What is the worst comment you ever got about your weight?



  • honey_bee_keysha
    honey_bee_keysha Posts: 773 Member
    Worse comment: My grandma always referring to me as "the big one" even though I am at a healthy weight.
  • fleur_de_lis19
    fleur_de_lis19 Posts: 926 Member
    The night before my wedding, my bridesmaids and I, and my future sister in law were hanging out drinking and I have no clue how the conversation started, but my naturally thin sister in law says to me and my friends (who 2 of the 3 is over weight) "I use to be big like you girls, I was a size 14". I didn't say a word, when I wanted to F**k her up for saying that S**T to my friends. Made me laugh as well because I was actually a size 10. Good to know that she thinks I'm 2 sizes bigger than I am, right before my wedding. Aww thanks! Your so kind!
  • my mom (who is also overweight BTW and has always been a lot heavier than me) used to ask me constantly if i "needed" to be eating that.... "I thought you were on a diet....guess you aren't anymore, huh?" "look at those thighs... aren't they called thunder thighs?"

    she has now lost 40 lbs, and I have gained 40 lbs (I was 160 when she would say the above comments). All it took was me telling her a couple months ago I didn't need her damn commentary. and she has since stopped with the negative comments.

    the most irritating comments though are when I am talking to a much skinnier friend, who has never been overweight, and they say "gosh I am so fat. its just gross"..... THANKS for that. cause now I know how you view me. :grumble:

    Been reading through everything.
    Couldn't agree more with the comment about those friends who keep saying that they are fat. ><
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    My worst one was after a loss I had gained about 40 lbs in three months. (Was severly depressed and they absolutely knew it)

    I was in the kitchen making lunch and they came up and leaned on the counter and looked at me with a slanted mouth and said "You don't want to end up like your sister do you, you don't want to be fat as a whale?"

    That broke me, to say that to someone who was already challenged by their own feelings on their life and their weight and to just come out and say it like that. They also used to say these sort of things to my sister thinking it was a motivator. It made us hate ourselves and hate him for a long time. He is my step-dad and now he know's what it did to us and how we felt when he would say that stuff (he did it almost every time he saw us) and now he is so much better about it so I am thankful not to hear those old 'motivators'.

    It surprises me how people don't realize how much words can hurt.
  • I can't believe there are so many a**holes are in this world who could say such hurtful stuff.

    For me the worst comment was basically, during a class, the teacher was pointing out the finger bone of something, and she mentioned that fat people wouldn't see that bone and it wasn't obvious. The guy sitting next to me, he said, eh, you can't see your bone, can you? And he laughed. Idk why, but that hurts, and it stuck.

    The other incident was about 3 years ago. This tuition teacher I had. I had some problems getting money for the fees, had to delay. And he texted me, saying that I'm a fat *kitten*.

    I think I'm kind of lucky, the people around me are mainly ok to me, but.. sometimes. In public, I feel stares at me, and I'd wonder, what are they thinking about me? Are they thinking how fat am I?

    Another source of comments about my weight would be from my mum, she would constantly say remarks like
    "You'd be so pretty if you lose weight"
    "Why do you keep eating?"
    She'd always want me to skip meals and only drink water and eat fruits.
    I know she wants the best for me, but her remarks and comments hurt sometimes.
  • cuterbee
    cuterbee Posts: 545
    My mom was the only one who's ever said anything about my weight, and she started when I was around 5 or 6 (my siblings are tall and slender, with slim hips and shoulders -- just like mom and dad were. I have a totally different body type).

    I look at pictures from when I was a kid, teenager, and young adult, and I am thin in all of them...but next to my siblings and parents, I look bigger, because I have wide shoulders, wide hips, and I'm much shorter. Needless to say, even now that I really am fat, I actually feel thinner than I did as a kid because I was constantly being told I was big, and now that mom's gone, no one ever tells me I am, or that I need to lose weight (although, now I actually DO need to lose weight). Oddly enough, she didn't want me playing sports as a kid, and would get upset if I rode my bike out of our neighborhood; plus she'd make me eat everything she served me and then complain about how much I was eating (it did not help that my siblings and parents could eat enormous amounts of food without gaining weight, and those are the portions Mom would serve me).

