
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member

    Trying to see if can post a picture. Obviously not. Sorry!
  • mch1956
    mch1956 Posts: 62 Member
    Hello all, embracing the positive really worked for me today. Stayed on my eating plan and stayed away from the snacks at work. NSV are amazing. I love my fitbit, I wear it everyday clipped to my bra. it is small, never falls off like pedometers I have used in the past. I like that it connects to MFP. I am off to do my strength training while watching the election returns.
    Stay positive,
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,136 Member
    Hello all, embracing the positive really worked for me today. Stayed on my eating plan and stayed away from the snacks at work. NSV are amazing. I love my fitbit, I wear it everyday clipped to my bra. it is small, never falls off like pedometers I have used in the past. I like that it connects to MFP. I am off to do my strength training while watching the election returns.
    Stay positive,

    Mary, after losing many pedometers, I got one that stays in my pocket and I love it.......I can keep track of the steps on my computer so I have great info about my walking since 2010.......I don't have a fitbit, but it sounds great.......I did my weight training while watching election results and soon will ride the recumbent bike.

    :flowerforyou: It was cold enough this morning for me to wear my thermal winter boots.....the weather will not mess us my workouts.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Mary (mch) - congrats on the 50 days! Looks like you've formed a good habit. The 30 Day Shred is a workout DVD by Jillian Michael's. Great job staying away from those snacks

    Mary (marymik...) - there's ALWAYS room for one more...or two...or three. Your goals sound very doable.

    Did an hour of HIIT, 30 min on the elliptical then 30 min on the AMT. I didn't realize that there was a "steps/minute" register on the AMT so I decided to use that. Tomorrow I'll go to yoga and the deep water.

    After exercising, came home and had some more cereal then went to get my hair colored. On the way home stopped at the Salvation Army. If I work outside when it's chilly, I'll want some sort of sweatshirt that I won't care if it gets rouined by the red clay. I really don't have one, I was hoping I could maybe borrow one of Vince's but he doesn't have one that he doesn't care if it gets rouined. So I spent $3 on a sweatshirt. Admitted, I wouldn't buy it to wear out, but in the yard -- good enough. I also got some other sweaters. One of them they wanted $6 for and I didn't like it enough to pay that price for it, not like I really needed it anyway. Now I'm home, will have some soup and then we're going to play Mexican Train dominoes tonight. A few weeks ago I'd made some mini-quiches to take to a mahjongg game, so I just froze the rest. Now alls I need to do is heat them up!

    Liz - I love to cook and don't mind hosting. But my main love is cooking. I guess its somewhat so that I know what it is that is going into my body.

    rosesigil - welcome. What part of SE PA are you from? We moved to NC from Kennett Square.

    Gail - I really liked your analogy of this place being like the kitchen with friends popping by all the time. That is so very true.

    We early voted. It seems that when you early vote, the constant phone calls somewhat end. Or at least that's the way it seemed. My heart goes out to those in Ohio. They must be so sick of all this that they can't wait for it to be over. Unfortunately, I suspect that tomorrow we won't know who our next president will be. It would be nice to know, but somehow I don't think we will.

    katla - love your goal of surviving the holidays without pigging out. Same here.

    Nancy - hope you get better fast! Losing inches means so much more than the number on a scale. I guess I'm one of those people who can't imagine life without exercising. When I went to the MD and we talked about my plantar wart, when he prescribed this cream my first question was "will I still be able to exercise?" Oh, update on the cream, I don't feel the wart, but I'm not sure that it's (the wart) gone totally, then again, he said that it would take a few months so as long as I don't feel it, I'm a happy camper

    katle - I put barbie's recipe thru the recipe calculator here. For 6 servings, it came out to 104 calories, 26 carbs, 0 fat, 3g protein and 144mg sodium. I must be really dense -- I'm still trying to figure out what the name of your soup was !!!! :)

    Kate - I'm so so sorry about your co-worker. I know how it feels "how can this be". Remember when I said that my cousin's hubby dropped dead? He was only 50. Well, believe it or not, the autopsy called the cause of death an arrythmia. He'd just had surgery, was doing well, and before the surgery he had an EKG. Showed nothing. Then again, when Vince has an EKG it doesn't show that he has WPW. I'm just floored as I'm sure you are too. How can this be???

