Senior Golden Sneakers.....April...We are all young at hear



  • TexasAngelBeth
    TexasAngelBeth Posts: 315 Member
    Hi All,

    Just a quick note before I head out to buy pizza for a luncheon at work...yep I am eating the Pizza and enjoying the heck out of it. I burned off a boat load of calories this morning so I will cheat today and run 5 miles in the morning. Y'all are right... I am very proud of Cord (my son) he has been a little stressed out mess over his dad and his step monster... mostly the monster but he is doing great. Any kid with the nerve to walk out of a house where he is getting treated bad while his dad is away and his monster is incharge leave all his material posessions... he has guts :) Too bad his dad will not back down and at least let him have his clothing... 3 months into it almost 4 and he still wont let him have anything.

    Barb - Sounds like Bradley and Fred (rabbit) would get along great... Fred can eat all the meat products and Fred would scarf up the other stuff LOL

    Gayla - I love the profile picture... I need to get one on here Marie asked about it the other day I just never got that far. I am glad your snow is gone and you can enjoy srping

    Barbie - So is it that the pets are spoiled or that they have you trained? Moving the chair out for a kitchen chair while the thing is asleep is too funny...Line dancing is fun...usually more fun to watch when people have been drinking however

    Jeffrey - I am sorry things are going so insane for you at the moment I hope that Diane isnt suffering too much.

    Marie - I will figure out how to add a picture on here eventually ... Maybe I will just have Nikki (daughter) do it for me, @ 15 she is more tech savy than I am or plan on being.
    Enjoy the day All
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Barbie, I bought some chard this morning and Don't know how to cook it. You don't used any of the pretty red stem? I have been looking on the internet But really don't have my mind on what I am going to do with it. Help!!!!!!!!! This is the first time I have seen it in the stores. Had to look on the tie thing to know what it was.

    Jeffrey. Will be keeping Diane in my prayers along with the rest of the family.

    Beth, I know you are looking foward to seeing your son. Yes I am sure all of us would enjoy seeing you. Nothing like putting a face on So we know you better. It took us a long time for Jeffrey to post his picture and we want to see his before pictures.. Jeffrey. When?????????????

    Gayla, My roses are blooming now? So pretty.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,146 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Barbie, I bought some chard this morning and Don't know how to cook it. You don't used any of the pretty red stem? I have been looking on the internet But really don't have my mind on what I am going to do with it. Help!!!!!!!!! This is the first time I have seen it in the stores. Had to look on the tie thing to know what it was.

    I think what I did was to cut the stems in small pieces and put them in a pan with water and boil them for awhile, then put a steamer basket over the stems and put the leaves in and steam them for awhile (like spinach). You might want to look up chard on the MFP food database because chard has a lot of sodium and you may not want to eat too much at one time if you are watching your sodium.
    :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    ..... Barb - Sounds like Bradley and Fred (rabbit) would get along great... Fred can eat all the meat products and Fred would scarf up the other stuff LOL .....
    Barbie - So is it that the pets are spoiled or that they have you trained? Moving the chair out for a kitchen chair while the thing is asleep is too funny...Line dancing is fun...usually more fun to watch when people have been drinking however......


    Hi Beth--

    For the record, your ex, (son's dad) sounds like a genuine *kitten* to me.:explode: What is he going to do WEAR your son's clothes? If there is anything to the concept of Karma(what goes around comes around) I bet you would like to be a fly on the wall when he gets his comeuppance!!:mad: It's too bad the judge who declared him emancipated couldn't have included a court order to get his possessions back. Any chance of prosecuting "daddy" for theft?

    Your son sounds like a special young man. I wish him well in the remainder of his senior year and beyond.

