
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    It's good to read all the posts. My heart is with each one of you as you struggle (and sometimes dance!) along this weight loss journey.

    I'm doing pretty well here in Pasadena (visiting my daughter for a week) - way better than I did a couple of weeks ago when I visited my friend, Kathy, in Washington. I think the difference is this time I'm taking control of my eating. There's no "going along" with what someone else has planned.

    When I visited Kathy I hadn't told her about MFP. I did let her know I was focusing on eating right, but hadn't told her just how "right" I was talking. :laugh: As I don't see her often I wanted to see her surprise at the changes in how I look. I loved the response (her husband saw me and said, We used to have a friend who looked kind of like you!) but it backfired on me too as Kathy had planned some yummy but definitely not healthy foods.

    I didn't go crazy but definitely got off track. Then along came Easter and I still was struggling (and not always winning) to stay on track.

    This time, I've been a total pain in the you-know-what, but I'm feeling good about being in control. Last night, even though my daughter really wanted to postpone it (but Mom prevailed!), we went to Costco and stocked up on veggies and fruits. Then we went on to Trader Joe's and got some whole wheat Lavash and Ezekiel 49 tortillas (made from sprouted wheat - can't wait to try them).

    When we got home, I made a big tray of roasted veggies. It helped all of us so was a triple win (for my daughter, grandson, and me). Then we had fajitas made without oil. Had some guacamole but skipped the sour cream. All in all, a really good night. Plus, I walked almost 4 miles yesterday, which is unusual for me. I thought I'd fall over! So many of you put me to shame in the exercise category but inspire me too! :love:

  • smelliott
    smelliott Posts: 120
    Good afternoon everyone,

    Haven't posted for a couple of days but I have logged my food and exercise. It has taken a while to catch up on all the posts but i do enjoy reading them :smile: Firstly, welcome to all the newbies fron someone who is fairly new to this thread - you will find it a great help.

    Robin - glad hear your interview went well

    Terri - congratulations on fitting into size 10 capris

    Mary - congratulations on reaching your swimming goal early

    McMadame - hope your grazed elbow and your RV are feeling better

    Barb - congratulations on your year on MFP, glad your friend's dog is on the mend. She's lucky to have you to support her and help with her tax return

    Laura - it's always nice to get compliments

    Randy - enjoy your Vegas trip. I'm jealous, it's on my bucket list

    Barbie - all that exercise in one day, you make me feel lazy :blushing:

    Suezzzque - have a great trip

    Jackie - I hope your shoulder is improving

    BirdieM - well done

    KathyMurphy - enjoy your camping trip

    Jeannie - glad to hear the good news about your daughter

    Rose - WOW 6lbs in 1 week! Congratulations

    Rebel - so sorry to hear about your FIL

    I have been looking forward to going to Rome on Sunday for a few days (never been before) and now I''m worried that we won't be able to go due to this cloud of volcanic dust from Iceland that has caused the aviation authorities to cancel all flights in British air space until 7.00am (BST) tomorrow. Read the BBC news web site and it says a spokesman said it is likely that ban will be extended beyond 7.00am. The volcano is still erupting and the last time it lasted for 6 months! Oh no :noway:
  • Welcome!
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :smile: It's lunch break time, so thought I'd pop in.

    Mary Thank you for the kind words of encouragement:flowerforyou: They always help keep me going.

    Denise, Will keep my fingers crossed :flowerforyou: that you are still able to make your trip to Rome. Several years ago when #2 Son and DIL were stationed in Belgium with NATO we went to visit and had thought we'd pop over to Rome for the Easter weekend:noway: after thinking it through we realized that was not the smartest place to go over that particular weekend and ended up in Salsburg instead. We had the best time and hearing the bells toll was awesome:smile: #3 Son took his wife to Rome last May and they loved it...but we still haven't been there:cry: and not sure if or when we will. Do hope for you that you get to go:smile:

    Lunch is over, back to the papers:ohwell:

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    It's lunch break time, so thought I'd pop in.

