

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    I don`t have time to check in with everyone this morning, but I have read all the posts!!!!

    Welcome to the newbies:flowerforyou: Come in often and chat with us!!! This is the best group of women on MFP!!!!

    I need to get myself ready for the day, meetings and grocery store:frown: , seems I forgot items when I went yesterday, even with my list:embarassed: . Tonight it`s Apple Squash soup, yum, I`ve been tasting for that for awhile now, so i know it`ll be tasty!!! Better than the mess I had last night...I attempted an omelet, it turned out to be a scrambled mess with no flavor whatsoever:noway: :angry: !

    Hope you all have a great day!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Good Monday morning!

    Working from the iPad again, so won't try to reply to your posts. I have read everything though, and do enjoy keeping up with your news. I don't think I've posted since Thursday...

    Thursday night was curling, our regular skip was away and we got decimated by the other team, a true wipe out of a game...good practice, though. Saturday was busy with a workshop for Church prayer leaders and a dinner club gathering. Indian food, oh yummy! Sunday I got lots of Christmas decorations up, working around DH's plumbing & heating system repairs.

    Yesterday was J'boys B'day. He chose fried chicken w/ mashed potatoes & peas plus ice cream cake. Oh dear!

    Yes, you are correct, I missed logging food & exercise for two days and though I did not think I was too far over the bar my weight has spiked way up, so it's back on track today.

    My students have an end of term fitness assessment first thing today, so I'll be tuned up and ready to go when my turn comes after school.

    High ho, off to work we go...

  • carojrrn
    carojrrn Posts: 69 Member
    Morning ladies!

    I am checking in briefly to mark my spot for later. I have not caught up on the posts but will try later tonight....I had a wonderful holiday with the family and will give more details later. I took today off from work to recoup from the trip and DH is home as well....Heading to the store after planning my meals!!!

    Take care,
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Manipulate this Monday into a Masterpiece. One day at a time, we can do it.

    I didn't make the stuffed peppers yesterday, and I'm not sure if I'll have time to do that this week. I'll save the recipe, though. It sure sounds good. I bet regular bell peppers would work just fine. I fixed a veg/beef stew and made foccacia bread yesterday afternoon. It's a dangerous bread, but I did ok with it. I thought what the heck, I didn't have chips or sweets or wine, so I can have a couple slices of foccacia. Today it's back to veggie-ville! Remember the Salad Sistas? Goodness, they've been quiet lately. I'll knock on thier doors and see if I can roust them up again.

    Time is short this morning. Have a great day everyone!

    :smile: jb

    You have to make a choice to take a chance, or your life will never change.
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Good Morning to the wonderful women of November,

    It is cold and cloudy Monday here in SWO, but I hope it is sunny and bright wherever you are. There is remarkable recovery in this group, and I look forward to the daily struggles and victories you all post!

    I loved the ways that people integrate their burns into their daily lives, it is very heartening. No horses here in my small city, but I would like to think that such a ride would be a great treat,,,,luckily, we are surrounded by wonderful rural farms and stables. Perhaps it can be a treat when I reach an important goal, meanwhile the photo can be an inspiration.

    Barbie I loved this quote "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT." I have copied it, along with JB's "Winning, No Whining..." quote into my daily log! Yes, I often avoid eating at social events to concentrate on socializing....these are lunches and meals that are one to one. One strategy I use is to eat at a favourite local where I know I can get seared tuna steak and salad....but I also take your idea to up the activity level that week...
    all your advice is useful as I enter the holiday season.

    JB- I think the baseball leagues are the only ones who have figured out how not to go on strike....thank goodness, it is my mother's favourite sport to watch!

    We watched the 100th Grey Cup, and while I was delighted that Toronto won, it was such an uneven game, To trounced Calgary without much opposition. We were all expecting a tough competition. The Beibs, yes,that kid, who is from a town a few miles away, performed, and poor thing, got booed by the crowd....bet that does not happen often. Die hard football fans are not usually tweenie girls!

    Today, will be completing essays and getting back out with the dog, it has been a week since the flu felled me! I am also tackling some difficult issues with my degree completion...wish me luck!