    When we were raking the hay, Vince was saying how in "excruciating" pain he is in all across his chest. I was a bit sore the first day, but that's it. But then I realized it's because I exercise so my chest muscles are used to being used. Now I get to rake the rocks. Funsville. Look what I get for being in decent shape.

    I think tomorrow after deep water, I'll go to WalMart and do some food shopping. Vince said that he'll need milk by Friday and I don't think I'll be able to go shopping Thurs. Tomorrow is senior bowling and then Newcomer bowling.

    jane - I was just thinking to myself how nice it is of DeeDee to recognize everyone the way that she does.

    Welcome everyone new (too many to mention individually)

    katla - I was beginnning to think that I was the only one who doesn't rinse her quinoa! I've never found a bitter taste to it.

    birdie - you've been missed!

    Off to have dinner (I'm having soup with oatmeal and edamame and Vince is having a hot dog <yuk>) then off to Mexican Train.

    Rose - what a wonderful NSV!

    Went to Mexican Train dominoes tonight. Passed up on the pepperoni pizza someone brought, had 2 of the sweet potato fries (I wasn't sure if they were deep fried or not), passed up on these appetizers that are hot dogs wrapped in crescent rolls (they just didn't appeal to me), passed up on all the desserts (seems most people bring cakes or cookies, wish someone would bring some fruit), someone brought this (I had to try it) a squash stuffed with what seemed like a shrimp and breadcrumb filling, and some of the mini quiches that I brought. I just estimated the calories that I had left over for the day. Had 48oz of water while we played, tho.

    At Mexican Train I was talking to one guy, we were talking about the problems his wife has with her knees. Anyway, he was telling me that he kept telling her to drink more water, well, she changed doctors and it seems she has a "knot" on the back of her leg and the MD said it was because she didn't drink enough. That's something I'd never heard of before. But he also mentioned how much sodium there was in the diet green tea that I know she drank a lot of. I really didn't mainly because of the artificial sweetener. But she was thinking that "diet" had to be good for you.

    Off to get to bed and watch the election results. Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Thought I'd drop in and type while i watch the US election ( yes we pay close attention to our southern neighbours here). It was a nail biter for awhile. Rather exciting. But then I didn't get much typing done.

    What a scattered day I had. By lunch I needed a break so went to the next town for lunch and ended up doing a little early Christmas shopping and had a wonderfully good Indian vegetable korma for lunch. Maybe tomorrow will be calmer at the office. After the council meeting and poor sleep I guess I needed a break today because I feel refreshed but ready to sleep tonight.

    Barbara - thank you for your honesty and a valuable lesson. I appreciated your story.

    Nancy - hope you're feeling betterment- I was wondering where you were and missed your posts.

    To all the rest of you happy posters, I read all of the news but am doing this on an iPad so am not using my trusty Word to allow me to do individual responses (brain doesn't want to work the memory cells too hard at this time)

    DeeDee - haven't gone back for the purple pants yet - hopefully tomorrow or Thursday. And as soon as I test out the Photobucket I'll post a photo of my cloche - I feel so Daisy Buchanan in it. F Scott Fitzgerald would approve I think.

