

  • lentigogirl
    lentigogirl Posts: 299 Member
    well done not getting a blizzard. They are pretty much irresistible.
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Cheryl- another holiday lunch:noway: Too many of those and I'm afraid I would lose my will power. I'm pretty good for short periods and if too much fun stuff is around then it starts to call to me:grumble:

    Meg- sorry your Dad is having KGB issues...reminds me of my MIL several years ago when she was in the hospital she was convinced that the nurses & doctors were buying and selling babies:noway: And was telling everyone to call the police and report them. My thoughts on the 30 DS....I really liked it although I didn't follow it to the letter. When I finally moved to level 3 I found that it really hurt my knees so I went back to level 2 and I found that I was doing the exercises for the 'beginner' as some of them were just a bit too hard for me. I did get a good sweat up every time I did it though. I bought it at Walmart several years ago and now that I've done it I will continue to use it to keep me in shape.

    Viv- so how are you liking the 30 DS? I just completed it on Sunday and at times I wasn't sure I'd make it to the end of 30 days but I did:happy:

    Linda- glad that you have found that mornings are your time for exercise, getting it done early in the day is a great way to tackle it so you have those calories for any extra eating during the day.:wink:

    Kathy-sorry you are having a frustrating day...but glad that just reading here lifts your spirits:drinker: Turning down a blizzard...that's great but I would be tempted by their iced coffee's...they are so yummy and over the top in calories:noway:

    Continue on everyone, we are half way through this day...let's continue on to healthier lives:drinker:

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Hope everyone is enjoying their Tues.Today is A Violet day.Feeling better.
    Will catch up later.
    Cookies in the oven.
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    good evening everyone,
    hope you all had a productive Tuesday...I finished all the essays I have, waiting for 3 more tomorrow...and got some sticky business done! Fear, ain't it awful! Then I was free, really free, to go and walk my heart out. So I did. Will feel it tomorrow, I fear.
    Well, one of us will, but not the woof, he just brought his toy over the minute we got home and wanted a major chase session!

    Having problems finding more calories to eat after that burn...the need to eat more seems to bunch up at the end of the day at times, which is frustrating...especially since my dinner and last snack are usually only an hour and a half apart. I stay up to watch John Stewart in part to delay going to bed to try to make it a two hour gap before last snack and bed!

    Meg, I thought I should reply to your query...yes.... that LIGHTFOOT ! Perhaps the only Easterner the West does not hate (in Canada, and does not include BC, Sasha !) His voice has become quite reedy with age. You may not have heard this, but all his original tracks were remastered last year, and DH put it on his Xmas list this year. So you can get newer, clearer versions of his classics. In addition to his past partying, he has also had some real illness, which has never been disclosed. He was so frail about two years ago, the news reported he died after he went into the hospital! That was a hoot. He has a mansion in Rosedale, (Toronto) but he is known to be quite reclusive. So little info about him escapes. So glad you like his music! He is an original.

    Jane - what is a Violet day?
    Someone mentioned a different kind of yoga, which I meant to look up...?

    cheers, BJ
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    A Violet day is a day I hang out with my GD -Violet,every Tues.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Meg - I can just see you on the floor! Hilarious. Glad you weren't badly hurt, tho

    Lila - I find that the apple cider vinegar squelches the carb cravings. After a while of not having them I don't really care for them. In the meantime, whenever I get an urge for refined carbs, apple cider vinegar seems to do the trick, I no longer crave it (at least temporarily)

    muabsuen - welcome! Everyone on here is more than helpful. What are your questions?

    Wouldn't it be nice if there weren't these special savings on just one day but multiple days?

    DeeDee - I have to get Denise a mattress pad, but I'm waiting until someplace has them on sale and I have a coupon. We will need to get a bottle of wine for a friend of ours, but Vince needs to look downstairs, we may have one.

    Liz - when I feel like I'm slowly falling into the "refined carbs" trap, I just have a bit of apple cider vinegar. Maybe it's the bitterness of it, but whatever it squelches the urge. I, too, plan out my menu for the following week and try to do the bulk of the cooking on Sat. or Sun. Then all I have to do is heat up leftovers. Plus....no mess (except microwave)

    Had a Newcomer board meeting. It was at this one lady's house, which is pretty far from here. The problem seems to be that she doesn't have that big a dining room. I mentioned that if ever there is a problem, we can hold the meeting at my house, I have a large dining room table. I took an egg casserole (sausage, egg, mushrooms, tomatoes, bisquick and milk) with me and also a dirt pie because Vince won't eat anything with egg in it.

