starting the 30 day shred



  • violet976
    violet976 Posts: 310 Member
    Level 3 Day 2 - IN THE BOOKS!

    Tried today with heavier weight, but had to keep switching back to lighter ones on some of the moves! LOVING LEVEL 3!

    QUESTION: for those of you nearing the end of the shred (or simply just thinking about the end)
    > what are you doing next???? I'm planning on doing Ripped in 30, and would love to have EVERYONE in this thread join me :happy: :happy: :happy:

    I hadn't even made a plan past getting through the 30 days. I currently own Killer Buns & Thighs, which might be what I aim for next since I want my butt toned. & I have JM for Beginners, Frontside/Backside. Is Ripped in 30 more focused on abs? If so, I'll probably aim for the Killer Buns/Thighs. Otherwise, I might be interested. You can feel free to add me & let me know once you try it.
  • xCarbJunkiex
    xCarbJunkiex Posts: 33 Member
    Level 3 Day 2 - IN THE BOOKS!

    Tried today with heavier weight, but had to keep switching back to lighter ones on some of the moves! LOVING LEVEL 3!

    QUESTION: for those of you nearing the end of the shred (or simply just thinking about the end)
    > what are you doing next???? I'm planning on doing Ripped in 30, and would love to have EVERYONE in this thread join me :happy: :happy: :happy:

    I hadn't even made a plan past getting through the 30 days. I currently own Killer Buns & Thighs, which might be what I aim for next since I want my butt toned. & I have JM for Beginners, Frontside/Backside. Is Ripped in 30 more focused on abs? If so, I'll probably aim for the Killer Buns/Thighs. Otherwise, I might be interested. You can feel free to add me & let me know once you try it.

    From what i've read it's similar to the 30 day shred. There's 4 levels, each 20 min with the same 3-2-1 interval training. I can keep you posted once I try it out!!
  • TERRI1125
    TERRI1125 Posts: 40 Member
    I just wanted to thank all of you for your enthusiasm and motivation! I find if I don't do 30DS first thing, I just don't get it done, but after reading all of your posts, I came home from work and finished L2D4! Of course I was then extremely crabby with my husband for not starting dinner and just chilling on the couch:)!
  • dmcole13
    dmcole13 Posts: 133 Member
    UHHH, day 6 since my start, but just finished Level 1 Day 3 on 30day shred.
    Missed it yesterday but rode stationary instead for 10 miles.
    Endurance little better but not where i want it.......staying tough, just like everybody else!!!
  • stephk19
    stephk19 Posts: 16 Member
    Day 3 for me today. I hurt so much, I have no idea how I will get through it! the tops of my arms (from the weights), my thighs (from squatting) and the bottom of my stomach (from the reverse crunches) ache like crazy!
  • josie141
    16 inches that's amazing - and you're not even finished yet!! well done! Wishing i did measurements when i started- I can never tell by just looking in the mirror. xxxx
  • joytron
    joytron Posts: 104 Member

    QUESTION: for those of you nearing the end of the shred (or simply just thinking about the end)
    > what are you doing next???? I'm planning on doing Ripped in 30, and would love to have EVERYONE in this thread join me :happy: :happy: :happy:

    Hmm, I haven't decided yet! The 90-Day Revolution thing is one possibility.
  • pbair
    pbair Posts: 26 Member
    I'm so encouraged by all your comments!!! Thank you MFP for creating a place where we can root each other on!

    "Looking forward" to day three tonight!
  • PinkHurricane88
    PinkHurricane88 Posts: 156 Member
    I am on Day 3 Level 1 and I am already able to tell I am getting a little stronger. I was able to push through most of the strength and cardio exercises, and all of the abs. :)
  • rogers8702
    rogers8702 Posts: 533 Member
    day 2 level 1. i think im going to stick with every other day for now, until i build my endurance. i have been biking and walking every day aslo. after day one i had some pain in my foot and ankle and i cant afford an injury, better safe than sorry.

    weight 160.8

    the last time i did 30 day shred i was 15lbs lighter and only made 6 days in, too much to soon in my opinion. slow and steady is my motto this time around.:smile:
  • FutureSkinnyMama03
    FutureSkinnyMama03 Posts: 250 Member
    Today will be day 8 of the 30 day shred. I took 1 day off this past week but have completed my first week of shred! I took some comparison measurements this morning.

    Scale showed down 1 lb

    Measurements showed a total loss so far of 4.5 inches!

    The scale gave me a half smile. The measurements made me REALLY thrilled! :)
  • mirandan731
    mirandan731 Posts: 7 Member
    I've been a big lurker on myfitnesspal and I've decided that I want to post on the forums to get some motivation. I am on day 7 level 1 of the 30 day shred and I can already feel the workout getting easier. I've done this program before (2 years ago) with great results, but it's incredibly hard and with being a busy student I have to constantly remind myself that it's only 25 minutes out of my day with great results!

    I wish I had taken a before picture (wasn't really in the mood to do that at the time) but I did take my measurements. Can't wait to see the difference from day 1 to day 30. On day 5, I measured myself and I had already lost 4.5 inches (crazy!) which is a lot considering I don't have that large of a weight loss goal (I weigh 145 and I want to be back to 125).