    Good night sweet ladies - off to sleep (hopefully)
    Thanks to all of you for being here
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Good evening friend's,:smile:

    My DD#2 did really well with her oral surgery. She is taking advil and feeling well. For the work comp issue- I work for a large HMO who is self insured. Really this is a conflict of interest! They don't want to pay anything and last time I had to hire a lawyer.:explode:

    AuntieBK- My work restrictions are to only keyboard for 15 mins per hour. The entire work time is spent keyboarding, so there would be nothing for me to do(their choice) for the rest of the 45 mins. So, I believe that they will have to pay me total temporary disability, as I can't work. I called the adjusted to ask her when my first check would arrive,,,,,and I have still have not heard back.:grumble: :grumble:

    Quinoa veggie salad- The quinoa that I got at costco is organic and pre rinsed! I just cook the quinoa as directed on the package. I then add to the cooled quinoa, organic- black beans, cooked frozen corn, red onion, red bell peppers, or yellow and orange bell peppers too and cilantro. I add evoo and fresh lime juice, salt,pepper to taste. I don't measure the amounts of veggies. This last time I had 6 cups of quinoa, i used 2 normal size cans of beans, 2 large red bell peppers, 1 large red onion, small package of corn, 1 bunch of cilantro,about 8 limes for the juice and EVOO enough mix the salad up. We tried this salad originally at Whole foods market in their deli case. We just asked them to print out the ingredients list and we came home and made our own. The cold salad is better the second day as the quinoa absorbs the lime juice etc. Their salad also had cucumbers, tomatoes and parsley. All the veggies are cut into little bite size pieces. I just made what my girls would eat. I like it without the tomatoes,parsley and cucumbers. Hope that helps. I love quinoa. 1 cup of cooked quinoa = 222 calories.

    Saw my DSIL at the re-union. I told her she looked great! She told me that she is doing MFP!!! :noway: :noway: :bigsmile: Small world! She doesn't blog though. She did show me how to scan a barcode with my new phone for Mfp and it adds all the info for you! Wow, how cool is that! :drinker: :drinker: Anyway, DD#1 is done keyboarding for now. :sad: :sad:

    I did read everyone's post, just can't reply to everyone until carpal tunnel gets better, Lol- My girls tell me that I can;t carpool in tunnels anymore!:laugh: :laugh:

    Nov goal
    is to get 210 minutes minimum of exercise/week
    Log my food everyday.
    drink minimum of 70 oz water/day
    Find one thing to be grateful for everyday.

    Welcome to all the new ladies.
    Tonight I am grateful for MFP, Barbie for starting and keeping this blog going, and or all the positive support from an amazing group of fabulous women!

    Hugs and Blessings to all of you- Linda Aka Sundance!:heart:

    I am missing Meg on here, do we need to form a posse and go check on her? Meg sending positive thoughts and hugs your way!:heart:
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    [:flowerforyou: I recently read a book called “168 Hours”. It refers to the number of hours in a week and is about making better use of your time. I read it quickly because the focus was on people with very demanding jobs and families and I don’t fit that profile. But I gained a lot by reading the book because it suggests keeping track of how you spend your time so you can look at ways to put the most important things first, shift your schedule to allow chunks of time for the things you want to do, stop doing things that are time wasters, get clear on what is most important, and become aware of things you like to do that will fit into small blocks of time that are available to you.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    Resolutions for November
    *yoga once a week
    *weight training three days a week
    *recumbent bike 60 minutes a day
    *say “OK”---be agreeable
    *stay in the moment
    *Be Barbie

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    "The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed."

    “The disturbers of happiness are our desires, our griefs, and our fears.”
    -Samuel Johnson

    :frown: I think I need to read this book. Have spent far too long this morning logging food etc and now it is 7.30 am and I haven't started my 20 mins exercises with Jillian (30 day shred) now I'm not going to have time to do them as I need to make pack ups and get ready for work. I seem to get easily distracted the tireder I am.

    Hope everyone has a good day I'd better get a move on.

    I'll have to schedule in my exercise tonight instead .

    :heart: Bye for now Viv xx
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,585 Member
    Good night, lovelies!

    Missing not only Meg but also Amanda and Mary msh0530 and Sister Mary Veggie Queen Mimi7grands. Possee sounds like a good idea.

