what do you hate about being "fat"



  • CherryOnionKiss
    CherryOnionKiss Posts: 376 Member
    also cellulitis and strech marks every-damn-wear on my body. I wont be able to wear a bikini ever.
  • tarablyawsum
    tarablyawsum Posts: 34 Member
    I cant stand that my towels dont wrap around me comfortably anymore.
    Thighs rub together
    Feeling self conscious in shorts
    Not being able to bend comfortably to shave while in the shower/tub

    There are oh so many, but by far the one I cant stand the most is when a friend who has never dealt with weight issues ever in their life try to "help" you with shopping or try to give fashion advice. I understand that they have good intentions but it makes me feel like they think im a dunce. Like I have not already tried on over half of the department trying to feel confident in something, anything!? horrendous! Thank Goodness for MFP! The changes and supports that I truly needed.
  • IamNhappy
    IamNhappy Posts: 88 Member
    Thinking "oh, I will totally fit into these size 10 jeans they look huge!" and not being able to get them past your thighs.

    For all my big chested-girls, having to go to XL in a shirt or dress when the rest of your torso is a M or L. Just makes things so much worse.

    ^^^ The struggle!!
  • CarlieeBear
    CarlieeBear Posts: 325 Member
    No "middle-of-the-road" clothing options for adults. Apparently fat women come in exactly two flavors: 80 years old or super-sassy diva. I don't like pastel tents (Lane Bryant) OR leopard-print leggings (Torrid), so I've just kind of fallen into a rut of ill-fitting jeans and baggy T-shirts. That was fine for middle and high school, but I'm almost 22. As I've slimmed down, more options have become available to me, but now I have no idea what I'm doing, so I usually just reach for what I know anyway.

    Plan A for when I reach my goal weight and have a closet full of things that don't fit is still to try to get on one of those TBS makeover shows, like What Not To Wear, so I can both get new clothes and learn how to dress like a grownup in one fell swoop.

    I totally agree with this! Clothing manufacturers/designers seem to think that fat people have no taste, are old or hoochie and that our fat keeps us warm. I often wonder how they expect us to lose weight when it's nearly impossible to find reasonably priced workout clothing! Both my winter jackets are men's because that's all I could find at the time I bought them that were both affordable an warm. Last year I accidentally grabbed the wrong jacket at a church function and it turned out to belong to one of the men who's a few years older than me...so embarrassing!!!

    I've found Dress Barn has more middle of the road clothes, but then I'm a 47 y/o who looks 30 something (except for in the eyes of the middle schoolers who guessed I was 55). Have you tried Gordmans? They have fashionable looking younger clothes that I would have worn when younger.
  • CarlieeBear
    CarlieeBear Posts: 325 Member
    I cant stand that my towels dont wrap around me comfortably anymore.
    Thighs rub together
    Feeling self conscious in shorts
    Not being able to bend comfortably to shave while in the shower/tub

    There are oh so many, but by far the one I cant stand the most is when a friend who has never dealt with weight issues ever in their life try to "help" you with shopping or try to give fashion advice. I understand that they have good intentions but it makes me feel like they think im a dunce. Like I have not already tried on over half of the department trying to feel confident in something, anything!? horrendous! Thank Goodness for MFP! The changes and supports that I truly needed.

    Thighs....mine have always rubbed together
    Shorts....I rock at denial and tend to imagine I look better in shorts than I actually do.
    Shaving...don't have that problem...I just can't see in the shower.

    When my brother got married, I was in the wedding. I tried to tell my tallish, always been thin sis-in-law two things about the dresses. A. Longer is better for my size...she insisted on short because she didn't want me and one other gal to look like blueberris...we looked like blueberries on legs B. It's gonna be too low cut unless we raise the neckline...we raised it a bit, but not enough. I caught the bouquet and they took the pics from above...there's one with cleavage and one with the flowers over my chest.
  • the love handles that slightly hang over my jeans.
  • amber1533
    amber1533 Posts: 117 Member
    No "middle-of-the-road" clothing options for adults. Apparently fat women come in exactly two flavors: 80 years old or super-sassy diva. I don't like pastel tents (Lane Bryant) OR leopard-print leggings (Torrid), so I've just kind of fallen into a rut of ill-fitting jeans and baggy T-shirts. That was fine for middle and high school, but I'm almost 22. As I've slimmed down, more options have become available to me, but now I have no idea what I'm doing, so I usually just reach for what I know anyway.

    Plan A for when I reach my goal weight and have a closet full of things that don't fit is still to try to get on one of those TBS makeover shows, like What Not To Wear, so I can both get new clothes and learn how to dress like a grownup in one fell swoop.

    This is my problem. I have a little fashionishta living inside me but I just can't find anything that fits, if I do find something I find cute or I could work with its a 22-24W and I am a 16-18 I can hardly find that size anywhere!
  • Pictures.
  • JanaCanada
    JanaCanada Posts: 917 Member
    What I hate about being fat: Constantly having to "prove" myself to people who immediately judge a fat person as stupid, lazy, and/or worthless....a total lack of respect for who I am on the INside....and an immediate reaction of people not taking me seriously when they first meet me.
  • desiv2
    desiv2 Posts: 651 Member

    To name the ones that come to mind...

