5 Pounds A Month April 2010 Challenge



    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    so I cranked out another 1075 calories today. didn't do anything new. But the running for five minutes is definately getting easier. It may be nice enough to try skating this afternoon. I have an interview set up this afternoon. Its with an agency but its a start. Wish me luck. Have a good day.

  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    I found an excellent motivator this week: my boyfriend coming down during the week to take me out to Mexican. I did an hour on the elliptical when I got home and burned 718 calories just so I could eat whatever I wanted...and then I wasn't even that hungry!! I had plenty of calories left over!! :)
  • JABehler
    JABehler Posts: 82 Member
    Jacque, you are NOT a wussy! Painting is hard work and it is more than you would have done before, right? Are you watching Biggest Loser tonight? If so I have a challenge for you! You talked about your arms in the past... Get out two soup cans and use them as weights! Every commercial lift those soup cans until you hate me! :wink: Bend at the elbow, and curl your arm up toward your shoulder, lifting one arm up as the other goes down keep going until you see the show come back on! Your going to look fab in no time!

    Oh, I forgot my 3500!

    Sunday= 0 :sad:
    Tuesday=284 (so far)

    Jenn, I will take that on. I do need to get rid of these wings. Missed re-reading the posts last night but will keep that in mind for next week. BTW, it was tough to see Drea go. Sam is a bit more prepared to face being off the ranch. Oh well, they didn't ask me, again.
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Hi Pals,
    I did another new exercise today that I have not done for years. I rode for a few minutes (10) on a stationary bike at the gym and then I did the elliptical again for 12 minutes. I increased my time from 10 to 12! WHOO HOO!!LOL then i did the step aerobics class ( 45 minutes) and ended with pilates (20 minutes). So I burned 613 in total for today. I just can't seem to catch up with all of you super heros and your exercise routines. I was glad to burn the extra calories because I took my husband out for dinner tonight since it was his birthday. We just went to Fuddruckers because it is within walking distance of our house and we wanted a little walk. I had the best grilled chicken with a tomato. onion and cilantro salad on the side. YUM YUM YUMMY but I was so stuffed. Of course I also ate those potato wedges. I love them and they were too good to pass up. I don't do that too often. Special occasions only come once in a while RIGHT? so I am not going to feel guilty. Well I will swim again in the morning so little by little I think I will make the 3500 challenge by Sunday. Good night :yawn: Phyljen
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Hi everyone,

    My 3500 numbers are looking better because I did my step aerobics last night while I watched my fav show!

    Tuesday=1032 (yay, 753 aerobic step, 284 Curves workout)
    Wednesday=238 so far

    I did do some extra snacking last night that I shouldn't have but with all the exercise burn I was still under calories!

    Jacque, it was tough to see Drea go. I like them all so every week will be hard from now on. I do agree that Sam is more prepared for being off the ranch, but Drea did look great at home and I was happy to see that she got a healthy job teaching spin class.

    Hope everyone has a great day! Sunny and nice is the CA Bay Area!
  • fivefatcats
    fivefatcats Posts: 368
  • caprisun09
    Hi, Is it too late to join? I am just getting started ( I started Monday) but I would still love to participate. I'm starting at 212, I'm 22 and 5'6!thanks!
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Hi, Is it too late to join? I am just getting started ( I started Monday) but I would still love to participate. I'm starting at 212, I'm 22 and 5'6!thanks!

  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    Hello everyone. I worked out for three hours today - yoga and hiking - but the calorie burn according to MFP is way lower than it felt. So I think I have to break down and get an HRM.

    Off to Utah, so I probably won't check in tomorrow.

    Phyllis - I can't believe there's a Fuddruckers in Egypt - that's surreal!
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Karinf- what are you going to do in Utah. My daughter used to live there and she called it Putah! Silly girl.
    that is where I fly into when I come in the summer. I CAN"T WAIT to see MOUNTAINS and go up in the mountains and camp and hike and sit by a river or lake! OH :cry: Now I am getting really homesick.Way to go

    Jenn on all that exercise. MAN oh man. You guys all make me just want to swim an extra lap or three hundred! I did 70 minutes this morning instead of 60 sicne I knew that I have to get with it or you all will kick my butt! :sad: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Phyljen

    Welcome Capresun and Fivefat cats. Man what funny names you have! I love it. So glad tto have you with us one and all. :heart:
  • berrybabe
    Im IN!! My CW is 144 my GW is 130. Let the good times roll!!
  • bethinagain
    bethinagain Posts: 282 Member
    Good morning everyone! Sounds like everyone is great!

    I have 2.5 lbs to go before the end of the month. I think I'm doing OK, but, I'm having surgery next week Friday (removing my ovaries) and that is going to put me out of commision for 3-4 days. No lifting, bending, twisting, pulling, pushing etc..... Although I'll keep my daily intake of food light and healthy, I'm afraid I won't lose anything during that time off my feet. :ohwell:

    SW 169
    CW 166
    GW 164

  • Moolieloo
    Moolieloo Posts: 28 Member
    I'd like to join if its not too late. You all seem like really nice people and the perfect inspiration!

