i dont get it



  • splenda is poisoness??

    Someone had better let the FDA know...

  • Want to know what the following people have in common:
    18 Nobel Laureates
    30 Pulitzer Prize winners
    17 Supreme Court Justices
    They all drink Splenda?

    haha great!! :) I mean it doesn't mean it's healthy but it speaks to our point... nobody is perfect. Even the most intelligent just want to live and be happy and not stress about everything that goes into their mouths. Even IF there was something wrong with splenda... which seemed to be your maiun target... people are committed and to claim that they arent just because they arent natural, is not your place.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    Orthorexia Nervosa is another eating disorder. Just sayin'.
  • MaggieSporleder
    MaggieSporleder Posts: 428 Member
    How about you worry about your own journey and others will worry about theirs.

  • Half of your diary is "quick added" calories.

    At least we are being honest about what we are eating.

    (honestly I don't care what you put in your diary, I'm just making a point....glass houses)

    thats actually because almost everything i eat is home made and i cant be bothered to list out every single ingrediant. i eat mutiple meals a day. every 3-4 hours and cant spend all that time logging eerything. i add it up and scan everything else that i can.

    If you can't log everything why log anything at all? Isn't that your mentality?

    The recipe option...great place to list homemade items.
  • norcal_yogi
    norcal_yogi Posts: 675 Member
    judgement much?
  • roselover58
    roselover58 Posts: 96 Member

    I can't stop watching this? Is this harmful to my health??
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member

    Coke Zero is better cuz it has SPLENDA!!!!
  • SMK683
    SMK683 Posts: 31 Member
    I discovered over 20 years ago that Nutra Sweet gives me a weird headache and now Spenda does the same. I avoid them as much as I can. Sometimes I get the headache, check the food I ate, and sure enough it had one of them. Anything that gives you a headache can't be good for you. I use as little sugar as possible and I love honey.
  • sxyktn_812
    sxyktn_812 Posts: 3 Member
    but its just crazy how people dont realize that its bad, but justify that its not as bad as something else there for its acceptable. if your not fully committed why even bother?

    So, basically, if we aren't going to be perfect than we shouldn't try to improve our health?

    That is quite possibly the stupidest logic I've ever heard.

    ^^^This. If you get a flat tire on your car, do you just say "oh, to he** with it", get out, and slash the other three for good measure? Perfectionism has been scientifically proven as one of the major downfalls of overweight people. Besides, there are plenty of foods that I'm sure you think are healthy for you that really aren't the *best* choice, but you make that decision anyway. I teach nutrition, and I'm always amazed at how incredibly uneducated people are about the food choices that are out there and what they put into their bodies, but for the obese man or woman who makes the step from soda to diet soda to iced tea with a little sweetener, it's huge progress. I'm not usually one for a snarky answer, but the original poster's incredibly judgmental approach to other people's eating habits is unhealthy bordering on obnoxious. Fully committed doesn't have to mean neurotic.
  • Half of your diary is "quick added" calories.

    At least we are being honest about what we are eating.

    (honestly I don't care what you put in your diary, I'm just making a point....glass houses)

    thats actually because almost everything i eat is home made and i cant be bothered to list out every single ingrediant. i eat mutiple meals a day. every 3-4 hours and cant spend all that time logging eerything. i add it up and scan everything else that i can.

    If you can't log everything why log anything at all? Isn't that your mentality?

    Also, if you can't be bothered... how would you know if there was a reoccuring trend that was actually doing damage to the progress towards your fitness goal... makes no sense.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    I am drinking my ice tea with that evil splenda in it!!! :bigsmile:

    Eat right, exercise, die anyway!!! :noway:
  • reallifealien
    reallifealien Posts: 128 Member
    i consumed 2 litres of diet pepsi and about 6 tablets of sweetener today and i'm still alive
    keeping it real
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    Again, mental illness. And yes I've been evaluated an in treatment. So your saying I should just stop and go throw up? I appreciate your consern though but way to be. but excuse me while I go throw up then because it doesn't matter what I say all anyone is going to see is ED and diet coke.

    You need to get more help than what you're getting......You also need to grow up. Having a tantrum online is just pathetic.
  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
  • I discovered over 20 years ago that Nutra Sweet gives me a weird headache and now Spenda does the same. I avoid them as much as I can. Sometimes I get the headache, check the food I ate, and sure enough it had one of them. Anything that gives you a headache can't be good for you. I use as little sugar as possible and I love honey.

    honey is tasty... also coconut sugar works!! stevia me no likey tho
  • Agreed, why Diet Coke when you know that it is bad for you just as much as Splenda?
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    Saying "oh, you just see ED" is a complete ad hominem. There are a lot of people on here with EDs. A lot, including several who responded to your thread. You judge others, but refuse to acknowledge that you're ingesting the same things that you claim are bad for everyone else? Are they only good for you? Who's to say you're even eating anything when you add calories to your diary, or that you aren't just adding it to fool yourself into believing that you've eaten more in a day than you claim? Coming from someone who ate NOTHING but a can of LeSeur peas a day for close to a year when I was a teen, I think I know what I'm talking about when I say let this go and worry about yourself and yourself alone. Heck, I would even say that you should quit worrying about your diet and stop counting calories altogether because you need to get past your ED before you can start giving anyone general diet and weight loss help "advice."
  • cat2-2.gif

    I can't stop watching this? Is this harmful to my health??

    hahahaha omg there are so many funny people on here
  • lovegrace21
    lovegrace21 Posts: 20 Member
    Just mind your own business. Geezus.
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