What is the worst comment you ever got about your weight?



  • Blastastic
    Blastastic Posts: 280 Member
    can you even see your penis?
  • svp83
    svp83 Posts: 1 Member
    a stranger on the street told me that i would really pretty if i lost 20lbs...
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    Recently told new girlfriend about lifestyle change.
    She said. So what good has it done? Yes she won't be around much longer.
  • Beatlegirl66
    Beatlegirl66 Posts: 68 Member
    I have heard a lot, but the one that sticks with me forever was when I was 17 and in the show choir in high school. The director, who wasn't a thin person herself called me into her office. We were ordering new dresses and she wanted to know my size. I had just bought a homecoming dress and I told her I was a 14. She laughed and me and said, "There is no way....you are a 16 or an 18 for sure." Then a few days later she said in front of the entire show choir group, "I just ordered the dresses for the ladies and it looks like Sara is the fattest girl in show choir."

    That still rings in my brain almost 20 years later....the fattest girl in show choir.
  • Lucyl0ck3tt
    Lucyl0ck3tt Posts: 15 Member
    My mother buying me clothes that are a size 26 when I was only a 20 at the time. Saying I shouldn't go shopping for clothes cos there won't be anything for me.

    Been called many names over the years. Whale and pig seem to stick though.
  • Suzanne67
    Suzanne67 Posts: 1 Member
    Since I can remember my dad nick-named me, "Hank the Tank" I am 45 years old, and it still stings. I want to lose 50 pounds and then we will see if I'm still Hank the Tank.
  • dkgoetz
    dkgoetz Posts: 65 Member
    I get comments from my well-meaning grandmother, such as, "You are perfect the way you are, you don't need to lose any weight." I know she says it because she's my grandmother and she loves me but it's still frustrating when you're working to lose weight so you feel better!

    But perhaps the worst thing someone has ever said to me was once when I came down with a cold, and I was talking about it with a friend and a random woman who apparently overheard came up to me and told me she used to get colds, but now she eats right and exercises and hasn't gotten sick once since then. At first i thought she was just trying to be nice and offer some advice but after a while I was starting to think she said it because I was heavier.
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    How rude.....

    I would have to say when our son was 3 months old maybe I was with my husband and he was getting his hair cut at a hair salon and a single mom was cutting his hair and she said and I quote, "Wow, your wife hasn't lost her baby fat yet, I lost all my pregnancy weight by the time my daughter was four weeks old". She thought he should dump this fat cow and pick her up, b/c she was so hot and stylin'....needless to say, I told him he would never get his hair done by that bee-Otch again! He's a good man....he never did!
  • kel665
    kel665 Posts: 401 Member
    My daughter (who was 5 at the time) came home from kindy and said one of her friends said to her "your mum should go on the biggest loser", OMG I was so shocked I cried. I knew I had put on weight but didn't feel so big that a little kid would say that.

    Another time a guy told me that I was one of those people that was fat but had a really pretty face, I think he was meaning it as a compliment at the time but it made me feel awful.
  • cwag_afw
    cwag_afw Posts: 45 Member
    You're too pretty to be so damn fat!

    I didn't know whether to say thank you or cry!
  • jensnewstart
    jensnewstart Posts: 97 Member
    It's amazing how these crappy things stay in your head for YEARS!

    When I was younger, my dad would sing the tune to the A & W Rootbear when I was walking around the house, ever seen that bear with the huge midsection?

    I was wearing a yellow tracksuit (90's LOL) and someone called me big bird.

    More than a few times got the "Oh you'd be sooooo pretty if only you lost weight". Oh go stuff yourself.

