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May Day Challenge! Take 2!



  • aisser
    aisser Posts: 232
    Happy Easter to all:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning all! I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter weekend. It was absolutely beautiful in GA so I was able to get out and enjoy the sun. Today I began month 2 of the Insanity program and all I can say is that it's BRUTAL. Week 6 day 1 of the program requires you to complete the Max Interval Circuit dvd and it's an hour long and a killer. While I tried very hard to pace myself I found my heart rate was still very high and 40 minutes into the workout I was ready to give in. However, when Shaun T told me to "Dig Deeper" I did just that and was able to complete the entire workout. I just need to say that the ab circuit (ski abs, push up jacks, in and out abs and oblique abs) and full body drill (mountain climbers, walking push ups and wide run obliques) are PURE EVIL and I dreaded every time we had to do them. Having complained all through this post I will end it on a positive note. I AM SO PROUD OF MYSELF FOR STICKING WITH IT AND SO GLAD I GOT UP AT 5 AM AND GOT THE WORKOUT IN.

    Question: Does anyone know if you burn more calories when you stay within your heart rate zone or if you exceed it? My hrm tells me how many minutes I spent in, above or below my heart rate zone and I'm interested to find out what kind of difference it makes in my workouts.

    Anyway, everyone have a great day!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Happy Tuesday all! Today is week 6 day 2 of the Insanity program which means Max Interval Plyo was on the agenda. I woke up late and I must admit not really feeling up to what Shaun T and this dvd was going to bring (my rt knee was bothering me). I could only get through 1 of the 3 warm up intervals (joggin, jumpin jacks, 1-2-3, jump rope, high knees, switch kicks, hit the floor and side/side floor hops). Just the thought of having to do that 2 more times was not appealing so I can't lie I pushed fast forward. Now I did do my best on the rest of the interval circuits but because my knee was bothering me I substituted jumping rope for anything that required a lot of power jumping.

    Even though I know many ppl may not know what these exercises are I still wanted to share w/you how INSANE Shaun T and this month 2 Plyo dvd is. Today's workout consisted of:

    Switch jumps (start in squat position and jump 180 into another squat position)
    Squat push ups (start in squat position and fall into push up position)
    Wide in and out abs
    Power jumps (jumped rope instead)
    V legged push ups (hard to explain but works the shoulders)
    Pogo (Couldn't do b/c of my knee so I jumped rope instead)
    Globe twists (squats w/a twist)
    Level 3 drills (16 push ups and 16 mountain climbers).....THESE WERE MURDER
    Power lunges/hop squats
    Side push ups (hard to complete but did my best)
    Kickstand touch the floor (hard to explain but required the use of one leg and didn't do b/c knee, so, jumped rope)
    Power knees
    Balance push ups

  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    Good evening everyone! :wink: :devil: This is your 95 post warning!:devil: We only 95 posts left before this thread is locked! :brokenheart: I will post a link to our new thread when we have 50 posts to go.:bigsmile: I would like to say that I think it is WONDERFUL that we have ALREADY filled (almost) TWO:noway: threads during our challenge!:bigsmile:

    I've been struggling with the planning meals portion of my goals this week. But the good news is that (for the most part:wink: ) the meals I have made this week have been very good. It is DEFINATELY grilling weather around here right now! (Although DH has been known to grill in the snow!:laugh: ) I don't want to turn on the oven, so we are doing lots of grilling. If anyone has recipes/ideas for grilling chicken or steak (merinades, things to wrap it in foil with, etc.), PLEASE let me know!

    After the kiddos go to bed tonight, I plan to re-test for the sit up challenge. :sigh: I will get back on this wagon!

