4th of July Challenge!! Please join me!



  • Fancy_Nancy2
    Fancy_Nancy2 Posts: 545 Member
    I am in I willpost my goals latter when I am at my computer not my phone it is way easyer to type then.
  • lovmykids
    lovmykids Posts: 51
    This is Great! I have been working on a goal myself to try and lose 20lbs by June. This will be much more fun with the help and motivation of others!!!!

    SW 148
    GW 120

    My goal is to exercise 5 days a week and stay under my calories. Keep drinking 72oz of water a day. And the hard one for me is to stop eating at bedtime!!
  • simplykim419
    simplykim419 Posts: 25 Member
    I would like to join this challenge. I just started trying to lose weight again and would love to lose 20 pounds by July, just so I can look decent in some of my clothes.

    I would also like to excercise 5 times a week, drink all of my water, stay within my aloud calories each day, and try at least one new recipe per week.

    Not weight related, I would like to get two scrapbook layouts done per week.
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,425 Member
    I am in, will post my goals later actually earlier as it is now 11:00 pm. Main goal is to try to get off this plateau and figure out why this weight will not budge. More later or earlier, Alice
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Still too busy to chat - I will try again tomorrow. Good night all!
  • amasot
    amasot Posts: 86
    Welcome to all newbies! :flowerforyou:

    This challenge is inspiring me and motivating me to stay within my goals. I did stray momentarily yesterday (the culprit was a bag of M&M's that strayed into my hand and popped ito my mouth :bigsmile: ) but a little "damage control" at least kept me within my calories.

    REMINDER TO SELF: Don't even TOUCH sugary products again. They are TRIGGER FOODS!!:noway:

    Have a GREAT DAY everyone!!! :love: :flowerforyou:

  • snowsflake
    snowsflake Posts: 214 Member
    I'm in too!!!
    1 - lose 15-20 pounds by 4th of July weekend
    2 - eat only one splurge meal per week
    3 - workout - 5-6 days per week - 4-5 days cardio - 3-4 days weight training

    SW - 343
    CW - 251
    GW - 236-231 (for the challenge)

  • FitqueenT
    FitqueenT Posts: 120 Member
    Hope it isn't too late to join? I want in. We're going to Myrtle Beach that weekend.

    Lose 6lbs by July 4
    Eat under my required daily calory
    Workout 4-5 days a wk for 1hr
  • hdelamore
    hdelamore Posts: 206 Member
    Hey all so 3 days until my weight in
    i'm off to spinning tonight, i love that i really enjoy this way of exercise
    been taking carrot sticks into college so i don't snack

    going well so far
    how's it going for everyone else?
  • simplykim419
    simplykim419 Posts: 25 Member
    I am so proud of myself. I got up today and went back and forth about going for a walk because I would be by myself, I finally pushed myself to go and it felt so good.

    Got home and made the meatloaf recipe out of Rocco's new cookbook for my first meal of the day and that was so good. Now I am ready to go to work. I am going to pack leftovers from last night so I will not be tempted by the food at the store (I work at a grocery store, so I am tempted by food for eight hours a day) and then when I get home I am hoping to have some energy left so that I can work out with my Wii and then have a bowl of cereal.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    I love his cookbook!!
  • amasot
    amasot Posts: 86
    hello everyone, i am craving sweets all day today . I am trying to control this craving if anyone has any ideas please let me know. I walk for 30 today, I start my water intake now to get at least 64 oz and I will do yoga

    Eating sweets will only make you want to eat more sweets as your blood sugar levels yo-yo. Be smart. Don't eat that first sweet in the morning. Make a healthy and bountiful breakfast for yourself instead that will give you strength and the vitamins you need to start off the day right. Don't eat simple carbs, they are empty calories. Select complex carbs with plenty of fiber and good protein.
    You can make the transition! Stay away from sugar for a couple of weeks and then you'll wonder how on earth could you eat so many sweets and why?
    Best of luck, Amalia
  • amasot
    amasot Posts: 86
    Got my 30 minutes in today! Yay! It's hard to believe but I sometimes have trouble gettin in my regular calorie and hardly ever make it into my exercise calories. I'm gonna try to work on that. I just never seem to have time for a snack at work and after I've had my lunch I'm just not hungry. I need to work on higher calorie lunches I guess. I'm experimenting with some protein bars for breakfast as I've never been a big breakfast eater. Any Protein bar suggestions would be welcome! :smile:

    Most protein bars are disguised candy bars! Make sure you read the ingredients on the label and stay away from anything containing sugar or corn syrup.

    How about adding some almonds to your diet? They are jam-packed with good stuff. All nuts are great and would give you the extra calories you want in a healthy way. You want something sweet? Pour a tbsp of honey over some almonds or walnuts and WOW!
  • SraArroz
    SraArroz Posts: 238
    Today was pretty good. I stopped at the store on my way to work and got some healthy foods to have at the office to snack on. I get a horrible case of the munchies when I'm at work, I don't know if it's boredom being on hold so long, or staring at the computer or what... So, I got fresh fruit, carrots, reduced sodium cheese sticks, 100 calorie bags of popcorn, and 60 calorie cups of sugar free pudding for when I want something sweet. I think I'm set. LOL I discovered that I don't really like carrots unless they're covered in ranch dressing, but they satisfied the desire to crunch for only 35 cals and made me feel full for awhile.

    Then I went to the gym and worked out for about 45 mins. I rode 10 miles on the recumbent bike then hit the circuit for some upper body strength training. I really want to learn how to jog, am thinking about trying the C25K program too.

    For the first time in a long time, I'm starting to feel confident again, and starting to want to make better choices. I'm even spending a few minutes doing the visualization activities... where I see myself where I want to be. Funny thing, I always see myself jogging in my neighborhood and I look great! Toned and in control. I want to make that happen! :heart:
  • blockeramanda
    blockeramanda Posts: 68 Member
    Today was good for me :) My fiance got service for a long enough time that he could call me and tell me he loves me and he'd call me tomorrow if he could!

    I ate fish for the first time since I started eating right! And it was great!!! I'm not a big fish eater so it was good!!

    Good luck and keep going ladies!!

    Manda B!
  • Just checking in. So far this week has been excellent. Pushing myself harder, probably cuz I have a drs appt on Thursday and I know they're gonna weigh me:grumble: .....and I'm working on that push up:bigsmile:
  • hipsgalore
    hipsgalore Posts: 204 Member
    I just joined this website. I would like to join the challenge.
    By 4th of July goals:
    lose 20 lbs or wear size 14.
    Wear cute dresses
    lose baby bulge (if possible)
  • i just joined count me in.still learning about this site.
  • Hello ,I don't have a problem, with staying under my numbers but I seem to go over what I am allowed for my sugar intake. Any idea's ?
  • Hello ,I don't have a problem, with staying under my numbers but I seem to go over what I am allowed for my sugar intake. Any idea's ?
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