    Best to you all, have a marvellous Monday!
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Hoping all had a wonderful weekend...it's back to the grind Monday:sad:

    Just popping in to let you know I survived the long weekend. So glad I had worked on my extra "holiday" pounds and I used them and am now back to below my goal weight and will work on a few extras to have for the Christmas Holiday. I did complete my 30 days on the 30 DS...there were times when I thought I wouldn't. I can't say that I see that much difference and I know I didn't lose very many inches, but I did feel it was a good complete workout. I may use the DVD for every other day and do cardio in between. The one place I know there is great improvement is in my arms and shoulders, they look more defined:wink:

    Spent the weekend decorating the house finished it last night and am getting read to do the same here at the office.

    I will try and check in later today during my lunch and see how caught up I can get with all of you...there are quite a few pages so we will see.

    Lets all have a successful day logging, moving and drinking our water.:drinker:

  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Wow was here once already this morning and so many of you great ladies were here.

    Squash soup sounds wonderful don't believe i've ever had it . Going to have to google a recipe. Love soups

    Mazoron Fried rice and mashed potatoes and ice cream cake funny combination. I did a lot of catering in my day but never had to make that menu lol.

    Caro Planning is a great word in this adventure. Plan to plan or plan on failing they say.

    JB Stews just love them and what's good is it's better next day.

    BJ It is hard enough for a young preformer to get on stage. He sure don't need to be booed. There not all Justin Biebers.

    Well so far today has been good. But now need to get off my touch and get mobile. The maids can't fill themselves. Washer, dryer and dish washer need to get mobile also. LOL.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    We had a wonderful "Christmas" with our kids on Saturday, and took my son and his fiance to the airport this morning. We'll see them again soon because their wedding is coming right up. I've waited a long time for my son to find the right woman, and he's done a great job. We all like her.

    I've been having a tough time with my calorie intake while we've been here. There is too much opportunity to be naughty. I can control my environment much better at home. I'd better learn how to deal with travel, though, because we won't be home until after the wedding. I'm nervous about the message I'll get the next time I step on a scale.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Good morning!!
    Have a good one.Feeling a little better,just dizzy.
  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    Oh my, so ,many posts! I can not POSSIBLY catch up on so many pages of reading so guess I will just go forward from here.

    It has been a struggle the last couple of weeks - sticking to the plan, getting the exercise in, having structured, sit-down meals. It has been crazy busy and I have had a week of computer issues and days of no internet.....yikes, we get pretty dependent on the technology! Hopefully it will be resolved soon. PLUS the pool where I go for aquacise has shut down for maintenance for three weeks!!

    But here I qam, proclaiming that I WILL get back to a routine of some sort and will make good choices in eating and activity this week. My goal for November was to survive, right?!

    Keeping on....
    DMOMofTHREE Posts: 55 Member
    All caught up, marking my spot for later :drinker:
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: It's now afternoon and I have finally caught up the posts from last Wed to today....

    From the sound of everyone's posts there was a lot of good food all over....now back to working out and getting those pounds off:drinker:

    I had my plan and kept to it over my 4 days off work. I completed the 30 DS and will have to see how to incorporate some of those exercises into my regular weeks. Eating over the four days was done in moderation for somethings and excess in others but as of today am back on track so that's a good thing.

    Thank you everyone for the congrats to my hubby on getting the promotion. He will be working M-F 7-3:30 and will have benefits and once those take affect I will be scheduling my mammogram & pap as that hasn't happened in almost 2 years. Hubby survived working Thanksgiving & Black Friday, he said it was crazy busy even on Thanksgiving...can't imagine what's so important that you have to go buy it on a holiday.

    I did spend my weekend decorating the house and it's complete and so is the office here at work. I did want to make my holiday candies this week but hubby doesn't want me to make them so early ( I usually make them Thanksgiving weekend) because he's afraid he has no will power to say no and to keep out of it:grumble: so I'm afraid it will be the last minute and I will be stressed...I'm trying to figure out how I can get it done and keep him out of it...any suggestions:huh: He did really well over the weekend and is back on track and he's afraid he will derail his hard work.

    Everyone have good evening.


    PS I changed my profile pic of the platter that I took to my Sons for our Thanksgiving meal...it was a hit and full of healthy choices.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Linda Sundance - so glad you had such a good time at the wedding! Had you met the family before?

    Did 30 min of yoga this morning then took the extremepump class. I really wish the gal would start on time, or if she can't, then run the class longer. Even if she has to leave, another gal could probably do the stretching. Tomorrow I'll do a downloadable workout for the spin bike that I have. Haven't done that in a while.

