Why the F...!!! Things you seen at the gym



  • EstiloPanama
    My weird story involves...a guy who was kind of hovering around my area. I was on an elliptical and he was trying to use the treadmill in front of me, but couldn't figure it out. Finally he got on the elliptical to my left, couldn't figure it out. Got on the elliptical to my right, tried REALLY hard to figure it out, tripped on it, and fell off. Finally he came up to me and gave me his business card. He cut hair at a barber shop in the ghetto side of town. He wasn't even wearing workout clothes, but a large, white baggy shirt and jeans. And he mumbled something as he gave me his card and then ran out of the gym. It was really awkward and weird. I kind of felt flattered that he tried to be smooth by getting on the machines close to mine. I was like, "aw" and "weird."
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    Just before xmas Santa came in to work out. It was an elderly round man who got on the exercise bike for the better part of an hour. He was in full santa gear, hat and everything.

    He was trying to work off all those cookies and milk. Go Santa!!
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    Feeling judged at the gym is why I feel self conscious and wait until midnight to workout so I have the place to myself. Just putting that out there.

    This is why I work out at home/outside. I'd like to think I'm a normal and respectful person in public but it seems like some of these people would rip me apart for ANYTHING I do at the gym. No thanks!
  • whitesox56
    I have two stories of major douchebaggery at the gym....

    1. Ballys (NW side of Chicago) - probably one of the weirdest gyms I have ever been to. This is what my friend refers to as the "Jersey Shore" Ballys. You got your meatheads hogging the weight benches telling stories of the girls they nailed. You have your Snookie and J-Woww look-alikes... you have a guy from Serbia who runs around the track literally screaming.. WEIRD.... So anywho my story... this guy probably in his late 40's early 50's has his bag right in front of my locker. I had just finished my workout and wanted to shower. I ask him politely if he could move his bag. No reply. I ask him again. Still no reply and he walks away. This locker room is not very big and there's not a lot of space to put things by the lockers. So I take his bag, which is blocking his locker and put it on the floor. A few minutes later he comes back and starts screaming at me in Russian or whatever Eastern European language he was speaking. All I made out was why the f**k did you move my bag??? (Picture John Malkovich as Teddy KGB in the movie Rounders) I told him sir I asked you twice to move your bag which was blocking my locker and you didn't do it. He basically then said he'd be waiting out in the parking lot for me. I shower, change, go outside and the guy was nowhere to be found. Big talking *kitten*.

    2. Ballys (Glendale Heights, IL) - they have a really nice indoor track. Unfortunately these three guys use the running track to socialize. Several times on several occasions they would literally stop in the middle of the track and talk. I almost plowed into them on more than one occasion because you can't really see around the corners too well there. OMFG!! *kitten*! If you guys want to socialize, there's a frickin' Starbucks right down Army Trail Road. Then they had this one lady friend who you could literally smell a half mile away because she used so much perfume. UGH!!
  • pudgeylou
    pudgeylou Posts: 202 Member
    Ok, one more for me. My personal trainer is this tiny little adorable young girl and all of the studs in the gym feel they need to impress her. Even during my paid time! We were in one of the classrooms working out and these two idiots come in, put boxing gloves on and proceed to punch each other repeatedly in the stomach. The whole time this douche-fest was going on they kept looking over to make sure she was watching them. Then of course, if she wasn't watching, they would have to say something to her to get her attention again.
  • MrsG31
    MrsG31 Posts: 364 Member
    LMAO...this stuff is gold!

    I can't really think of any really, truly crazy things I saw back when I was a gym member. But there was a few odd balls in BobyPump class once in a while. Strange attire, lifting WAY too much weight but too prideful to stop and take some off, and then the one regular guy who was a grunter. I seriously had a hard time keeping a straight face with him making all the noises he did.

    But then again, I was the girl in BodyPump that sang or hummed a long to the music. And sometimes I would even do a little hip or rib isolation while doing curls and half-curls (can't remember the proper term, lol). But come on....there was one track we did to a Black Eyed Peas song....how could I NOT bust a move?? lol
  • julesxo
    julesxo Posts: 422 Member
    2. Once again "Mr. Big Ripped Guy" I'm glad you had a great work out but the mirrors over the sinks in the locker room are not a great place for you to stand and admire how "ripped you are." Please move you're *kitten* out of the way because the rest of us really need to finish and get to work.

  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    It drives me nuts at my gym that the trainers encourage their people to do step ups... on the benches. Seriously, I'm about to lie down where you're putting your dirty feet right now.

    My Y has step up boxes. A much better use.
    Stepping up on benches destroys the pads.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Ok, one more for me. My personal trainer is this tiny little adorable young girl and all of the studs in the gym feel they need to impress her. Even during my paid time! We were in one of the classrooms working out and these two idiots come in, put boxing gloves on and proceed to punch each other repeatedly in the stomach. The whole time this douche-fest was going on they kept looking over to make sure she was watching them. Then of course, if she wasn't watching, they would have to say something to her to get her attention again.

    and she didn't say STFU I'm with a client?
  • Tony_Brewski
    Tony_Brewski Posts: 1,376 Member
    More times than not I see people lifting free weights and all I can think to myself is "What muscle grouping are you even trying to hit?!" Yeah ok you can hold a 50lbs dumb bell in your hand and do curls but a curl should be full extension down and back up... not the weight moving 5-6 inches from your shoulder and back as fast as you can with you leaning backwards at an odd angle swinging wildly to lift said weight... I see people with bad or poor form and I want to lit them up like a tree!

