Did you know your body has a natural fat burner?



  • Shadowknight137
    Shadowknight137 Posts: 1,243 Member
    6. NO high carb meals.


    Even if all that other stuff were true, the hell does this compute? What exactly constitutes as a "high carb" meal?
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Yeah, No.

    I suggest you listen to some of these people instead of your nutrionalist.. You'll probably learn a lot more, and actually be successful at losing weight.
  • dfquigley
    6. NO high carb meals.


    Even if all that other stuff were true, the hell does this compute? What exactly constitutes as a "high carb" meal?

    I Just had a very high carb meal too, both for lunch AND supper......

    Guess I'm doing it wrong!
  • stuntpilot51
    stuntpilot51 Posts: 53 Member
    It's a hormone that starts with the letter A i forget exactly what it's called. Also you need to be as stress free as possible because when your stressed wether its bad or good stress this other hormone calle cestrol I think that's what it's called anyways it cannot determine the difference between an emergency stressful situation or a positive stressful situation so cestrol releases and cause you to be hungry when you may not be. Anyway here are a few things that can help lose fat/belly fat naurally without having to diet, take pills, or count calories even though I will still count my calories.

    1. NO concintrated juices
    2. NO processed foods.
    3. NO margarine (use butter instead)
    4. NO whole wheat bread
    5. NO bread(in general), pasta and other "comfort foods".
    6. NO high carb meals.
    7. NO apple pie, cakes, muffins, pizza.
    8. EAT nutrient dense foods.
    9. DRINK green tea. (Donot waste calories on a drink)
    10. NO proccessed soy(soy milk, tofu, soy protein).
    11. EAT snap peas, green beans, and other legumes.
    12. NO genetically modified foods.
    13. NO energy gars.
    14. NO soda/soft drinks, sports drinks or other sugary drinks.
    15. NO canned soups
    16. NO microwaveable popcorn (old fashioned air popped is okay)
    17. NO foods labeld diet, or fat free.

    I knew the moment I started reading this that it was destined to be shot down in flames.:laugh: :laugh:

    I see that you just joined MFP, here's a must read,

    When I started I was doing it all wrong just like you are, read the previous link and enjoy your food.
  • addywatson
    Body has a natural way of burning the fat. If you don't work out much your body starts depositing the fat. As a result you gain weight. It is better to keep your body moving so that every system inside the body functions normally.

    Ballroom Dance Orange County
  • sandradev1
    sandradev1 Posts: 786 Member
    FloridaKidd40, I don't think anyone is making a personal attack on you. I believe other people are simply standing up for what their beliefs and opinions are on this topic.

    Many of the people in these forums have tremendous personal success stories with weight loss and improved fitness. I believe if you interacted with an open-mind and a willingness to learn from others, you would find people on here to be very helpful and generous with their time and knowledge. Personally, I tend to try and listen to people who have been through the process and found success.

    In your profile, you indicated that you've started and failed at your weight loss goals on multiple occasions. Your ticker also indicates that you are still at the beginning of this round of weight loss. You also don't have much of a history of posting in these forums (I really don't either in the whole scheme of things). Generally speaking, it does tend to rub people the wrong way when someone comes in with no personal success story and starts preaching questionable beliefs as "facts". Almost everything you stated in your post has some level of truth in it, but it's the extreme way in which you presented the material that gets everyone riled up. Extreme and restrictive diets almost never work. Look to the people who have maintained a successful lifestyle and look to them for guidance, inspiration, and mentoring.

    I hope you read this post with an open-mind and at least consider what I've said. Everyone on here would like you to succeed with your goals and have a healthy lifestyle that you can live with forever.


    ^^^^^^^ THIS ^^^^^^^^ :drinker: :bigsmile: :wink:
  • spamantha57
    spamantha57 Posts: 674 Member
    Also all wheat in the USA is a GMO, so is soy...the soy bean has lots of good stuff in it but when they do what they do to get soy (milk, tofu...etc...) they take out all the good stuff and pump it up with CRAP...
    This is incorrect. Not all wheat & soy is GMO.
    There are MANY GMO foods in the USA, which I AM HIGHLY against & probably one of the biggest things I spaz out on (I was one of those people trying to get Prop 37 to pass in California last election which would have required GMOs to be labeled.)
    If you are worried about wheat or soy being GMO, just make sure it's organic. If it's labeled organic it's not allowed to contain GMOs.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member

    Oh wait... you're serious.

  • spamantha57
    spamantha57 Posts: 674 Member
    17. NO foods labeld diet, or fat free.
    I eat fat free refried beans all the time. They are perfectly healthy. Good source of protein, fiber, & iron too.
  • Westy5866
    OK matey,

    First off, i haven't read all the above posts as you where loading yourself up for a thorough slating,what your describing is a very strict Paleo/Primal diet.You need to do a lot more researched into these diets as you will soon find most of the people on them do not adhere to exact diet totally.....I know as i follow that type of diet. I generally go 80% of what they suggest is good for you.
    If you are young and active you WILL need a certain amount of carbs in your diet otherwise you will simply have no energy.....trust me i know....
    Remember a rule of thumb i use 'If you starve your body of what it craves, you'll eat more of it'.
    This is where your self discipline comes in, if you want that bounty bar, eat half real slow and save the other half for tomorrow. If you can manage that your on your way to self discipline plus you'll big yourself up that you could do it. I bet most of the ladies couldn't.....lol
    Hope this helps and good luck.

    By the way, i think the other hormone your talking about is called an 'eicosanoid'. Far too much to discuss here as i have to go to work tomorrow...:o)
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member

    Read the whole thing and all the responses...


  • ALittleBitLess1
    ALittleBitLess1 Posts: 119 Member
    So instead of listing what you cant have....

    Just eat food! real fresh food as nature intended it.
    there are so many ace meals you can make from scratch without too much effort.
  • keyz1508
    keyz1508 Posts: 22 Member
    I can sort of see where you are coming from. But this will def not work for a LOT of people. Eating correct portions and trying to eat more healthy should be enough overall.

    Now me, I don't drink pop, only slurpees every now and again, fast food maybe once a month, rarely any pasta or red meat, no oreos or should I say very little junk food. I still eat cookies, and I eat m&m's every day lol. But I lost 9 lbs in a month with eating right portions and excerising 4/5 times a week. Everybody's body is different.
  • icmuse
    icmuse Posts: 263 Member
    You are RIGHT!!! Our body is meant to naturally balance our lbs when fed a natural diet!

    But putting up post like this with whole bunch of NOs is not going to inspire people, it's only going to turn them off.
  • darisey
    darisey Posts: 228 Member
    ...without having to diet...

    1. NO concintrated juices
    2. NO processed foods.
    3. NO margarine (use butter instead)
    4. NO whole wheat bread
    5. NO bread(in general), pasta and other "comfort foods".
    6. NO high carb meals.
    7. NO apple pie, cakes, muffins, pizza.
    8. EAT nutrient dense foods.
    9. DRINK green tea. (Donot waste calories on a drink)
    10. NO proccessed soy(soy milk, tofu, soy protein).
    11. EAT snap peas, green beans, and other legumes.
    12. NO genetically modified foods.
    13. NO energy gars.
    14. NO soda/soft drinks, sports drinks or other sugary drinks.
    15. NO canned soups
    16. NO microwaveable popcorn (old fashioned air popped is okay)
    17. NO foods labeld diet, or fat free.

    That is like the epitome of dieting.
    Too many rules for me. I eat tons of pies, cakes, pizza, bread, pasta, comfort foods and I hate green tea. I would be miserable on that diet.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    There's so many 'bro science' check boxes that I'd be tempted to call 'troll'.
    Or at least call 'troll' on this 'nutritionist' that has passed on the 'information'.

    Take my post as you will I DONOT care I just put information out there
    Information suggests that it's got a basis in reality, while yours doesn't seem to be really based on anything substational.
    I have no doubt your diet would work for weight loss because it cuts out a hell of a lot of the calories people do it. Sure, they can still have butter, but they don't have any bread, potatoes or much else to put it on, so probably won't be having many calories worth.

    The one thing I can see that this diet will do is set the majority of people up for a big fail - this sort of thing, from what I've seen, is exactly what ends with people going on big binges.
    They give up all the stuff they like and restrict calories for a while, losing some water weight, lean body mass and of course fat; all which looks good on the scales after a couple of weeks - at which point their body just says 'NEEEED FOOOOOD' and they end up weighing even more than when they started!

    Lots of sugar is bad if you're unhealthy. Shouldn't be a big issue if you are healthy.
    Did you know eating certain genetically modified food or what ever can be fatal? It may cause a reaction with your body?
    Yea, if you eat GM peanuts and you're fatally allergic to peanuts, you might die. Unless they've been modified to remove the nasty allergic stuff anyway, in which case you won't and GM might have saved your life!
    but like I said thank you for the negativity..(:
    No problem,
    Feel free to post more unsubstantiated claims that many know to be bad advise any time you'd like more honest opinions you view as negative!

    Yes, my body does have a natural fat burner beginning with 'A'.
    It's called 'Anaerobic exercise'.
    Three times a week - 3 x 5 squats at body weight + 20%, 3 x5 bench presses at body weight -5%, 1x5 dead lift at body weight + 25% - added to an overall below weekly-TDEE diet.
  • Dauntlessness
    Dauntlessness Posts: 1,489 Member
    Its kind of funny you posted this because I have a friend who is on a similar diet. Yes, she has lost weight, at an alarming speed actually BUT its not a sustainable diet. If you cant maintain it for the rest of your life don't do it now. I mean honestly, what food is left after a list like that? Of course they are losing weight cause they are not eating anything.

    I will be damned if I go to a birthday party and not have a piece of cake...hahahaha
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    What? :huh:
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    It's a hormone that starts with the letter A i forget exactly what it's called. Also you need to be as stress free as possible because when your stressed wether its bad or good stress this other hormone calle cestrol I think that's what it's called anyways it cannot determine the difference between an emergency stressful situation or a positive stressful situation so cestrol releases and cause you to be hungry when you may not be. Anyway here are a few things that can help lose fat/belly fat naurally without having to diet, take pills, or count calories even though I will still count my calories.

    1. NO concintrated juices
    2. NO processed foods.
    3. NO margarine (use butter instead)
    4. NO whole wheat bread
    5. NO bread(in general), pasta and other "comfort foods".
    6. NO high carb meals.
    7. NO apple pie, cakes, muffins, pizza.
    8. EAT nutrient dense foods.
    9. DRINK green tea. (Donot waste calories on a drink)
    10. NO proccessed soy(soy milk, tofu, soy protein).
    11. EAT snap peas, green beans, and other legumes.
    12. NO genetically modified foods.
    13. NO energy gars.
    14. NO soda/soft drinks, sports drinks or other sugary drinks.
    15. NO canned soups
    16. NO microwaveable popcorn (old fashioned air popped is okay)
    17. NO foods labeld diet, or fat free.

    i regularly violate 2 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 12 + 15, and occasionally 14.

    guess what? i'm down about 85 lbs so far.

    i guess i must be a special snowflake, huh?

  • gerirojas
    gerirojas Posts: 101 Member
    Its concentrated "spell check"