    To this day, my body image does not actually match my body.

    I loved my mom dearly, and miss her. She really did come from a place of love with all of this, but it took a long time for me to realize that someone can love you with all their heart and still be dysfunctional.

    While I may not have been the most perfect parent myself, at least my kids have a good body image and good attitude towards food (you always try to fix the things your parents did wrong...doesn't mean you won't get other stuff wrong!).
  • I get that a lot.... my response...at least i can diet....but your ugliness will never go away!
  • You're too pretty to be so damn fat!

    I didn't know whether to say thank you or cry!
  • Jpinpoint
    Jpinpoint Posts: 219 Member
    My worst, not even worst because it's more hysterical than worst:

    My ex-husband (after 10 yrs of being overweight WITH HIM) he told me that he cheated because I was overweight. Ok. So divorce filed for, fast forward 9 months and 90 pounds LOST, he told me and everyone he could that I had lost the weight by doing drugs.

    Then he started dating someone who was HEAVIER than I was at the time he said he cheated because I was overweight, then he married her.

    It is motivation. He didn't hurt my fat feelers, if someone can blame you for their misgivings, yea...there is more to that than anything having to do with YOU.
  • While staying with my grandmother I stored some of my clothes in one of her dresser drawers. I was sitting in the living room with my uncle, when my cousin (his daughter) came into the living room holding my underwear at their full stretching capacity asking "whose panties are these in Mammaw's drawer. Good grief they are huge!!"

    My panties were huge (I was a size 24/26) and I was not in any denial about my size. But, to show off my panties in front of her dad was utterly boorish! If my panties had been her size that would have been extremely inappropriate!! Neither me nor my uncle could even say a word. We were both in stunned silence. I was 11 and she was 16 and extremely hateful!

    I have forgiven her, but I cannot forget it!
  • Jpinpoint
    Jpinpoint Posts: 219 Member
    It seems that Mothers, Aunts and Sisters have the take on making horrible comments.

    My niece is 15 and physically fit. She runs, she is a black belt in karate and is an asst teacher 4 nights a week. She is active.
    Her mother, 5'2 and about 80 pounds (she's on a liquid diet booze) she tells Brat she is fat. And Moms boyfriend is 5'10 and maybe 120 pounds, he is emaciated so badly, he tells SIL to tell Brat she is fat, to MOTIVATE HER.

    It's hard to reinforce good body thoughts when you have a parent telling you the opposite.

    I'm sorry people are so hideous. I'm most sorry that mothers, aunts and sisters are so hideously horrible.

  • marcelka77
    marcelka77 Posts: 476 Member
    when I was 18 and at least 30 kg lighter my brother always called me Michelin - I had about 54 kg size 8-10 .... no need to say he is one of reason I haven\t been in my country for 4 years
  • At my grandmother's funeral (Which was my heaviest at 200 lbs) my step-grandmother (who is incredibly vain) walked up to me while I was talking to my father, rubbed my stomach and goes "oh, what's this about? are you having another baby? what is this?"
    I looked at her, dead in the eye, and told her it was simply my fat.
    Not only was i talking to my father at my grandmother's funeral, but EVERYONE heard her.
    Instant mortification.
  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    A friend told me that an acquaintance asked her if I was pregnant. I had gained ten pounds my first year after getting married. First of all, I didn't even LOOK pregnant!!! Second, why the tar did my friend tell me about that?! She's needy and passive aggressive, thinks shes better at taking care of my kids than I am. I'm glad she doesn't live near me, anymore.

    Another one that isn't intended to be an insult, but it grates my nerves when my husband says "you look fine." ARGH! I look slightly better than a trainwreck and I'm minimally presentable. Gee, thanks. *rolls eyes*
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Honestly, the worst were from my mom. She would tell me I didn't look "that bad" or that I "carried it well." Lies!
  • divacat80
    divacat80 Posts: 299 Member
    My aunt who raised me did very hurtful comments, even when she was about to die.
    Then my mother in law used to comment on my weight or size at every situation even when it had nothing to do with what we were talking about or doing at that given time.
    But one of the worst things was when she gave me a gift (for a b-day or christmas, I can't remember) and it was panties that could have worked great as a parachute. She bought the largest panties available, I'm surprised she managed to get panties that big. They must have cost a fortune!
    I didn't accept them because they were so ridiculously big for me, and I had to play nice because I didn't know her intentions were quite dark back then.