    Time for a confession: I haven't been exercising as much as I should. As a matter of fact, typically I DON'T exercise unless we go on a family walk in the evenings.:frown: I have a Wii Fit staring at me every day. I brought the hand weights upstairs for me to start using. I started the sit up challenge. I quit said challenge. I haven't touched the weights since I brought them up. The Wii Fit will probably claim to have forgotten my name when I do finally get back on. I see posts rather frequently asking "Can I do this without exercise?" People are always telling them how they need to exercise to do this the healthy way. But I just want to tell them that it CAN be done. To a point. For me, I think that point is 169 lbs.:ohwell: I've been here for several weeks now. THIS is the time for me to step up and DO it! Tonight is the situp challenge. Tomorrow is stepping, hula hooping, bicycling, and some other games on the Wii. Maybe even some of the yoga on the Wii! Thursday is back to situps, probably throw in at least some steps on the Wii. Friday will be the full gamot on Wii Fit. All of this on TOP of any walks we are able to get in during the evenings! Saturday will be situps and Wii. Sunday will be Wii. Next week, I will add in some of the strength training drills on the Wii.

    If anyone has any links to short, FREE workout videos on the internet, please send them my way!

    Ok, well that is enough RAMBLING for one day! I hope everyone is doing well! Please stop in and update us on your progress during the week!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Free exercise videos:

  • sphinctress
    sphinctress Posts: 202 Member

    Just reading your workouts makes me tired!
    My hammy is healed and I climbed 1/2 way up a mtn, and then ran down it! It was so much fun!
    Of course I am sore as h3ll today! HA! : ) So worth it though!
    I started week 2 of Couch to 5K, (C25K) and also am back on with Jillian Michael's 30 day shred!

    Ah, the glorious chaos!

    I just wanted to give you guys a heads up,... I have some changes coming in the next couple of months so I may be hit or miss on postings, but I will be on as much as I can!

    I have loved this group!
    : )
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning everyone and Happy Wednesday! After looking at the Insanity calendar I realized I was counting the weeks incorrecctly. I did not realize the recovery week was not counted as part of the week so while I thought I was on week six I am actually on week 5. Having said all that today is week 5 day 3 of the Insanity program and I completed the Max Cardio Conditioning dvd. I paced myself throughout the workout and I did a lot better than yesterday. I must say the month 2 workouts have been leaving me very sore so I know I'm working something.

    Anyway, I have to begin my work day so I'll check back in later.
  • aisser
    aisser Posts: 232
    I haven't posted for a few days seems like time just flys by. I have been staying under my calories and doing some kind of work out but there is no way I could stay up with Chocolickkyss. I don't know where her energy comes from but I would like to have a portion of it. :wink:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    It is great reading about how all of you are doing. Makes my evening before I go to bed when I have had a busy day. I did want to share that I did my monthly measuring yesterday, and even though I have lost very little weight, I continue to lose inches. Except in my calves, which are increasing. So, do you think that instead of losing weight I am gaining muscle, which weighs more than fat, or do you think that is a cop out? Just wondering.

    Anyway, everyone have a good night's sleep and hope tomorrow goes well for you. Here's to smart choices!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Happy Thursday all! I have been absolutely living for Thursdays since beginning the Insanity program b/c it's considered a recovery day and boy to I ever NEED IT THIS WEEK! Today is week 5 day 4 of the Insanity program which meant I had to complete the Max Recovery dvd. While I really need this dvd to stretch my body out Shaun T is really killing me w/all the push ups and plank moves. I'm unsure if my shoulders can take any more. I know they're getting stronger and I can see some definition but they are SCREAMING FOR ME TO TAKE A BREAK!. Despite all the aching/soreness I completed the workout.

    My work day is about to begin so I hope everyone has a great day.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    I can not say it loud enough.....THANK GOODNESS IT'S FRIDAY! Today is week 5 day 5 of the Insanity Program and it is truly kicking my butt. Month 2 of this program is GRUELING! My hat goes off and I bow down to anyone and everyone who has gone through this program b/c my body is SCREAMING at me right now. My upper body is super sore my legs are still a bit wobbly but once again i'm proud to say that I DUG DEEPER AND COMPLETED MY WORKOUT. I completed the Max Interval Circuit dvd and I'm looking forward to a weekend free of Insanity. I usually go to the gym on Saturday and stretch/walk on Sunday and my body so needs the rest.