    Mary Thank you for the kind words of encouragement:flowerforyou: They always help keep me going.

    Denise, Will keep my fingers crossed :flowerforyou: that you are still able to make your trip to Rome. Several years ago when #2 Son and DIL were stationed in Belgium with NATO we went to visit and had thought we'd pop over to Rome for the Easter weekend:noway: after thinking it through we realized that was not the smartest place to go over that particular weekend and ended up in Salsburg instead. We had the best time and hearing the bells toll was awesome:smile: #3 Son took his wife to Rome last May and they loved it...but we still haven't been there:cry: and not sure if or when we will. Do hope for you that you get to go:smile:

    Lunch is over and those papers want me to get them off my desk:wink:


  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member

    Viv - walking the dogs is or can be exercise. Can you stretch the walk out any and throw in some jogging steps? Jog for 30 seconds if that is all you can do, then walk until you can jog again. If you do that for 15-20 minutes with the dogs you will have quite a workout. You have a better chance of sticking to exercise if your dogs are with you anyway.


    :flowerforyou: Jeannie, this is a good idea, I can try and make the dog walking more of a workout. I'll try jogging (about 15 seconds will be my limit I think :laugh: ) I can do squats/bending to pick up sticks or balls. I can imagine what my daughter will say but hey ho if I keep with the jogging I might be able to run with her and Frankie when they try to get away from dogs :smile:

    :flowerforyou: Mary thanks for the advice, I might give the veggies a try, get plenty of them ready and munch on them instead of reaching for the biscuits. Must admit I've done it again tonight , I have been good all day at work then for some reason can't stop snacking when I get home.:frown:

    Rebel sorry to hear about your FIL my thoughts are with you :heart:

    Laura no the fruit gums were not sugar free :blushing: but I didn't eat the rest of them, I brought them home for hubby to eat .

    Denise hope you manage to get to Rome, I haven't heard the news yet this evening, so not sure how things stand at the airports. Hope by Sunday it will have settled.

    :smile: Can't believe it is Friday already tomorrow the time seems to be flying by, it's my Friday at work, so I think I'll make my lunch now and log it in advance. I will have to be careful tomorrow, we're having a team meeting and I know that Max (who left beginning of April) has sent a cake in for us, as well as a few other bits as a thank you . I will have to have a very healthy lunch so I can have a small piece of cake (only a very small piece) :smile:

    Bye for now :drinker:

    Viv :drinker:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Where do I go to join?

    Hi there You just "joined" us by posting. Welcome. Sorry there are so many on this thread sometimes answering newbie questions gets lost in the shuffle.

    Tried to learn a little more about you, but your profile isn't filled in yet, so no luck. Are you in the US? We are an "international" group, with members from Wales, as well as other parts of UK, and we have a few Canadians also.

    Feel free to jump in anytime. We are here for support and information, and sometimes just for a laugh. Hopefully you like DOGS!! We seem to always have another story about them, and some of us (names not mentioned to protect the guilty:wink: ) spoil their canine children outrageously.....:bigsmile: I confess to being one of those.

    It is a nice sunny day here in SW Washington. I went to Linda's this morning and found 2 possible sources of standing water in the back yard that might have been the source for the parasite that her dog was stricken with. I did some "housecleaning: in the yard and when I was finished I got some serious hugs and kisses from Chloe, as though she understood what I had done.

    I am already behind for the day..gotta work on the storage unit again today and so far I am not there yet... See you later.

  • AllisonMO
    AllisonMO Posts: 68 Member
    A brief good day and checking in after a full, glorious and yet anxious week. Right as my mom,son, and daughter were flying in Thursday for my husband;s 60th birthday, our golden retriever puppy became seriously ill. The next afternoon she had emergency surgery, and we did not find out the outcome until we were all at the party (which had about 75 guests.) When we got the good news that the vets had found several foreign objects blocking the movement of food from her stomach to her intestine and that she had made it through, we could then celebrate.

