Calling all Cathe fans!



  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning Ladies! I opted for some additional sleep this morning instead of Cathe's Double Wave! I am still working off the remains of this cold, so figured the sleep is good for me! I probably will get a run in on the treadmill tonight while catching up on my tv shows...maybe Cathe later this week.

    I did the Tonique Mat Workout last night...OMG...I have NEVER had to stop in the middle of a workout so much! That girl is a machine...I understand now why her body looks like it does...she just keeps going, and going and going. I think I yelled at her (in a nice way, because she's just so sweet) more than I do Jillian. I'm a little sore today, but think the real soreness will be day 2. I'm SUPER excited to do that one again, and try her other DVD's too....I might have found some new favorites! If you want to work your butt, thighs and a little abs...this is your girl! WOWSA!

    Hope you all have a fantastic Thursday. I'll check back later!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Cardio Recovery and CTX/MIS Shoulders are finished. I'm hoping to get in some yoga tonight, will depend on how I feel when I get home from work. :wink:

    Well I did get the gray taken care of yesterday, and my oldest DD decided that she needed to lighten her hair. I now have a blondie in the family. Her hair used to be blonde, but as she has gotten older it has gotten dark like mine. It looked good, but sure is going to take some getting used to. :happy:

    Michelle, Between you and Erika, I guess Tonique is going to the top of my wish list. :wink: Thanks for the recommendations on the warm beach places. I have been to St. Thomas before, Mexico was on our list too. I will check out the Grand Cayman's too. After being in the cold weather those places just make my bones happy thinking about it. :laugh:

    Tami, Nice that you have that evening workout option. You are able to get a workout done. I really have to force myself to workout after work. :huh: Don't know why.

    Erika, So she is an Energizer Bunny! :laugh: I'm always so afraid that if I stear someone toward a workout that I have not done, and of course they don't like it, then I would feel so bad. Now I'm wanting those Tonique workouts, will just have to wait a while for my workout funds to increase a little. :wink:

    Have a great day!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Good morning:flowerforyou:

    I'm on earlly duty this week while hubby goes into the office early so I'm tired:yawn: I atually went back to bed after getting my eldest to the bus stop.

    Tami- My biceps are hurting from those band pulses and medicine ball push-ups in Circuit blast:noway: Definitely a keeper for my rotation..hopefully I can complete all on my toes in a few weeks:wink:

    Erika- I'm so glad that it was not only me in a state of OMG with that mat workout. Yes day 2 will get you especially if you did not do a good stretch right after..which I did not:blushing: Last night everything was so tight that I was doing a stretch routine at 10pm:laugh: I'm scheduled to do it again tonight if my body cooperates:noway:

    Laurie- I have an early salon appt on Saturday so I'm trying to complete the week and make that my off day:wink: Enjoy your color:laugh:

    Have a great Thursday!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Morning Ladies :flowerforyou:

    Spinning was good last night ~ I really pushed myself since I missed my early a.m. workout.

    So this new rotation that I have been doing keeps messing me up on the order of things. :blushing: I had KickBoxing this a.m. - I chose to do her MMA KickBox and then tomorrow is Disc 8 w/ HiiT 30/30. :wink:

    Michelle: Can't wait to try that one! Hopefully Sat or Sun.

    OK -- do tell! Where do I find the Tonique workouts. You guys have me wanting to check them out definitely!!! Who doesn't want to work those troubled areas. :laugh:

    Happy Thursday ~ hope you all have a great day!

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Ok workout completed. I tried something different and went with Cardio Party 3 and then did the 27 min glute workout from Tonique:love: A total of 1200 calories burned and a butt that was screaming with those pelvic moves:noway: As I have a bad back I opted to place my sand filled 6lb medicine ball underneath my back to help and those glutes were in pain where I wanted to literally scream:blushing: Wowzer!!!

    Tami- sells all three, plus her website sells them and gives a video clip, so does totalfitness plus they offer free shipping over 25.00. I actually found mine on Ebay for less w/free shipping. This mat workout is sooooooo worth it if you want to hit lower body. I want to do three days but in all honesty I may have to split the routines up like I did today.:laugh:

    Erika- I have not done the stomach section:blushing: I honestly thought the last section on the back was flowing into the abs but I guessed not:noway: How was that section?