    As to Bradley and Fred...Fred might end up on the short end of the deal, as Bradley the eating machine would probably scarf down the non-meat items as well. I am still trying to find a food item he won't eat---oh wait, I just remembered, he isn't particularly fond of his DOG FOOD!!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: He seems to like Peppers special diet to prevent kidney stones better, and wouldn't you know that Pepper prefers the food that Bradley and Mai Li are fed!! Go figure!!:ohwell:

    One other point, I think I can speak for Barbie as well on this one. We don't consider our "babies" "things"--they are children who talk funny and have extra hair!!!:noway: :noway: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I can, however, understand that those who are not "pet people" might think we have lost our minds. At least we have an excuse!!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    In case there is any doubt, I hope you know a joke when you read it!!! Best to all, have to go get ready for an HOA board meeting, at a PIZZA parlour!! Fortunately, they have a salad bar so I should be ok.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,146 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: We finally had a few hours of weather that was warm enough for me to work outside. I used the time to pull all the weeds in the front yard that annoy me when I walk the dogs (that's not all the weeds, just the ones along the path and the driveway). It was very satisfying work and added a lot of satisfaction to my day. The rest of the day has been business as usual.....exercise bike, line dance, exercise bike, dog park,, exercise bike, dog walking, working on paperwork, and later there will be more time on the exercise bike. When Jake gets home I won't be able to eat my meals while riding the exercise bike and watching TV:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi to all. I have absolutely nothing to yap about today. It was a gorgeous sunny day today but I only stepped out as far as the garbage.

    Jeffrey -- You and your family are in my prayers.

    Barb -- A good sense of humour will get you a very long way in life.

    Beth -- Good luck in the upcoming race. Enjoy the pizza, you earned it! It is one of my favorite treats.

    Marie -- I have cooked chard like spinach but didn't know it was a higher sodium food.

    Barbie -- There really is something about pulling weeds that is satisfying. I will go out and look at a bed that I have done just to admire it without weeds. I find weeding to be relaxing and am hoping that my knee will let me work at it. I feel kind of silly saying that when I read what Jeffrey puts his poor knees through! The knee that I fell on just doesn't like me kneeling on it.

    Take care everyone and keep smiling. Gayla :heart:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,270 Member
    I have been a busy beaver but I want to check in and say hi. Our dog trainer was great, she gave us some good training tools to help with the jumping Daisy does and other bad behaviors. This is only the second day and she didn't jump on us once. It is the rule of being the alpha leader which Daisy was doing and now we have learned how to be the leaders. She has given us a couple of tools to work with, one being a little bag with a little chain in it so that when you throw it on the floor it startles her. The other is a little squirt bottle, but we haven't had to use either today after yesterdays lessons. The tool we are using is verbal and that is making the sound of bah in a growl type voice. When she was here we got Daisy to jump on us and the first time she went bah and threw down the little bean (chain) bag Daisy got startled but didn't jump again. As soon as her paws hit the ground she is praised. One of the other big things she did was teach us how to make her stay in the kitchen while someone rings the bell and comes in the door. I just couldn't believe she did that and we have practiced again today and she did great. I am very impressed with all that we learned and I think Daisy will be much happier not getting yelled at all the time. Sorry to go on about this so much but it makes such a difference in our lives. :heart:

    This is a competition weekend so I will be gone part of Saturday and all day Sunday. Go PDC!!!

    Jeffrey, my prayers are included.

    Marie, I don't even know how to cook spinach so I am no help.

    Barbie, glad you had nice weather to pull weeds and take those puppies to the dog park.

    Gayla, thanks for checking in.

    Barb, we animal lovers are a crazy bunch, but our animals love us.

    Beth, you are one lucky lady to be rid of that ex husband. How can he deny his own son his possessions?

    Have a great weekend, time for bed. :yawn:

  • charjeanne
    charjeanne Posts: 12 Member
    Hello, I'd like to introduce myself. I'm 60 and I've lost 24 lbs so far and have about 70 to go. I've been overweight all my life but really ballooned the last couple of years when I quit smoking. Then about a year ago I became a vegetarian and began eating mostly breads, pasta and cheese. Well a lot of reading and MFP later I've learned where I went wrong and I believe I'm on the right tract now. Lately I've been curious about whether I'll have loose skin at the end of this or not.