    Well I have to get my work day started so i'll check the threads a little later. I hope everyone has a great day!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Start weight: 131 lbs (12/18/09)
    Dec. 25: 129.5 lbs
    Jan. 1: 130 lbs
    Jan. 8: 127 lbs
    Jan. 15: 126.5 lbs
    Jan. 22: 126 lbs
    Jan. 29: 124 lbs
    Feb. 5: 124 lbs
    Feb. 12: 124 lbs
    Feb. 19: 124 lbs
    Feb. 26: 124 lbs
    March 5: 124 kbs
    March 12: 124 lbs
    March 19: 125 lbs
    March 26: 125 lbs
    April 2: 123 lbs
    April 9: 124 lbs
    April 16:
    April 23:
    April 30: 125 lbs

    It looks like I'm fluctuating a pound here and there but it's all good b/c I'm still within my ultimate goal range.

    Hope everyone is doing well since we only have 3 more weigh ins. Let's get it in ladies.
  • amboardman
    amboardman Posts: 144 Member
    Start weight: 176
    Dec. 25: 174.6
    Jan. 1: 173.0
    Jan. 8: 171.8
    Jan. 15: 169.0
    Jan. 22: 166.4
    Jan. 29: 165.4
    Feb. 5: 164
    Feb. 12: 162 Just 7 more pounds to my goal!!!
    Feb. 19: 162--blah! (TOM)
    Feb. 26: 160 (My original goal--yay me!)
    March 5: 158.6
    March 12: 156.6
    March 19: 155.2--Almost there!!!!
    March 26: 151.8
    April 2: 153.4
    April 9: 152.4
    April 16:
    April 23:
    April 30: 155 (changing this from 160--I'm feeling motivated!)

    Another not so great week of food choices and exercise. My 15 month old has been sick and has not slept in 5 nights now, which means I haven't either, adding to my stress and exhaustion. But I'm still within my 150-155 range, and I'm happy with that. Hoping next week will be better!
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    Start weight: 182
    Dec. 25: 182
    Jan. 1: Didn't weigh in
    Jan. 8: 180
    Jan. 15: 177
    Jan. 22: 178
    Jan. 29: 175
    Feb. 5: 174
    Feb. 12: 174
    Feb. 19: 171
    Feb. 26: 170
    March 5: 170
    March 12: 169
    March 19: Didn't weigh in
    March 26: 169
    April 2: 169
    April 9: 168!:bigsmile:
    April 16:
    April 23:
    April 30: 165!!!

    So in the last week I have been MUCH better about my water, I have exercised more than I was before (still not where I want to be, but better than where I was!), I moved my MFP goal from 1lb a week to .5lb a week, and I stayed within 50 cals + or - of that. Between all of that and the lowering of the stress hormones, I finally dropped a pound after almost a month! Now to increase that exercise some more, I may just make it!
  • katielouhoo
    katielouhoo Posts: 676 Member
    Starting weight 244.2
    weigh-in Jan.1- 240.2
    Jan. 8: 237.4
    Jan. 15: 235.2
    Jan. 22: 231
    Jan. 29: 228.2
    Feb. 5: 224.6
    Feb. 12: 222.6 (mini-goal 225)
    Feb. 19: 219
    Feb. 26: 215.8
    March 5: 213.4
    March 12: 211.2
    March 19: 208.8
    March 26: 205.4
    April 2: 201.8 (woo hoo!!!!!!! i made 100 lbs lost, & my May Day goal)
    April 9: 198.8 (welcome back to "onederland" - happy dance)
    April 16:
    April 23:
    April 30: (205)

    finally back below the dreaded 200. this is great. -katie
  • sphinctress
    sphinctress Posts: 202 Member
    Good Morning!

    Katielouhoo: AWESOME JOB!!!!

    Starting weight 195 June 2009
    Goal weight: 125
    Jan. 1: 189
    Jan. 8: 184
    Jan. 15: 178
    Jan. 22: 174
    Jan. 29: 173
    Feb. 5: 174
    Feb. 12: 169
    Feb. 19: 168
    Feb. 26: 169
    March 5: 170
    March 12: 169
    March 19: 167
    March 26: 166
    April 2: 164.5
    April 9: 165 ~UGH!
    April 16:
    April 23:
    April 30: 162

    Well, one of these days I'll break into the 150's and do my happy dance too! And I WILL lose 3 stinkin' pounds in the next 3 weeks.... (Oh, please! Oh please!)
    : )
    Well i'm a little nervous because I run my first 5k next Sunday (4/18) and I checked the weather .. (i know i know it's 10 days away) but it says possible showers! AHh I was expecting perfect weather with a light breeze so I could run my best LOL looks like I better get back to reality!

