

  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Nope Mazaron - hubby is NOT going to get ahead of me (I just need to keep repeating it).

    Since tomorrow is weigh in and I always fret, I woke up this morning an did a mile on the treadmill. I will walk at lunch again, and do Jill tonight, and eat Salmon. Then I will cross all my fingers and toes. I haven't been awful this week, and my counts look good, but my clothes are fitting any differently and I did have a tirimisu and 3 chocolate chip cookies. However, I also got through the after Halloween weeks with little damage :smile:

    Sundance - you sure sound like you're working hard.

    Exermom - cross everything for me for tomorrow - it worked last week.

    I am a little disappointed because my first real goal was to be in the 150's (159.9) for the annual Christmas party. I was close to 190 last year and wanted to surprise the girls. Usually the party is around Dec 6th - 8th, but this year the first weekend in December is December 1st. That's one less week for me to get there. :sad:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Boy, yesterday was a really crazy day. Started out by doing an hour of hula hoop on the Wii. Then we had the Newcomer general meeting. Come home, make some tea and off to senior bowling. After bowling (it just toakes SOOO long, some of the people are SOOO slow) had to go to a food store to pick up a fruit try and Vince needed milk. Came home, made dinner, put the fruit into a serving dish, off to play rummy-Q (and took the fruit with me), home in time to give Loki his med and then to bed. Today we're going to pick up Jessica's cats. See, she's going to TN for a friend's birthday (he just lost his father) and she doesn't trust her roommates not to close the house door, so we'll take care of them. Then when we go back up there for Thanksgiving we'll bring them back. Also, one of her cats is diabetic, she knows that we'll be diligent about giving him the insulin, she doesn't feel that her roommates would. They left the door to the house open one time and one of her cats got out -- the diabetic one. She was combing her neighborhood for the cat. Fortunately, she found it in time to give it the insulin, but she isn't so sure that her housemates would really comb the neighborhood for the cat if needed. So today's menu will be off the charts. By that I mean that there probably won't be a defined lunch or dinner. I am taking snacks in the car with me, I'm taking 2 half-turkey sandwiches with me, carrots, some V8, soy milk, dried veges, dried fruit and water.

    At rummy-O just had salad and then fruit. One lady who is having bunco at her house tonight (I won't go because I have no idea what time I'll get back) was telling me about this apple cake she'd made and also brownies. It's weird, but I just felt like that really didn't interest me at all. Have to make the desserts for Thanksgiving and also for Christmas. You know, I'm going to cut down on how much, mainly because I really have very little desire for them. That's weird for me, but good weird.

    Did 1-1/4 Jari Love DVD today. Tomorrow, water aerobics

    Nancy - welcome

    barbie - I was sad to see Gilles didn't make it to the semi-finals of DWTS. To me, his merengue would have been great.

    I'm also taking a copy of Time magazine to read in the car along with the rest of the coasters, hope I can get to work on them.

    Amanda - you're a wonderful daughter to talk your dad down so much. You're not a horrible daughter, at times when I was taking care of my father and then seeing MIL in the nursing home, I thought the same thing, too. It's natural.

    DeeDee - you know, I don't know that I'd say that Pat is "mean", I think she just wants to have things her way and no other. Some people just can't compromise, I think she's one of those. On another note, have you ever gone to Jason's Deli? There's one real cose to the furniture mart, would you like to have lunch there? Check out their website if you can. They do have healthy food and almost all of their items have the nutritionals on their website. Don't remember if it's listed on their menu, but I do remember sitting one time and checking their website on my phone. Maybe you want to come up after the holidays, when things slow down some. Your tree sounds like it's going to be just beautiful! Yes, Thanksgiving is next week -- and you know what that means, Christmas isn't far behind (but I am). Have a great lunch!

    M - you're so right in that we need fats. Fats are needed to metabolize certain vitamins. Just watch the fats and you'll be fine

    I don't remember who but I know that there's someone on here who uses the Wii body test every day. When you do it, but do the shortened version, does it still keep track of the days you were on the Wii?