    Most of what I've read says the skin will shrink with the weight loss if it's slow, but is that true when we start getting up in age? Will the skin shrink as easily? Are there some of you around 60 that have lost a lot and at what rate? I started March 1st at the rate of losing 5 lbs a week, I've now slowed it down to 2 lbs a week. Any insights?
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Welcome Charjeanne--

    Your skin will shrink but it takes time. Slowing your rate of loss will help that process, as will making sure to drink lots of water. Toning exercises will help you firm flabby areas, but unfortunately, it takes longer to see results when you are old enough to be a member of this thread!!:ohwell:

    Since you appear to be following a vegetarian diet I hope you are getting enough protein as it is very important for healthy weight loss, and also, if you are using a lot of soy, do some google searching to get the latest info on women's health concerns as regards too much soy-based proteins.

    Well, good morning to all. I am recovering from the HOA meeting we had last night for my condo. I am on the board, and we have a board member who made a last minute attempt to derail the success of a special election we have been working diligently to make a success for the last two months. The details are too complicated to get into. The question relates to a legal issue that affects the development of the remaining property that is part of our complex, and right now the HOA has authority and an interest in how this is done. I ended up telling this guy he has a conflict of interest and needed to recuse himself from voting while we had a board meeting prior to the membership meeting. He has a conflict of interest due to a business dealings that are indirectly related to the question we were voting on, and he deliberately withheld information from other board members about a question raised by a homeowner. He received the information almost a week ago and used it to question a decision the board made at a prior meeting that he didn't attend, but didn't see fit to inform us of what he was told or his views until two hours before the general membership meeting!!!

    During the membership meeting, another person asked a question and proceeded to make a speech. She would not take a breath and began using inappropriate language. Our HOA manager, who is a paid person and not a board member, is a very professional and experienced real estate agent and property manager, and was trying to handle her tactfully and getting nowhere.

    As I saw the meeting was imploding, I stood up in the middle of her yammering and loudly requested that she shut up!!:noway: That got her attention and everyone else's!!:laugh: Then I reminded her that the language was not needed and that if she had a question, in order for it to be answered, she had to take a breath in order for it to be answered!!

    That brought things back to a dull roar, the manager was finally able to finish the answer to her question and we moved on to the business at hand.

    As for the board member who is working at cross-purposes with the goals of the HOA,--he sent an amazing email after the meeting in which he took the position that the board had cut him out of decision making by not telling him about our last board meeting in March. Fortunately, I never delete emails (that's why there are about 10,000 of them in my yahoo account!!:noway: :laugh: This made it very easy for me to pull up two of them that were sent to him from two different sources with specific reference to the issue at hand and the upcoming meeting. I composted a literary masterpiece to put the accusation to rest but haven't yet sent it. I asked another to review it to make sure I am not over the top. As I don't want to win the battle and lose the war in the process. And after agreeing to recuse himself from the vote, and stating the same in the membership meeting, when our votes were tallied, there WAS a vote in there from him!! I managed to call him a liar in a very polite and sarcastic way in that email that I haven't sent yet!!

    Thank goodness we are having board member elections in the next 30 days and I am NOT running for the board. I already resigned from it once, after serving for several years, but when we had two board members leave and having a special election in the midst of some legal negotiations would have delayed their completion, the remaining members came to me and asked that I return. Under our bylaws, since I was previously elected and resigned for personal reasons, rather than being voted out, I was the only person who could be appointed temporarily, and I was familiar with the legal issue at hand, so reluctantly, I agreed. I am looking forward to the day when I can walk my doggies again without being approached by a neighbor with an axe to grind!!:laugh:

    Well, enough about that. I made a shocking discovery this morning. My belly is actually GOOD for something and when (not "if") it is gone, I may have to find a more creative solution to using my laptop when my two canine "laptops" are "helping". This morning, with Bradley in his customary spot to my right on the chair, and Pepper with his behind on the left side of my chair and the remainder on my hip, I realized that the laptop PC rests on my belly as well as on my right knee, so if I have no belly, not sure how that is going to work out. At the rate I am going it will be SEVERAL months before it becomes an issue:laugh: so we will cross that bridge when we come to it.