    Happy weigh-in to everyone making changes in their lives for the better! WOOhoo!

    Starting weight: 185 (12/2/09)
    Started MFP: 1/14/10
    Start weight: 184.8
    Jan. 1: 184.8
    Jan. 8: 182.4
    Jan. 15: 179.6
    Jan. 22: 178
    Jan. 29: 177.4
    Feb. 5: 173.4
    Feb. 12: 173.4
    Feb. 19: 173.4
    Feb. 26: 171.2
    March 5: 168.2
    March 12: 169
    March 19: 167.6
    March 26: 166.2
    April 2: 164.4
    April 9: 162.0
    April 16:
    April 23:
    April 30: 155!!!
    Ultimate Goal: *145*

    You are all doing sO GREAT!

    Sphinctress: Keep up the great work! Only half of a pound is nothing to say UGH about! You're doing great if you look at the bigger picture... you'll get there!

    katielouhoo: welcome to onederland! Feels great doesn't it?? You're making great progress.. be proud!
  • Start weight: 208.3
    Dec. 25: 206
    Jan. 1: 202.3
    Jan. 8: 200
    Jan. 15: 197.8
    Jan. 22: 195.6
    Jan. 29: 193.8
    Feb. 5: 192.6
    Feb. 12: 192.2
    Feb. 19: 189.2
    Feb. 26:
    March 5: 187.2 (Mini goal - 188 met!!)
    March 12: 190.0
    March 19: 186.8
    March 26: 186
    April 2: 185.2
    April 9: 186.2
    April 16:
    April 23:
    April 30: 178

    I've really been slacking lately. I need to get back on the wagon and FAST!
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    Checking in!

    Start weight: 197.0
    Dec. 25: 198.8 (+1.8 – TOM)
    Jan. 01: 196.0 (-2.8)
    Jan. 08: 194.2 (-1.8)
    Jan. 15: 191.0 (-3.2)
    Jan. 22: 190.2 (-0.8 -- TOM)
    Jan. 29: 188.6 (-1.6)
    Feb. 05: 188.0 (-0.6)
    Feb. 12: 185.0 (-3.0)
    Feb. 19: 185.4 (+0.4 -- TOM)
    Feb. 26: 184.4 (-1.0)
    Mar. 05: 182.8 (-1.6)
    Mar. 12: 182.6 (-0.2)
    Mar. 19: 180.8 (-1.8 – TOM)
    Mar. 26: 179.4 (-1.4) (On vacation to San Diego)
    April 02: 178.4 (-1.0)
    April 09: 177.6 (-0.8) (2.6 lbs to goal)
    April 16:
    April 23:
    April 30: Goal 175

    Sprained (or broke?) my darn pinky toe yesterday rushing through the office in sandals. Which ultimately means no exercise until it's healed. The last two days my diet has been atrocious (hubby wanted to be fun and spontaneous and surprise me with dinner... which ended up being pizza, the BANE of my existence) and I will NEED to clean that up if I'm not getting in the exercise.

    I've come too far for a set back now! :smile:
  • sphinctress
    sphinctress Posts: 202 Member
    I just wanted to say that you are all GREAT!
    I hope we can start something for May and beyond? I am not that savvy when it comes to computers and given the impending changes coming in my near future, I don't know if I would be the best candidate for the "job", but I would love to continue with my progress, and with you ladies as well.

    Thanks for the encouragement! Congrats on the weight loss and on the workouts and on the wagons on which we are climbing.

    AND yes, you can lose inches and the scale doesn't move much! As I've been stuck in the 167-170 range, I lost inches off my waist and hips... : )

    Chocolickkyss, do you ever take a day off to let your body recover? Apparently my mountain climbing and running down the hill 1.5 weeks post-hamstring tear was not a good idea... but now I'm back to heat and stretching before and ice and rest and anti-inflammatories after workouts.

    See you guys next week!!!
    I'll get you, you miserable 3 pounds! and your little inches too!
    ; )
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