    M - congrats on the fantastic loss! Awesome that you're in the "normal" BMI range. Sounds like you had a lovely weekend

    DeeDee - I made a deal with Vince, I'd grow my hair long if he'd get his cut. I thought by always putting it into a ponytail he'd eventually feel "well, I don't get to see it anyway" and I could get it cut. No Go, unfortunately. Now I threaten that if he doesn't keep his hair trimmed, I'm going to cut mine. I hate it long, what a pain especially when I'm exercising

    Nancy - I love reading all about what you do with the children. You are an inspiration to them, that's for sure.

    beefoutz - welcome. Losing 8 pounds is great!

    Laura - Vince retired from Mars, Inc (you know, M&M's, Snicker, etc). Chocolate can be frozen, but if it's frozen for a long time (like a year) it'll get a white dusting (sort-of) on the top of it, but that won't affect the flavor. If your candy is chocolate, you can in all probability freeze it. Now sugar candy (like Starburst, Skittles) can't be frozen without damage to its texture.

    bj - bryan had this one English teacher in high school who used to make him do things like use proper grammar, etc. He really didn't like it. However, when he got to college, he commented that he was about the only one who knew how to write a decent essay and he thanked that teacher.

    Laura - happy birthday to your aunt. That's just awesome! She sounds like a wonderful woman to have in your life

    I'm going to try to avoid as many holiday lunches as possible. I know that I can't avoid the Newcomer holiday social (I just will eat the turkey), a friend invited us to a dinner/dance at his Moose club. He's invited us a few times before and we haven't been able to go, so I think we should go this time. Another friend is having an open house. I just finished the coasters for them, now to get a bottle of wine. I made a bookmark for the wife of the guy who invited us to the dinner/dance and I'll make a pumpkin beer bread. Wonder how that'll be? He likes his beer, so he can tell me. I'll probably also make some snickerdoodles to take to the open house. I'm really going to try to let that be IT.

    After the board meeting got my car inspected, then stopped at Aldi's for a few things since that was on my way, then to Office Depot to get a calendar like I get every year and give to Vince to give to me, then stopped at Hallmark. I'd gotten a card for a free ornament, but while I was there I saw these cutest cards for the kids and a chocolate calendar for Vince. He love his chocolate.

    Did an hour of a spinning downloadable workout. Tomorrow I'll do about 1/ 2 an hour of yoga, then swim some laps, then 1/2 of the deep water class. Bryan is supposed to call at 9:30-10 our time and I want to be here for that

    Off to take a shower and watch DWTS. I feel that this all star show shouldn't have had anyone who had won before, it should be only for those that hadn't. But that's just me.

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Wow so many to answer to i'm not even going to attempt it. Maybe a few that I remember lol.

    Nancy getting a bunch of 12 year old active what a challenge. Good for you.

    Jb I love baked veg. but I like to add spices and try different oil like sesame something with flavour. I do like olive to. Any good oil is good for you.

    Dee dee you wouldn't want to sit with me for an afternoon and talk about the foolish things i've done in this lifetime. I could write a book.

    Tiara won't be long before the bodies fill the middle of the bed. Absence makes the heart grow foonder.

    Katila I don't like flying neither. You don't see nothing flying I love driving to where I'm going.

    Texas gal you will see onederland for Christmas with me.

    Meg i seen a good idea for lunches today on a talk show Marylyn something or other. They were making all kinds of salads in mason jars.

    Ok as for me I had another great day. That is 5 done and a lifetime to go.
    Went to diabetic counsellor today and was very pleased but I asked her questions she couldn't answer but she found the answers for me. Like how much carbs is to much. Anything under 150 is good and you don't want to go to low it plays with your brain functions. Don't need that to happen. I see someplaces on here where they say they have 50 carbs. Everyone is different but to go to low on anything is not good.

    I have it fixed here to lose 1 lb a week and i'll be very happy with that. She says 10 to 15 lbs in 3 months will make a difference in my blood readings. So I'm going to do it. I know I have a tough month ahead of me but I will do the best I can. Two suppers the first week of Dec. but clear sailing after that.

    With all of you here pushing me to lose weight I have to do it.
  • junekaatz
    junekaatz Posts: 119 Member
    Good morning ladies, … no, now it is nightfall, I got interrupted..

    Certainly up early this morning as DH is as quiet as a hippo, he is going hunting today. He has four days left and I hope he manages to bag a deer as the freezer is getting mighty empty. I bought a meat grinding attachment to my kitchen machine and had a friend’s son try it out as they caught their deer. Apparently it works well but trouble was when he returned it; he left it outside the back door without telling us. It was out there three days in the snow and cold before we found it. Lol!

