Your last workout of 2012?! What did you do today?!?



  • veggieluver2
    veggieluver2 Posts: 70 Member
    10 miles on the stationary bike

    barbell row with bicep curl

    barbell row with bicep curl

    barbell bench press

    barbell bench press

    overhead with ab crunch

    3 sets knee rehabilitation exercises
  • Jlstreck
    Jlstreck Posts: 8 Member
    Zumba at home for 662 calories plus a couple of walks with the dog.
  • ktrn0312
    ktrn0312 Posts: 720 Member
    Last workout for 2012: Taebo Power- DVD- burned 430 calories

    2013- Focus is strength training with weights and still some Cardio. I want firmness.
  • Yogi_Carl
    Yogi_Carl Posts: 1,906 Member
  • KeepGoingRhonda
    KeepGoingRhonda Posts: 527 Member
    Did ChaLEAN Extreme cardio
  • Today is your last workout of 2012 so tell me about it!
    What did you do?
    My first day (after the fit test) of the first Insanity workout... Only made it 28 min in!

    How many calories did you burn? 380 according to my HRM

    What's your workout plan for next year? Jillian Michael and Insanity
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    3 mile walk, 10 burpees , 10 flights of stairs, ... I think I'm good! :drinker:
  • RGPargy
    RGPargy Posts: 285 Member
    Today I did a Body Pump Class.

    I burned 393 calories.

    My workout plan for 2013 is to do more additional spin classes as my fella and I are signing ourselves up for loads of cyclo-sportives this year so I will need the extra training when i cannot get out on my bike!!

    Bring it on!!
  • Joshacham
    Joshacham Posts: 467 Member
    4 mile jog in 43 minutes. Something like 483 calories. Don't know if I'm going to do anything else, but I'm gonna drink light on New Years so I don't go overboard.

    People wouldn't like me when I go overboard.
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    New Rules of Lifting for Women (Stage 6) with some Tabata intervals on the elliptical at the end. 68 minutes, 600+ calories.
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    Walked a mile, did the weight circuit and then ran a mile on the treadmill at 15 degrees! But I ran over 1300 miles this year!
  • ChelseaRW
    ChelseaRW Posts: 366 Member
    I did 45 minutes of Jillian's Extreme Shed and Shred...I plan on being more consistent in my workouts and rotating Jillian's DVD's. I have almost every dvd of hers.
  • owendrj
    owendrj Posts: 5 Member
    Day 3, Level 2 of 6 Week 6 pack
  • I worked all day....on feet in clinic. Got home and did this:

    109 minutes on treadmill burned 1512 calories

    Machine Fly
    5 sets
    10 reps
    10 lbs.

    Side Bends
    3 Sets
    10 Reps
    10 lbs.

    2 sets
    10 reps
    3 lbs.

    Good end to a Year!! Next year...even better!! HAPPY NEW YEAR
  • Misspositiveme
    Misspositiveme Posts: 60 Member
    Jillian Michaels 30 day shred
  • Starla_
    Starla_ Posts: 349
    I did workout A in my 5th week of stronglifts.

    Squats 5x5 @ 44kg
    Benchpress 5x5 @ 32kg
    Barbell rows 2x5, 1x4, 2x5 @ 38kg and thats the 3rd time I stalled on my rows.

    No idea on cal burn.

    Workout plan is for 2013 is pretty much the same thing. Lift heavy for me and see where I end up :smile:
  • I ran the evening Fairfax 4-Miler with a friend :). And ate Pizza afterwards!
  • chelovik
    chelovik Posts: 200 Member
    Dilfinated 1289 calories total today. My workout is outlined in my diary today for my friends to look at. It essentially was high volume shoulders and tris. Also threw some abs in for ****z and giggles. Didn't have time to HIIT because of needing to get other stuff done but I have the rest of the week. My workout week starts on Sunday and I did cardio then so I am not going to sweat it at all
  • CRody44
    CRody44 Posts: 776 Member
    Watched football.
  • preshusgem
    preshusgem Posts: 204 Member
    Week 4 Turbo Fire. Fire 55 EZ. Burned 461 calories. Oh yeah!