    M - I'm in NC which is a pretty temperate climate. That must be why my friend's rosemary grew so big! The one thing I've found with the "fake" meats (for vegetarians) is that the sodium level can be quite high. What sources of food do you use for your protein?

    Nancy - hope the new circuit isn't too bad...lol That sounds like about one of the things that I do on the treadmill, I run for 30 seconds, fast walk for 30 seconds. Sometimes I do my HIIT on the elliptical, sprint for 30 sec. recover for 1-1/2 minute

    Laura - I always keep some shirataki noodles in my refrig. Which reminds me that I need to buy more.

    Meg - I hope you're feeling back to your old self soon

    barbie - glad you're getting your mammo.

    Welcome to all the new people. Just now I'm skimming the posts, will give Loki his med and then we're off. I do want to finish page 2 before I leave. Need to go to the bathroom, but I think I'll work on my keigels (I really don't want to go, I'll hold it in)

    Well, I'm off. Have a great day everyone. Jessica just called and asked me to bring up a TSA lock for her.

  • poohmarsh
    poohmarsh Posts: 11 Member
    Hello again.

    Work has been very busy (when is it not!). Have not been able to keep up with my post but like the accountability it provides when I do. Hope all of you are doing well. I'll go back and read when I get home.

    NSV – Finally broke down and bought new clothes because the others were too big. I was not sure what size I needed. I ended up buying a mix of 16 pants and Large and XL shirts! I was wearing 22W and 2XL! Now, one of my main goals for life is too stay out of the Women’s department. Shopping was so much easier with the smaller size (maybe too easy, I spent a lot of money!).

    My goals for October were:
    -Continue to lose 1 pound a week (fell short one week, but lost 5 for the month)
    -Get back on that bike! Exercise at least 4 days a week (Did pretty well here)
    -Try to sleep more (not always)
    -Continue trying to clean out junk (Nope.)
    -Try new healthy recipes (tried at least two)

    Looks like I didn’t do well on my October goals and November is almost over!

    My goals for November:
    -Continue to lose 1 pound a week
    -Get back in the groove with the exercise and exercise 4 days a week
    -Don’t let the holiday get me off track with my diet and exercise!

    We can survive the holidays!

  • lentigogirl
    lentigogirl Posts: 299 Member
    big Thursday smooches to everyone!
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Happy Thursday!

    Reminding myself to Think! Thrive. Be Thoughtful and Thorough. Be Thin!

    Nancy, I like that... be Tenacious about long term goals. And Terrific because we are! :bigsmile:

    I'm working so hard again at paying strict attention to foods and feeding myself properly with only 1250 calories. Not easy. But the scale is moving downwards which is a good sign. Now if I can make it through the weekend without going overboard, maybe I'll be able to lose these few pounds that have come back since August.

    M, Yoga is wonderful stuff. :wink: I was sore yesterday and had to leave early so had a day off from it. Back to it this morning.

    Michele, rosemary does grow into quite a large bush if not pruned regularly. I've seen one at the community garden that's approximately 5' x 5', huge! The bees love it in summer when it's flowering. I keep mine pruned to about 2' x 2'. When the long spikes grow in summer, it's great fun to use them for skewers when grilling chunks of chicken breast. Yum!

    I hope to do some work in the garden later this morning but not sure if the park will be open since the police are searching for a man presumed drowned after driving his truck into the swift river last night. Thank goodness a couple of fishermen were able to save the girl. Hopefully their 2 dogs made it. :cry:

    I'd best get busy. Wishing you all a wonderful day. :flowerforyou:

    :smile: jb
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Only one day away from Friday.