    Read all your posts but not responding individually, except for the few that I just could not resist.
    Thank you all for the kind words about yesterday's struggle. Grateful that my heart feels so much lighter and for all of YOU!

    :grumble: Viv I am right there with you. I spend far too long at computer, time that could be better spent on the mat or jiggling to Wii Zumba. Will W A L K to the library at lunch today and see if they have Barbie's recommended 168 hrs book.
    :laugh: Cheryl your DH hipswivel pic made me laugh out loud. Looks remarkably like me doing Wii Zumba!
    :flowerforyou: Welcome Joann and conVERYgratulations on being 90 lbs (so far) lighter! That is an amazing accomplishment!
    :smile: Welcome beachmum and thanks for the quinoa/kale/beets recipe!
    :happy:Welcome Chrishanselma, sylviatx and all other newbies I missed.
    :love: Genealace beautiful scarf! Which lacemaking methods do you use?
    :flowerforyou: Laura keeping good thoughts for your DH's internal transfer. Joe's switching to M-F daytime hours was one of the (many) things he did to save our marriage.:heart:
    :tongue: Joanie darnit those pumpkin walnut ramekins sound YUMMY!
    :love: Birdie good to see your smiling face again!
    :laugh: Michele re: chest muscles and rock raking, a clear example of virtue being its own punishment!:noway:
    :flowerforyou: Linda, thanks for the recipe! Is there no voice recognition software that could ease the keyboarding burden? :cry: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome stinks. I had it when I first started using a mouse and the only fix was a job change that eased way back on the input. DH has it and had to stop wrenching even after surgery. :brokenheart: Hugs!

    What I did on my vacation: replaced broken fridge water filter cap and filter; moved cleaning supplies back under sink from dining room where they've been languishing for months since DH repaired the undersink leak; ordered ferrari (!) plates to fix the corner lazy susan cabinet door; shampooed carpets in hallway, office, living room, manCave (FINALLY!); napped; and oh yeah recovered from the mohs surgery and concomitant, scary swelling and bruises.

    Time to sleep, it's back to work tomorrow and if the energy holds, to my first dance class in the month it's been since we lost Robbie.:brokenheart: :brokenheart: :brokenheart:


    Barbara, the AHMOD who WILL be size 10 one day

    2012: dance more, bark less and check in!!!
    November: back to basics

    SWSY or matminutes: 6=0 5=0 4=0 3=0 2=0 1=0
    steps: 6=6254 headed back up, tomorrow should be good 5=4702 4=5426 3=6461 2=9220 1=8809
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Good morning all! I have really enjoyed reading all of your posts and the pictures have been great!
    I have been too busy to post, but have been keeping up with reading all posts. I am heading to a math conference tomorrow morning and won't be home until Saturday late afternoon. Between preparing sub plans for that time and for the times I missed school for doctor's appointments, I haven't had time to post or get in as much exercise as I'd like. Go back to the doctor today to see when I will have surgery. I want this taken care of so that I can get back to working out with weights. I really miss the weights!

    I started the 30 day shred over the summer, but stopped because I found all of the jumping to be hard . After I get clearance, I will go back to it but change the cardio. I loved doing the rest of it.

    Congrats to all with loses in weight and/or inches. Hugs to all who are experiencing challenges. We can all do this with the fabulous support from each other!

    Have a great day!
    Deb A
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Wow so many posts just got caught up I love that we are a chatty group. Last night goes down in the records as crazy. Not in the ha, ha way.

    @Kathy- - I was thinking about your post last night re: your DH. As I was driving my DH to the VA--cause his blood pressure was extremely high. I arrive home from work to find my DH home early because he didn't feel well numb left arm, sick stomach, and as he check his pressure it was like 190/112 than down to small amount but still in 180's I was like do you think we should go into the hospital . At first it was like no no I will be ok but after a short while he was like maybe we shouldn't be mess around with it. I was like you think but said nothing and got the car keys. A quick call to the oncall nurse said to come in and so we went into Boise VA stay for at least 6 hours as they did lots of tests. but the real reason for all of this it turns out when his BP meds ran out he didn't get it refilled so hadn't been taking any meds for awhile. He has a serious heart condition. They gave him the meds and we got him signup so the refills will come in the mail now. It is so disheartening when someone you care about doesn't take care of himeself. or herself. I am hoping he will remember this scare cause it scared him a bit so he will be better at taking care of himself.