    Then the mother of a church member died, I had church service, and then daughter and I flew to Albuquerque, where she is moving from South Africa, to find an apartment and car and all those good things. Came back last night and have a funeral tomorrow.

    What does this have to do with MFP and food? I did keep up my exercise and tried to log in my food, even when travelling, and I have come home at the same weight (155) as when I left. Though I didn't lose, I seem to be on track for my goal of another seven pounds by 24 May, or at least close.

    A beautiful day to all! And the puppy is like her old self today, even though she still has staples in and is under restricted diet and activity!

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Wow, Rose...6 pounds in one week!!! Way to go!!!! And to everyone else who lost this week, congrats:drinker:
    Rebel: I am so sorry to hear about your FIL...keep us posted and I'll be thinking of you all.
    Barbie: Hope the time flies til your DH returns. My husband traveled so much during his "career"; it was something I got used to but am glad we don't have such long times apart now.
    Denise: I certainly hope you get to go on your trip. We have talked about going to Rome for a special trip but haven't made it yet

    Welcome to all new members! Just reading this thread is a huge inspiration and great source of support and helpful ideas.

    I just spent 3 days with some old girlfriends in Atlanta. They ate cookies and/or cake EVERY afternoon and I passed on them each day. However, I did have wine with dinner each night...2 glasses...so I don't know how my weigh-in will go tomorrow. We did walk at least an hour each morning AND more with all of our shopping, so I hope I will not have a gain. I used most of my exercise calories each day while there but have done ok today so far. I'll find out.

    Good for each of you who are fitting your exercise in even with such busy schedules.

    Question??? Has anyone heard from Debbie W? Remember her father passed away and she made her goal weight at that same time? If anyone has her as a friend, let her know we are thinking about her and hope she is doing ok. I have both my parents still, thankfully, but know that losing a parent would be a VERY tough thing and would need lots of support.

    Good night, all. Off to fire up the grill to make some dinner.

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good Evening

    I have just completed my food for the day, feel good about it and can only hope for a good weight in tomorrow.

    Allison :drinker: good for you staying the same weight with all that you had going on. Glad that the puppy is okay:flowerforyou:

    Kackie glad you had a good time with friends in Atlanta, it's always fun to get together with girlfriends friendships are priceless:drinker:


    Just finished listening to the news...for you in the UK it sounds like you are having some problems:sad: with that Volcanic Ash:cry: hope it doesn't affect any of you any more then for a few days. Denise still keeping our fingers crossed for your trip.:flowerforyou:

    Til tomorrow, everyone have an uneventful night!:wink:

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Update: DH is trying to arrange a flight to Holland, but air traffic to Europe has come to a halt as you may have heard. Thanks to the volcano eruption in Iceland. Made arrangement for #1 son to come and take over the shop for a bit, #3 son to help with the flock of birds, and daughter and everyone else will be here for me to handle things at home base. Everyone's offer to help is greatly appreciated. This is when a family pulls together no problem :heart: :heart: :heart: We are here for each other.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Thanks to everyone for all your good thoughts and prayers. You are wonderful. :flowerforyou:

