What is the worst comment you ever got about your weight?



  • After gaining back a little weight (about 10 pounds) after having lost over 100 lbs and suffering a stress fracture and torn muscle in my thigh that put me out of commission for about 3 months, in the middle of a staff meeting, my boss commented to another attendee (loud enough for all to hear) that "[she] was looking good back when she cared, but now the weight is coming back."
  • mommy1126
    mommy1126 Posts: 146 Member
    When my husband looked at me one day and told me I was going to have to quit cooking so much, that he was getting fat too.
    Probably sounds silly to most, but the too at the end of that sentence really hurt.
  • reasnableblonde
    reasnableblonde Posts: 212 Member
    I asked a guy at Old Navy why all of a sudden the jeans puckered around the waist (they lowered the waistline because it's apparently cool to show people half your anatomy) and he told me, "Yeah, our bigger customers can have that problem." It turned me off jean shopping for years. I still avoid it.

    At my HS reunion, I got a comment that sort of stands out: "wow, you were so slim in high school! Look at you now! You're... *pause while realizing this may be trouble* ... average." Ugh.
  • I have a couple:

    "If you did some sit-ups you might be able to get a boyfriend." From my Mom when I was about 15 -17 years old. (Please note that she is morbidly obese herself.)

    While in high school I was at my heaviest. For lunch I was eating a slice of pizza (just one, it was the only thing I had for lunch that day) and a girl said to me, "You know, that's going to kill you some day." I saw her a few years later smoking away on a cigarette. It took every ounce of my being to not say, "You know, that's going to kill you some day."

    I had a very hard adolescence when it came to my body. And even though I'm not at the weight I'd like to be at, I'm married to a wonderful man who loves my current size and is supportive of me having a work-out schedule.
  • deb3690
    deb3690 Posts: 59 Member
    worst one "when is the baby due" LOL!

    best one (last night) I told a male friend I wanted to lose weight so I can be a hot chick, and he said "you already are" !! :happy:
  • meglynne1987
    meglynne1987 Posts: 382 Member
    I was 6 months pregnant. (& pretty big, i gained 60 pounds during my preg. I thought I could eat anything!) And a girl looked at me and said OMG you are ready to pop when are you due? I told her the date was three months away and she said DAYUM... You moust be having twins stay away from the doughnuts!

    SAME girl at my baby shower at nine months --- said are you sure you all should be serving her cupcakes? I mean look at her?!?!

    What can I say, People are hateful. You can't change that. Just know that you can change and lose weight, but they will always be bitter and hateful.
  • ZeeShay
    ZeeShay Posts: 1,132 Member
    The one i hated the most was you would be so pretty if you werent so heavy....that stuck with me for a LONG time.

    My dad Says this a lot. it used to hurt now i just let it roll off because I am pretty no matter what.
  • vice350z
    vice350z Posts: 1,066 Member
    The one i hated the most was you would be so pretty if you werent so heavy....that stuck with me for a LONG time.

    My dad Says this a lot. it used to hurt now i just let it roll off because I am pretty no matter what.

    I don't want to start a war here but I don't get why people get annoyed with the "you'd be so much better looking if you dropped the weight" cuz for myself, i believe that to be true. I know I'd be more "attractive" if I lost the weight. I would think someone saying that to me would just motivate me more to lose it all.
  • ZeeShay
    ZeeShay Posts: 1,132 Member
    I think probably the worst for myself was when I was at an local fair and I wanted to get on this ride. When I went to get on the guy said I was too big and made me walk off while everyone stared at me and ot was probably the single most embarrasing moment of my life:/

    Also back in my over 300lb days, I went to Six Flags in NJ and was a little nervous to get on the Batman ride cuz I knew I was a lot fatter than i was years ago when I was last at 6Flags...i get on, the harness closes down on me but they couldn't get the seatbelt thing to latch...they were pushing down on the harness to try to get it to reach, i just said "yeah, this aint working, let me off"...and walked off in shame.

    I still tried another ride..it was a bleachers type ride where you sat and the thing just went around like a ferris wheel. Everything locks down and I'm like "whew"...latches all pop up...."uh oh"...we get told to pull down safety latch...locks...pops. The ride guy looks at his little board of where the problem is and points me out saying I have to get off cuz its not locking. I had to walk away in front of all the people on the ride and the long *kitten* line of people waiting. Ugh it was horrible.

