Being called a "fat *kitten*" by my husband....



  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    Wrote something, but decided against it. I wish MFP had a "delete post" option.....or does it?
  • nyemu
    nyemu Posts: 43
    I don't condone his harsh words but please also try to see it from his perspective. He is obviously very committed to losing weight and getting fit. Obviously you committed yourself to working out with him at a specific time and it probably seemed as if you were blowing him off. Im finding it hard to accept that a father wouldn't understand that the kids need to nap...please don't make promises you aren't prepared to keep. People like us trying to get fit and healthy get a little bit "obsessed" with our workout schedules. That said i think you both need to work on effective ways of communicating. Name calling and sulking aren't the way to build a strong marriage. Good luck!
  • Topher1978
    Topher1978 Posts: 975 Member
    Then why are you talking trash in here, in such a public forum? Take it to a counselor, or spirtual director, or a trusted friend. It sounds like you were making an excuse, he is used to you doing just that, and he spoke in agravation, as men sometimes do more than women do. You created a pattern and he sees you inside that pattern. Change the pattern, and he will see you in the new pattern. It will take longer than you are going to deem necessary. As far as he was concerned, you had just lied to him... again. An excuse to not do something you said you would makes you a liar. So, get your act together, don't procrastinate and be consistent in your new endeavor of a healthy lifestyle. Or don't.

    I am not a liar. I did get up and go for a walk, just not on his time frame or when he TOLD me to. And I don't see how calling someone a liar on a post about being put down helps any either.
    This time you got up. Were his words part of what got you out the door? How many times have you started and quit? That is what, in his reality, made you a liar. If you say you are going to do something, and don't follow through time and again, you have made yourself dishonest to him and yourself. Coming here and actually changing is growing your integrity, and making you honest (in theory) along with any other of our community that has had the same habitual pattern.
  • sm1zzle
    sm1zzle Posts: 920 Member
    doesn't really help. I've been dieting and doing light exercise. Just because I wanted to put our kids down for a nap after lunch and let my food digest before going for a 4 mile long walk doesn't make me lazy. I never said we weren't going to go, just that I wanted to wait a few hours. However, being called a lazy fat *kitten* by him doesn't really make me feel all that motivated to work out. Being told that I will never be thin again, that I will never be good for anything, and that I'm stupid isn't going to fix anything and just makes me feel worse about what little progress I've made. It also doesn't really help my depression. I know everyone's going to say to just leave him, but I actually believe in my marriage vows and don't believe in divorce.

    If you can't get away from people like him... figure out a way to turn those words to fuel your weight loss. Maybe after you succeed with that it will empower you to find someone who will respect you.
  • Improvised
    Improvised Posts: 925 Member
    Sounds like you both need to be better at communicating.
  • flyersrule17a
    flyersrule17a Posts: 54 Member
    I don't condone his harsh words but please also try to see it from his perspective. He is obviously very committed to losing weight and getting fit. Obviously you committed yourself to working out with him at a specific time and it probably seemed as if you were blowing him off. Im finding it hard to accept that a father wouldn't understand that the kids need to nap...please don't make promises you aren't prepared to keep. People like us trying to get fit and healthy get a little bit "obsessed" with our workout schedules. That said i think you both need to work on effective ways of communicating. Name calling and sulking aren't the way to build a strong marriage. Good luck!

    Actually, you're wrong. I did NOT commit to working out at a particular time at all to him. We finished lunch and HE decided that was the best time to go for a walk. I wanted the kids to nap first and said that when they woke up we would go. It was not something we had planned out prior to the argument at all. He just decided that because he ate like a horse at lunch that we all needed to go for a walk right then and there. I wanted to wait and had every right to do that. I also didn't feel like walking 4 miles which is what he wanted to do. I've been having some pain in my legs due to sciatica, so I wanted to just do one mile, which I did do after the kids and I napped.
  • isabel88g
    isabel88g Posts: 77 Member
    I believe in marriage vows too, but I do not believe in being bullied by your husband isn't right!

    Have you ever thought of going to counselling with him, he needs to realize what he is doing, is hurting you
  • A spouse is supposed to be your biggest supporter no matter what. I'm not going to give you marital advice but that kind of talk is abusive and you no one should be talked to that way or made to feel like a lesser being. You get yourself looking sexy THEN see what he has to say...
  • Lynn_is_happy
    Lynn_is_happy Posts: 152 Member
    I decided to delete what I had said after reading responses that are going back and forth.
  • Kitkat_58
    Kitkat_58 Posts: 35 Member
    You teach people how to treat you. So if you do not like being talked to by your spouse like that then you need to put a stop to it. If he thought that he was motivating you by saying these things then now is the time to stop that kind of motivation.

