What do you eat for breakfast?



  • kristy6ward
    kristy6ward Posts: 332 Member
    1/2 cup Plain quaker quick oats, 1/2 cup milk, handful of raspberries, tablespoon of nutella. DIVINE.
  • peggy90807
    I eat a veggie burger on a skinny whole wheat bun for breakfast. I know it's a bit odd but I need a lot of protein to keep my blood sugar level even. You could make it a veggie sausage sandwich to make it more like breakfast.
  • 2abnorth
    2abnorth Posts: 59 Member
  • Goal_Driven
    Goal_Driven Posts: 371 Member
    I usually go for high fiber cereal with fat free skim milk with fruit.. high fiber oatmeal with fruit.. fruit and yogurt.. egg whites (omelets, scrambled) with 2 slices of bacon and fruit.. or if I want something a little sweeter :) low-fat whole grain waffles or I'll make 2 pieces of french toast for 213 cal's with fruit. I usually keep my breakfast items in the 200's.
  • iorahkwano
    iorahkwano Posts: 709 Member
    I'm not very hungry in the morning so I have 2 soft-boiled eggs with a cup of instant coffee. Then 2hrs later I'll usually have a soymilk/banana/tofu smoothie or an apple with a Ficello cheesestick.
  • missmegan831
    missmegan831 Posts: 824 Member
    2 egg whites, bacon, ham and a cup of almond milk, keeps me going til lunchtime, no breads
  • boognish1972
    boognish1972 Posts: 83 Member
    I usually eat a couple of fried eggs, wrapped in a tortilla with cheese. 445 calories.
  • tonga30
    That is an awesome idea for breakfast quinoa, almond milk, banana and frozen fruit...because i was tired of oatmeal and egg whites lol...Thanks for the idea...
  • FahadNaseem
    FahadNaseem Posts: 80 Member
    1 boiled egg, 1 banana and a cup of tea with milk
  • stacy_1971
    stacy_1971 Posts: 104 Member
    It varies, and can include the following:

    Oatmeal with blueberries or raspberries, Stevia, and Almond milk.

    Cheerios with blueberries, Stevia, and almond milk.

    Carb Master or Yoplait fat-free yogurt mixed with 1% cottage cheese and a side of fruit.

    Omelets with veggies.

    And as a once in a while treat (because I believe in treats), whole wheat waffles with regular butter and syrup. (just have to budget meals better later in the day)
  • foodie178
    foodie178 Posts: 47 Member
    try to get western bagel's "perfect 10" bagel! 10g carbs, 18g PROTEIN, and only 140 for a pretty decently sized bagel! there's lots of grains in there too. the only thing is that the lack of carbs makes the texture very spongy, almost as if it were just semi-cooked dough. however, the low cal count allows for plenty of calorie room for toppings/spreads!

    egg whites are always a good option, but they may be difficult to do if you only have access to a toaster and microwave.

    personally i love having a huge bowl of cereal. i have 1 cup of kashi go lean (13g protein and 140 cal) and then 1 cup of a fun cereal (organic "lucky charms" type cereal, 120 cal) to add flavor. 2 whole cups of cereal like this comes out to 260 cal, and with a cup of tea or coffee keeps me full for a while!
  • cathyenb
    I generally do a Oat bran pancake, with banana and sugar free syrup, totally filling no butter needed
  • girlwapp
    girlwapp Posts: 136 Member
    I just made a batch of baked oatmeal in muffin tins, they came out good mine are 200 cals each and 6 grams of protein but I think the protein could be upped pretty easily. Mine were 3 cups of oats to 1 cup of almond milk, 2 eggs, cinamon, 1/4 cup natural cane sugar (it called for brown) a pinch of salt and some baking powder, 4 oz walnuts, mashed up a couple bananas into the mixture then sliced bananas on top and in the last few minutes of baking I sprinked a tiny bit of brown sugar on top. 1 tsp did all 12.

    next time I'm going to add some more egg whites and a bit less sugar, maybe try apple cinamon.


    I love oatmeal so much. Put a little brown sugar and cinnamon in that stuff. So good.

    It's pretty typical for me to have multi-bran Chex in a Yoplait vanilla whip. It's my substitute bowl of cereal since I can't drink milk and don't like most (all?) milk substitutes I've tasted.
  • Leiki
    Leiki Posts: 526 Member
    Steamed Microwave Eggs!

    4 eggs
    3/4 cup of water
    salt to taste

    Whisk, cover loosely, and microwave on medium high heat for 10 mins.

    If you can, chop up some scallions or green onions, or other small, quick to cook veggies and throw it in before you whisk.
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    Today I had 2 scrambled eggs, a slice of mozzarella cheese and a few slices of very thin ham on an everything bagel.
  • heypurdy
    heypurdy Posts: 196 Member
    Lately I've been having a whole wheat English muffin with crunchy peanut butter and banana slices on top. Keeps me full all morning!
  • ClementineGeorg
    ClementineGeorg Posts: 505 Member
    Yogurt with fruits
    Almond milk and oats
    Biscuits (like belvita and other stuff like that)
    Homemade BLT (single slice, moderation in bacon and it can be 250 calories... but it can go higher) or other sandwiches
    Omlettes (they can be so diverse, with ham, or with mushrooms, with some wieners or simply with herbs and green onions; with a little cheese on top; it can be anything)
    Oeufs en cocotte
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    i like: oatmeal with applesauce, cinnamon and nutmeg
    oatmeal with pb and maple syrup
    eggs or egg whites with cheese, salsa, spinach, musrhrooms, other veggies. since you have extra calories you can throw it in a tortilla and make a breakfast burrito
    protein shakes - chocolate with banana and pb and milk, vanilla with banana blueberry yogurt/milk
    pancakes with pb on top/fresh fruit
    french toast
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    Cheese and vegemite on toast with heavy cream in my coffee this morning.

    That should get me through until my scheduled egg and bacon roll at the lunchtime cricket break :).
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    For breakfast, I need protein and fat to feel satisfied.

    Today I had a 2-egg omelet with last night's dinner as the filling - ground turkey, onion, spinach and some low-fat shredded cheese. Still full 4 hours later.