    Really, I plan on doing the same to her one day. I don't give her gifts anymore (she never likes my gifts and I can't throw my money away). But, if one day I am forced to gift her, I plan on giving her the largest panties I can get.

    Then one day, (not directly related to my weight but related to my large physique) she said I had the largest boobs she had ever seen in her life and went on and squeezed them (MINE!). If that happened now I would have slapped her face, really. But she left me so stunned that I couldn't react.

    Now she has to eat her words because I'm currently the slimmest person in the family, and that's my revenge.
  • MsDover
    MsDover Posts: 395 Member
    My worst, not even worst because it's more hysterical than worst:

    My ex-husband (after 10 yrs of being overweight WITH HIM) he told me that he cheated because I was overweight. Ok. So divorce filed for, fast forward 9 months and 90 pounds LOST, he told me and everyone he could that I had lost the weight by doing drugs.

    Then he started dating someone who was HEAVIER than I was at the time he said he cheated because I was overweight, then he married her.

    It is motivation. He didn't hurt my fat feelers, if someone can blame you for their misgivings, yea...there is more to that than anything having to do with YOU.

    This one REALLY got me! I gained all of my 70 excess pounds while married to my former husband. He had some major intimacy issues, and was not physically affectionate at all. I mean, AT ALL, unless we were in public, then his arm would be around me and he'd be all lovely dovey (that was all for show, of course). I gained the weight (and bought tons of useless stuff) because I had a giant hole that he chose not to fill with his love and affection, so I filled it with food and things. When I finally got a clue that the problem was truly his and not mine (though he let me think it was me) I began losing the weight and told him I wanted a divorce. We separated, but that Christmas he came and stayed at the house to be with our son on Christmas morning. Christmas eve night, he came into my room and started talking "at" me in an attempt to hurt me... telling me why he had never touched me, and that it was because he had been so disgusted with my weight and couldn't bear the thought of being near me. I sat up, looked at him, and laughed! Here I was, with 60 of the 70 pounds I had gained lost, and my only thought was THIS is the best you've got? Odd, I said.... you stopped all affection long before I gained an ounce... did you think I was going to forget that part? LOL well... the entire 70 pounds will be gone soon and an extra 180 on top of that when YOU'RE gone! I then told him for the 80th time he needed counselling, which took years, but he finally did get. Since then he's apologized many times for how he made me feel and I know he means it. Sad, really.... but I was almost lost in the rubble of his issues and I dug my way out before I found myself 200 pounds heavier and bankrupt!

    ETA: I have an awesome, loving and supportive husband now... even painful things happen for a reason, and I feel the reason was to make me see my own worth and lead me to this wonderful man who compliments me in every way!
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    A friend told me that an acquaintance asked her if I was pregnant. I had gained ten pounds my first year after getting married. First of all, I didn't even LOOK pregnant!!! Second, why the tar did my friend tell me about that?! She's needy and passive aggressive, thinks shes better at taking care of my kids than I am. I'm glad she doesn't live near me, anymore.

    Another one that isn't intended to be an insult, but it grates my nerves when my husband says "you look fine." ARGH! I look slightly better than a trainwreck and I'm minimally presentable. Gee, thanks. *rolls eyes*

    Guys don't always know what to say when you ask them or when they compliment you (or any woman really).

    I learned to take everything as compliments after so many years of getting the backhanded ones. The more you see the good, the less hurtful power they hold regardless if it was meant to be nice or mean. ^__^ But I do hope he does compliment you regularly, you're a very pretty woman.
  • runbyme
    runbyme Posts: 522 Member
    When are you due? Yeah, thanks!
  • dlashawn5
    dlashawn5 Posts: 28 Member
    Yeah, I got the old "when is the baby due?" question and I was not even pregnant......SO EMBARRASING! To this day, If I don't know the woman personally, I will never ask if she is pregnant UNLESS it is obviously so!