    @Lili sounds like an interesting lunch. Good that the raking is done.
    @Barbie that is such good advice, I need to look at all of the time I waste on things that I don't like to do .
    @Vic agree with you I spend way to much time on the computer
    @Linda- glad that your DD2 surgery went well.
    @Michele,-- It has been a while but we use to play Mexican train a lot. It is fun we really enjoy games
    @Barbara-- glad you are back
    @Rose that is a good nsv.

    That's it now need to start getting ready for work.
    Wishing everyone the best
  • Hi,

    I'm 52 years old and just starting I need to lose at least a total of sixty pounds. So if anyone has any input or suggestions, please feel free.

    Have a Great Day!
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Good Morning:flowerforyou:

    Finally got caught up with all the posts!:happy: Today is a new day so I'm going to get off on the right foot! Yesterday, I stress ate (not because of DD or DH-different situation :frown: ) and should NOT have had chips and dip at work. And yes, I was the guilty party that brought them in the first place for the potluck last week. Guess I should have taken the extra time to do a veggie tray-lesson learned!! I'm not going to derail myself!! So off to exercise before work and then have pool therapy for my calf after work. At least the job is still good but it might end this week instead of next.:grumble:

    Liz- I'm so glad it wasn't anything worse with your DH!!! Hopefully he will take better care going forward!! Mine at least is trying to
    cut back on smoking again (he never smokes inside and I noticed he didn't go outside for one at all last night:smile: ) and I made
    him an appt with his primary doc that may be moved up depending what BP is when work physical gets done this weekend!
    Like someone else here commented to me even though it's frustrating, we can't let this sabotage our efforts to get healthier and
    unfortunately we can't change them-they have to want to make the changes!

    Drink up everyone and make it a good day!:drinker: Kathy
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Hello all,

    Hi ho, off we go! :happy:

    I finished the first stage of New Rules of Lifting for Life yesterday :explode: felt like a hero. Will start stage 2 next week after we return from our jaunt to Spokane. Tonight is my circuit class – that’s always a killer. Most of the other participants are teachers from my school, so we get sweaty together over something other than reluctant students and underfunding. :happy:

    We’re really looking forward to our “big city” break. Spokane may not seem like a bit city to all of you, but believe me, it’s big for us. There are about 5,000 in our town and 15,000 in the valley where I live. There’s one ladies clothing store here, so everything I buy there has already been inspected by everyone in town. :noway: I'm ooking forward to updating my wardrobe with some novel items and to visiting one of the best bookstores ever.

    Joann, welcome & congratulations on the 90 lb loss.:drinker: Wowzer!

    Quinoa – I have a bag of it in my drawer & have never opened it, I just may have to follow up on some of those recipes you have posted.

    Kate! I am so sorry to hear about your neighbour, and your Mum. :flowerforyou: As for getting you eating habits under control, isn’t recognizing the problem half the battle? Now you need a substitute for comfort eating in the evenings. So glad to hear you are going to take Wednesday evening to catch up here.

    Congratulations ChrisHanselma on reaching your November goal early!

    Janehadji, how’s the foot? Did you have bunion surgery? Joint replacement ? I had my big toe joint replaced last April & am just now getting back to full-on exercise, etc. I want to see the picture…keep trying!

    Wessecg – So, your husband said he’d do the 30 day shred if he got to stare at Jillian? :ohwell: Does he still think she’s cute when he’s 2/3 of the way through the workout & she’s hollering at him to give it all he’s got?

    Go Rose, Go! :drinker: New jeans are the best motivator. Now, throw out the old ones so you have no option but to keep the weight off and keep loosing!