    Starting weight: 142
    Current weight: 137
    Goal weight: 125
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Welcome to the newcomers. Yes the month is almost half over, but we will continue this challenge again next month.

    I thought the same about a Fudruckers in Egypt, but I saw a story and there were American eateries on the military base in Baghdad...in the middle of a war zone so they find a way to get those places in every where.

    I was such an exercise bum yesterday. I took it really easy because of my leg. I rode on the bike for over an hour and only burned about 350 calories. This morning the lump looks like a bruise, so maybe I bumped that spot really hard. I am continuing to ice and apply heat alternately. If it is not improving in a week I will go see a doctor

    Monday 807
    Tuesday 1038= 1845 completed
    Wednesday 350 1305 left to go

    I got on the treadmill this morning and burned 302 calories walking 3.7 miles. It was a low calorie burn but I walked really slow.

    I had a rotten day eating yesterday. I wanted salty, salty salty. and I was crabby, tired, and moody (sound familiar?) I was bad and gave into those salt cravings. The scale was up 2 this morning. I am pushing water today to help flush the system. Hopefully one bad day does not set me back a lot.

    I smell a stinky diaper. Better go.

    Have a healthy day.

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Good morning all,

    The interview went well. Its been so long since I've had one. I was intelligent, witty and charming of course. the recruiter liked me now lets see what he can do.

    I have burned 3658 calories so far. I have 829 on my scedule for today and that doesn't include roller skating. If the weather holds today I will go. It was beautiful yesterday but DH was home when I got home from the interview so I couldn't go. I finally pushed thru this week and got rid of all the period bloat and yuckiness. So I am feeling pretty good right now.

    Terri, don't push yourself if you leg really hurts because you don't want to really injure youself. Easy walking sounds good

    PhylJen, Fuddruckers? really?

    Karn - I have a HRM and I burn so much less than MFP ever says. I just have a really hard time getting my heart rate up. Even though I am sweating up a storm.

    My almost 26 year old daughter called me yesterday. She has the baby bug really bad and has convinced her 32 year old boyfreind of 6 years to marry her and have babies. (he was a died hard confirmed bachelor) I am happy on one side and terrified on the other. I don't think I am ready to be a Grandmere in the next couple of years. Ahhhhhhhhhhh!

    Any way welcome to all the newcomers. this is a great group.

    Have an absolutely awesome Thursday!!!!
    DBERUBE Posts: 6
    I am in as well, thanks for the support
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Good morning all,

    The interview went well. Its been so long since I've had one. I was intelligent, witty and charming of course. the recruiter liked me now lets see what he can do.

    I have burned 3658 calories so far. I have 829 on my scedule for today and that doesn't include roller skating. If the weather holds today I will go. It was beautiful yesterday but DH was home when I got home from the interview so I couldn't go. I finally pushed thru this week and got rid of all the period bloat and yuckiness. So I am feeling pretty good right now.

    Terri, don't push yourself if you leg really hurts because you don't want to really injure youself. Easy walking sounds good

    PhylJen, Fuddruckers? really?

    Karn - I have a HRM and I burn so much less than MFP ever says. I just have a really hard time getting my heart rate up. Even though I am sweating up a storm.

    My almost 26 year old daughter called me yesterday. She has the baby bug really bad and has convinced her 32 year old boyfreind of 6 years to marry her and have babies. (he was a died hard confirmed bachelor) I am happy on one side and terrified on the other. I don't think I am ready to be a Grandmere in the next couple of years. Ahhhhhhhhhhh!

    Any way welcome to all the newcomers. this is a great group.

    Have an absolutely awesome Thursday!!!!

    YES!! Seriously there is a Fuddruckers right down the street from my house.less than a mile walking distance. It is actually pretty good too. We have quite a few chains here of course the Mc Donalds, and Pizza hut, Dominoes, Papa Johns and KFC and all those fast food joints too. It was never like that years ago but they shuck in little by little. they opened a SUBWAY too a few months ago in my ctiy but I have not tried it yet. I just wish they would open good Mexican restaurant. We do have Chilies and Oh we have TGIFridays too BTW. But I want a real MEXICAN restaurant right next door. What I do have next door is Peking! which comes in handy when I crave spring rolls!

    I made it to the end of the day and week YAEH for THURSDAY. Now my week end has begun! Three cheers for me. HIP HIP Horray HIP HIP HORRAY HIP HIP HORRAY!!!

    Hope that all goes well now that your job interview is behind you. I am sure you were a shining star and very charming. Have fun Roller skating. PHYLJEN
    DBERUBE Posts: 6
    I am in as well, thanks for the support
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member

    I made it to the end of the day and week YAEH for THURSDAY. Now my week end has begun! Three cheers for me. HIP HIP Horray HIP HIP HORRAY HIP HIP HORRAY!!!

    I wish we were at the weekend:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • JABehler
    JABehler Posts: 82 Member
    bethinagain, good luck on the surgery. We'll all be thinking of you.

    Phillis, I think you need a Pita Pit over there too. Healthy eating.