    If my husband talked to me that way I would not be taking care of his needs until there was an apology. He would know exactly why I was not cooking his dinner, doing his laundry, and other things. I watched my mom put up with crap like this from my dad. It took a while, but my mom finally said enough and when she finally drew the line and let my dad know that she would be treated with respect or he could pack his things and leave things got better. Heck she packed up a box and put it out on the front porch for him, the box of his stuff stayed on the front porch for a week. My dad knew she meant what she said.

    You are worth being treated with love and kindness, and you do not have to put up with this kind of emotional abuse.
  • STrooper
    STrooper Posts: 659 Member
    There is something more here than meets the eye.

    First, I am assuming that the words that you have highlighted are the actual words that he used. Don't fall into the trap of what he meant versus what he actually said. Second, and perhaps more important, this sounds like something said out of anger (and anger is largely fear expressed), But just because he might be "angry" (or frustrated, or whatever) does not give him (or you) the right to verbally abuse one another.

    It does not sound like this was something said to motivate you nor does it sound like the "amazing man" you describe on your profile page. And it logically appears that at least one, if not both of you, has gone through previous marriages. That may also play into this. Because one or both of you aren't meeting (unsaid) expectations.

    Finally, assuming that both of you are of similar age, men can be terribly insensitive and unaware of the things they say or how they are taken. My ex-wife told me that after our son was born and she worked really hard to bring her body back towards her pre-pregnancy form, I said something that infuriated her. I barely remember it and did not say it out of meaness or even anger. Had I known that she would have been so upset that she would seek to adversely affect our marriage (to "show me"), I would not have said it. I did not know until many years after our divorce that one silly comment about the last couple of pounds she sought to lose would plant the seeds of her finding someone else and walking away from our marriage. There were other things, of course, that she found wrong with me after that. But I never imagined that something so simple could be traced to the "first cause" for ending a marriage. Of course, it is also possible if it wasn't the one thing I said that she identified, it would have been something else.

    Words make a difference and if you both have been married before, you both know that. It is time to remind yourselves of that and apologies to be offered and accepted. AND this type of behavior also has to end.
  • jumperchick
    ive never been married, but here my input. i have been in an abusive relationship before.

    when you have kids they are always watching and listening. if your kids see you husband treating you like that, they will think that it is an ok way to treat someone else or for someone else to treat them. do you want that for your kids ?

    if you dont leave him for you, please leave him for your children.
  • Donnacoach
    Donnacoach Posts: 540 Member
    With depression his words are going to do nothing to lift your spirits my friend. You need to do for YOU and he needs to realize that. You need to find what makes you happy and being called a, "fat *kitten*" is certainly not one of those things. Sit him down and have a serious talk with him about how you are feeling. Nobody needs to be degraded and treated that way. Words hurt, I know this as I have been there done that. It's gonna take you taking a stand and letting him know that it is not acceptable for him to call you names like that. If he loves you then he will understand he is wrong and not repeat himself. Good luck.
  • AliceRabbit13
    AliceRabbit13 Posts: 138 Member
    What a **** thing to say. Hope you told him as such. "appreciate that you're trying to motivate me BUT...that does not serve any purpose but to defeat me before I even get a chance to start."
  • lexlutha13
    You're Right, its no reason to leave your husband. Let him know how those words make you feel and that a more positive response is what you need. It sounds as if u guys are exercising together and that's a positive step. He needs to show patience, respect, and Honor to his other half which is you. Don't let this stop you just talk to him about this and try not to make it a shouting match.
  • oneworkoutatatime
    use it as motivation, no better revenge then making him eat his words..
  • MandaPaigeSparkles88
    MandaPaigeSparkles88 Posts: 1,289 Member
    Hurtful words like that would only want to make me work harder and show him that I can do this. Don't let his words bring you down. Let them empower you and use it as motivation. Because no one deserves that at all.
  • tiffd1000
    You better put that man in his place and tell him how rude he is being to you! If my fiance ever talked like that to me.. there would be some serious couch sleeping going on in our house. What does he look like? Does he have room to talk... I am sure there are things about him (obviously) that you would like to change...At least you are trying! There is a way to say things and a way to not say things to people you love.
  • shellebelle79
    shellebelle79 Posts: 52 Member
    Sounds to me that he is just trying to dicourage you, don't give in to that. You are beatiful and you are strong! I realize you want to stay true to your vows but that is no excuse for him to talk to you, the mother to his children, like that! Keep strong, but at the same time you shouldn't have to take that from anyone
  • G__Force
    G__Force Posts: 280 Member
    I believe in marriage and vows very much as well. BUT Honey thats just wrong! He needs to do some soul searching to figure out if wants to be married. I hate to say this but the dude has issues. My little sister was married to the same kind of looser and come to find out he was cheating and just wanted out. You deserve better than that. Loose the weight get more sexy than you are then dump him :).
    Sorry but guys like this piss me off!