    Just took inventory of all the gifts I have for the kids so far and am hoping to be able to get the rest bought online today. Unless I see something that really hits my eye, I'd prefer to avoid the traffic

    Lin - I use the Wii for the daily body test and also sometimes for the balance games or training or pilates. I have the "Fit in Six" game (it was cheap so that's why I got it). I also use "My Fitness Coach". What I like about that is that you can set how long you want to work out, 15min, 30, 45, 1hr, 1-1/2 hr. I've put the Wii Zumba on my wish list from Amazon and sent that to the kids for my christmas list. I've just found that to be so much easier. Wish others would do that, too

    Going tonight to play mahjongg. Will want to leave early and do some food shopping for the things on sale. Vince needs cereal and there's a good sale on. Don't know when I'll be back up that way. I usually take my 34oz cup with me of hot tea and drink it all.

    bjmcq - I know I'm thick. What is the Gray Cup? That's not hockey, I know that. Hockey is the Stanley Cup.

    jane - hope you feel better fast. You've been dizzy for a while now, is this normal for you?

    Glenda - i hate it when the pool has to close down. Even tho I use it only once/week, I still hate it. Guess what you have to do is do some other form of cardio.

    Bryan is supposed to call Wed, our time around 9:30 - 10a.m. I was planning to go to yoga and then deep water at 8:30 but it looks like I'll just do 1/2 hr of yoga and then swim some laps and take 1/2 of the deep water class so that I'm home in time for his call.

    Laura - can you make your candy and keep them in a non-see-thru container in a cabinet or your pantry? Will the candy freeze? You can make it and keep it in the freezer. Therefore, out of sight for hubby and out of mind.

    Well, off to mahjongg. Everyone have a great evening.

    Got a lot accomplished today. Got everything ordered that I wanted, just have to buy a couple of gifts, even finished the outlining of all the coasters now I have to put this piece of yard on the tops of the ornaments (2 on each coaster), then I'm done. They're for a gift for a friend, I figure we'll give them to her along with a bottle of wine.

  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    kateryn Don't worry about the scale. It will still be there when you come home

    Jane Hope your feeling better soon.

    Glenda It is one heck of a struggle at times. No one said this was to be an easy road.

    Hi Mom of three

    Laura There's an easy solution to the candy just skip a year. They will appreciate them more next year.

    Well today I have had a great day food wise and exercise also..
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,195 Member
    Good day ladies - did everyone check out the Cyber Monday deals?? Several times today I tried to get to a deal on Amazon and by gosh, I couldn't! The deal wouldn't load, I think that's a sign of high volume on that web site. Quite a deal on the Kindle Fire today. Chit and chat. I did order a clearance coat from Land's End. If it doesn't fit or it's hideous I can take it back to Sears so I decided to chance it.

    Wishing everyone a back in the groove week with healthy eating choices!!



    So now we have two Lin(s) here! I'm just plain Lin. REALLY plain Lin. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi everyone. All the holiday hoopla is behind us now and we can get back to normal yay!!! Well at least for a while. Had clinical today; it was pretty quiet as I had only 4 students. One was ill and I sent 2 to the operating room to watch an open heart surgery. It was really neat today; first snow of the season. We only had flurries in the morning, but it gave everything a festive look.:smile:

    Well the oddest thing happened to me and I am giving you permission to laugh. I went to sit down in my recliner and tried to twist backwards to plug in my laptop kind of at the same time, and the recliner and I toppled over sideways. I wiped out the glass coffee table next to me, which then took out the next recliner. Then I started laughing and was stuck. DD#2 came to help me but she was worthless because she was laughing so hard. I finally extricated myself and think I have a big bruise on my leg! So that was my adventure for the day!:laugh:

    Bjmcq: Go Leafs! Now you will have to be part of Husker nation and cheer for the Nebraska cornhuskers, but I doubt you get their games (football). Justin Bieber is a Canadian? I just thought he was a girl.:tongue:

    CodyLee: welcome to our group. Come back often!:flowerforyou:

    Jen: glad you had a great holiday with family and friends. That is what it’s all about.

    Wessecg: oh all that hay is a ton of work! You and your horse look fabulous!

    Jane: hope you are feeling better!:flowerforyou:

    Barbie: great quotation and so right on!