    Laurie- It started with you and now we are going Tonique crazy:bigsmile: . Thanks for the great information:drinker:

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    The abs was good...whe incorporated pushups and then plank hold, push up, plank hold...until I thought I was going to die. Then into side oblique crunches and some other push your leg into the air and lift kinda stuff. I hardly remember as I was wanting it to be over cuz my legs were screamin! I really do like her workouts...I get a little distracted by her accent, but she's so dang cute, I don't get bugged for too long! The whole DVD from start to finish was 63 mintues long, and I burned 400 calories, which I was surprised about, as I didn't feel much cardio, so I was pleased with the calorie burn!

    Tami and Laurie- I think the mat workout is great (I'm super pumped to try her other 2 as well, but gotta give my butt a break for at least a day!):laugh: I like it because it's not a jump around, high impact thing, which sometimes are just the right workouts for me. But, you feel the burn for sure, which tells me it's working. It's actually a good evening workout...not cardio intense to where it will keep you up all night. I give it 2 thumbs up! :bigsmile: I'll let you know on the other workouts once I get to them...maybe this weekend!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Good Morning Ladies:flowerforyou:

    I wrote to Sylwia of Tonique yesterday and she actually worte me back last night.

    Here is some of what she said:

    "I don’t watch other dvds as I believe it would hurt me rather than be beneficial ... I create my moves and routine based on my love for dance and gymnastics, and playing with my kids usually requires strength and endurance (mental hahahhaha) but honestly, I want all moves to come from me and my experience...when I designed Tonique - I was thinking of all women to fight one of our biggest concerns we face as we get older/or perhaps don’t move enough - the concern of our body/skin to start losing the firmness and elasticity and things going south...Tonique targets the biggest/bulkiest muscle in our body which is gluteus maximus, this is also a very lazy muscle as we do not use it much during the day unless we exercise and it tends to loose its elasticity and firmness fast - so tonique must prevent that!

    Tonique is based on Squats and lunges combined with tempo for heart rate and repetitions for endurance and strength - all combined together4 times a week are just perfect for transforming the buttocks - we want roundness with definition! That is why I introduce multidirectional movement to shape all the three parts of gluts, make the back of the butt round and firm, and the sides defined with a little groove/cut on each side, to create an optical effect of small and firm and butt. Jumps and interval running and mat workout will target the small muscles and lift the butt is like an art to sculpt it properly, but it is doable - kill me if I am too descriptive hhhahah

    My recommendation for you would be to do Tonique at least 3-4 times a week...starting on Monday "

    She is really sweet and her personality truly shines through the page in her response:happy: .

    Erika- I think that I will order the Tonique 1 dvd. Although it does use moves that could trigger iffy knees, I'm interested in some of her unique multi-directional lunges that she utilzes to hit those muscles. I will definitely wear a knee brace/wrap and my shox for those workouts. She also gave me a rotation to utilize to prepare for my cruise which incorporates Mat and Tonique 1.

    Off to do the 30 min Ripped series and the Side portion of Tonique Mat, then it is off to gymnastics and errands.

    Have a great day! Morning Laurie and Tami:flowerforyou:

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Morning Ladies! It's Friday, and I'm so excited! I am ready for a nice relaxing weekend with the family!

    This morning was ChaLean Extreme Lean 2 and a little TurboJam. I really like Chalene's workouts, but man, the more I watch and listen to her, the more she drives me nuts! I'm just doing 1 rotation until we leave for our trip on the 20th, and then I'm back and working with Cathe for weights!!! YEAH!

    Michelle-I think the Tonique DVD 1 is going to be great. I am excited and nervous at the same time, as I know it's gonna burn!! Hoping I can get it in tomorrow sometime, but also want to get in Hiit with Cathe that I missed yesterday. We'll see...I'm definitely sore today in really weird spots, so Tonique does work muscles that normally don't get worked!

    Hope everyone has a fantastic Friday! I'll check back later!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Cardio Power & Resistance plus CTX/MIS Biceps are finshed. This has been the best week for me, there has been only one workout that I didn't have to take a break. I'm guessing next week I'll have an even better time with these. :wink:

    Tami ~ Are you still in the STS mode? :laugh: I bet it gets you mixed up when you have been working with those workouts for so long. Sounds like these Tonique workouts will help shape our butts good, so I know that I really will need them. :laugh: Insanity has brought my butt back a little, but it would be nice to see what it should look like. :laugh: After all the running I did, my butt was starting to get flat looking. :sad: I'm thinking of changing my rotation again, only going to include one day of running. :wink:

    Erika, LOL about Chalene driving you nuts. Chalene and I just didn't click and the main reason was I just didn't like her all that much. From what I understand Tonique 1 has a "British" voice over, and she says some pretty stupid things. But the workout is suppose to be really good. Funny, but I want to say "I'm so glad your butt was feeling the burn." :laugh:

