Team UK - March 2010



  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    Evening all :bigsmile:

    I had my weekly weigh-in at the Rosemary Conley class I go to and smashed my 1stone target by an extra 2.5lbs :drinker:

    I can't stop smiling :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I am sorry to hear about you bf Katherine - look after youself.

    And, belated happy birthday Lee - hope it's been a good one!!
  • Hi all,

    Happy Birthday Lee,

    Congratulations on the stone target Kendrafallon, can't wait til I reach my first stone off.

    I've been really good today but it says I haven't ate enough calories, should you try and reach the target everyday?

    I've given up on the gym I hate it, started going to flabelos(wobble board thing at local beauty place) Its great and supposed to be the same as an hours exercise at gym but only takes ten mins. Should loose a dress size in 3-4 weeks, we'll see if it works.

    Also can you access the messages on iphone app?

    Happy weight loss everyone xxx
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    I've been really good today but it says I haven't ate enough calories, should you try and reach the target everyday?

    Also can you access the messages on iphone app?

    Cheers m'dear :)

    For me personally, I have a calorie limit set by the Rosemary Conley class (1700 cals) and the one on this site (1410 cals) so I try and eat between the 2 limits. Saying that, i tend not to eat the 'exercise' calories and so far with the logging am under my calorie limit each day. BUT I don't go hungry. And it's always useful to have a few calories spare :wink: just my tuppence worth
  • FitbitConnor
    FitbitConnor Posts: 143 Member
    Happy birfday Lee Got my 31st next tuesday so im right with ya LOL

    Did WK4 D2 of C25K today and it went pretty well, i might do day 3 tomorrow as i want to get onto WK5!

    Really going to try for a good weekend this weekend but i have a Party to go to and lots of spare time so i might try to fill it with time on the treadmill or sorting out my pushbike and going out for a ride...
  • Hello!

    Hope you guys don't mind me joining :) I'm from Wales and have 2 stone to lose!! I should of weighed myself on Monday... I had a bad weekend and Monday came round too quickly and I was too scared to do it...

    Fear of weighing myself - sounds ridiculous? :L

    It would be good to talk to people from the UK, if anyone here can speak Welsh that'd be great too!

    Caryl x
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member

    Hope you guys don't mind me joining :) I'm from Wales and have 2 stone to lose!! I should of weighed myself on Monday... I had a bad weekend and Monday came round too quickly and I was too scared to do it...

    Fear of weighing myself - sounds ridiculous? :L

    It would be good to talk to people from the UK, if anyone here can speak Welsh that'd be great too!

    Caryl x

    Hi Caryl!!

    Nice to see someone from Wales :bigsmile:
    I worked in Cardiff for three months and LOVED it there!! Great people, great city :smile:
    Sadly did not pick up ANY welsh when I was there though!!

    Don't worry about the scale fear we all have it at times... I'm avoiding mine too!!
    Wish you all the best with your goal, this is a great place for advice and support :smile:
    Mel xx
  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member
    :drinker: :drinker:
    Evening all :bigsmile:

    I had my weekly weigh-in at the Rosemary Conley class I go to and smashed my 1stone target by an extra 2.5lbs :drinker:


    Well done that is so awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • MistahLee31
    MistahLee31 Posts: 116
    Hey all, thanks for the birthday wishes, I had a great day and got spoilt rotten. :laugh: Did really well on the food front too. Went out for a nice meal at the Little Frankie and Benny's linked to the Odeon cinema near ours, but didn't have any tea so still had plenty of calories left. Was going to go the gym but felt absolutely knackered when I got home, so much so that I ended up going bed for a nap!!! Definately getting old! :laugh:

    Back to it today though, full day in work, back to the gym ready for weigh in tomorrow!

    Hope everyone is doing okay! :happy:

  • Hello!

    Hope you guys don't mind me joining :) I'm from Wales and have 2 stone to lose!! I should of weighed myself on Monday... I had a bad weekend and Monday came round too quickly and I was too scared to do it...

    Fear of weighing myself - sounds ridiculous? :L

    It would be good to talk to people from the UK, if anyone here can speak Welsh that'd be great too!

    Caryl x

    Hi Caryl!!

    Nice to see someone from Wales :bigsmile:
    I worked in Cardiff for three months and LOVED it there!! Great people, great city :smile:
    Sadly did not pick up ANY welsh when I was there though!!

    Don't worry about the scale fear we all have it at times... I'm avoiding mine too!!
    Wish you all the best with your goal, this is a great place for advice and support :smile:
    Mel xx

    Thanks Mel! I love this site, so many nice people here :)
    I've only been a student in Cardiff for 7 months, first year at the Atrium University :happy: LOVE the city! Glad you loved it too!
    Originally I'm from North Wales, where all the mountains and 'josgins' are :laugh:

    I plucked up the courage to go into the pharmacy today to weigh myself... to say I had a bad 2 weeks of eating absolute rubbish, I have lost 2 pounds in 2 weeks! yaaaaay!! But I know I need to eat better, I won't continue the way I am, for sure!