    Michele: I have always substituted the two liquors 1:1. I only put about ¼ cup in the potatoes and the taste was very mild.

    Liz: outdoor decorations seem to be a theme here! Our neighborhood is slowly coming to light. I always enjoy that part of Christmas (Otherwise I don’t really like the holiday) and all our neighbors leave the lights on all night, so when you get up at night
    and look outside, you have such a pretty view.:happy:

    Linda: so glad to hear that you are getting better daily. :flowerforyou: I think going to the gym is a great idea right after dropping off the girls. I noticed our local Y was PACKED this morning as I was heading to work at 6.

    LinC: we have a wii too and plan to get the wii fit; someone else here uses that too.

    DeeDee: I left you a message about omlettes on your home page, but in case you didn’t see it, here it is again. here's how I do it: chop up what ever veggies you want and saute them first. When they are tender-crisp, pour your eggs or egg and milk mix over the top of them. Cook until the eggs are just about set then add cheese on top if you want cheese. Alternatively, you can cook the eggs first then put the veggies on top, but they will be practically raw. When everything is done, thats when you fold the omlette. If the eggs are taking too long, lift up an edge and let some liquid run behind the eggs.

    Nancy: I guess I forgot you curled. What a fun looking sport. I’d love to try it around here but we barely have any ice sports.

    JB: your word play still makes me smile!:happy:

    Laura: what DVD do you use? Jillian Michaels? You new pic looks delicious!

    Katla: stay strong! See if you can work in a little extra exercise.

    Glenda: good to see you here and that you are surviving!

    Well I am off to change and get on the elliptical. My DD made some cookies and I had one, so that wasn’t too bad. Did ok otherwise today but I need to start drinking way more water. OK I’m off. You know what they say “Fail to plan and you plan to fail.” I need to think about what to take for tomorrow’s lunch! Take care, Meg:drinker:
  • codylee98
    codylee98 Posts: 37 Member
    Thanks for such a warm welcome..I read all your posts and am really looking forward to getting to know all of you.
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Hello to all the lovely ladies out there….:flowerforyou:
    Spent yesterday doing Christmas lights, had to hotwire the deer after I figured out which light socket was a dud. Guess it’s time to retire the deer after this season. I’m still looking for the lighted moose I saw in someone’s yard a couple of years ago.
    Dogs and I had a couple of nice rambles yesterday, the weather was so nice and sunny (cold though).

    Laura – what a gorgeous platter, so colourful and well designed as well as being healthy. I misread "candles" for "candies" and couldn’t figure out why your husband was so concerned about them – really better go get my eyes checked:blushing:

    Meg – I’m going to have to wander around the house at night to see if the neighbours leave the Xmas lights on all night.

    LinC – glad you had a great day – keep it up.:happy:

    Glenda – sounds like you survived the month just fine, even with all the gremlins.

    JaneM – hope you feel better quickly.

    Bhmcq – nice puppy profile. I felt sorry for the Beebs getting booed, bad manners of the crowd for sure. Got to wonder what the planners were thinking to have him and Carly Rae and mix it up with Lightfoot (and OMG does he look rough!!!!) About the Leaf Nation in Vancouver, yeah, they migrate to the west coast but keep the home town

    JB – focaccia is a nice treat, I’m okay with that but give me Naan bread and I’ll eat until it’s all gone. :bigsmile:

    Michele – what is the apple cider vinegar / carb connections?

    LindaSundance – glad your hands and arms are feeling better, and hope the new PT works wonders for you.

    Well I’d better go wrap the presents to mail to DD2 in Holland tomorrow. It’s just about as much to mail them as to buy them but I can’t bear to think of her not having presents on Christmas morning.

    Have a good evening ladies and chug that water....:drinker:

  • muabsuen
  • junerbooner
    junerbooner Posts: 188 Member
    Hello Ladies, Just checking in to let you know that I made it through the multiple Thanksgiving Dinners that I had to cook this week. I am very pleased with myself in staying with my eating in moderation and not stressing out goals!! I gained one pound and had it off by today (Monday). I hope to lose one more pound by Dec.1, However, I made my Nov. goal weight and I'm OK, regardless, with what I have lost so far. I failed to finalize my log Wednesday, but MFP helps me so much in keeping track of calories consummed on a daily basis. Hope everyone had a safe and happy Thanksgiving. Now, to make it through Christmas! :bigsmile: