Lose 5 Pounds in January - open group



  • SW: 81 kg or 178.5 lbs

    SW challenge: 78,8 kg or 173,7 lbs

    GW January: 76.5 kg or 168.6 lbs

    1/15: 78 kg or 171.9 lbs (-0.8 kg or -1.7 lbs)

    1/22: 77.5 kg or 170.8 lbs (-0.5 kg or 1.1 lbs)

    total: - 1,3 kg or -2,8 lbs
  • MsUnlucky13
    MsUnlucky13 Posts: 29 Member
    I'm also starting this month late.

    SW 230
    CW 230
    GW 228 ~ for this month

    Weigh-In Days

    8/1-- missed this one

    8/8--230 lbs


    8/22~225lbs no change :/


    Total weight lost....
  • ajstewart20745
    ajstewart20745 Posts: 14 Member
    I've lost some inches but the scales remain the same.
  • SW: (212)
    CW: (207)
    GW: (150)

    Weigh in Dates:
    1/1 - 212
    1/8 - 211
    1/14 - 207
    1/22 - 206

    Total weight loss: 6lbs.

    New goal to be under 200lbs by Valentines Day. Down 6 ~ 7 to go. I'm very thankful for finding this site and very supportive friends. :blushing:
  • momshorses
    momshorses Posts: 376 Member
    SW: Jan. 9, 2013 -167.8
    GW: 162 (I would really like to get below 160, but I need to be realistic here.)

    Weigh in Dates:
    1/1 Was afraid to get on a scale
    1/9 -167.8
    1/17- 166.9
    1/22- 166.4

    Down another half a pound with just over a week to go. It doesn't look like I will hit the goal at this rate, but at least I am heading in the right direction.
  • SFBJaye
    SFBJaye Posts: 18 Member
    SW: (212)
    CW: (207)
    GW: (150)

    Weigh in Dates:
    1/1 - 212
    1/8 - 211
    1/14 - 207
    1/22 - 206

    Total weight loss: 6lbs.

    New goal to be under 200lbs by Valentines Day. Down 6 ~ 7 to go. I'm very thankful for finding this site and very supportive friends. :blushing:

  • SFBJaye
    SFBJaye Posts: 18 Member
    I've lost some inches but the scales remain the same.

    I'm in the same situation!!! I can't wait to see that scale move!
  • SFBJaye
    SFBJaye Posts: 18 Member
    SW: 249.0
    CW: 230.2
    GW: 222.0 (New GW 219)
    UGW: 130

    Weigh in Dates:
    1/1 - 230.2
    1/8 - 226.8
    1/15 - 224.4
    1/22 - 221.4

    Total weight lost: 8.8lbs

    Would be awesome if I could reach my lowest mfp weight of 217.8 by end of this month.
    Going to push extra hard the last 9 dsys.

    Good luck to everyone in the challenge!

    Great work!!!
  • bam0904
    bam0904 Posts: 25 Member
    Current weight: 194.00
    Goal 175
  • Everyone on here is loosing so well!!!!

    SW: 193
    CW: 156.2
    GW: 120

    I'm only up 1 pound this week:) 1 day late weighing in.

    Weigh in Dates:
    1/1 156.2
    1/8 159.4 - TOM and also chocolate is my enemy :(
    1/15 157.2 I'm up 1 pound now at least not 3 anymore :) Weighed in on 1/16
    1/22 153.0

    Total weight lost: My heaviest was 209 lbs that was Jan 2012 I started MFP at 193 TOTAL = 53 LBS

    Just for fun: What is your fitness resolution for 2013? I'm gonna try to exercise at least once a week. I never really had a steady exercise regimen.
  • TristansHawk
    TristansHawk Posts: 114 Member
    SW: (154 lbs)
    CW: (149.2 lbs)
    GW: (147 lbs)

    Weigh in Dates:
    1/1 - 153 lbs
    1/8 - 152.8 lbs
    1/15 - 151 lbs
    1/22 - 149.2 lbs

    Total weight lost: 3.8 lbs

    Just for fun: What is your fitness resolution for 2013? Do something fun for myself....which is why I joined a belly dancing class!
  • aarar
    aarar Posts: 684 Member
    SW: 234
    CW: 193.2
    GW: 186

    1/1 193.2
    1/8 192.2
    1/15 190.6
    1/22 187.2

    Total weight lost: 6lbs (3.4lbs this week!)

    Fitness resolution for 2013: to run my first 10k in August
  • JMPerlin
    JMPerlin Posts: 287 Member
    Today 1/22/13

    SW: 195
    CW: 195
    GW: 190 (for the month)

    Weigh in Dates:
    1/1 - 195
    1/8 - 194 1 lbs down! Yea!
    1/15 - 194.5 UUUGGGHHH!
    1/22 - 193 OK 2 lbs down

    Total weight lost: 2 lbs so far! Man I have been fighting a cold and trying to keep it moving forward.

    Just for fun: What is your fitness resolution for 2013? I want to lose this 20 lbs that has been plaguing me for years. Compete in the Ninja Challenge, and complete 5000 kata.
  • jaynita2
    jaynita2 Posts: 53 Member
    SW: 210
    CW: 186
    GW: 180 for this challenge
    UGW: 140

    Weigh in Dates:
    1/1: Late joining, but I'm pretty sure it was 186
    1/8: 187...wtw?
    1/15: 185
    1/22: 180.8

    Total weight lost:

    Just for fun: What is your fitness resolution for 2013? Reaching and MAINTAINING a healthy BMI!
  • alifer
    alifer Posts: 387 Member
    SW: 193
    GW (by January 31): 180

    Weigh in:
    1/1 193
    1/8 188.6 (down 4.4)
    1/15 187 (down 6 since 1/1)
    1/22 185.2 (down 7.8 since 1/1)

    Since I did this in 2011 and then gained it back (started drinking Mountain Dew again), I was hoping the weight would come off a bit quicker initially like it did in 2011 (water weight). Been a little slower going this time, but I took measurements on day one and a picture for comparison.

    As of today I've lost 9.5 inches already with 5 of those coming off my waist and breasts. Therefore I'm happy even if I don't meet my mini-goal of 180 by the end of the month. (I set a high goal for the first month knowing it would be mostly water, after January hoping for more like 5 pounds a month. If it's slower than that, so be it. Took more time than that to gain it, will take time to lose it too.)
  • Shana82
    Shana82 Posts: 19
    SW: 194.5 lbs
    CW: 189.8
    GW: 179

    Weigh in Dates:
    1/1 = 189.8
    1/8 = 187.8
    1/15 = 185.4
    1/22 = 184.0
    1/31 =

    almost 6 pounds down! I have a feeling I am going to hit my GW for the month, which will be super exciting!
  • Rob1966a
    Rob1966a Posts: 2 Member
    Ok, a little late to this but:

    1/1 281 lbs
    1/8 277 lbs
    1/15 274 lbs
    1/22 271 lbs
    1/31 ??

    Goal weight, for now, is below 250 lbs by mid-March.

    6'2"; 47 yrs old; been working out ~5 times a week, eating right. Travel a lot, biz dinners (that can pack on pounds!) etc. Just get back on the horse so to speak the next day and re-focus on diet & exercise.
  • jj1973
    jj1973 Posts: 131 Member
    It is to late for me to lose 5 in January, so I anxiously await the February topic!!! :happy:
  • SW: 260
    CW: 250
    GW: 150

    Weigh in Dates:
    1/1 - 252
    1/8 - 250
    1/15 - 245
    1/22 - 245

    Total weight loss: 7 pounds

    Kinda bummed about not losing anything this week. Maybe I lost some inches though. Will have to check.
  • dawn_eichert
    dawn_eichert Posts: 487 Member
    SW: 211
    CW: 207
    GW: 206 - Stretch goal 203

    Weigh in Dates:
    1/1 - 211
    1/8 - 210
    1/15 - 207
    1/22 - 208

    Total weight lost: 3

    Totally bummed about this week. But TOM decided to show up so I know that is why I am up in addition to the sodium this week has been out of control. Plan for this week, keep tracking, keep moving and watch the sodium closely. And drink lots of water to combat the previous sodium.

    Have a good one all