    Caryl x
  • paulo79
    paulo79 Posts: 25
    Afternoon all have been on here about a month now, really like the site and met some lovely people.
  • alisonengland
    alisonengland Posts: 110 Member
    Hi, can I join Team Uk?! I have 30lbs to lose (according to Wii Fit which I feel is slightly mean spirited!) I would love to lose at least half of that by August as am going to LA and am afraid that they won't let me on the beach!

    Ali :drinker:
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member

    Hope you guys don't mind me joining :) I'm from Wales and have 2 stone to lose!! I should of weighed myself on Monday... I had a bad weekend and Monday came round too quickly and I was too scared to do it...

    Fear of weighing myself - sounds ridiculous? :L

    It would be good to talk to people from the UK, if anyone here can speak Welsh that'd be great too!

    Caryl x

    Hi Caryl!!

    Nice to see someone from Wales :bigsmile:
    I worked in Cardiff for three months and LOVED it there!! Great people, great city :smile:
    Sadly did not pick up ANY welsh when I was there though!!

    Don't worry about the scale fear we all have it at times... I'm avoiding mine too!!
    Wish you all the best with your goal, this is a great place for advice and support :smile:
    Mel xx

    Thanks Mel! I love this site, so many nice people here :)
    I've only been a student in Cardiff for 7 months, first year at the Atrium University :happy: LOVE the city! Glad you loved it too!
    Originally I'm from North Wales, where all the mountains and 'josgins' are :laugh:

    I plucked up the courage to go into the pharmacy today to weigh myself... to say I had a bad 2 weeks of eating absolute rubbish, I have lost 2 pounds in 2 weeks! yaaaaay!! But I know I need to eat better, I won't continue the way I am, for sure!

    Caryl x

    Your welcome xx

    The people here really are great, I'm sure you'll have all the support you need. Any help we can offer we'll be glad too.
    2lbs is great weight loss, Well done!!
    I do know how you feel, sometimes it's really hard to resist certain foods. Even harder whilst at Uni!!
    My weight can really dart about too, don't look any different but can be anything around 5-6lbs heavier or lighter for no real reason. Weird!!

    This place really does help keeping on top of your foods and I've found I've noticed patterns in what I eat, it also highlights when I eat too many snacks and treats - I think I'd forget them otherwise!!
    I've found that I'm eating healthier than probably ever before, as a routine now rather than just a short lived diet.
    And it even motivates me to exercise more than I would naturally too :o)
    So your in the right place!!

    I love Wales, I used to go there for holidays with my family when I was a kid, first skiied in Wales on those mountains!!
    Such a lovely place. I'm going to take my son camping in Wales this summer.
    We did a little camping trip last summer, just a couple of days to make sure he liked it and we were well prepared.
    He loved it and didn't want to go home!! He is 5 :o)
    This time I'll feel happier to take him further from home and for longer, I know he'll love Wales and he'll love crossing the seven bridge too, we'll stay somewhere near Cardigan Bay and try to see some dolphins!!

    Mel xx
  • Hi all

    Welcome to Melissa, Caryl, and Ali

    This is a great site to come to, everyone is so supportive (& some are quite nuts.... not talking about anyone in particular Mimi):laugh:

    Well guys on the plus side my anniversary meal went well, we stayed in !! LOL on the downside the 'perfect weekend' maybe more of a challenge as we are going out Sat night with friends!!!!
    Had a couple of glasses of Champagne, and made a low fat fry up with oven chips. I wouldn't let the other half go & buy Chip Shop ones as there is no way I wouldn't have eaten any! He didn't understand why !! MEN well specifically men who would burn the calories in chips off, the next day at work!!

    well have a good day everyone
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Good afternoon from a VERY rainy Farnham!!

    I hope you are all ok?

    Welcome newbies!!

    alisonengland - LA sounds amazing, i would love to go to see what its all about! Take me :laugh:

    Paulo79 - I hope you find even more lovely ppl on this group! Im sure you will, they have all been such a great and supportive group of ppl since it started!

    CarylMc1991 - dont worry i have a fear of the scales.. Just hop on them, take a breath.. and you will be fine! When you see them moving in the right direction you wont find it so bad after a while!!

