List Of Low Calorie Foods EVERYONE should know about!!



  • art3mislecter
    art3mislecter Posts: 57 Member
    I LOVE Great value cherry limeaid -5 cals
    Great Value Coffee Creamer 30 Calories Per Serving

    Nabsico 100 calorie Mr. Salty Pretzels are awesome.
    Breyers Fat Free Chocolate Ice Cream 90 calories per serving
    Fudgicles are 40 calories per serving
    Popcicles are only 15 cals a pop
    Fat free pudding 60 calories per serving
    Skinny Cow Ice Cream sandwiches 140 calories per.
    Watermelon under 50 calories for 1 cup chopped. 2.5 cups is a large bowl mounded over for 125 calories.
    Kiwi, around 50 calories per.
    Red grapes are 100 calories per cup
    Strawberries are really low in calories 1 cup (halved) is only 49 calories
    Chocolate Cheerios are about 122 calories per 1 cup and tastes kind of like cocoa puffs
    *Ciao Bella Blood Orange sorbet is 60 calories per serving and is very flavorful. It tips the money scale at almost $5.00 a quart but it is sooo worth it.
    The Chips Ahoy Chocolate drizzle chocolate cookies 100 calorie packs is a great snack that is super chocolaty.
    Minute Maid Juice Bars=awesome 60 calories a piece
    Dannon fit and light yogurt 80 calories
    Edys frozen fruit bars 60-100ish calories
    Delmonte light fruit cocktail 60 calories per 1/2 cup
    Banana 80-120 calories
    Quaker 90 calories snacky thingys the chocolate and the caramel are great!
    Keebler 100 calorie cookies and cream snacky thingys
    Lindt 50% Dark Chocolate 50 calories per square
    Believe it or not... Hershey's Chocolate Bar, half a bar is only 105 calories
    M+M's are only 3.4 Calories per piece
    Orange Dream Bar 70 calories

    Reduced Fat Ritz Cracker 70 calories per 5 crackers with Laughing Cow garlic and herb swiss cheese 35 calories per wedge
    Rold Gold Pretzel sticks 100 calories for 48 sticks
    Popcorn. Smartpop has 100 calories bags or even some butter popcorn is 25 calories per cup.
    Salsa and chips are a great option for snacking. 140 calories per 7 large chips and only around 15 calories per 2 tablespoons on salsa.
    Borden String Cheese is 70 calories
    *I have been addicted to fried green peas (not wasabi) They are not that low in calories. it is about 130 per 1/2 cup. The good thing about it is that they are very crunchy and it takes you a long time to eat so it is a great diet food. If you like sunflower seeds you will probably like peas. I get them at the Natural living center for only like $2.00 a pound. It is very cheap. Makes sure you get scoops with enough salt.
    1/2 cup carrots 35 calories
    1 cucumber sliced in vinegar, salt and pepper 45 calories
    Mini babybell light cheese 50 calories
    Pringles Light 70 calories per 14 chips.

    Sorry to edit...a few corrections were needed

    That is an AWESOME list! Thank you! Also, I've lately been hooked on cheese crackers, like the kind you get in individual packages for kids. I prefer fruit and stuff, but sometimes I need a salty fix ^_^ One package of my favorite-- Munchies Cheddar Cheese-- is 210 calories for six crackers, but there are other low cal ones out there. And fruit snacks.
  • Chinadorian
    Chinadorian Posts: 200 Member
    Instead of no. 9, I drink cans of club soda. I actually enjoy it as much as a regular soda and they have no sweeteners in them!

    addicted to La Croix drinks. they have tons of flavor, no sweetener, no cals. just fill you up with fizziness !
  • Lazygal53
    Lazygal53 Posts: 294 Member
  • petechiae
    petechiae Posts: 147 Member
    Bumpity bump!
  • scrivy3x
    scrivy3x Posts: 1 Member
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    low calorie foods make me feel like Im wasting my time.

    And they never fill me up! Too much missing!

    also- how much fuel and nutrition can you fit in 100 calories really?

    ETA - NEVERMIND! just realized you are supposed to eat the whole list LOLOL *feels dumb*
  • shimmergal
    shimmergal Posts: 380 Member
    liquid egg whites!
  • Soulflwr
    Soulflwr Posts: 49 Member
    Love this thread!
  • Muddy_Yogi
    Muddy_Yogi Posts: 1,459 Member
    low calorie foods make me feel like Im wasting my time.

    And they never fill me up! Too much missing!

    also- how much fuel and nutrition can you fit in 100 calories really?

    ETA - NEVERMIND! just realized you are supposed to eat the whole list LOLOL *feels dumb*

    Im going with Zero? LOL I mean...ever notice how those 100 calorie packs don't say, low calorie yet PACKED with Nutrients???
  • _Wits_
    _Wits_ Posts: 1,286 Member
    The day I pass up homemade pasta of any sort for Miracle Noodles, I want to be brought to a field and left for death.

    (but I can appreciate them if you're a pasta addict and just like noodles all day every day! lol)
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    da *kitten* is a miracle noodle - isnt that a pool toy????
  • pandoraw
    pandoraw Posts: 143 Member
    First: I would like to thank morbidbones for posting this.

    Second: how do I block all these “perfect” people. I DON’T eat perfect food all the time so I don't think I fit in with them.

    I need a diet coke and a chocolate bar after reading all this stuff.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    First: I would like to thank morbidbones for posting this.

    Second: how do I block all these “perfect” people. I DON’T eat perfect food all the time so I don't think I fit in with them.

    I need a diet coke and a chocolate bar after reading all this stuff.

    thanks for showing up and insulting people who dont like low calorie food and didnt say a single negative word to you. *applause* youre doing it right!
  • rayraex
    Be careful what you put in your body! Artificial sweeteners are being linked to many health problems (including Alzheimers)! If you are cheating yourself by consuming chemicals and processed foods now, you might see health consequences later down the road. Eat healthy, natural foods and in moderation.
  • allisona28
    allisona28 Posts: 186 Member
  • beccarockslife
    beccarockslife Posts: 816 Member
    thats a whole lot of fake food.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Be careful what you put in your body! Artificial sweeteners are being linked to many health problems (including Alzheimers)! If you are cheating yourself by consuming chemicals and processed foods now, you might see health consequences later down the road. Eat healthy, natural foods and in moderation.

    Healthy, natural foods are chock full of chemicals, so they are best to be avoided. Water too
  • maddiequinlan
    maddiequinlan Posts: 46 Member
  • gaylynn35
    gaylynn35 Posts: 854 Member
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    thats a whole lot of fake food.

    My thoughts exactly.

    What ever happened to simple veggies and lean meats? You can't get any lower calorie/nutritional value then that.