    :heart: Rebel :heart:
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good evening ladies, thank you all for the congrats.:happy: I forgot how wonderful it was to post and get encouragement. I don’t get a lot of encouragement from my family.
    :noway: I put a picture of me at app 221lbs as my main picture. Take a quick look cause I won’t be leaving it long. I will then post a newer pic.
    :bigsmile: Today was wonderful. I walked a ver very brisk mile at lunch today and then I took my grandkids for a mile walk or should I say Jalk (Jogging Walking) My daughter has this really nice stroller made for 2. Rowan in her seat that attaches to the front and a seat in the back where Matthew can either sit or stand. The kids loved it when I broke into the jog. Matthew says “Fasser mom-mom”
    :flowerforyou: Welcome to the NewBees, you will never find a greater place for love, laughter and encouragement. I might stray but always come home.
    :flowerforyou: Kackie-thank you, I love the picture on your ticker
    :drinker: Barb-you are the best friend. Everyone should have someone as special as you in their life
    :drinker: Allison- so glad your puppy is doing better
    :flowerforyou: Rebel- I will keep your family in my prayers
    :flowerforyou: Barbie- I think I’ve been married so long because my parents were married sooo many times. My father married 4 times and so did my mother. My father’s 3rd wife was a year older than me. He was 40, I was 18 and she was 19. My mother’s present husband is 10 years younger than her. She is 73 and walks 3 miles a day. Made me realize when you say I do, it starts the hardest partnership of your life. It takes a little compromise, a little a--- kissing, a little understanding and a whole lotta love and patience from both partners. It really helps that I have a husband who cooks, does dishes and can make me laugh even when I am sooo p----ed at him for something stupid.
    :bigsmile: Sorry if I missed anyone. Time to exercise and go to bed.:yawn: :heart: Love (((Hugs))) and prayers for all, Rose
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I have been really busy for a couple of days, and just read through the posts. I don't have time for individual responses, but wanted to say howdy to everyone, tell the newbies welcome, and tell everyone else that I read your posts and I'm thinking of you. Have a great Friday tomorrow!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :flowerforyou: Today was another day of exercise (dog walking at home and at the park, line dance, and exercise bike), spoiling the pets (they want me to lie down in the hide-a-bed in the living room and watch TV), and missing DH who is still at least five days away from coming home :sad: :sad: :sad:

    :sad: Rebel, I'm so sorry to hear about your FIL and all that your family will need to do to be close to him

    :flowerforyou: Alison, I'm so glad you took the time to share all the bumps in your road......it helps to heap things on understanding shoulders so you can walk through stuff with grace rather than with a ton of food. Glad the puppy is OK....our pets are so precious and depend on us to keep them safe

    :flowerforyou: mimi7grands, your veggies in the oven sound great.....I'm going to try it..........:bigsmile: You are so right about dog walking as great exercise...it has certainly helped me.

    :flowerforyou: Denise, where do you live? I can't tell how far you have to go to get to Rome......I've never been anywhere in Europe.....I hope your trip works out for you.

    :flowerforyou: Kackie, congratulations on how well you did with you cookie eating friends......you kept your eye on your goal and you'll thank yourself for that for a long time.

    :flowerforyou: Rose, your "before" picture startled me because I've gotten used to the thinner you that you had posted for so long.......thinner is how I think of you.:bigsmile: Thank you for sharing some tips for a long marriage....it gave me a lot to think about....the laughter part was the best reminder.:bigsmile:

    I always enjoy reading all your posts.....tonight I had a rare case of wishing for a pile of munchies and between riding the exercise bike for 20 minutes and reading your posts, the urge passed......thank you again for always being there.
    time to snuggle with dogs.:heart: hugs:heart: Barbie
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Does anyone know anything to help this girl? My heart goes out to her.
  • Hi everyone! i would like to join this group as I am looking for as much support as I can get. I turned 50 in January, and once again started the quest to lose weight. I am such a yo-yo weight loss person. Lost 40 pounds last year then gained back 30 after I had reached my goal. Story of my life. So, when January came around, I decided to try again, only to make this a life time change! About 2 1/2 weeks ago, a friend invited me to join this site. I am so glad she did. I love it! It helps keep me accountable and focused on my goals.

    I am a single mother of four. Two have already left the nest and one more is about to leave for college. I live in the heartland of Nebraska on an acreage with my 2 children, 2 dogs and a cat. I love the countryside!

    If anyone is interested in another friend, I would love it! I am determined to make this work for me this time! This week has been extremely tough, as we lost a young girl in our school to a car accident. My youndest was very close to her and is having a difficult time coping. When tragedy hits, it is difficult for us as adults to understand, let alone our children. Therefore, I have lost track a bit this week with exercise.