    Michelle, That was nice of you to share the information you received from Sylwia. She does sound like a really nice person. Now I'm curious about what she gave you as a rotation. With the addition of these workouts, that bikini will be looking really good on you. :wink:

    Have a wonderful day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Morning Ladies :flowerforyou:

    TGIF! I am glad it is Friday as well. This a.m. was STS # 8 (Back & Triceps) and HiiT 30/30. Didn't get to go to Strength class last night; had to get some groceries and meet the hubby at home for dinner. So that was nice but I did miss going. . . . it's one of my favorite evening classes I have been going to ~ that and Spinning of course! :wink:

    Laurie: Yes, still in STS mode. The Endurance rotation that I am following I don't have all the workouts, so I have to pick different cardio workouts but similar to what she (ie: Cathe) has on the rotation so I am always making little notes on the sheet. But the fun part is that it is all different workouts from different Meso's. I am anxious to do an Undulating Rotation in the future. Debating on maybe Insanity somewhere before that! :happy: Definitly will look into Tonique as well. Again, so many choices! :love:

    Michelle: That is so great she sent you a nice message back. Truly does sound like a nice lady and offered you some good advice on a rotation I assume?!?! :smile: That's great.

    Erika: I too understand your feeling on Chalene. I liked the ChaLEAN workouts but they just weren't challenging enough for me and Turbo Jam I had to just concentrate on the actual workout vs. the instruction. So when you get back your Gym Style Series will begin with Cathe?!?! :drinker: That will be great and something to really look forward too.

    Happy Friday Ladies ...... :happy:
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning Ladies :flowerforyou:

    TGIF! I am glad it is Friday as well. This a.m. was STS # 8 (Back & Triceps) and HiiT 30/30. Didn't get to go to Strength class last night; had to get some groceries and meet the hubby at home for dinner. So that was nice but I did miss going. . . . it's one of my favorite evening classes I have been going to ~ that and Spinning of course! :wink:

    Laurie: Yes, still in STS mode. The Endurance rotation that I am following I don't have all the workouts, so I have to pick different cardio workouts but similar to what she (ie: Cathe) has on the rotation so I am always making little notes on the sheet. But the fun part is that it is all different workouts from different Meso's. I am anxious to do an Undulating Rotation in the future. Debating on maybe Insanity somewhere before that! :happy: Definitly will look into Tonique as well. Again, so many choices! :love:

    Michelle: That is so great she sent you a nice message back. Truly does sound like a nice lady and offered you some good advice on a rotation I assume?!?! :smile: That's great.

    Erika: I too understand your feeling on Chalene. I liked the ChaLEAN workouts but they just weren't challenging enough for me and Turbo Jam I had to just concentrate on the actual workout vs. the instruction. So when you get back your Gym Style Series will begin with Cathe?!?! :drinker: That will be great and something to really look forward too.

    Happy Friday Ladies ...... :happy:

    Yeah it will be Cathe's Gym Style when I get back, along with other DVD's too. I think CE is challenging enough for me, as I keep increasing the weight to challenge myself, but I am spending too much energy focusing on the fact that she doesn't ever complete a set because she's walking around gabbing...and who the heck dresses up that much and wears that much makeup to workout??!??! Ugh. That's why I LOVE Cathe and some of the others out there, that do the whole set with you, have real sweat, and aren't there to be all glammed up, but to really work!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Morning Ladies :flowerforyou: & Happy Saturday!

    Erika: :laugh: I have to chuckle about the "who dresses up like that to workout" I have always thought that as well. In as much that she is a very pretty lady and I appreciate her enthusiasm, it's just funny! Cathe gets in there and works hard, that's forsure. To be as fit as her would be AMAZING!

    Going to do Circuit Blast this a.m. and then tomorrow will be Kick Max and Volleyball in the afternoon!

