30 Day Shred



  • birdsong222
    birdsong222 Posts: 37 Member
    Is anyone wearing a heart rate monitor. Whats your calorie burn in 30 day shred?

    I wear one. The first couple of days I burned around 235 calories, but the last couple of days only 215.

    I wear a HRM. For level one it's usually around 180 but one day it was 150.
  • Did my first day of level 2 today. I tried to move up to level 2 a few days ago but was too tough, so I did level 1 for a few more days then kicked it up to level 2 this morning. I've already lost 8 lbs and 2" off my hips, since I started on Dec 26th. Jillian's DVD's are great!

    I also started the 6 week abs last night, my abs are killing me today!
  • basslinewild
    basslinewild Posts: 294 Member
    Just finished L1D2 today!
  • rainghirl
    rainghirl Posts: 203 Member
    I found L1 D2 easier than the first day - but then I didn't have the heating on so didn't feel as sweaty and horrible! I actually find it hard to watch and get the right position and do the exercises. I think it would be a good idea to have a run through it and try and get the form right before starting for real, but meh, I just like to jump right in!
  • Peaches516
    Peaches516 Posts: 104 Member
    Just finished Day 2 of Level 1! I haven't taken measurements, but I know I'll see results. Last night, I accidentally grabbed an old pair of jeans off the shelf while getting dressed to go out. I pulled them on and was wondering why they weren't long enough to wear with my boots, and then I realized that they were an old pair that used to be too tight and give me a muffin top! It was such a great feeling! I haven't worn them in almost 3 years! PLUS, a friend asked me last night if I had lost weight! Can't wait to see more results after doing 30DS for the second time!
  • retta717
    retta717 Posts: 35 Member
    I personally find it easier if I mute the video and listen to some of my own music. Of course I would recommend listening to the video the first couple of times but I get bored hearing the same thing over and over. When I go to level 2, I will go back to listening to Jillian for a few days.
  • Hi everyone! Just did my very first day of the 30 Day Shred Level 1 and must say it feels good to be moving again after a long hiatus from exercise.
    How is everyone logging their Shred exercise so we can keep track?
    Thanks in advace! :smile:
  • MissTD
    MissTD Posts: 40
    I'm doing the 30 day shred as well... The weekends r my rest days. Your body needs at least 1-2 rest days a week from circuit training. That's the only complaint I have. :) I wish Jillian would have shared that info in the vid. Good luck and don't give up. No pain no gain!!
  • There is a great printout tracking sheet for 30 day shred that I found on pinterest. Just type in 30 day shred Jillian Michaels and it should pop right up. :smile:
  • Doberdawn
    Doberdawn Posts: 733 Member
    Did D1L1 & it actually wasn't all that hard. We will see.
  • Doberdawn
    Doberdawn Posts: 733 Member
    Did D1L1 & it actually wasn't all that hard. We will see.
  • CloverCreeper
    CloverCreeper Posts: 178 Member
    I personally find it easier if I mute the video and listen to some of my own music. Of course I would recommend listening to the video the first couple of times but I get bored hearing the same thing over and over. When I go to level 2, I will go back to listening to Jillian for a few days.

    Good idea. I'm going to try that tomorrow for L1D6. (:
  • Alyssa__Lauren
    Alyssa__Lauren Posts: 148 Member
    day 2 was the worst for me D: i fell asleep right after i finished haha.
    i'm on day 6 today (haven't done it yet but i will...) and level 1 is getting easier but level 2 looks terrifying.
  • I started on the 1st, but getting sick has hindered me going further... Cannot wait until I am better... We can do it...
  • capriqueen
    capriqueen Posts: 974 Member
    I'm on D3,L2. But I find myself stopping a lot, espcially at the lunges. I try making up for stopping by doing them slower, for greater number of reps. The time I take overall far exceeds 25 minutes. Will this impact my results?
  • HelpWanted220
    HelpWanted220 Posts: 31 Member
    Looks like I am a little behind but I have been on vacation for two weeks and running around with a 4, 2(6yr olds) and a 10 yr. old. I think I have gotten TUNZ of exercize in the last two weeks. Now I am off of vacation and I am starting bright and early in the morning D1L1. Wish me luck!!! I wish you all luck and hope to keep up with you all :)!!!!

  • Ickle_Pickle
    Ickle_Pickle Posts: 12 Member
    I don't bother counting the reps. I just try and do as many as I can in the time given. I find as the days go on im finding it easier to I'm doin more reps. I wouldn't get hung up on how many times you do it, just that you're exercising for te time period.

  • shannonS108
    shannonS108 Posts: 30 Member
    I'm on day 3 L1. It's easy for me to do lunges when my right leg is forward and my left leg is back, But when my right leg is back, I lose my balance and can't keep up with her. I am already seeing a difference in my inner thigh definition on my left leg, but not my right. I'm looking lopsided, so after I was done with 30DS today, I did some lunges holding onto a chair with my right leg back to make up for the missed reps.
  • rainghirl
    rainghirl Posts: 203 Member
    I have to hold on to something to do the standing on 1 leg stretches - since I sprained my ankle last year my balance is not all it should be despite improvements through physio.
  • dreamer722
    dreamer722 Posts: 57 Member
    Ok I just did Day 2 of Level 2 ... and &$#@% do I ever hurt ... particularly in my back. However, even my 30 year old son, who never notices *anything* about me, said "gee, Mom, you're thinner than I though you'd be and stronger than I thought". (I haven't seen him since last May and saw him this weekend, which was wonderful. He doesn't live close by.)

    Anyway, my clothes fit better. Unfortunately, I didn't take measurements ... but things are improving immensely.

    I also mute the voice. If you have the actual DVD, you can go into "Audio Options" and take out the voice track and just hear *their* music if you want ... but I also put on my own music when doing it.

    I like what it's doing ... although I can say, I'm glad Jillian Michaels is on the screen and not in my living room. We'd probably end up in an argument (and she'd win ... she's stronger than me). She does get amazing results though.

    Have a great week, all.