What is the worst comment you ever got about your weight?



  • cjsacto
    cjsacto Posts: 1,421 Member
    My weight has gone up and down quite a few times, though I've never been thin.

    I'm in my forties now. Back in my twenties, my dad's former wife said, "You know, you're a very pretty girl." AFTER I said thank you, she added, "When you're thin." And went on to say how big and round my face got when I gained weight, while I was awkwardly having to be gracious for the "compliment."

    I joined a gym, still in my twenties, and part of the membership was a body fat percentage evaluation and a couple of sessions with a personal trainer. The slim, young trainer had to use calipers to pinch the skin at my hips for the measurement, and she was very impatient and sighed and said, "If we can find your hipbones." I was mortified. (And size 12/14 at the time - my hips weren't that hard to find.)

    I have always been overweight and have kind of a bookworm look, but I have gone through phases of doing active outdoors stuff (camping, skiing, bike riding, river rafting, etc.) and I have always loved to hike. MANY times I have been ignored/dismissed at sporting goods stores, as if there's no way I would really buy something. Just a couple days ago I went into a GNC asking about protein supplements and the clerk (a big, muscular guy) sort of did a double take and said, "Is this for you?" and laughed. That may not be directly about my weight, but these strangers just seem to think it's inconceivable that I could be fit and active.
  • mommybambi
    mommybambi Posts: 25 Member
    When I was in labor with my son, the anesthesioligist comes into the room and is commenting the whole time he is giving me the epidural that "we have a big one here". I had a long and hard labor with my son and the anesthesia wore off long before I was done pushing for 4 hours. The same anesthesioligist comes in to remove the epidural and I mention that it wore off before my son was born. He tells me that I was lucky I even got anything.

    When I was younger, I went for my first gyn exam and was asked if I was sexually active as part of the basic questions. I replied no. After the doctor finishes my exam he tells me to lose weight as it will improve my social life. I never said I had a problem with my social life!!
  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member
    Kind of OT, but after reading stories in this thread I actually felt compelled to tell my parents tonight how thankful I was that they never made hurtful comments about my weight or appearance when I was younger.

    After I said that, my mom relayed a neat story to me. She said she was discussing the same thing with my dad the other day and he said something along the lines of "Why would I say something hurtful about your weight? I didn't marry your weight!" Go Dad!

    There are men out there who won't be cruel about your body like some of the losers I have read about on this thread. Don't put up with it!

    *steps off of soap box, goes back into shadowy cave*
  • Us4girls
    When I was a teenager, my size 2 cousin anywhere we were in public would start yelling at the top of her lungs, "Watch out, the whale is coming!! Move or you will get squashed!" I told her to stop and told my family to make her stop even if only in church, but was told, "Oh, that's just Kayla you just have to accept it and deal with it"
    This Christmas I went to my grandma's house for the family thing and asked my boyfriend if it makes me a horrible person since I am GLAD she "got kinda fat like some of us". I weighed between 180-200 when I graduated high school and 3 kids and 2 horrible relationships later weigh 236. She weighs probably close to 200 now. I hadn't seen her in probably 10 years.
    That being said, I am glad she got big so she can see what she put me and the other overweight people she tortured went through, and I would NEVER say a mean comment to her about her weight.

    My girls call me fat but that is because I let them. My middle one says that she is glad that I am fat because she is starting to get overweight and she said that she would be sad if she was the only one with a jiggle tummy.
  • n0ob
    n0ob Posts: 2,390 Member
    I got comments about being the fat guy and "fat *kitten* backer " in football and basketball...

    The main team that would comment I wrecked shop in the football game we played and hit a buzzer beater to win in our only basketball game against them. We also ran a diamond and 1 on their best player all night (I was the one) and I held a guy that played in a HS all-star game to 6 points.
  • dianuhmonkey
    dianuhmonkey Posts: 28 Member
    I started getting big about second grade. When I was probably about 10th years old a family friend/neighbor told me how I looked pregnant because I was so fat.
    In high school I was called hog all the time since I was fat and my last name conveniently rhymed with it.
    My first husband saw my graduation picture and said "wow who's that fat b****!"
    When I lost a bunch of weight the first time people were then telling me that I was anorexic and on drugs....

    It's all hurt. But now it's time to be healthy.
  • angelizer
    My worst came via a facebook message. A woman at work, who is married with kids i might add, was trying to get my boyfriend (now fiance) to sleep with her. I called her out on it, and a few weeks later i get a message saing "I'm sorry, just thought he would want to have a bit of fun since your fat and stupid. your lucky he loves you." Quite posibly the worst apology ever.
  • EmmarrD
    EmmarrD Posts: 69
    The worst comment was when someone who means alot to me said it was embarrassing to be seen with me because of my weight. Really made me choke up.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    That I was starting to get a muffin top -.- Can't complain too much though, I've had it easy compared to many of you!
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I was called Round Boy by my family and friends until I hit puberty.
  • flab2steel
    The worst comments were eeeuuuwww from young women when I was younger. Talk about getting a kick in the guts
  • Emilyrenee84
    Emilyrenee84 Posts: 9 Member
    I absolutely hate the "you'd be so pretty if you were 20-25 lbs lighter"... like really.... ughhhh.... soooo annoying!
  • Reeny1_8
    Reeny1_8 Posts: 277
    Me and my mum have never gotten along. I'm really short (only 4"7) and my whole life she has made really crappy comments. When we argue and she is in one of her moods she calls me a "fat b**ch". From anyone else it wouldn't bother me as much but I still have a hard time being around her because of it.
  • Reeny1_8
    Reeny1_8 Posts: 277
    Kind of OT, but after reading stories in this thread I actually felt compelled to tell my parents tonight how thankful I was that they never made hurtful comments about my weight or appearance when I was younger.