    I wanted to let you all know I ordered a couple of the Tonique workouts! Excited to try them. Thanks for the high recommendations ladies and I did go to the website - FREE shipping was great! Now I just need to figure out selling some of my others ... again making room for the new. :wink:

    Have a great weekend everyone! :happy:
  • Petjen
    Petjen Posts: 6
    Hello Cathlete's. :smile:

    How do you ladies enter Cathe's weight workouts into your Exercise for the day? It always asks for reps/sets/weights used/done, and because Cathe does a lot of different reps how am I suppose to enter that into what I've done for the day? I'm not sure I explained my question right. I hope someone understands my question. If not, I'll try and ask it a different way. :embarassed:

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hello Cathlete's. :smile:

    How do you ladies enter Cathe's weight workouts into your Exercise for the day? It always asks for reps/sets/weights used/done, and because Cathe does a lot of different reps how am I suppose to enter that into what I've done for the day? I'm not sure I explained my question right. I hope someone understands my question. If not, I'll try and ask it a different way. :embarassed:


    I usually log it under cardio and just use my heart rate monitor to get the calories burned and enter that number. That way you get around having to fill in reps.
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Evening Ladies,

    Since I was online tonight, thought I would stop by and chat. Plyo Cardio Circuit and CTX/MIS Triceps are finshed. Didn't do my workout in the morning as usually, and now I understand why my body works better in the morning. :laugh:

    Tami, Have fun with Circuit Blast, you have to tell me how you like it. Got some Tonique's too, so I'm planning on getting a couple of them also. Will love to hear all the reviews. :wink:

    Jennie, Totally understand what you are talking about. I usually don't keep track of that on MFP. I have a spreadsheet that I have all the rep/weights listed, and print those out when I am doing a workout. So right now I have the weight work from Cross Train Express and Maximum Intensity Strength. I write down what weight I used, and if I was able to complete them. I will usually wear my HR monitor during the weight work, just to give me an idea how hard I'm actually working. If you would like a copy of the worksheets just let me know. I find the worksheets more helpful, because you can keep them in a binder for reference.

  • Petjen
    Petjen Posts: 6
    Thanks Erika and Laurie.

    Laurie, I might just take you up on that offer. I'm going to try doing what Erika does, and see how that goes.

    Thanks again ladies. :smile:
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hey Girls! Hope you had a fantastic weekend...I know I did, but it seemed to go faster than any weekend I can remember in recent history!

    I managed to get workouts in both Saturday and Sunday, although the cold I had a couple weeks ago has now settled into my chest as a nasty cough, and it's really making it hard to breathe without coughing like crazy. Good thing, I am seeing a BIG increase in calorie burn...bad thing, no matter how light of a workout I do, I have a coughing attack when I'm done. But, I'm still gonna plug away at it...vacation in 13 days has me motiviated to keep with it!

    This morning was ChaLEAN Burn 2. Hoping for a nice walk on the treadmill tonight! Good work on the workouts Laurie...I'll be back to Insanity probably after my vacation...just don't think the lungs will tolerate it before then!

    Looks like we're all going to be getting toned with Tonique...yeah!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs are finished for today. Yesterday was a super busy day, but I did manage to get the dog walked. :laugh: Think I need a little tlc in the stretching department. My calf muscles are really feeling it today from the football stances that Shaun puts you through. Oldest starts her first offical practice for track season, and I don't think she was looking forward to it. I'm sure she will be fine, since she has been working out three to four days a week in the off season.

    Jennie, Anytime you want those worksheets, just let me know. I think I got them from someone on Cathe's site at one time.

    Erika, Sounds like that cough is a real big pain. I think doing Insanity after your vacation is a great idea. The vacation will be good r&r, and you will come out ready to go. :wink:

    Have a great day!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Good Morning,

    I had a great birthday weekend and ended the weekend with some low carb cheesecake from The Cheesecake Factory:bigsmile: I also woke up with a cough which may be from my early outdoor venture to get out the recycling in a tank top and shorts:blushing:

    Get Ripped and Lean is on the menu, lots of water w/lemon slices and clean eating for the day. I also need to take my vitamins/supplements as I have been slacking this weekend.

    Have a great day everyone!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Morning Ladies :flowerforyou:

    Had a really great weekend here! :smile: Our weather was amazing and I got some good workouts in PLUS Volleyball went good yesterday. We started our "Spring League" and we won 5 out of 6 games.

    Michelle: Happy Belated Birthday!! :drinker: Glad you had a good weekend!

    Laurie: Circuit Blast was good ~ I forgot I had completed that one once before. Trying out all these SHOCK workouts I forget sometimes. :blushing: I really like it a lot! Moves along quickly and a good calorie burn with lots of variety.
    I would be interested in knowing about those workout sheets you mentioned.

    Erika: I know what you are saying on that cough. I had that back in Dec./early Jan. and as soon as I started working out the cough got worse. Of course I continued on and my hubby thought I was crazy but it felt better to workout and cough than no workout! :noway:

    It does sound like we will all be Tonique fans as well before long! That's great. Can't wait to receive them and get going on those as well.

    Hope you all have a good day - Kick Boxing tonight!
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