    I am supposed to be getting ready to go do more storage unit work, but as you can see, I am not. So long for now.

  • charjeanne
    charjeanne Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks for replying Barb, I will read a lot more about soy products. I do realize how important protein is for maintaining muscle and I've been making sure I get enough.
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi from sunny Saskatchewan! I am really thinking about the garden today and hope that I will be able to get out there soon. I watched a movie with Neil this morning, always glad when he will watch a 'chick flick'. His foot seems to be much less painful. I will change the dressing this evening and hope shows some improvement.

    Sandy -- Great job with Daisy. She is a quick learner. I love watching the dog whisperer and it sounds like you are using some similar techniques. They call me the baby whisperer at work even though I don't have to resort to his techniques. :wink:

    Charjeanne -- Welcome here. I, too, am 60 and have a similar amount of weight to lose. My tag at the bottom says less only because I had decided to break it up to be less disheartening. It didn't work so after I join WW I will be changing the setting to reflect an accurate goal. I have in the past found that skin shrinks, except for the arms always seem to have hangy (not a real word, I know) skin. Best of luck to you. Hope to see you post often.

    Barb -- Reading your post reminded me why I am no longer a board member after serving for many years. I do admit, yours sounds far worse but I would not want to deal with that. Try not to let it stress you too much.

    Jeffrey -- In my thoughts, as always.

    Marie -- Hope you are having a 'dog'gone good day.

    Take care all. Gayla :heart: :smile: :heart:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,146 Member
    :flowerforyou: Sandy, the dog trainer sounds great.....I wish Daisy great success in learning her lessons....she seems like a smart girl who is eager to please.

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, you are so right about weeding being satisfying.....I got more done today before it started sprinkling......I'm glad to hear that Neil's foot is getting better and that he'll watch a movie you like

    :flowerforyou: I moved the dining room chair away from the computer and tried putting Haifa on my lap while I sat on the office chair....he didn't like that so first he stood on the desk in front of the screen and now he's stretched out on the chair behind me so we're sharing......the vet called today and said the results of the urine culture were back and there were no problems so all is well with him for now:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: I spent some time this afternoon lying on the hide-a-bed with Brandy, Sasha, and Bernie watching a movie and might have taken a nap but the phone rang.

    :flowerforyou: Barb, thanks for your story about HOA board......I had a brief moment of insanity when we moved into this neighborhood that I might want to serve on the board but because we were traveling I wasn't really available and now that I could be available I know enough to avoid it like the plague. While I was in the yard pulling weeds I was on my cell phone talking to a friend who lives down your way and as she was telling me about the thunder and lightning, I noticed that it was starting to sprinkle here.

    :flowerforyou: Beth, I hope you enjoyed your pizza, the most satisfying thing about doing a ton of exercise is that it allows you to eat more calories.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: I vacuumed the whole house today and it looked great until I came back in from walking the dogs this evening and tracked in grass from where the HOA maintenance man had cut the grass in the green belt behind our I remember why I avoid housework, it's here today and here tomorrow.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: charjeanne, we're glad to have you join us. I've lost 71 pounds on MFP and a lot of the loose skin in gradually going away
    I'll never be wearing a bikini :laugh: but it keeps getting of the great things about MFP is being able to track nutrients so you can be sure you're getting enough of everything and not too much of some things like sodium.