    Check us out with all our new recruits! Its nice to see so many ppl dropping by!! :flowerforyou:

    So Mimi - last night was the cinema.... Ohh how i ruined my perfect week!! I gave in and spent £5 on :love: Pick n Mix :love: ... and i ate it all.. :grumble: .... But do you know what... a little bit of what you fancy doesnt hurt.. as long as its now and again! :blushing:

    Im going out for dinner tonight at a little pub down the road from me.. the menu looked amazing last week when i went for a drink there so im going to have to sample the food tonight! I will be getting in a workout at the gym so i have a few more cals to play with! :tongue:

    Thank you for all your support with the BF... sadly he's still being an *kitten* and not calling/texting me.. im just going to hold on a few more days until he's home from uni and do the deed!! I cant break up with him over the phone or txt.. :angry:

    Lee... Frankie and Bennys... Nom Nom! :tongue: Glad you had a good birthday and behaved yourself...Im sure the weekend will be far from sedate!! :laugh:

    Hope your all having a good day!! Nearly time for the perfect weekend!!! *bites nails*

    Katherine x x x
  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member
    Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :explode: :mad: :explode:

    God dam TOM (sorry any men on here...... know this subject can freak men out :laugh: :laugh: )!!!

    Mimi, enjoy the pick n mix.... remember, a little of what you fancy does you good!!! :wink:

    Jo x

    Hey Jo,

    I did enjoy the sweets...agh they're so good though! I am gradually making my pick n mix portions less n less though so that's good! Haha

    I feel you re TOM...I'm due on any day now...:sick:

    :heart: Mimi
  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member
    Hi, can I join Team Uk?! I have 30lbs to lose (according to Wii Fit which I feel is slightly mean spirited!) I would love to lose at least half of that by August as am going to LA and am afraid that they won't let me on the beach!

    Ali :drinker:

    Haha :laugh: I totally get what you mean! I really want to go to LA and I know this is going to sound really lame but I have always thought I would never go to LA unless I was at my weight goal ... that seems really silly but I dunno, I just feel like I wouldn't enjoy it otherwise! With all them scary health gurus over there!!!!! I'm sure you'll reach your goal, welcome to the group! :flowerforyou:
  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member
    Hi all

    Welcome to Melissa, Caryl, and Ali

    This is a great site to come to, everyone is so supportive (& some are quite nuts.... not talking about anyone in particular Mimi):laugh:

    well have a good day everyone

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I've come to the conclusion I must be totally off my rocker because whoever I meet - even if it's via a website like this, people think I'm crazy. I must be. Well actually I know I am oh wells! ROCK ON! :love: :drinker:
  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member

    So Mimi - last night was the cinema.... Ohh how i ruined my perfect week!! I gave in and spent £5 on :love: Pick n Mix :love: ... and i ate it all.. :grumble: .... But do you know what... a little bit of what you fancy doesnt hurt.. as long as its now and again! :blushing:

    Katherine x x x

    Gosh I really should post one big one, I think I've replied to 3 now...! Oopsiessssss :ohwell:

    What did you see? I saw Bounty was good, firstly Gerard PHWOAR :love: secondly, Jen A :noway: her bod rocks, like how old is she now, thirdly I tried to get in the queue without getting pick n mix but they called out to me and I ended up ducking under the barrier and running towards them like I hadn't eaten in a month :blushing:

    Perect Weekend I'm gonna kick yo butt!

    :heart: Mimi
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member

    So Mimi - last night was the cinema.... Ohh how i ruined my perfect week!! I gave in and spent £5 on :love: Pick n Mix :love: ... and i ate it all.. :grumble: .... But do you know what... a little bit of what you fancy doesnt hurt.. as long as its now and again! :blushing:

    Katherine x x x

    Gosh I really should post one big one, I think I've replied to 3 now...! Oopsiessssss :ohwell:

    What did you see? I saw Bounty was good, firstly Gerard PHWOAR :love: secondly, Jen A :noway: her bod rocks, like how old is she now, thirdly I tried to get in the queue without getting pick n mix but they called out to me and I ended up ducking under the barrier and running towards them like I hadn't eaten in a month :blushing:

    Perect Weekend I'm gonna kick yo butt!

    :heart: Mimi

    Ha ha @ your run towards the pick n mix! I almost did that... sprinting towards the sugary goodness!! White Mice, Snowies, Oversized Strawbs are my faves! Ahh i want more!!

    Oh and to top it all off.. someone has bought in Cookies... COOOKIES!!!!!! :noway: Bahhh.. i think i might cry! And they are the large ones from sainsburys.. Tobelarone or rolo... Goddam it.. im a sucker for cookies... i actually want to stomp around like a bratty child!! lol *Throws a tantrum* :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Yeahh - Perfect weekend here we come!! :drinker: :drinker:
  • MistahLee31
    MistahLee31 Posts: 116
    Lee... Frankie and Bennys... Nom Nom! :tongue: Glad you had a good birthday and behaved yourself...Im sure the weekend will be far from sedate!! :laugh:

    Hope your all having a good day!! Nearly time for the perfect weekend!!! *bites nails*

    Katherine x x x

    Nom nom indeed hun! :laugh: I was salivataing at the thought of having a nice meal! :smile: Definately well behaved yesterday, but won't be on Saturday! :drinker: I'm sure your weekend will be great! :happy:

    Hey to all the new guys and gals joining the group, there's a great bunch of people here who will look after you, motivate you and if you're naughty, they will pull you up about it!! :tongue: :laugh:
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