    I admire all you gals getting your houses all decorated for the festive season but I won’t even try decorate as long as I have my cutting board and sewing machine set up on the living room/dining room area. Trying hard to get the Christmas sewing done and it would go so much faster if The Royal Miss Cinnamon Buns didn’t feel she had to be a shoulder ornament every time I sat down (nothing like a flipping tail in my face to obscure the vision). This cat is driving me crazy, if she isn’t on me, she is sneaking on to the fabric or patterns, stealing my tools or just making a nuisance of herself. She got into bad habits from my wheelchair days and I cannot break her of them as much as I have tried.

    On a good note, I have almost cleared enough of the flood boxes in the storage room to actually be able to reach the Christmas decorations so that is progress in itself!

    I agree the half time show for the Grey Cup was far, far less than expected. For heaven’s sake, this was the100th Anniversary of our game not some Teen Idol show!! Good grief, they really missed the mark on this one, shame on them. Poor Gordon Lightfoot, while his is a Canadian icon, he looked like he would keel over at any time.

    As for husbands and and their opnions of our hair …. don't get me started! Amanda do your thing, he'll get over it.

    Speaking of husbands, no deer for my dear! I guess I better haul the roast beast out of the oven and feed the man.

  • momara777
    Hi, just re-joined myfitnesspal. I am working with a trainer to help keep me on track. I am having trouble believing that it is possible to lose weight after 50. seems I'm one step forward, two steps back. - - - this is my last try at it, then I give up.
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Wow I am caught up on the posts so much its great. Yet I am not going to try to catch up today. This was my 1st day back to work after being off for 5 days. It was also volunteer day so lots of walking and we had to clean all of the chairs in various rooms plus our normal stuff. They are getting ready for audit I was like you do know these guys are volunteers. Everyone did a great job.

    tomorrow my group is 5 of the hardest and the most aggressive not too sure why you would make a group like this but there it is. I sort of have an attutude problem about this. I know I need to be grateful for a job. yet on last Wednesday 1 of the get so upset they smack there staff and fellow client. We had to restraind them. I guess they think I can handle it and am sure I will be ok just upsets me. I am tired so this is just more upsetting.

    One of my bright spots is coming in the evening and catching up on the posts. I am sorry about not responding to each one I will try tomorrow or maybe later tonight.

    Wishing you all a good night!
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Good evening everyone, hope the Tuesday was good for everyone.

    Kate – Mookers also likes to attack the patterns, eat the straight pins, jump on me while I am doing a tricky bit of sewing, absolutely anything to get attention. She is a cat terrorist at the moment. When she wants me to chase her – she scratches the sofa (and that wonderful scratch deterrent stuff DOES NOT WORK).

    Michele – so do you just take a teaspoon of cider vinegar, or mix it with water? I haven’t had snickerdoodles since I was in grade 5.

    BJ – Lightfoot is an icon, even here in BC - lol. When I was young and hitching and living in Europe, you could always find the Canadians because they would be surrounding some guy with a guitar, all singing Lightfoot. I bet I can still do the whole Canadian Railroad Trilogy or the Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald without breaking a beat. I read somewhere a few years ago (well, maybe longer) that liver disease was the problem (didn’t say if it was Hepatitis or Cirrhosis though). I’m not sure our American friends will agree that the Grey Cup is like the SuperBowl, after all, the CFL only has 6 teams (I think, or have the Alouettes resurrected themselves). As you may have deduced from the last comment, I don’t really follow football – lol.

    Meg – tell your DH that tools and equipment always react well to a good curse! It must have taken me an hour to find out which darned light socket wasn’t working. When I found it I just cut it off and capped the wires back together – voilà. How’s the trapeze star feeling today?

    Laura – what a cool idea – a 3 pot crock – what will they think of next? I’m still looking for the hot soup blender thing (Vitamix?). I love appliances.

    Nancy – yup, you have to specify which Gordie, after all Gord Downie is also an icon (and his voice is still holding up last time I saw the Hip). Love the pride of place to the Playmobile Little People – we still have a ceramic Santa my daughter made at about 5 years old and people still ask what it is on my mantel. I don’t have to put out the crèche this year though, the new family across the street put out a life size one on their lawn that I can just gaze across at – how cool is that? Congratulations for making such a difference in your students’ fitness. I don’t think we realized how important it is then, I hope kids are more knowledgeable about it now.