    Cheryl-good for you doing the Shred and no letting the hubby get ahead of you....and it was a good thing getting in the walk after that cookie attack:wink:

    MaryC-glad that you are finding that eating slower helps on the losing. I know that I too have a tendency to eat really fast and before I know it my food is gone and I have missed the pleasure of the tasting:grumble: Gotta work on that:blushing:

    Barbie-hoping your mammogram goes smoothly :flowerforyou:

    Lila-your memory might not be like it used to be but it sure must be better than mine because you managed to remember a lot of us...at least you had your ipod to check in on:drinker:

    Linda-glad you were able to get your ME time in with your busy schedule:flowerforyou:

    Liz-hoping you are able to find a solution to your work, I would love to go part time but it's just not an option:grumble:

    Amanda- I totally understand your & hubby's feelings about all that's entailed in taking care of the parents. When my Mom & Dad started their downturn in their health and I was constantly on the phone and having to plan all my free time getting to Oregon to see them and take care of issues I had at times that same feeling....now that they are both passed I sooooo miss them:cry: and wonder what I would have to be dealing with if they were still here. Their last 2.5 years were hard on all of us and I know they are better off now and with all the stress I have with my job I can say I'm glad I don't have to add their care and issues into the mix:huh: You and hubby hang in there You two aren't the only ones to have those thoughts {{hugs}} to both of you.

    Carolyn- I have two kettlebells and I do like using them. It's amazing how little you have to do to get the heart rate up:drinker:

    Nancy- your students have no idea how fortunate they are to have you as a teacher...when they get to be our ages they will remember you as the one that used to get them moving:drinker: You do set a great example with all the exercise and activities you participate in...enjoy your curling tonight:drinker:

    Cheryl- with all the exercise you are doing even if you don't meet the numbers goal I'm sure your body has changed quite a bit and it will show for your Christmas party:flowerforyou:

    Michele- you are so busy that I'm not sure I'd be able to keep up with you...until you get to your kitchen and start your baking:wink:

    Wanda- enjoy those new clothes while they fit...at the rate you are going we will be hearing that you have to go shopping again soon:wink: You November goals look pretty good.

    jb-good for you getting back into the routine and measuring your food...glad the scale is moving in the right direction:drinker:

    Last night on the way home from work stopped and visited with DIL #2 & grandsons. GS #2 is sick and has a croupy cough and all he wanted was for Grandma Laura to hold him...love cuddling my grandsons:love: We talked Thanksgiving and she will be having it at her house and it's close to hubby's work so when he gets off he can be there in 5 min, she doesn't want to do the traditional turkey dinner but rather a brunch type menu and I really don't care but her Mom does so we will see who wins on this one. If she does what she wants I'm going to have to figure out what I can bring to make it special for hubby as he really won't want to have eggs since he has them everyday right now...will have to give it some thought:ohwell:

    I finally went up to Level 2 on 30DS and I can honestly say I really didn't like a lot of the exercises although I finally did try and real push up and was able to do two...maybe tonight I will see if I can do more:huh:

    Must get to the piles, everyone have a great day...let's keep going and moving and drinking and logging our food:drinker: Let's make this holiday season the most healthy one we can.

  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    I didn't make it on here yesterday, so I apologize if some of my posts are already passe! I visited my mother-in-law and my parents both (worked on a jigsaw puzzle with my mom), and also had my book club last night. It was a pleasant day. I bought a new purse -- bronze metallic Calvin Klein. I tried to talk myself out of it, but it was just too fun. :smile: I liked that it was metallic leather instead of the cheap vinyl things they have out now. I don't want to pay for plastic when I can get a good quality leather bag instead. Today is my networking group that I help organize, followed by a doctor appointment, so there shouldn't be any eating challenges -- hooray!

    Jane Martin -- Congratulations on getting the job! I hope your first day went well.

    DeeDee -- I hope you had a great time at lunch with your friend! I'm glad that they took the shoes back and that the new ones are better. It sounds like your tree will be gorgeous! :flowerforyou: I didn't know that gremlins can be vanquished with hot tea... will have to try it. LOL

    Rose -- Congratulations on two days in a row on plan! Since I'm behind, I hope that you've now put three behind you. It gets easier as the successes mount up.

    Eileen -- It sounds like you had a great party for your son and his family. So glad you got to spend a little time with them!

    Mwheatcraft54 -- It sounds like you'll be in Denver next week?? I'd love to meet you, if you have time.

    Nancy -- I love the cozy picture of you in your Pendleton jacket and wearing sweaters that you mom made for you. It's so nice that you have them! I, too, love to wear black. It sounded like a great outfit.

    JB -- I really am enjoying your day-of-the-week letter lists. What a great idea!

    Laura -- I'm really proud of the great way that you're maintaining, and even managing to lose more! :flowerforyou: You're an inspiration. It's nice to see your achievement on your ticker.

    Glenda -- Welcome back!

    Linda Sundance -- Glad that the physical therapy is helping, and hoping that you'll feel back to normal soon.

    Cheryl -- I'm sorry that it hurts to type. Good job on doing both walking AND the shred!

    Barbie -- Glad you're having the mammogram done. It's important to take good care of yourself!

    Liz -- May today be a better day at work!

    Amanda -- I think those unwanted thoughts creep up on all of us at times. Just because they're true doesn't mean that we desire them to happen! When I get hit with them, I always say a quick prayer to "take the devil from my mind" and they usually go away.

    Wanda -- Congratulations on moving out of the women's department! :flowerforyou:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Good morning, lovely ladies! Hope that you are having a great Thursday! I have been extra busy and didn't make it to the thread at all yesterday.

    I have a question for those who have tried the fried green beans that was posted earlier in the month. I tried it, and like it, but I am wondering if it is possible to get the green beans crispy without cooking them until they are turning black and tasting a little charred. Am I doing something wrong?

    I had better get back to work - have a wonderful day! Mary
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Forgot to say thanks to M for the corn chowder recipe! :love: Yum.

    I was looking around at recipes this morning and found this little note that I thought you'd all enjoy.

    Women are Angels
    And when someone breaks our wings, our spirit, or our hearts...
    We simply continue to fly.........
    on a broomstick...
    We are flexible like that ....

    :smile: jb
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member

    I was looking around at recipes this morning and found this little note that I thought you'd all enjoy.

    Women are Angels
    And when someone breaks our wings, our spirit, or our hearts...
    We simply continue to fly.........
    on a broomstick...
    We are flexible like that ....

    :smile: jb

    I love it:bigsmile:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    lurking bump to mark how far I have read.:bigsmile:
  • whodatlixxie
    WELL - I was LOCKED out of the group :frown: but WESSECG saved the day for me and told me about that little button at the bottom of the feed. WHO KNEW that we could only put 500 messages on a train!!! Don't they know we are women and we need to get all of our words in EVERY DAY:noway:

    So between my travel/work schedule and a bridal tea for a friend's daughter I missed getting on for a few days. BUT I managed to keep my eating under control - in spite of the delicious food at the tea! How's a girl to pass up a homemade cinnamon pecan scone AND red velvet brownies AND turkey cranberry sandwiches. Well I didn't but I did demonstrate great control and I exercised too!!!!! WHEW - I guess i have come a long way when an event like the tea no longer throws me into an eating frenzy:flowerforyou:

    Saw some newbies joined us while I was "away". Hang in there ladies - it is WELL WORTH THE EFFORT!!! It is even amazing how much you can eat with reduced calories when you choose wisely:glasses:

    Hubby heading out to drive a medical van/RV to the area in NY/NJ affected by "Sandy" so our paths will not cross until Monday. I so hate it when that happens but this is a great cause and he is looking forward to the adventure and helping in this way. Praying he has good weather and safe travels and he has eyes to see needs that he might can meet along the way.

    Well better go get some work done.

    WHO DAT Lizzie
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,961 Member

    My dad was crying again today on the phone. He is convinced that he has cancer and will not be optimistic about anything. It makes me pull my hair out sometimes.

    The next thing I'm about to say is really and truly horrible and I can't believe I'm going to type it - but I need to put it out there.... Last night we were driving back from visiting my father and making arrangements to visit MIL in the nursing home after work today and my DH came out with something that shocked me. He said "Our life will be so much easier when your dad and my mum are no longer around". I was shocked, yes - but the truth is, I understood what he meant and, just for a fleeting moment agreed with him - in an unspoken way.

    Now I just feel guilty for those thoughts of course.

    Love to you all - from a nasty-thought-Amanda x

    Amanda, when my mom was ill and cranky and calling 911 for emergency medical treatment every time she had heartburn, a friend of mine said, "you know, she could go on like this for 20 years".......that thought made me crazy........that's when I realized that I had to take it one day at a time.....I understand completely the feelings that your DH expressed and it's so natural.....most people don't share it with others so we all feel bad and guilty for feeling that way......I think you are kind, loving and heroic.

    :heart: Barbie
  • lentigogirl
    lentigogirl Posts: 299 Member

    I was looking around at recipes this morning and found this little note that I thought you'd all enjoy.

    Women are Angels
    And when someone breaks our wings, our spirit, or our hearts...
    We simply continue to fly.........
    on a broomstick...
    We are flexible like that ....

    :smile: jb

    I love it:bigsmile:

    A sentimental variation of this that very much fits this group: we are all angels, but we only have one wing: we need each other to fly.
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good evening beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    M:smile: I hope you had a good time with your sister at dinner! What yummy meal did you have?

    Kathy:smile: I keep meaning to check out skinnytaste.com and I always forget:frown: , I`ve got to put it on my to do list!

    Nancy:smile: Your gratitiude to winter is imoressive! I love the comment about your new shorts!

    Laura:smile: How wonderful the "too big" pants are still too big over another pair!

    Robin:smile: Come on in and chat!!! How is Bodi and Ritter???

    Meg:smile: Good for you getting 10 min. of exercise in!!! Take care though, we don`t want you having a relaspe:noway: ! What are you going to reward yourself with after the big 30 comes off? Once they got me in the right size shoes the numbness stopped, now I have happy toes:laugh: ! I thought at first they might be laced too tight too, but wasn`t it!

    Lin:smile: Glad your laptop recovered! I do remember Sanford & Son:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: !!! How nice of you taking treats to the staff, I`m sure the really appreciated it! I`m sorry your dad is having to go through all that with the c. diff.:sad: .

    Glenda:smile: Good to see your smiling face back!!! You have been a busy busy women!!!

    Linda:smile: Glad the PT sessions are helping:flowerforyou: !

    Cheryl:smile: Yay you got a walk in and the shred!!! I`m sure you burned those cookies off!

    MaryC:smile: This is a great group of women!!!! Good for you finding a way to help you slow down your eating!!!

    Lila:smile: That book does sound fascinating, I might have to check it out. I only have 4 waiting for me to read first:ohwell: !

    I`ve got to go and finish cooking my dinner...will try to come back and finish my post later!!!

  • calmrose
    calmrose Posts: 17 Member
    I have had another great day and stayed on plan,how many is it now? 3 or 4 I think it's four days. I am not much of a cook but I have been trying some new things and am very happy with the outcome.

    Nancy - congratulations on that impressive loss of 61 pounds. That is amazing, are you still using the Atkins diet? We'd love to have you hang out here. I am pretty new too but I feel like I know these ladies already. Welcome.

    Lila - I am working my program and today I have not been hungry at all and have had not cravings for sweets. HURRAY. I had to eat a piece of rye toast this evening that I didn't really want because my calorie count is too low. I was also short on carbs so thought a slice of rye toast would be okay. I took the Ginger Roasted Carrot Bisque and added some left over squash from last night and it was delicious.

    DeeDee - yes, that's what I am aiming for "second nature" My mom bought some ice cream cones and cookies today but I didn't even look at them. What amazes me is that it wasn't difficult (at least for today). Thanks for your reminder to "drink the water"

    M - Thanks for the encouragement. I'm looking for that time when I can say that I always eat like that. I want to make it my lifestyle and quit stressing about my weight and size and just "live".

    Exermom - your day sounds just wild, makes me give thanks for my "much quieter" days. That's wonderful that you have no desire for the sweets. I'm going to get there too some day.

