Do you have a strange eating habit?



  • _KATzMeow
    _KATzMeow Posts: 336 Member
    Trust me ,you don't want to know!
  • orangekeeper
    orangekeeper Posts: 16 Member
    I don't know if this is strange or not, thinking about it it doesn't seem normal but I've always done it since I was little... I can't/won't finish a cup of tea. There always has to be some left in the cup which I'll pour down the sink, regardless of how much there was to start with....
  • BrotherBill913
    BrotherBill913 Posts: 662 Member
    I eat red bell peppers like they are apples......
  • I eat shrimp tails! yum :)
  • This has been the funniest message board to read! LOL! I only have one habit that I can think of because I just plain like to eat about anything, anyway, anytime! But, when eating eggs over easy at restaurants, I do have to dip my toast in the yolk in order to eat them. Is that strange?

    Not strange at all! - Quite delicious actually! :-)
  • Shas2228
    Shas2228 Posts: 187
    When I use to eat burgers and fries, I would first eat the fries and then the burger. I personally do not think this is weird, but so many others find it odd I don't combine the two. Whatevs. I also like grilled cheese sandwiches dipped in fry sauce. I thought this was okay until others told me it wasn't.

    Now my husband has a weird one. If I make him a meat and cheese sandwich, the mustard HAS to be on the meat side and the mayo on the cheese side. He says it's "disgusting" if it isn't that exact way... lol
  • MiTime2016
    MiTime2016 Posts: 50 Member
    This thread is awesome. So many of us share the same "strange" eating habits ... maybe we're not so strange after all.
    The only one of mine I didn't see here:
    If I have an omelette I need to cut it into same size, even squares. And have exactly enough toast (english muffin, whatever) for a bite with each of those squares. Once one is gone I won't eat whatever is left of the other.
  • Since figuring how many calories are in ketchup and mustard I am starting to not like condiments either!
    I hate all condiments!

    My boyfriend is like that. No mayo, no ketchup, no bbq sauce, no cream cheese, no cheese sauce, nadda. He says he likes to taste his food, not the condiments. It makes me giggle - I'm the condiment queen. I've used chicken wings as more of a spoon to eat the blue cheese dressing than anything else!
  • I have to eat my breakfast in a certain order too :-) I also only drink lemon water with my dinner, only eat apples chopped up and will only have yogurt with cinnamon
  • SF2514
    SF2514 Posts: 794 Member
    I hate raw carrots, but when I do try to eat them I have to chew with my mouth open =\. I don't eat them in public haha. Gross I know, but it's the only way I can choke them down =).
  • lma0423
    lma0423 Posts: 78 Member
    Thought of another! When I eat a turkey sandwich I cant have the meat stacked it freaks me out, it has to be folded.
  • CkepiJinx
    CkepiJinx Posts: 613 Member
    When I use to eat burgers and fries, I would first eat the fries and then the burger. I personally do not think this is weird, but so many others find it odd I don't combine the two. Whatevs. I also like grilled cheese sandwiches dipped in fry sauce. I thought this was okay until others told me it wasn't.

    Now my husband has a weird one. If I make him a meat and cheese sandwich, the mustard HAS to be on the meat side and the mayo on the cheese side. He says it's "disgusting" if it isn't that exact way... lol

    Oh I agree with your husband on this one and don't even get me started on peopl that put them on the same piece of bread lol
  • coolraul07
    coolraul07 Posts: 1,606 Member
    When I eat a banana, I never finish the whole thing. I always leave about 1.5"

    No idea why...

    I teach preschool. I have a kid in my class who won't finish a banana ever, also. He says that the part of the banana that is still in the peel as you're holidng it is "The banana's butt" and he refuses to eat it.

    Maybe he watched "Banana Joe" do his naked dance:
  • coolraul07
    coolraul07 Posts: 1,606 Member
    When I use to eat burgers and fries, I would first eat the fries and then the burger. I personally do not think this is weird, but so many others find it odd I don't combine the two. Whatevs. I also like grilled cheese sandwiches dipped in fry sauce. I thought this was okay until others told me it wasn't.

    Now my husband has a weird one. If I make him a meat and cheese sandwich, the mustard HAS to be on the meat side and the mayo on the cheese side. He says it's "disgusting" if it isn't that exact way... lol

    I've spent 5 whole minutes trying to think of a really really weird one but I can't. The following 3 are the best I can think of right now:
    1) I often eat dinner at home standing up by the sink because (a) I hate wiping the table and sweeping the floor and (b) I usually multitask by emptying/loading the dishwasher, cleaning up, etc.
    2) If I know I'm not going to finish my plate, I'll eat all of whatever items won't reheat well. For example, in a restaurant I eat my fries before anything else because they're usually horrible reheated.
    3) When teleworking from home, it's not unusual for me to go until 2-4pm without eating. It's almost 3pm as I type this and I haven't eaten or drank anything today; will fix that very soon. I have trouble with b'fast cuz eating before noon usually makes me either nauseous or sleepy. At work, I usually eat at 12:30pm, but it would be later than that if they didn't start running out of the best stuff by then.
  • racingred24
    racingred24 Posts: 8 Member
    The foods on my plate at any given time cannot touch.
    I always eat the potato first followed by the vegie, then the meat. IF there's a salad that's always first.
    I have to have fresh hot coffee first thing in the morning.......but the coffee cannot be even 5 minutes old. As soon as the coffee stops dripping it's in my cup and ready for slurping.
    I have to have a salad with or for my evening meal
    Sandwiches MUST be cut in half and smooshed flat.

    ........there are likely more but my brain's still asleep

    The food on my plate cannot touch each other either...except I mix my corn with my mashed potatoes. that's okay. and yes, the sandwich MUST be cut in half. it falls apart otherwise! :bigsmile:
  • estrobabe
    estrobabe Posts: 337 Member
    When I eat bread, I roll the parts on the bread into balls. It's hard to explain lol
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    When I eat bread, I roll the parts on the bread into balls. It's hard to explain lol

    Yes. Bread balls best. I'm a bread ball too.
  • mkzara
    mkzara Posts: 73 Member
    1. I don't eat canolis, hotdogs, the brown twinkies (can't remember their name), anything that reminds me of a piece of the male anatomy, I dont eat.

    2. I don't eat the ends of bananas.

    3. If I order something like shrimp lo mein, I will eat the entire noodle first and eat the shrimp at the end. I like saving my favorite til the absolute last moment.

    Edited to add - 4. I love powdered milk (ensure) but not actually to drink. I take two spoonfuls, I mix it in with just a tiny bit of water so it's has a thick porridgy consistency and I eat it, like icecream.
  • BellaFe
    BellaFe Posts: 323
    Yup. I don't like any of my food touching any other food on my plate. I don't know why.
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    I eat my fish sticks frozen