    The lack of confidence
    Feeling uncomfortable
    being unhealthy
    being afraid to go out and do things
    not being able to find clothes i like
    being judged
    being instantly looked over
    being ashamed

    I've come a long way from who I was just a year ago, and I have so much more to go. I can't wait. :)
  • Having to fix my clothes everytime I stood up or got out of the car, pulling and tugging on my shirt and pants bc I don't want people to see my overhang. Walking to the bathroom in a resturant and looking down the whole time bc I felt like people are staring at me...Passing mirrors and looking away because I just didn't want to see myself.
  • Constantly tugging at my shirt so it wouldn't cling to my fat rolls. Being genuinely unhappy and disgusted with the person I saw in the mirror. Crying and getting so angry I slapped my stomach because it was so enormous. Always looking down when men passed me because I knew they would find me disgusting.

    You took the words right out of my mouth. I felt like you were describing me!
  • tiffanie502
    tiffanie502 Posts: 8 Member
    Pretty much!
  • agoofynut
    agoofynut Posts: 101 Member
    No "middle-of-the-road" clothing options for adults. Apparently fat women come in exactly two flavors: 80 years old or super-sassy diva. I don't like pastel tents (Lane Bryant) OR leopard-print leggings (Torrid), so I've just kind of fallen into a rut of ill-fitting jeans and baggy T-shirts. That was fine for middle and high school, but I'm almost 22. As I've slimmed down, more options have become available to me, but now I have no idea what I'm doing, so I usually just reach for what I know anyway.

    Plan A for when I reach my goal weight and have a closet full of things that don't fit is still to try to get on one of those TBS makeover shows, like What Not To Wear, so I can both get new clothes and learn how to dress like a grownup in one fell swoop.

    THIS times a million
  • tehzephyrsong
    tehzephyrsong Posts: 435 Member
    No "middle-of-the-road" clothing options for adults. Apparently fat women come in exactly two flavors: 80 years old or super-sassy diva. I don't like pastel tents (Lane Bryant) OR leopard-print leggings (Torrid), so I've just kind of fallen into a rut of ill-fitting jeans and baggy T-shirts. That was fine for middle and high school, but I'm almost 22. As I've slimmed down, more options have become available to me, but now I have no idea what I'm doing, so I usually just reach for what I know anyway.

    Plan A for when I reach my goal weight and have a closet full of things that don't fit is still to try to get on one of those TBS makeover shows, like What Not To Wear, so I can both get new clothes and learn how to dress like a grownup in one fell swoop.

    This is my problem. I have a little fashionishta living inside me but I just can't find anything that fits, if I do find something I find cute or I could work with its a 22-24W and I am a 16-18 I can hardly find that size anywhere!

    Ohoho, just you wait. There's this bizarre Twilight Zone of women's clothing that exists between plus sizes and straight sizes. I'm a size 12-14. Too big for the straight sizes but too small for the plus. Occasionally I find something that happens to be cut such that it looks all right. I tried on five pairs of jeans today, all 12 Short, all 4 fit differently. Clothes are gonna get harder to find before they get easier, just so you know.
  • summerof1988
    summerof1988 Posts: 14 Member
    Where do I even start...geez... First off I hate feeling the jiggly fat feeling on my body... and second I hate I can't wear the clothes I would like to wear... can't really express my taste really...have to wear what is provided for bigger people and there are not too many stores. Third ... actually this should be the first- I don't feel confident or comfortable in my own skin!
  • AuntieMC
    AuntieMC Posts: 346 Member
  • amyc115
    amyc115 Posts: 32 Member
    The fact that my thighs rub together. My pants spring holes because of the friction, which costs me money. When fatness costs me money for clothes, and not because I've changed sizes, that is like paying fat tax....
  • I hate not being able to wear the clothes I want to wear because they aren't flattering on my body...
    I hate not being desirable as a girlfriend..
    I hate how my body jiggles during everything >_<
    I also hate being the friend that no one really looks at because all my best friends are tiny, modelesque girls.
  • mjhedgehog
    mjhedgehog Posts: 249 Member
    NO wonder why girls have no confidence today, the clothes keep getting smaller and the sizes keep getting bigger on the tag I think it's because these stores want us to feel like fat *kitten* and we are all suppose to look like coked up supermodels. I recently just got into a 12 jeans damn it's no 2 but it feels great, f*** what people think.

    Do you think there might be a chance that people keep getting fatter, instead?

    I think the opposite is happening to sizes. I work in retail and some brands are making bigger sizes with smaller numbers. like a normal size 3 in juniors they'll label as a 1 a size 1 as a 0 etc. thats just some brands though. they want you to feel skinnier so you'll buy their brand of jeans.