    Hell if my form fails I stop... reset and redo. Form first ALWAYS!!
  • ilovethelaw07
    Those who do not know the proper tense in which to use the word seen. They are gym monsters.

    Get out of my head! :)
  • beasley65
    4 teenage girls with magazines in hand pull out matts and in the middle of the small stretching floor area deside to visit and read their magazines while everyone has to step over them to use the equipment on either side. They sat there chatting for over 30 minutes.
  • darkheart
    darkheart Posts: 104 Member
    Oh, and there's always at least ONE foreign person with really bad hygiene. I'm not talking light BO from breaking a sweat, i'm talking about the stench of a person who hasn't bathed in over a week and has never heard of deodorant that is wafting from 20 ft away, no exaggerating. It can be so bad, I can TASTE it.

    Before anyone gets on my case for being prejudice, I am foreign-born!
  • bhopejones
    Girls who come to the gym with their hair all done up and their makeup caked on. Are you here to get in shape or for a photoshoot?

    Unless you actually know them you're judgement is baseless. Not everyone has time to change before going to the gym. They could be coming from work, meetings etc where they needed/wanted to look good.

    And even if they are dressing up just for the gym, who cares? If it makes them feel better about themselves what harm. It's not affecting anyone but themselves.

    Agreed, there were a couple of girls at my old gym who always came in with perfect hair and makeup. They worked their a$$es off though, so good on them... I was actually quite mesmerised by how the hell they could do it...

    lol all of this. I come to the gym with my make up done. (my hair is naturally board straight..even if I did "do it up" it would just un-do itself in a matter of minutes.) BUT, that's cause I'm coming STRAIGHT from work. and though I'm sure people judge me on the front end, once they see me ballin on the treadmill or weights, completely drenched in sweat, hopefully they understand the make up wasn't for the gym. what drives me nuts is the girls who come in wearing perfectly matched right-off-the-shelves underarmor/nike outfits with their perfectly matched headbands and shoes...and then walk on the treadmill. not only that, but ONLY walk on the treadmill - for 45 minutes - while holding onto it - while talking to a friend - and texting...etc etc, need I say more? and then they leave. and those are the girls all the guys come up to and talk to. haha

    no faith in humanity.
  • Lisah8969
    Lisah8969 Posts: 1,247 Member
    ...How about the scrawny guys that walk around with their arms pulled away from their body as if their muscles are so big they cant just relax their arms down to their sides... I feel like saying, yo dude, put your arms down... Wtf.
    In one of the gyms I used to lift at, there was a "curl bro" (jacked upper body atop a pair of legs that looked like he was riding a chicken) who walked around with his arms so far out to the sides it almost looked like he was playing airplane. If you looked at him as he walked by, he would unconsciously hit a sort of "most muscular" pose (Google it if you need the visual). We would purposely look at him every time he walked past, just for laughs. I think he spent more time ogling himself in the mirrors than he actually did lifting.

    Just makes me think of the little brother, Randy, in The Christmas Story when dressed in his winter clothes to go outside...

    Randy:I can't put my arms down.
    Mom: You'll put them down when you get to school.
  • sociologywoman
    sociologywoman Posts: 24 Member
    My favorite was a woman who brought her maybe 2-3yr old to the gym (and the facility had a daycare service), and brought the kid into a dance/hip hop class that was jammed packed and lasts for an hour....she made the kid sit off into the side corner...I couldn't see everything that happened, but I was surprised that the kid didn't go running through the mass crowd...

    I can't believe people do that type of stuff.. :-/
  • beasley65
    Or women doused in perfume next to you on cardio equipment....so bad you have to stop because you can taste it as you are running.
  • Tony_Brewski
    Tony_Brewski Posts: 1,376 Member
    Anything to do with reading or socializing in an area designed for fitness (reading on a stationary bike fine I get it... but not the stretch area or where everyone uses for walking lunges).
  • Tony_Brewski
    Tony_Brewski Posts: 1,376 Member
    Or women doused in perfume next to you on cardio equipment....so bad you have to stop because you can taste it as you are running.

    I just threw up a little in my mouth as I can relate to this.
  • mizzie1980
    mizzie1980 Posts: 379 Member
    I don't see too much because I take group fitness classes rather than going to the gym, and our classes are really friendly and we like to add a little fun to it. So it's not unusual for someone to be dancing a little while doing arm curls or singing along to the music or letting out a cowgirl-esk "yee-haa" when things get really hard. Don't get me wrong. We work out, and work out hard, but we like to keep the mood light.

    That said, I did once see someone at the YMCA (we swim there occasionally and my daughter goes there after school) take his sweat towel and blow his nose with it. He then preceded to wipe his face and neck with it. I could maybe understand if he was mid-run or something, but he was just walking from one thing to another and wasn't too far from the locker room where there are tissues. This also wasn't a little dab, but a full out honking blow that sounded... um... productive. If you get my meaning.
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