Health concerns about dairy products



  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    nobody has "no problem" with wheat, some (again) just tolerate it better. celiac disease - in my book - IS in the same category as dairy, and the number of people with celiac has risen over 400% in the last 50 to 100 years because of increased wheat intake coupled with genetically modified wheat that is even harder to digest.

    I was in the Middle East... and trust me, they've been eating wheat for the last 6-7 thousand years at least. When I was in Turkey, the wheat was growing wild like grass in the ancient ruins I visited... it is that ubiquitous. (it is also the country where it was domesticated)

    Most of those changes have occurred in wheat due to simple breeding practices. Now, my ancestors come mainly from this tiny country in the North Atlantic (Ireland) where it's too wet and cold for wheat, and what wheat was grown was reserved for the upper classes. So the poor simply ate other grains, such as oats and millet... till potatoes arrived on the scene from the New World.

    I don't believe in some original human state that we are all belonging to. Our ancestry is just what it is, environment played a huge role, and it sets us up for different problems that we have to work around.

    They have been drinking milk for just as long.. :wink:
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Thanks to whoever posted this (I don't feel like going back and looking):

    This is a good video. I have a lot of respect for Dr. McDougall, Dr Esselstyn, Dr. Fuhrman, and the growing number of doctors who are saying the same thing. It is not a popular opinion here, but I do bot believe that we need dairy, and I believe that is is bad for us.

    Agreed, if people would only wake up and read the China Study
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    Thanks to whoever posted this (I don't feel like going back and looking):

    This is a good video. I have a lot of respect for Dr. McDougall, Dr Esselstyn, Dr. Fuhrman, and the growing number of doctors who are saying the same thing. It is not a popular opinion here, but I do bot believe that we need dairy, and I believe that is is bad for us.

    Agreed, if people would only wake up and read the China Study

    have you?
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Thanks to whoever posted this (I don't feel like going back and looking):

    This is a good video. I have a lot of respect for Dr. McDougall, Dr Esselstyn, Dr. Fuhrman, and the growing number of doctors who are saying the same thing. It is not a popular opinion here, but I do bot believe that we need dairy, and I believe that is is bad for us.

    Agreed, if people would only wake up and read the China Study

    have you?

  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Thanks to whoever posted this (I don't feel like going back and looking):

    This is a good video. I have a lot of respect for Dr. McDougall, Dr Esselstyn, Dr. Fuhrman, and the growing number of doctors who are saying the same thing. It is not a popular opinion here, but I do bot believe that we need dairy, and I believe that is is bad for us.

    Agreed, if people would only wake up and read the China Study

    I don't want to wake up. Is it available as an audio book?
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    I didn't read it.

    I'll say this anyway though.

    It's not the dairy that is bad for you.. It's the processing it goes through and the additives they put in it and the hormones they feed the cows.. It's not the stuff our grandparents drank.

    I buy regular milk and dairy products anyway. I do want to switch, but it's hard to get over the taste difference. I barely like milk and yogurt as it is. Cheese.. well I love cheese. LOL

    Same thing with wheat..although I'll never go gluten free.. that stuff taste yucky! LOL (well the pasta anyway LOL)
  • I've cut down on dairy for various reasons, mostly based on information that I've seen + my own research. No, I haven't read peer reviewed articles or scientific studies - I don't need to and I don't want to. I believe I have enough information to make a choice that works for me.
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    Regardless of any studies, humans are the ONLY species in the world that continues to consume milk past infancy and the ONLY species to consume the milk of ANOTHER species.

    No we're not. Lots of animals will consume it when given the chance. Just because they haven't figured out how to milk the other species yet, doesn't mean they wouldn't if they could. Do other species brew coffee to drink, or grind their meat to make neat little patties that will fit on a bun, or cure and smoke pork belly to eat with their fried chicken embryos, or do any of a million other cooking and eating techiniques we humans do? No, but they probably all wish they could.

    Eh. We could argue that flying airplanes and driving cars is not" natural," but we take the dog in the car so it can be done. But the thing we are talking about here is the biological needs of our species.

    Nope. I was talking about other species consuming milk, which is why I quoted that section.

