any new 1200 calorie gals want to be friends



  • Hi, my name is Fran I'm 22 and trying to get back into shape after gaining 35 lbs a couple of years ago. I'm quite strict with myself when it comes to eating but I have to allow treats or I will just throw in the towel. I vary eating 1,200 or less. I find eating 1,200 is to much for me sometimes. Please add me as a friend always looking for support and to help others.
  • 1200 calorie girl here!
  • Katey_Gabbitas
    Katey_Gabbitas Posts: 20 Member
    And one here :)
  • 008Lizzy
    008Lizzy Posts: 95 Member
    Not new to MFP - but back on 1200 cals. I lost 56lbs in 2.5 months, around 18 months ago and maintained it right up until October last year (I did it on a miserable total food replacement diet). In October 12, I quit smoking - and - good news bad news. Have conquered the disgusting habit, but left myself with a sad weight gain of around 54lbs - ie - back to square one. I am "okay" though, was a bit down last week. I have decided this time, I cannot face Total Food Replacement again, and instead, am opting for the slower steadier approach on 1200 cals. On a positive note, I find exercising now as a non smoker, is so much easier. I am no longer breathless, and five days in, am starting to feel my body loosening up a bit and feeling fitter. I will weigh myself on Friday, but do know that I have already lost a few lbs - can feel it. I have, in all honesty, being eating (oink oink) at every opportunity and quitting smoking has been a bit of an excuse to pig out. Faced reality last week (ironically the last day I wore a nicotine patch) and am now on the GET FIT FOR LIFE plan - looking forward to joining you all on the 1200 journey!
  • brendamac464
    brendamac464 Posts: 19 Member
    you can add me. I just joined and am at 1,200 also.
  • I eat as close to this as possible. so far its lost me 20 pounds. I would love like-minded friends like this

    add away
  • AhlaWahda
    AhlaWahda Posts: 189 Member
    Hi! I'm Aaliyah, 23 and eat 1200-1400 kcal/day depending on exercise. I just started being active here and log my food intake. I want to lose another 11-13 lbs. Add me if you want. I would love supportive and motivating friends. :-)
  • HotMummyMission
    HotMummyMission Posts: 1,723 Member
    I'm 159lbs was 189lbs lost a total of 50lbs since September but put 20lbs on with a few binge weekends looking for supportive an motivating friends want to lose 19lbs befor June eating 1200 a day
  • Hi All,

    after being horribly ill last year I packed on over 30 pounds boo, now I am set to lose that plus more, whilst getting fit and toned :) It is actually nice having a challenge of counting calories and being inventive, and become more knowledgeable with what is actually in food :)

    I am trying to kick sugar and try the healthy eating thing so feel free to add :)
  • dbfairfield
    dbfairfield Posts: 1 Member
    You can add me! Always looking for support and motivation. Its a struggle to eat 1200 calories a day!!!
  • hey :) I literally started this yesterday, any tips on how you lose the weight apart from the eating? :) i'd love to be able to support each other! xxx
  • Yes ! I would love some more girlies that are on my wave length and have similar targets to me. I've lost 19 pounds so far :Dx
  • kada6305
    kada6305 Posts: 21 Member
    I'm a 1200 or less calorie eater :) Mixing that along with the body by vi and have lost 6 pounds in a week :) Love it !! almost cried when i stepped on the scale today ! friend requests welcome !! would love some support :)
  • AimieJay
    AimieJay Posts: 3 Member
    Hello! I was doing 1000 calories and working out. I lost almost 40 of the 70 I need to lose THEN the holidays hit, I got injured and I have been struggling since. I'm starting today back to 1000-1200 calories. I try to eat as clean as I can and 3 meals, 2 snacks with a protein focus. I am frustrated by my inability to control my food and the constant battle with it! I need a weight loss buddy, a gym buddy, and maybe my jaw wired shut paired with an electric shock :)
  • jbbannister7
    jbbannister7 Posts: 6 Member
    Just started this week on the "my fitness pal" finding it really good, to keep a check on my eating I've been put on the 1200 at to be fair finding it quiet easy...however I may be thinking different next week....also it's nice to think there's so many of you guys out there on the same path for support....
  • JessHealthKick
    JessHealthKick Posts: 800 Member
    yes me me me! I've been doing 1200/day for about 2 weeks now, need support as well. So many tempting cakes etc out there (in Japan). Also gone gluten free, except for maybe 1 meal on the weekend.

    Much love and support!
  • mkekj
    mkekj Posts: 2
    I will join the 1200 has taken two weeks to adjust but I finally don't feel hungry. Coconut milk helped me get over dairy and frozen berries over sweet tooth. I walk daily but still have to add strength training. Hard to do while sitting at my desk all day.
  • If any of you 1200 girls would like to add me I would be happy with the companionship I have lost 10lb in 20 days and try to keep to it but allow a few extras at weekends so I dont feel deprived :happy:
  • beckstar41
    beckstar41 Posts: 10 Member
    Hey girl : ) I'm a 1200 too. I am soooo out of shape but determined and committed to lose the fatness and firm up the flab feel free to add me
  • lu_equi
    lu_equi Posts: 47 Member
    I struggle to keep to eating healthy through being lazy and going for easy options my food diary is horrendous at the mo ! but going shopping friday so going to kick my *kitten* in gear ...although the new pill i have been put on is making me sooo hungry ! grr!! x