    After I said that, my mom relayed a neat story to me. She said she was discussing the same thing with my dad the other day and he said something along the lines of "Why would I say something hurtful about your weight? I didn't marry your weight!" Go Dad!

    There are men out there who won't be cruel about your body like some of the losers I have read about on this thread. Don't put up with it!

    *steps off of soap box, goes back into shadowy cave*

    That is so awesome!!
  • hotcandad
    My mother used to use the size of my butt as a guide as to how big a turkey she should buy for whatever hoiday meal she was cooking.
  • justgowithit17
    justgowithit17 Posts: 1,392 Member
    It wasn't even irl actually. It was on bodybuilding.com. In august I made an account and used it for a couple of weeks. I didn't like so I stopped using it. then in november i decided to log on again. i was bored so i decided to make a troll thread. BIG mistake. First off, I thought no one or only a couple of people were going to respond. Second of all, I posted a progress pic of myself in a bikini in August and I didn't think to remove the picture before posting the thread. The thread got popular really fast. And then someone went to my profile and posted the progress pic of me onto the thread. People started responding things like "wow what a whale" "fat attention wh*re" "whale whale whale what do we have here". Someone even posted a picture saying "man the harpoons".

    I just posted the thread then didn't even bother to check it until the next day. When I checked it I was in shock that it got so many replies. When I started reading the thread I couldn't believe my eyes. I was almost in tears. I mean I knew I had to lose some pounds and tone up, but I was and am still not "fat", a whale, or anything like that. Also the progress picture I took of myself was actually a good picture! I looked much better in that pic than I did irl! But obviously they didn't think so.

    Anyways, I felt so embarrassed I deleted my account right after seeing the responses. The thing that sucked though is that I couldn't respond to all those douche bags. I guess I learned the lesson "be careful what you post online" the hard way. It really stung at first, but then I realized that I shouldn't take anyone seriously if they waste their time insulting people they don't even know online. I'm glad I deleted my account because most of the guys there were just conceited douche bags. Plus, MFP is sooooo much better! Y'all are actually supportive and kind, not to mention awesome! :bigsmile:
  • Harriann84
    "Wow, what the f*** happened to you? You got fat!" From someone I haven't seen for years.
    I have been called a whale, hippo, blimp, the list goes on.

    The most painful one though.... was from my daughter.

    "Mami, will you die because you are so fat?" That hurt. A lot.
  • eylia
    eylia Posts: 200 Member
    Mine are for being too small, rather than big, but they hurt just as much. I've been sick from a young age, underweight most my life, and when I have a flare up, I lose dramatically. The past two and a half years have been the worst; was down to about 72lbs (bedridden for the most part) at one point. Medication I've been on in my childhood used to make me bloat-mostly the face, and my parents and I have disposed of most of those pictures (they didn't look like me, bad memories etc). Recently my Gran heard this, pulled me aside and told me in this horrible voice that if that was the case she'd burn all my anorexic ones too, she's very aware of the whole situation so it was really hurtful. She also makes continuous/smug comments to others like 'Oh, you always know she'll help herself if there's food around.' So don't really know what she'd rather.

    Another was a local from the small community I grew up in, one of my first nights out while sick, she and her friends (about four middle aged women) openly pointed/laughed at me to the point strangers around noticed. She's the same age as my mum, she's got kids my age, it just felt like she should have known better.

    Getting called anorexic, a Holocaust victim, having food forced on me, sort of getting used to those-it's people that know me that can make it hard. Society isn't subtle or kind in either direction =/
  • Harriann84
    Mine are for being too small, rather than big, but they hurt just as much. I've been sick from a young age, underweight most my life, and when I have a flare up, I lose dramatically. The past two and a half years have been the worst; was down to about 72lbs (bedridden for the most part) at one point. Medication I've been on in my childhood used to make me bloat-mostly the face, and my parents and I have disposed of most of those pictures (they didn't look like me, bad memories etc). Recently my Gran heard this, pulled me aside and told me in this horrible voice that if that was the case she'd burn all my anorexic ones too, she's very aware of the whole situation so it was really hurtful. She also makes continuous/smug comments to others like 'Oh, you always know she'll help herself if there's food around.' So don't really know what she'd rather.

    Another was a local from the small community I grew up in, one of my first nights out while sick, she and her friends (about four middle aged women) openly pointed/laughed at me to the point strangers around noticed. She's the same age as my mum, she's got kids my age, it just felt like she should have known better.

    Getting called anorexic, a Holocaust victim, having food forced on me, sort of getting used to those-it's people that know me that can make it hard. Society isn't subtle or kind in either direction =/

    I think it's safe to say, when it comes to weight, people can suck. Hugs honey x
  • sophasaurusxx
    Last year i fell out bug time with a friend of mine, it was over my car as she was always askin for me ti come out in my car and waste my fuel, and i got sick of it. So i told her to stop asking me to go out in my car all the time, anyway we had a really big argument over it, and she text me back saying 'well when i get a car you wont be able to fit in it because your too fat!'

    That was it then! She well and truley pushed my buttons! We had an argument on the street next time i saw her! And we had an audiencen!!