    The weekend is almost here! I hope you all have a great one!!!!

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    LaurelFisher – Congradulations! That is awesome.

    Thanks for all the well wishes for my DD and I. They are greatly appreciated as are all the prayers sent our way. I do believe it all helped.

    Renny – hugs to you and yours on your FIL.

    Rj- being a grandmother may sound scary, but I’m sure the pleasure will out weigh the pain. Lol

    2201953 – You just did join. I believe a belated happy birthday is in order too if 2201953 is also your birth date.

    Viv – good luck with the dog walking/exercise routine. If you (or anyone else) are interested I can try to copy the interval post op training I got for my DD into the forum. It will give you an idea on how slow it can be starting out or starting over from not being able to do anything.

    Allison – give your dog a hug from me and mine (dogs that is).

    BabyBlueBarbie- welcome and that's a nice account name. I hope you keep posting with us.

    I know I missed people but it is 11:16PM and way, way past my bedtime. Good Luck to all for a good Friday!

  • rfsahae
    rfsahae Posts: 68 Member
    Hello Everyone

    Back from my wonderful three days in Las Vegas. Lots and lots of walking, water, sleep, and a little bit if fun, too.
    Hi Baby Blue and Welcome!
    Laura - - My mom is the same. She's been told time and time again that walking will work magic for her diabetes, neuropathy, heart disease, and more. But does she walk? Nope. :grumble: People are who they are, so we need to choose who we are!
    Mary - Good for you on self control during your trip to Pasadena. Your daughter no doubt appreciates it when you are healthy, so being strict about what you will, and will not, put in your body is part of that goal. Her day will come. Some day her metabolism will slow and she'll have to take control. It's happened to all of us, yes?
    Denise - Keeping my fingers crossed for your trip to Rome - - such a wonderful place!
    Allison - Welcome. It seems we have something in common. My son is graduating law school in a few weeks as well, in fact, Tuesday is his last day of regular classes. He'll take the bar exam in July, how about your son?
    Kackie - If you had to choose your sugar, wine is a healthier (more natural) sugar. So you did good. My problem is that drinking wine loosens my inhibitions - - and I stop counting calories. You must have much more self control than I.
    Rose - Your hubby sounds like a keeper -- he even cooks! (Does he cook healthy?). I tell my husband that men in the kitchen are soo attractive and sexy. He laughs (he's a better cook than I am)

    Looking forward to a good weigh in tomorrow, it's been six days since I was near a scale. :bigsmile:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    I got worn out just reading about everything that was going on with you. So glad your dog is going to be ok. Did they figure out what it was that she ate? Thank goodness my little piglets only eat food, so far, although Mai Li (my Lhasa Apso) does like to shred paper and nibble it.:noway: Maybe she needs more fiber in her diet?:laugh: :laugh:

    Congrats on staying the same. Under the circumstances, THAT is an accomplishment.

    I read everyone else's posts and after the day I had, which ended with attending a dinner meeting, followed by a trip to Costco and the grocery store for my mom, I have concluded that I am toast for the rest of the night and it is time to go to bed.:yawn: Even the doggies are already asleep.

    Welcome to babybluebarbie--Yet another Barbara on here. Let's see, with me, Barbiecat, and Auntiebk and you, that makes 4 of us. Is there anyone I have overlooked? Pretty soon we might have to start our own thread!!!

    Renny, I am thinking of you and yours. It is bad enough having to go through a family member's health crisis without having to deal with a volcano at the same time. Let's hope that mountain in Iceland decides to settle down soon.

    Something that brought a smile for me tonight was the local weather person who accidentally referred to Iceland as "Ashland" when describing what was going on.

    Take care all.

  • candydoo
    candydoo Posts: 1 Member
    Good Morning,
    My daughter got me to join here with her sister and friend . I am glad to meet a group of people my age :) I am 57, work full time and am looking forward to retiring so I can play..
    I am looking forward to meeting you all and sharing our journey.

This discussion has been closed.