    The day before I gave birth to my daughter 14 yrs ago, I went to my bros rehearsal party for his wedding, and when I walked in, there was a huge collective gasp in the room, and bro yelled out "holy shat!" I was 275 size 24 at that time.
  • jesyka
    jesyka Posts: 141 Member
    My step dad and I had a really crappy relationship when we first became a family (it's way better now) He used to call me fat *kitten* and make fun of my weight all the time. The worst was from my grandfather who looked at me and said that he understood why I was bugged so much and in his words "there is no reason for you to be that big".
  • I was sitting at a train stop in San Francisco, when this older gentleman approached me and said you would be really pretty if you if you lose weight. I was 20 years old at the time, and the comment stuck with me forever!
  • Maddalen101
    Maddalen101 Posts: 307 Member
    The most hurtful comments are from family.
    My mother: "You disgust me. I don't want to look at you."
    My brother: "Fat people are just plain unacceptable human beings."
    My grandmother called me fat when I weighed 120 lbs, and harangued me to lose more weight. (I'm 5 foot 6). When I dropped down to 118, she then said, "Now you're too skinny."

    I don't listen to these people any longer.
    These days my mother warbles "I just am concerned about your HEALTH. Don't you want to be HEALTHY?" (emphasis hers)
    Yeesh. I really get tired of dog whistle insults.

    On the good side, my hubby tells me how beatiful he thinks I am, and says he doesn't care if I'm fat or thin.

    His words count a LOT.
  • kel665
    kel665 Posts: 401 Member
    My mother buying me clothes that are a size 26 when I was only a 20 at the time. Saying I shouldn't go shopping for clothes cos there won't be anything for me.

    Been called many names over the years. Whale and pig seem to stick though.

    OMG, that brought back memories! My ex husband used to call me a whale when I was 70kg! I was 53kg when we got married, but I had just turned 19 then and it was 7 years and 2 kids later. I'd hate to see what he'd have to say now I am 100kg.
  • RilantheFirebug
    RilantheFirebug Posts: 207 Member
    My great aunt is the queen of backhanded compliments... my favorite being: "Wow, your a** looks less fat!" after smacking me on the butt hard. Didn't bother me too much as she says things like that to everyone and as I've gotten older, things like that roll off my back.

    Recently, "Oh Hannah's roller derby friend lost 75 pounds in a year doing derby. 75! So...when are you going to sign up?"
    That one stung. Nevermind that she is my aunt and in 2011 I lost around 60 in less than a year. *grumble*
  • HappyNinjaStar
    HappyNinjaStar Posts: 353 Member
    I had gained 8-10 lbs during grad school (stress from school, stress from husband's deployment). I wasn't fat, but a little heavier than I had been 2 years previously when we got married.

    (now ex) husband: "Both of your best friends are way hotter than you are"

    Thank goodness we got divorced, I'd hate to hear what he would have said when I really did gain weight when I got pregnant years later with my wonderful (now) husband's beautiful baby...
  • My mother is the absolute worst when it comes to making someone feel like crap. She always like to laugh while telling me that I was so fat as a baby they would just prop me up in the corner of the couch and I couldn't go anywhere. They thought it was cute to call me porky when I was little. My son overheard her telling someone recently they wouldn't recognize me if they ran into me on the street because I had gotten so fat. Shopping for clothes years back with my sister,I looked at a black dress and commented on hearing black was slimming. Her response was "throw a tent over an elephant and it's still and elephant." I have heard the "You have such a pretty face" comment so many times.

    I have heard a lot of hurtful things in over the years. But like another post said sometimes the things that go unsaid hurt just as much. I have lost a total of 37 lbs since I started focusing on losing weigh and my husband has not acknowledged it. I mentioned to him recently I lost 35 lbs and his responses was "maybe you should start exercising more."

    On the other hand I do have some great friends, my best friend is my greatest cheerleader. A close friend who always lets me know how beautiful i am. Ran into an ex-coworker recently and the first thing she said is "Wow, you have lost some weight. Great job!!"
  • 2muchsauce
    2muchsauce Posts: 1,078
    Someone came over and told me they wanted to poke me in the belly and make the Pillsbury Dough boy sound.................the worst part was that i though THEY were fat . It was not a good moment..........
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    The only comment that I can remember was the one where a neighbor mom told me that I was "chunky" or "chubby" (which I wasn't) or something like that. I must have looked at her like she had a third eye because she started back-peddling on her verbiage. And I remember it because I believe it was the first time that I even thought about how I looked to others.