    Will I get to bed early tonight ? I hope so. :heart: Barbie
  • charjeanne
    charjeanne Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks Barbie, I'm glad you got good news from your vet. I've got a 17 year old chow and I worry every time I have to get any test results so I know what a relief it is to get good news.

    At what rate did you lose? I so want to bump the loss back up to a faster rate especially while I'm "highly" motivated. :bigsmile: Even tho I'm in it for the long haul there's nothing wrong with trying to make that haul just a little shorter. :drinker:

    Gayla -- As funny as it sounds I AM looking forward to the journey. There seems to be something satisfying about it so far. Maybe it's a personal accomplishment or knowing you are doing something "right" for yourself. Whatever it is I feel better than I have in years- except for my knees. But I'll be having shots done in both knees soon and I should be able to get around better and maybe even do some exercising. There are some nice places here where I live for nature walks. Maybe I'll take a couple of my younger dogs and they'll make me go faster.:laugh:

    Thanks for all the help,:heart: Charlotte

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,146 Member

    At what rate did you lose? I so want to bump the loss back up to a faster rate especially while I'm "highly" motivated. :bigsmile: Even tho I'm in it for the long haul there's nothing wrong with trying to make that haul just a little shorter. :drinker:

    :flowerforyou: Charlotte, I lost about 2 pounds a week at first, then one pound and then slower as I reached my goal......I've been using the Isagenix Nutritional Cleansing and Fat Burning System and that has made a huge difference. One important thing is that even though I've been maintaining my goal weight for three months I've not gone back to old eating patterns because the new ones have become so comfortable and healthy.
    :heart: Barbie
  • charjeanne
    charjeanne Posts: 12 Member
    Yeah Barbie that's the way I'm hoping it will be for me. Comfortable. After 6 weeks now I have noticed since I cut my carbs and I'm eating more fruits and veggies I'm not craving like I used to. I know it will be a life changing way of eating and I can never go back to as much breads, pasta and potatoes. So I'm gradually accepting this and using this time to try new veggies I've never tried before. The hardest part right now is being a vegetarian and trying to find enough protein so I don't start losing muscle along with the fat. But I'm working at it and enjoying the benefits.
    :heart: Charlotte
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hello Charlotte, I am the granny of the bunch here. I am also so a low carbers.
    My greatest find is Hood's countdown chocolate milk. It has 4 net ccarbs for a cup of it. and really good. I love it.
    I belong to a anther web site for Low carbers. I tried vegetarian for a while but could never get adapted to it. But I am still following the low carbs diet. One of the girls on this other site is a vegetarian And she is doning quite well on it. We all drink that Hood's chocolate milk. My plan called for lean meats, and lots of light veggies, egg , cheese And lots of flaxs muffins. Just got a new recipe today I want to try out and they have no net carbs at all. We go by Net carbs. Gets lot of fiber that way.

    Jeffrey , my friend Thinking of you and your family.

    Gayla you know we have not got our garden in. We didn't do so good last year so I am down on one this year. I'm leaving it up to Jerry.

    Barbs you crack me up.

    Barbie you are handling your maintance like a pro.

    Sandy, That little ball of fur has really grown up. And she is so smart. Can't believeshe is almost a year old. Seems jut like yesterday we were waiting for you to bring her home.

    Beth How close to the ocean are You? I am thing you are right on it. You have your daughter with you now. Haven't heard much about her. I bet she is as sweet as you.

    Birdie now that the April 15 is past your workload should be easier. Hope so anyway.

    Ellie We got up this morning and it was rather chilly. Been cloudy all day. Rain last night.

    Irene, Hope you are having a lovely weekend.