    Anyway. Go everyone! Motivation, motivation, motivation!
  • pbair
    pbair Posts: 26 Member
    On day 5, I measured myself and I had already lost 4.5 inches (crazy!) which is a lot considering I don't have that large of a weight loss goal

    Awesome job mirandan731!
  • violet976
    violet976 Posts: 310 Member
    Day TEN!!! level 1. Tomorrow I find out how bad level 2 really is... *eek*

    For those trooping through level 1, here's my experience that may or may not help you through:

    For starters, I want it to be clear that I am NOT trying to lose weight, but I am trying to tone up some fat & regain the muscle loss that I've allowed to occur throughout my mid-late twenties. That being said, I hope it makes many of you who *are* trying to lose weight feel better knowing that a tiny girl is royally getting her butt kicked by level 1. I'm pushing through it, but I'm definitely letting some expletives fly, and I don't have any extra weight holding me back. So yes, even level 1 is hard, so remember to pat yourself on the back for simply doing as much of it as you can to the best of your ability. Focus on what you got right that day & where you've gained a bit of endurance, rather than feeling like you failed because you had to stop at points, or couldn't fully do some moves. Each day you *will* find that you can do just slightly more than the day before, and no one said you had to do it gracefully or without some major curse words. In my opinion... curse words tell me I'm pushing myself & that I'm forcing my body through what my mind wants to talk me out of. Curse words are your friend. ;)

    That being said, I can tell you that days 1 & 2 were hard for me on the cardio, where I did give up a few times, but I flew through the rest of the routine thinking, "oh, this isn't so bad"... then came the mid days where I began to see my cardio improving, but my muscles were finally getting pushed & I realized that it was the arm lifts, pushups & situps that were really going to put me in my place. Day 7 I thought I was really showing that dvd who was boss, but day 8 kicked me right back and made me feel like a complete wimp, day 9 I was doing ok again (albeit the curse words, mind you), and today (day TEN!!!, yippee), I really took the time to focus on how far I'd come. & while it was still kicking my butt, I realized that unlike day 1, I was able to get through the whole routine, with semi-decent form, ALL the cardio & at a faster pace, and a few less curse words. Still no cake walk, but if level 1 was good for anything, it was really great at showing me that I am capable of pushing through more than I think I can, IF I don't allow myself to talk myself out of it.

    Long story short: DO NOT talk yourself out of it. Do as much as you can each time, and don't give up simply because you can't get through some parts. If you need to, improvise another exercise in place of something you simply can't do, but do push yourself to do the best you can each day & do feel good simply because you stuck with it. It really does get easier, but remember that it isn't supposed to be a cake walk.

    I keep reminding myself during each routine when I think, "this is too hard, I can't do this".... It's SUPPOSED to be hard, otherwise you'd be gaining nothing from it. & if it *really* helps, just keep reminding yourself that you are doing something today that at least one tiny girl is getting her a** kicked with. ;)
  • violet976
    violet976 Posts: 310 Member
    I wish I had taken a before picture (wasn't really in the mood to do that at the time) but I did take my measurements. Can't wait to see the difference from day 1 to day 30. On day 5, I measured myself and I had already lost 4.5 inches (crazy!) which is a lot considering I don't have that large of a weight loss goal (I weigh 145 and I want to be back to 125).

    Take one now. I took mine on day 6 as I hadn't realized until then that I really did want to be able to *see* the changes.
  • mirandan731
    mirandan731 Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks pbair! I noticed above in the thread that you are going on to day 3. I can tell you that for me, day 5 is when I realized that whoa, I CAN do this and my body is making some big changes! You can do it!
  • mirandan731
    mirandan731 Posts: 7 Member
    I wish I had taken a before picture (wasn't really in the mood to do that at the time) but I did take my measurements. Can't wait to see the difference from day 1 to day 30. On day 5, I measured myself and I had already lost 4.5 inches (crazy!) which is a lot considering I don't have that large of a weight loss goal (I weigh 145 and I want to be back to 125).

    Take one now. I took mine on day 6 as I hadn't realized until then that I really did want to be able to *see* the changes.

    Alright, I'll do a before right now. *sheepishly takes a picture*
  • LBournes10Again
    I am on L1 D3 today It was very hard... Made me sweat alot.:noway: ..I really hate the jump rope and i can only do 6 push ups. But I love it so far...Can not wait to see the end result. :happy:
  • Taffflash
    Im new to this site and I started weight watchers 3 weeks ago and started 30 day shred. I am on level 2 day 7.

    In 3 weeks I have lost 17.5lbs.

    Get it done guys it works if you put the time in!!
  • bizzyb581109
    bizzyb581109 Posts: 16 Member
    day 3 level 1 - did this before work
    Rest day yesterday as I am doing 2 days on, one off as recommended by Ms Michaels. continued with tins of beans (400g weights) as arms/shoulders are protesting a little, today did some real push ups first time round plus easy option for the rest. Made all the cardio ok plus snapping from one exercise to the other much better than on day one.
    Can't believe that only on day three I can already feel some progress. Have had frozen shoulder for past 3 weeks, v.painful but can already feel it easing off following this routine. Roll on day 4 tomorrow, hope I wake up in time
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