughters ages 19 and 20 and they do think I am pretty cool.

    oh... am I the only one who read this in Stewie's voice?
    I like Cool Whip (light of course), does that count?
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hi all,

    Sorry to have been MIA, but OMG, you would not believe what I and my community have been through.
    Last Thursday we were getting rain. Thursday morning it came down in sheets - dield down and actually cleared. Then while I was on the treadmill, as it had started to rain again, it came down in sheets again and power went out. Stopped me dead on the 'mill.

    I live just on the outskirts of town and have to travel about 10k on dirt roads to get home. It's 10k because we are currently being detoured as the bridges that are part of the normal route are closed for construction. So...the first 8k is on a service road - hilly, curvy. It was dark, foggy and wet. I was getting concerned as I could see some wash outs happening. There wer sections that the water had already come over the road. So, made it safely home but it continued to rain...hard. At midnight we received a call from the Mayor informing us we were isolated as they had to close that service road as it was in bad shape. That meant - not getting to town for anything. Firday morning, we started hearing of all devastation this rain had caused. about 1/2km from our home the road completely washed away! It was just.........gone. I could not believe my eyes. There was a 50' deep x 20' wide gaping washout. Then, the highways...all highways into town torn up. Businesses lost, vehicles falling into these gaping washed out holes.

    You can check out some of the pics at www.wawa.cc and click on the banner that says "State of Emergency". It is literally unbeleiveable. Our local potter that lives down the beach from us lost his home and his vehicles. So sad.

    So, needless to say, I have been busy. Of course, my out of town family and friends have been calling to make sure we were alright. They were able to fix that service road quickly so we could get out, but they did evacuate the First Nation Reserve that is down the road from me (the washout was just beyond where I turn to go home~lucky!)

    I did get to the gym to lift on Monday and then walked. Yesterday I walked/ran along the trail I trained on this summer to take a look at the massive washout there. Again, I was speechless at the sheer magnitude of it.

    Am off to the gym to lift today. have a sore lower back, so hopefully I can get through my routine without too much problem.
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Beeps - totally failed with the fast - started and did well in the evening, woke up and ate! Totally forgot that I was supposed to be fasting. :tongue:

    Am going to try tomorrow...my husband leaves for work and it's just easier to do when he is gone.
  • Nimiko
    Nimiko Posts: 52
    I'm 41 and take pictures for a magazine of various bands. I think that makes me kind of cool. :wink:
  • ggsmamma
    ggsmamma Posts: 117 Member
    I am 42. I live in Alaska and often have bear, lynx and moose in my yard (well, lynx are there but I have only seen one once!). I like to ski, hike and sail. But I sold my sail boat to get married and buy a house. We had a kiddo and I got fat (while my husband stayed super hot and full of muscles!). Now, I want to get back in shape and be a good example for my daughter. I hope that I am cool. I feel like I once was cool but now all I do is work and ferry my kid around to all of her appointments (cello, gymnastics, etc). Currently, I am eating well and working on the 30 day shred. Once I "graduate" from that, I have the PX90 waiting for me!

    Starting weight -- 199
    Current weight -- 189
    GW -- 150-155
    Currently a size 14/5'10"
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,979 Member
    Nice to see another tall woman in here, ggs (I'm 5'9"). Welcome!!

    OMG, SDERESKI!!!!!!!! Who *cares* about the FAST?? I cannot BELIEVE what you wrote about the weather, your community, the DAMAGE. Oh. My. gosh. That is TERRIBLE! I am glad you are okay.

    I'm really going to try and get to the gym, today. It might be after the noon hour, but I really want to get there! (and, yes, then I can sneak some of my kids' candy after their halloween run tonight!)
  • scribb
    scribb Posts: 3,659 Member
    Well, I am doing better this week now that my leg is feeling better. An on line friend has helped me with my diet which has helped out a lot. Started watching my protein very close, and made sure I was at my goal or slightly over every day. It has helped building muscle and also with losing fat and weight.
  • richardheath
    richardheath Posts: 1,276 Member
    Checking in.

    45, divorced with 3 kids (13, 10 and 7).

    I'm either cool, or a nerd. Not sure which - depends on your perspective I guess! I'm a scientist, and brew my own beer for fun.
  • Trudyr777
    Trudyr777 Posts: 573 Member
    41 and cool. Honestly don't care if no one else thinks I am. LOL I have 2 kids 18 & 13, they are awesome! I am really kicking my health and fitness lifestyle into high gear. I lost my mother in the Spring, she had lots of self inflicted health issues due to years of neglect and I vow to never to that to my children. So here I am! I have LOTS of work to do, but I am deternined to do it!
  • btwalsh132
    btwalsh132 Posts: 289 Member
    45, married. My 13 yo daughter most certainly does not think I'm cool. My 10yo son thinks I'm cool because we talk A LOT of sports and I gave him my old baseball cards. I thought I was cool way back when, then realized that 'cool' is a relative term.
  • Deathofafatgirl
    I'm 42 started last November at 320lbs down to 200lbs. Have just now restarted my dieting/lifestyle change to lose the last 40lbs. I am also trying out for roller derby for the first time in 1 week. My kids think I'm cool. I think I'm fabulous. I know YOU'RE cool. I wanna play.
  • Deathofafatgirl
    double post
  • Bigmitch41
    Bigmitch41 Posts: 73 Member
    41 yr old Motorcycle roadracer from a small Island in the Irish Sea (Isle of Man), looking to step into the 40+ Cool Kids membership club please :glasses:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,979 Member
    What are your kids dressing up as for Halloween?

    THAT's a cool topic!

    My 11-yr-old son is going as "Billy Bishop" and my 10-yr-old daughter is going as a 60's hippie chick!
  • ggsmamma
    ggsmamma Posts: 117 Member
    45, married. My 13 yo daughter most certainly does not think I'm cool. My 10yo son thinks I'm cool because we talk A LOT of sports and I gave him my old baseball cards. I thought I was cool way back when, then realized that 'cool' is a relative term.

    Is that your sailboat in the profile pic? I lived on a sailboat for 10 years. I spent time in Sitka, British Columbia and the Seattle area. I loved it. However, I feel in love with a man who is perfect in every way except that he does not like sailing! He is a commercial fisherman and while he is comfortable on the water, and knows more about boats than I ever will, he just does not like being on the water unless he is killing something and making money! So, sold my boat is within 4 hours of listing it for 6k more than I paid for it. It was a little cutter rig Dana by Pacific Seacraft.
  • ggsmamma
    ggsmamma Posts: 117 Member
    What are your kids dressing up as for Halloween?

    THAT's a cool topic!

    My 11-yr-old son is going as "Billy Bishop" and my 10-yr-old daughter is going as a 60's hippie chick!

    My six year old is going as a jack-o-lantern. It is a costume that my mom made for me in about 1976. And, I won $100 at the annual Moose Lodge costume ball! It was made from a bean bag pattern and then, she put dress hoops in it to make it stand out. Very cute.
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Welcome to all the VERY cool new kids. :happy:

    My kids are grown men now, but my adorable granddaughter is dressed up as a pumpkin.
    I'm going over tonight to hand out treats and see the kids (no one comes out to my place...so I come to town)
    I love halloweeen. :bigsmile:
  • turtledove910124
    turtledove910124 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm 48 and now that my kids are 26, 24, 22 they think I'm pretty cool. Hubby and I are training for my 2nd his 3rd half-marathon in New Orleans in Feb. I try to eat healthy and exercise.