    Have a good week all of you.
  • charjeanne
    charjeanne Posts: 12 Member
    Hi Marie, the more I read about low carb diets the more confused I get. A lot of them cut the carbs down to 20-30g a day. That seems extreme to me-- when I started on MFP I set the daily intake at 30%carbs, 30% protein and 40% fat. and I'm losing a lot with it set like that. Considering what I was eating before, 30% carbs is "low" to me. :laugh:
    :heart: Charlotte
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hope you all had a happy Sunday. It was a quiet day here today. I changed Neil's dressing last night and wonder of wonders it is starting to look better!! I am so hopeful that by the time we see the Dr. next week it will be healed and he can start weight bearing. Neil is more than ready to go upstairs to his room and we are very ready to get the hospital bed out of the family room!! Once the bed is out I expect there will be some action with painting and the new flooring. I had picked out a colour for the walls and my little chip has disappeared so I guess I better go pick some up again so we can choose the right colour. Our walls don't get painted often so I better get a colour I like.

    Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :heart: :smile:
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Good Evening Dear Friends!

    Lots to share! First of all welcome to the new folks. I am a regular here but I have been AWOL with family issues over the last couple of weeks. Diane is fading. I just spoke with my BIL and he said that they have taken everything away but her pain meds. She is sleeping abut 100% of the time now. She is probably semi-comatose. Anyway her first journey, the one on this earth, is nearing an end. We are expecting closure soon. I will miss her.......

    On brighter notes! Ihave had several job interviews lately and have 2 follow up interviews this week. I ran my first running race on Saturday. I won my age group! My age group was 55-59. It was a 5k with 390 runners. I finished 26th overall. I carried the AARP flag well! LOL It was really fun. I am looking for another race in the next week or so. It was really addictive in the race crowd. I really had a blast! I have cut some time off of my swimming. I am down to 11 min for 440 yards. I road the bike for time and rode my 14 miles in 37 minutes. I think that I am getting Triathlon ready. I can't wait for the race. This race will be different. This will be serious competitors. It should be quite a rush! I am hooked! See everyone, we are Golden not Olden! We still have what it takes!

    Saturday Day and I bought a new car. A Nissan Altima. We loved our Mercedes but it just did not have a smooth enough ride for me anymore. I did not want to have spend for a larger Mercedes so we (Day) picked a blue Altima. I really like it.

    The girls are good and doing fine. Sam will be going through graduation in 2 weeks but will still have her student teaching this fall. Stupid cat! Joe is drinking my milk as I type. Good thing I ate my cookie or he would have had that too. We have baby bunnies on our patio. The mother just came up to feed them and left. They have no fear of me. Our cats just sit and watch the show. I give up! I will probably start feeding them too if they stay around.

    Well that is the over view for now. God only knows what He will present us with tomorrow. He will give us the strength to deal with it in his fashion. BTW Days mom is still nuttier than a fruit cake! Some things stay the same! LOL

    Charlotte I have been fighting some loose skin issues with my weight loss. Just a couple of observations. It does "tighten" but not like it did years ago. Vitamin E lotions and scrubs may help too. I had a little success with that. It takes time! Be patient! BUT realize that the loose skin is no issue when you look at the benefits of loosing the weight. I would also suggest strength training. Muscle will replace the area where the lost fat stores were located. You will probably get the most benefit from the strength training. Begin with yoga! If you want some additional and more detailed assistance just drop me a note!

    Gayla glad your Sunday was quiet.

    Elli pretty impressive calorie burn posted!

    Beth how is your training going? You ready girl?

    Barbie I really like that picture!

    Marie you are never far from my thoughts! Get that garden out! LOL

    Tomorrows schedule is swimming 1/2 mile, running, and strength training.

    Talk to you then!

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Jeffrey -- So nice to see a post from you. I am glad that Diane is well-medicated although sad that her earthly time will be short. I know it will be a sad time for family.

    Way to go on the race!! It would have been more of a surprise if you weren't at the top of your age group. So proud of you as I am sure Day and the girls are as well. Have you got Day training yet?

    I hope something positive happens with the interviews. Yeah, a new car!! Will you be going to Sam's graduation?

    Take care. Gayla :smile:
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