    I saw another fat guy in line and just thought "good luck, brah"

    I was able to ride the Superman ride but the harness locked in at the very last hole.

    Being fat sucks.

    I had to do the walk of shame, but others thought it was because i was scared, because i faked a panic attack. worst feeling ever. and it was the batman ride too!
  • vice350z
    vice350z Posts: 1,066 Member

    I had to do the walk of shame, but others thought it was because i was scared, because i faked a panic attack. worst feeling ever. and it was the batman ride too!

    It does indeed stink. Amusement Parks aren't made for overweight folks.
  • ZeeShay
    ZeeShay Posts: 1,132 Member
    The one i hated the most was you would be so pretty if you werent so heavy....that stuck with me for a LONG time.

    My dad Says this a lot. it used to hurt now i just let it roll off because I am pretty no matter what.

    I don't want to start a war here but I don't get why people get annoyed with the "you'd be so much better looking if you dropped the weight" cuz for myself, i believe that to be true. I know I'd be more "attractive" if I lost the weight. I would think someone saying that to me would just motivate me more to lose it all.

    I think it would be different if it was worded different, its implying that we are currently ugly. Which I don't believe is true. and yes I think others would find me more attractive if I lost all my weight, but being fat doesn't make you ugly. Also not everyone can turn hurtful things into motivation, sometimes it breaks us down.
  • My nickname was "sausage" on the bus for a full year -_-
  • got2bfitmom
    got2bfitmom Posts: 164 Member
    Well I have a few that have bothered me over the years ....

    Thanksgiving my favorite part of the turkey is the thieghs ( which is part of my problem) and when I said I wanted theigh meat someone said something like we know you like thieghs cause it went straight to your thieghs

    Then one time at the mall I was walking in I heard some highschool boys standing in group and one of them said " how about her" and the other one said " Nooo Thank you" that hurt alot

    At christmas this year I got ask by someone I haven't seen in awhile if I was pregnant

    Then I think the worst is from my three year old, I was getting undressed to get into a bath and he started laughing and said when I moved my body jiggled every where and he thought it was funny
  • imchicbad
    imchicbad Posts: 1,650 Member
    Are you pregnant?
  • vice350z
    vice350z Posts: 1,066 Member

    I think it would be different if it was worded different, its implying that we are currently ugly. Which I don't believe is true. and yes I think others would find me more attractive if I lost all my weight, but being fat doesn't make you ugly. Also not everyone can turn hurtful things into motivation, sometimes it breaks us down.

    I see it as they're implying that you're already attractive at the weight you're at and just dropping to a more "healthy" level would make you even more attractive. It doesn't have anything to do, imo, with being fat making you ugly...if that were the case they'd never tell you that you'd look better if you dropped some weight. I mean if you realize you're overweight already...someone telling you that you'd look better lighter really isn't surprising you with the fact that you're overweight. Now if you're delusional and think you're "slim" when you're really obese and someone says that...then I can see it coming off hurtful.
  • Ezwoldo
    Ezwoldo Posts: 369 Member
    That I looked like I was ill after losing 50 + lb, pissed me off in a big way, but this was coming from someone who could have done with losing a few himself.
  • dynamicwon
    dynamicwon Posts: 175 Member
    Recently 3 men have told me they usually date full figured women so Im different for them!
  • celestinha
    celestinha Posts: 35 Member
    When I was in 6th grade, a particularly bad day at school involved a bunch of guys joining together to make fun of me for various things including my weight. Such fun things as:

    "Arrr, there she blows!"


    "fatty fatty 2 by 4"

    I was pretty chunky at 170 pounds at 11 years old... but still... kids can be so mean. And things like that hurt my self esteem for a really, really long time.
  • HotMummyMission
    HotMummyMission Posts: 1,723 Member
    Iv had a few befor being pregnant ... Oh my god look how skinny she is that's dirty.... After pregnancy .. Look at the state of that belly eeeeeeeee..... And the other week look how much weight you have lost u looked like on of the "FATSL.AGS" hahah
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Guy called me a fat c*cks*cker. During a traffic misunderstanding. Things excalated at that point.