    Janehadji - Thanks so much for your encouragement. I did, I did, I now have 4 days ( I think it's 4 anyway) guess I'll have to check. The days go so fast I can't keep up.
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good evening again:flowerforyou:

    See if I can get caught up now.

    Carolyn:smile: I`ll be interested in hearing how you like the kettlebell, that sounds like something I might like! The dreaded plateau..it will pass:flowerforyou: !

    Nancy:smile: Hip-hopping in your new shorts, got your workout in and looked cute too!!! I like your Thursday Ts!

    Cheryl:smile: Keeping my fingers crossed for a good weigh in tomorrow!!! I`m sure you`ll look great at the Christmas party this year, just wear something more form fitting!!!

    Michele:smile: What is rummy-Q? That`s nice of you to care for Jessica`s cats while she`s gone, do they travel well? It will be after the holidays before I make it up there, I`ve already lost a week somewhere in Nov., eek, I usually already have my shopping done for Christmas by now, and this year :noway: , I`m going to try and finish it before Wed. of next week. I just hate getting in the crowds of people!!!! I do like Jason`s Deli, it`s been awhile since I`ve been there, sounds like a good plan to me!!!

    Wanda:smile: Yay - new clothes, isn`t it so much fun buying smaller sizes!!!

    Lentigogirl:smile: Come back and chat more!!! I love your variation on Jb`s note!!!

    Jb:smile: Love the Thursday T`s!!! I`ve used rosemary for skewers before, it is yummy! That`s so sad about the man who is presumed drowned, thank goodness for those fishermen!!! Love love love the note!!!

    Laura80111:smile: Hope GS#2 feels better soon:flowerforyou: ! I`m sure all that loving from grandma Laura made him feel much better! It`ll be interesting to see who wins on the Thanksgiving menu, DIL or her mom!

    Janehadji:smile: Your new purse sounds lovely!!! I love purses and shoes and now clothes too!!! Hot tea works wonders on those gremlins, I`m getting ready for a cup now!!!

    Lizzie:smile: Good for you keeping your eating under control in spite of the delicious goodies!!!

    I had a wonderful time with my friend yesterday, our lunch went from 12:30 to 3:30pm, and we had just scratched the surface...it was so nice getting caught up on everything, and it`s the first time she`s seen me since I started losing weight (she remembers me when I was a size 6), she can`t believe I still had a little over 40 pounds to go:bigsmile: . I ran home after that, fed the dog and took her out for a walk, changed clothes and then met another friend for dinner, I had 6 calories left over last night! I was very surprised and happy when I weighed this morning and the scale was down 2.3 lbs!!!!! Let`s hope it stays off!!!

    My comfy bed is calling my name, I hear it from the other side of the house, I`m not so exhausted tonight so maybe I can get a few pages of my book read! Hope you all have a wonderful night!!! Sleep well and sweet dreams!!! Until tomorrow....

  • todayandeveryday
    Hello ~ My first food diary today and I clicked on this link and saw all the weight lost and got pretty excited !! Seriously hope that I am able to do as well as all of you are doing !! Congratulations so working hard and sticking with it, it's never an easy thing to change habits. Take Care, Andrea
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Hi todayandevery - you're in the right place.

    Thanks for crossing stuff for me - I didn't have the lowest calorie consumption this week but I did have the most exercise. Hopefully tomorrow I will see 162.4. I did walk at lunch today and shredded, and ate my salmon.

    Good night everyone.
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Good Evening,

    Can't believe it's going to be Friday already! Time seems to be flying! Tomorrow is the last day at my temp job but I feel a lot worse for the great women I met at MDA while working there, because they are losing their permanent jobs since the site is closing. Non-profits are seeing a great deal of funding cuts these days unfortunately. Looking forward to having a little time off to catch up with things and hopefully on to another job. I am very proud of myself that after work I am getting in a walk with my boys! I'm up to a half hour now before my foot and leg start flaring up!:smile: I would have never been able to make all this progress without the support I've gotten here!:flowerforyou:

    Take care,