    Michelle, you are so right about the “diet” green tea. Just because it says “diet” on the label doesn’t mean it’s good nutrition! Thanks for the reminder.

    Lila – were you at the Inidan Food restaurant on Baker Street in Nelson or it there one in Trail I need to know about?

    Linda, that salad sounds divine. Now I really do have to dig up that bag of quinoa. Trouble is, mine came from a bulk store, so no cooking instructions. Gotta google that!

    The clock has chimed 7, that means I've been here long enough and it's time to get breakfast and get moving.

    Hasta pronto,


    November Goals:

    Continue New Rules of Lifting – 3x week
    No second helpings, no evening snacks
    Keep up the exercise & good eating routine when we go away for our November break.
    Add meditative prayer to my daily routine
  • joann1948
    joann1948 Posts: 161 Member
    Good Morning Ladies: Hope everyone is doing good. I am doing great, and will put my November Goals to work.....

    1. Keep logging
    2. Exercising as much as possible, I have a bad back and right knee problems.
    3. Get through Thanksgiving without going over too many calories, and making good choices.
    4. Want to lose at least 15 more lbs before Christmas.
    5. Keep the positive attitude I have, even though I am going thru a divorce after 25 yrs of marriage.
    6. Keep being thankful and blessed for all the good things in my life.
    7. I have two wonderful children, and 7 beautiful grandaughters.

    Everyone have a fabulous day, and see u very soon........Joann
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Finished second day of the Shred - (maybe 3rd because the first night I was only going to watch it but ended up doing most of the exercises). My calves hurt almost too much to walk down the stairs. Nothing else hurts though.

    Yoyonomore - the cardio is hard for me too because I have a ruptured achilles so sometimes I find myself just doing high knee lifts in place when the jumping starts hurting my feet.

    Mary - I am addicted to my fitbit, however I almost ruined it clipping it to my bra - don't know if it was the sweat or the fly spray during the summer, but the rubber coating started to peel off.

    Mazaron - funny because last night my husband said the girl in back was cuter than Jillian so perhaps she is falling out of his favor.

    bearsher - eat less, move more

    Liz - my husband did the same thing - I found his filled prescriptions still stapled in the pharmacy bag in the car and realized the filled date was weeks earlier - he hadn't taken them in weeks. He is now.

    Auntibk - I was wondering how long it would take before someone commented on my hubby's picture. I thought it was a funny shot. And yes Laura, he did know I was taking it but asked, "Is that necessary?" I told him not to worry I wasn't going to post it on Facebook.:tongue:

    Joann1948 - 15 pounds before Christmas sounds ambitious - good luck :drinker:
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Thankful it's Hump Day Wednesday,

    Barbie- hearing that you broke out your thermal boots for your walk makes me realize that you let nothing hold you back:drinker: :drinker: You continue to set the bar high for us as a true example...Thank You:flowerforyou:

    Michele- I too love to cook and that's why when hubby works weekends I'm able to hang out in the kitchen all day:love: If he gets the new job at the store then he will be working days during the week...and I won't have all that free time to hang out in my kitchen...guess I will have to take the good with the bad if he gets it:huh:

    Lila- early Christmas Shopping:noway: I will confess I bought a couple of items but still not in full get ready for the holiday mode...maybe later in the month:ohwell:

    Linda- I love the feature of scanning with my phone:bigsmile: I find that when I'm in a hurry I just scan the bar code when I'm fixing my meal then I don't have to run to the computer and find the food in my diary....that makes it so much easier to keep track of those calories.

    Viv- how are you doing on the Shred?:huh: Just wondering if you are finding it getting easier as you go along.

    Barbara-how did that dance class go:huh: Getting back into the swing of exercising when you've been away is sometimes hard (at least it is for me:blushing: ) Hope yours was a success.

