

  • LAS_1980
    LAS_1980 Posts: 156
    Or Buster Nutt. Hahahaha its a real name though!!
  • Artests
    Artests Posts: 26 Member
    I was looking back at my kinder yearbook and found a kid named Rowdy Busch, no idea what those parents were thinking!
  • carryingon
    carryingon Posts: 609 Member
    Worked for a Doctor once who told me about a set of twins she delivered. There family was from south america visiting. When she went to see them the following day. She thought the babies hadn't been named because there braclets and papers still said male and female. Unfortunately the couple thought that in the us the hospital named the babies. Poor kids got stuck with male and female (pronounced like tamale Molly and femolly:laugh: )
  • ScarlettVamp
    ScarlettVamp Posts: 828 Member
    There are adult sisters in my town named Twinkle and Sparkle. No joke...one is a realtor and she uses a copy of her driver's license with the numbers blacked out in her advertising.

    I have distant cousins with the last name "Kane". They named their 3 daughters: Candy Kane, Sugar Kane, and Dixie Crystal Kane.

    And lastly, I had distant female twin cousins who I first met when they were already in their 60's. Their names? Exy and Lexy.

    This is the south people....I don't have to make this crap up!
  • SquidVonBob
    SquidVonBob Posts: 290 Member
    Chinese girl at a friends church named Dorkus
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Pajama ...
  • Celeigh12
    Celeigh12 Posts: 763 Member
    I worked with a woman who named her baby a very normal name, but the baby's initials were STD. It was gently pointed out to her when she told us what they were going to name the unborn child thinking she'd see the horror of that and pick a different middle name or something, but she was unswayed. That kid is going to be a serious target round about junior high and forget about monogramming anything.
  • bsuew
    bsuew Posts: 628 Member
    I had an art teacher in elementary school his name was Tom T. Thomas! Yep middle name was Tom! There's a doctor in our neighborhood his name is Robert Uhren. Rob Uhren? I went to High School with a girl named Sun Raye.
  • mwoods5716
    mwoods5716 Posts: 194 Member
    My favorite ever...Abcde pronounced AB-SI-DEE. No lie!

    Also, I knew a girl named Liberty Bell
  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    in 5th grade, we had a girl in our class named Kathleen Boner. One day this younger kid comes to the classroom door and knocks, teacher asks if she can help him? He said he was there to pick up his sister bacause their parents were there. The teacher says, sure who is your sister, he says Kathleen. Teacher says, Kathleen, whats your brothers name? Response: Harry.

    It was complete pandamonium at pinedale middle school that day for a few minutes...

    Yes, kids can be so cruel.. To this day, Kathleen, I'm sorry we laughed

    True story,

    Now I'm 47 and a few years ago I was telling my then boss that story....as I told the " punch line", he just kind of stares at me and he says... Yeah, I know Harry, He's my brother in law. He was married to his other sister Carrie.....

    Funny how that story isnt so funny anymore....
  • BTheGreatest
    Veyonce I get a chuckle... Pilot Inpektor???... Flavour Balls ha ha... Dat Ho lol... Fagly Dork wtf???... Quindarious Gooch??... B.J. Worthy... Ivana Man**** and Harry Man****... Really wth is wrong with some parents?!
  • BTheGreatest
    in 5th grade, we had a girl in our class named Kathleen Boner. One day this younger kid comes to the classroom door and knocks, teacher asks if she can help him? He said he was there to pick up his sister bacause their parents were there. The teacher says, sure who is your sister, he says Kathleen. Teacher says, Kathleen, whats your brothers name? Response: Harry.

    It was complete pandamonium at pinedale middle school that day for a few minutes...

    Yes, kids can be so cruel.. To this day, Kathleen, I'm sorry we laughed

    True story,

    Now I'm 47 and a few years ago I was telling my then boss that story....as I told the " punch line", he just kind of stares at me and he says... Yeah, I know Harry, He's my brother in law. He was married to his other sister Carrie.....

    Funny how that story isnt so funny anymore....
    You're so nice for appolizing... Loved your story ha ha!!
  • Bennett056
    Bennett056 Posts: 70 Member
    Shanda Lear (her father was the founder of Lear jet). Really-chandalier?!?!
  • velmaisvelma
    velmaisvelma Posts: 90 Member
    This name came during the time of the Desert Storm War.

    I am leaving out the last name, I am truly not out to embarrass, just always thought this was a BIG and strange name.

    Desert Stormy Ocean Skye Cinnamon Blossom ______(insert last name)
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    I was born in the 70's so lots of kids I went to school with had been children of former hippies. Lets see, I was classmates with Whisper, Willow, a couple Summers, Spring, a couple Winters, & an Autumn. (Autumn was lucky to be named that because she was born the 1st day of autumn. Her mom had actually had her heart set on naming her Pepsi until fate stepped in. no joke!) Autumn was best friends with Season and no one ever believed them when they told their names. Oh, also one girl was named Nestle. Odd? Then there was a lot of girls with "virtuous" names. Faith, Grace, and Hope are still common but I also went to school with Modesty, Charity, and Chastity. Thats going too far.

    I also dont care for neveah (heaven backwards) which has become quite popular. I knew a heaven lee snow once. *eye roll*

    And I worked with a girl that named her baby what was pronounced Ab-sid-dee and spelled Abcde. Oh brother
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    My husband's cousin was married to a man named Darkchild Destroyer. That was his legal name. I refused to invite them to our wedding, because I couldn't bring myself to write Mr. and Mrs. Destroyer on an invitation.
  • Laddiegirl
    Laddiegirl Posts: 382 Member
    I always was bewildered by my coworkers Michael Hawk and Richard Head. I kid you not - real people. Richard was actually quite well liked.


    Probably the same thing my highschool classmate Ben Dover's parents were thinking...lol.
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    There was a Missouri politician named Hardin Cox. They named a highway rest stop after him.
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    Khosi Mangina (It;s pronounced ko si, but looks like cosy)

    Honest to goodness really is a really name

    also Sunday Best and Blue Brown are both real name, my children were at school with them
    khosi is one of the most popular names in south africa
  • tinahelton
    tinahelton Posts: 65 Member
    My ex-husbands last name was Head... his first name was not Richard but, it should have been! LOL..