    M – so glad you had a great ski vacation and wonderful how fit you are now. I’m looking forward to a new experience this year skiing (new foot and new weight and new agility- YAY). Wow – good for you being in the normal BMI range.

    Well, had a really nice 30 minute video chat with my daughter DD2 today in Holland. Thank goodness for Google. I sent her parcel (outrageous cost) and we decided that her main present will be a bicycle (seeing she is the only person in Holland without one I think). I never bought her one for Christmas as a child (she didn’t really like riding much) but now she wants a good one – better late than never.

    Well, time to go and chat with DD1 and find out how she is feeling today – she took a nasty fall and has a bunch of stitches in her back. I wanted to hop a plane but I have to remember she is an adult and I am a mother of an adult so mommy can’t kiss and make everything better like when she was little.

    Time to go and make dinner. Have a good evening ladies and keep the carb cooties under control.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member

    :flowerforyou: Welcome :bigsmile: the longest journey starts with a single step.

    :bigsmile: begin with what you already know about healthy eating and plan your meals for tomorrow and post them on your food diary page...don't worry about calories...just make the decision to follow the plan no matter what

    :bigsmile: get out of your chair and go for a short walk

    :flowerforyou: read this thread and write a reply and tell us about your day.

    :bigsmile: Barbie from NW Washington
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    NSV--of sorts. I went shopping with DH today, bought dinner fixings for family dinner at the kids-including the crockpot to cook it in, and as we walked down the aisle in Walmart he said, "I've been looking at your pants, trying to figure out what's wrong with your butt. Then I realized your pants are baggy. Your butt shrank. We need to get you new ones." He's a silver tongued devil, but I'll keep him. :wink:
  • mch1956
    mch1956 Posts: 62 Member
    Love Gordon Lightfoot, brings back good memories.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I love Gordon Lightfoot......I have "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald" on my current playlist on my phone and I listen to it at least once a day while I'm walking my dogs....I guess I'll just remember him the way he was and not how he is today.
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    I also love GL and will remember him as he was. I have listened to his music while walking, cleaning, relaxing,... for many years.
    Deb A
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Hi, just re-joined myfitnesspal. I am working with a trainer to help keep me on track. I am having trouble believing that it is possible to lose weight after 50. seems I'm one step forward, two steps back. - - - this is my last try at it, then I give up.

    Don"t give up! I have battled my weight all of my adult life, but am within a few pounds of my goal weight now at almost 58 years old. A year ago I was where you are now, but through learning how to eat well, exercise more, and change my thinking so I could make healthy decisions, I have finally found a new lifestyle that will keep me healthy for life. Everyone here on this thread has great experience and faces similar challenges. Someone can always come up with ideas to help your journey easier. Keep coming back, ask questions, and celebrate your victories. This is a very motivating and supportive group of women.
    Good luck to you.
    Deb A
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Have to love thsi thread such a bunch of caring ladies. Hope I can get to know you all. But i'm still just a beginner at this.

    Had a great day yesterday. And up early this morning two maids at work all ready. Washer and dryer are their names. Dishwasher is waiting for me to do my thing and she'll be at work also.

    Today I need to get out for a good walk. Maybe do some wii. Yesterday was a run around afternoon. But I had a very lazy morning.
    oh well I like lazy time me time I even went and had a nice sit in the jacuzzi it's a five man one so room for exercise in there.

    Momma We say we want to give up but down deep we never do. I've been yo yoing for years now they say i'm a diabetic. Fault of my own I had many warnings but didn't listen. Don't do like I did. And I won't say do I say not as I do. Because I didn't do it yet. Still only say.

    LizMil Don't worry about coming and responding to one and all there's a lot of us here and need to come five times a day to keep up LOL. Just come with your coffee and report in.

    Kate Darn cats hard on the furniture. I have two little dogs and neither is interesting in sewing LOL.

    Lila Your daughter will be thrilled with a new bike.
    Hope daughter is ok from her fall and didn't injure her back to bad.

    Katla Men have funny ways of giving compliments. Smile and accept it.

    So it's on with my day. I have two great big black labs to care for. Hubby went and got them at my sons house. He had to go work out of town for the week and I just didn't like to see them alone. Poor dogs.

    So make it a great day and it's tops for me tonight. We have a holistic practioner coming in to talk about. You don't lose your weight you give it away. Because when you lose something you look to find it. So anxious for that. It might help a bunch of us yo yoer's.
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Wonderful Wednesday! :happy:

    What’s up for today? Circuit class tonight :explode: I skipped last week because my back was bothering me. Now, I am just about, almost, nearly 5’1” tall. How can I have a bad back? It’s just silly. Tall people get back problems. I am getting better now. So, circuit class tonight.