    Deb A- I hear you about all the jumping on the Shred. For some reason when I do the jumping jacks and the jump roping my right shoulder blade hurts and has since day one...so I'm constantly trying to find a different thing to do with that arm to lessen the pain...haven't found one yet:ohwell:

    Liz-glad that you took hubby to the hospital and that now his medication will be arriving on a regular basis. Yes I agree it's hard when those we love don't take good care of themselves:flowerforyou:

    Kathy- live and learn...so next time you bring a veggie tray, even if no one else likes it you know you can have it and if there are leftovers then they are good leftovers to munch on at work:drinker: :drinker:

    Nancy- going to the city and shopping will give you a lift I'm sure. When we used to live in a small town (1,120 pop) going to a city was always exciting and hitting the mall was always a highlight. Now living in a city I do my best to stay away from the stores because I really don't need anything new:wink: want...now that's another story.:blushing:

    Joann- great goals you have set and I'm sure 1.5 to lose this month is within your grasp:flowerforyou:

    Cheryl- :laugh: telling your hubby you weren't posting it on FB...and then here it is on MFP:laugh: Just an FYI my calves hurt for about 6 days before I was able to walk without feeling them...I just kept telling myself it was because they are muscles that needed to be worked and it was a good hurt:bigsmile: I know that Jillian keeps saying that those of you on day 5, 6, 7 should be feeling stronger and have more energy but I must be a failure because I just keep doing it to get it over and done with and don't feel stronger or more energized:wink: Yes I too think the girl in the back is cuter than Jillian :happy:

    Last night when I got home I decided I'd increase my weights and keep the 30DS on Level 1 and see how I do. It really stretched me...some of those exercises with the weights were pretty hard. Since I'm not in a race to get to Level 3 I may keep it like it is for a few more days before I change up to Level 2. I do love how I feel when I'm done...sometimes it still feels like the longest 20 minutes of my life:blushing:

    I'm well on my way to working off my bonus pounds so I have some give & take for the holidays. Today the scale dropped another pound. As long as the clothes continue to fit I'm okay with a few more of the pounds going away. I really can't afford to be heading out to get a smaller wardrobe when what put me on this journey this year was to get back into my 2010 wardrobe which I'm now wearing. I'm seeing some good improvement in my arms since I started the 30DS and that's a good thing because I really don't want to have bat wings:blushing:

    The boss is still gone hunting and I'm still enjoying the quiet of the office with him gone so I'd best get back to the piles of papers.

    Everyone have a good day and let's keep up the good job of logging, exercising and drinking plenty of water:drinker: :drinker:


    Posted and then saw that Cheryl has posted at the same time...so had to add my extra to her.
  • sylviatx
    sylviatx Posts: 156 Member
    November goals:
    1) keep logging everything every day. I find that when I don't log is when I lose accountability to myself and go off the deep end.
    2) swim 45 minutes at least once a week, 30 minutes 4 other times a week, for 5 swims a week total.
    <del>3) walk 30 minutes twice a week. </del>
    3. get the weight machine orientation at the gym and do it twice a week
    4) Don't let Thanksgiving kill my forward progress.

    Replying to myself to change my November goals since my right foot hurts too badly to walk (for exercise) on it. I had a 50 minute walk about a week ago, my first after breaking my pinkie toe and I think I must have compensated my position because afterwards the bottom of the foot felt bruised from my orthotic. Not normal anyway. So taking the walking off.

    /eta I see html code doesn't work here? just imagine the first 3) with a crossout line thru it LOL

    edited again to say - how do you get the little box at the bottom of your post that shows your weight loss?
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    It's sure fun reading everyone's posts, what a great group. :happy: I have another busy day ahead so just copying from my blog post this morning.

    Mid-Week Mumbo-Jumbo

    Here we go with Weds, time to jump the mid-week hurdle and glide on down towards the weekend, emphasis on "down". (Pointing finger at scale!) I've been pretty careful with foods this week and glory be, my little digital friend has been going down a few ounces each day. Must keep up with the program. Must get rid of these not-so-silly few pounds that have kept me riding the roller coaster since Aug. As I kid I loved roller coasters. This one's not so much fun.

    Which, in fact, causes me to rethink the word "fun". Eating can be too much fun, in turn causing dismay. It's a conundrum.

    I feel myself getting a grip again, though. This is good news. Measuring things helps. Reading nutrition books helps. Be mindful.

    Garden garden will you ever cease! Here it is Nov and I'm still bringing home buckets of vegs. Today I'll head over there for snow peas, I think a stir fry is in order for tonight since I have cabbage, broc, carrots and scallions, all which I've brought home this week. As I was digging away there yesterday, I realized what an amazing thing I have in that piece of ground. It requires hours of labor, true, but rewards with many less hours in the grocery store and many less dollars out of the pocketbook. However, and this is something I've always taken for granted, when you buy vegs from the store they're relatively clean. When I bring things home out of the dirt, well, all I can say is there's lots of scrubbing to be done. This morning I have to clean 5 lbs. of very muddy carrots that I intentionally ignored yesterday.

    The ginger carrot bisque recipe is on the agenda for tomorrow. Yesterday I made a pot of corn chowder with the late harvest of Oct. garden corn which was taking up way too much space in the fridge. I find myself wandering around in circles at times trying to figure out what veggies need attention and which ones can wait a day or two. Not a bad problem to have, but I'm compelled to use things and not let them go to waste. Like the grocery bag full of cilantro that I harvested yesterday....ah, yes, another addition to my list of things to process this morning.

    I worked myself into a bit of depressed state yesterday morning after talking with Mom on the phone. It makes me so sad and I feel a little helpless. Of course Guilt hops in there and does a little dance, too. The only thing that helped was heading to the garden, digging a huge trench and building a giant compost heap for close to an hour straight. Huff n puff, blow the house down. This morning I vow to not let myself get into that frame of mind. Must exercise first. Like now! Turn on the Fitness channel. Move it.

    Have a wonderful Weds! :smile: jb (Joanie)
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Hump day!
    baby 2 from Daughter`s school,worked better.
    Violet slept over and sure wiggles alot.
    Going to my knitting group and Violet is gonna hang out with grandpa.
    Have a great day!
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Hello beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    I am having "one of those days":explode: ! Dog peed in the floor this morning:angry: , my brother needs to borrow money to make his car pmt.....again.....*sigh*:frown: , he's been out of work now for over 3 years and it's starting to really get to me, I'm feeling more like a bank than a sister:sad: , speaking of banks I went to mine this morning to get a check cashed, it's a retirement check I get every month, the woman looked at me and said " do you usually get this cashed here." , I replied yes, she then tells me she has to have it approved (it's NOT that much money!).....hello...approved....never happened before...and one of my best friends is VP of the bank, I told her to call her and she says "I don't want to bother her".....hello...you bothering a customer, took 10 minutes to get my check cashed:explode: , was taking a coat to my alteration lady.....I pulled in and she's gone, poof....not there anymore...:huh: stopped at Starbucks to get a coffee and use the restroom, I go into the restroom and before I could lock the door a women comes barreling through the door and almost knocks me down:mad: , I'm sure I've got some bruises now, she didn't even apologize:devil: ! I then went to The Fresh Market to get ingredients to make carrot soup, of course I didn't make a list...you guessed it forgot some things:grumble: . Anyhow I am home now and I am not leaving the house again today except to walk the dog!!!! Thanks for letting me rant, I actually feel better getting it all out, and will feel even better once I get my bank friend on the phone and get that mess straightened out! I hope everyone else is having a better day than I've had so far!!!!
    Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!! Oh, one good thing, while in The Fresh Market, the chocolate covered carmel cashews were calling my name, I walked over and looked at them, even picked them up, almost put them in my buggy, but I resisted and put them back :bigsmile: !!!
    Will be back later to reply to some posts (hopefully)!!!!