    Since I don’t have to go to the gym after work I’ll come home and continue wrapping gifts – I enjoy it if I give myself enough time, there’s nothing worse than wrapping things on Christmas eve.

    School plans? Oh, I don’t know. Keep them busy :ohwell: they have band today so I get an hour of prep time to finish off report cards and plan some intense and entertaining activities for the next couple of weeks.

    Laura, have you decided what to do with the candy?

    Meg, Thanks for being a Gordon Lightfoot fan. My DH used to sing his songs,:love: they are the soundtrack of my early married days.

    Lila, sounds like you grew up in the Great Gordon days too! Don’t get me started on Stan Rogers! Both our kids can sing “The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald” because DH sang them to sleep with it for years when they were little. Kind of macabre for a bed time lullaby :noway: , if you think of it!

    Liz, I hope your day with the tough group went OK. I am sure the reason you are assigned there is because the management know you can handle it. Truth be told, just because a person can handle something doesn’t mean a person wants to do it, right? Hang in there.

    Wizzywig, good to hear from you. :drinker:

    Linda-Sundance, I agree, morning workouts are better. Not too early though, that’s asking a bit much!

    Katia49 – you better keep that man, he’s still looking at your butt and he wants to get you a new pair of pants! :drinker: Yahoo!

    LinCharpentier, I like your idea “we don’t loose weight, we give it away because where we loose something we go looking for it” I am sure not looking for any of the pounds I’ve left behind in the last year and a half!

    I think it will be a tropical (green) smoothie this morning!

    Hasta pronto,

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Glad for hump day Wednesday,

    Michele- thanks for the freezing chocolate tip. Maybe I will make the basic part tomorrow night when hubby is at work, then he won't even know I've made it....it needs to sit at room temp for a day so I may just hide it upstairs in my craft/sewing room ..he never goes in there:wink:

    LinC-sounds like you had a good session with the diabetic counselor and some good tips to working on your eating too. One pound a week is a good goal, hoping you are able to do it:flowerforyou: I like the idea of "giving away the pounds" rather than losing them...I agree if you lose them you do have a way of finding them...so i will continue to give mine away:wink:

    Kate-sorry your hubby didn't bag a deer. My boss didn't get his elk but last week there was a deer that had been hit by a car:cry: just by our office and the animal control were there putting it down and my boss was there and asked for the deer and they gave it to him..so he was able to get some meat :ohwell:

    Liz-anytime you are away from work just getting back into the swing of it is hard....especially during this time of year...I know I'd much rather be at home playing:wink: Unfortunately no one will pay me to be at home:ohwell:

    Lila-so glad you were able to talk with your daughter in Holland....when we visited there it seems like EVERYONE has and rides bikes you really do have to be careful when you are driving:noway: The only time I hear about the CFL is when one of their players makes it to the NFL and they talk about their history and where they played in the past.

    Kat- congrats that he noticed your baggy pants:drinker: That's a free ride to shopping if I ever heard one.:wink:

    Nancy - enjoy your hour off from kids to get some prep time in. I know that my Mom & Dad used to love when they were able to get some time during the school day to prep for later...rather than bringing home the work....I can't tell you how many papers I graded as I grew up, kind of made me feel important with that red pencil giving grades to papers:wink:

    :flowerforyou: Welcome to all the newbies, come back often and let us get to know you.

    Last night I did Level 1 again of the 30 DS I had taken Monday off since I had worked out for 30 days in a row and surprising enough it felt really good, but this morning my neck is a bit stiff, but I'm sure that as the day goes on it will loosen up.

    Since last Wednesday I lost .2 and that was just a good loss as it's after the four day weekend of way too much eating. The one thing that makes it so good is that it means I'm 3.2 down from my goal and well into my "holiday extra ones". What that meant of Thanksgiving was that I was able to have two glasses of Champagne:bigsmile: and enjoy it with no guilt.

    Gordon Lightfoot ahhh now there is music. Listening brings back memories of a much younger self and I think I will remember him the way he was too...aging is not always kind:ohwell:

    Everyone have a good day, lets keep going on those goals for November ...only a few more days to meet those goals then it's on to a new month...start planning now. If you eat it log it, moving to burn it and drinking plenty of water to wash it all away:drinker: and NEVER GIVE UP.