    But, if you want to talk biological needs, do we have a biological need for coffee, or bacon, or eggs, or broccoli, or just about any other food you can name? We need food, but you'd be hard pressed to find one individual food that we biologically need to live.

  • rm7161
    rm7161 Posts: 505
    nobody has "no problem" with wheat, some (again) just tolerate it better. celiac disease - in my book - IS in the same category as dairy, and the number of people with celiac has risen over 400% in the last 50 to 100 years because of increased wheat intake coupled with genetically modified wheat that is even harder to digest.

    I was in the Middle East... and trust me, they've been eating wheat for the last 6-7 thousand years at least. When I was in Turkey, the wheat was growing wild like grass in the ancient ruins I visited... it is that ubiquitous. (it is also the country where it was domesticated)

    Most of those changes have occurred in wheat due to simple breeding practices. Now, my ancestors come mainly from this tiny country in the North Atlantic (Ireland) where it's too wet and cold for wheat, and what wheat was grown was reserved for the upper classes. So the poor simply ate other grains, such as oats and millet... till potatoes arrived on the scene from the New World.

    I don't believe in some original human state that we are all belonging to. Our ancestry is just what it is, environment played a huge role, and it sets us up for different problems that we have to work around.

    They have been drinking milk for just as long.. :wink:

    Yup, particularly cultured milk products, as fresh does not hold up in the heat.
  • I don't really consider dairy to be either particularly healthy or unhealthy, but I can only speak from personal experience.
    When I was younger, I quite literally drank 8 to 10 glasses of milk a day. I loved the stuff! I was also a perfectly healthy child.
    I became vegan about a year ago, and obviously stopped drinking milk. Up until that point, I had no issues with dairy at all. Now, if I try to eat anything with dairy in it, I feel quite ill. I'm not suffering from any deficiencies at all, as I get the necessary vitamins and minerals from other (usually vegetable) sources.
    As for lactase persistence, I'm a little bit of an anthropology fanatic. c: Lactase persistence isn't necessarily always linked with lactose intolerance, for one thing. For another, it isn't only Europeans who have a high incidence of lactase persistence. Certain African tribes have high rates of lactase persistence due, most likely, to resorting to cow's milk for hydration during a drought. Interestingly enough, however, certain cow herding tribes have extremely low incidences of lactase persistence, probably because they were never driven by necessity to drink the milk of cows, which, after all, are a distinctly different species from our own.
  • SwimFan1981
    SwimFan1981 Posts: 1,430 Member
    Do you have to be gullible and completely uniformed to post on the subject of nutrition here or does it just work out that way? There is not milk conspiracy, milk is healthy. Calcium and vitamin D are both essential for weight regulation.. Worry about eating processed foods, don't worry about the whole foods. Just eat it moderation.

    Most milk in the western world IS processed....
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    Do you have to be gullible and completely uniformed to post on the subject of nutrition here or does it just work out that way? There is not milk conspiracy, milk is healthy. Calcium and vitamin D are both essential for weight regulation.. Worry about eating processed foods, don't worry about the whole foods. Just eat it moderation.

    Most milk in the western world IS processed....

    so? it's processed?
  • veggiesaurus15
    veggiesaurus15 Posts: 152 Member
    Let's also remember that the US government subsidizes dairy products and promotes them with it's "Got Milk?" campaign. I've never seen a "Got broccoli?" campaign. No one would argue that broccoli is unhealthy. Why the bias?

    Broccoli is healthy, but if you have a clotting disorder related to Vitamin K, it's not so good.

    Moral? Everybody's body is different, and what's good for one person isn't always good for another.

    I have a hard time with Broccoli and Cabbage. My body doesn't digest it very well. (( scene with Sheldon Cooper thinking he has to remove his appendix comes to mind , instead he just has gas from consuming brussel sprouts, haha))

    My point with this wasn't that you must have broccoli, but that if the government cared so much about our health, how come they don't subsidize fruit and vegetable growers? How come LeBron James isn't in an ad promoting apples?

    I personally have a hard time believing in most things that celebrities are promoting.

    Agreed, but celebrities promote(d) milk consumption, but not fruits and veggies. The money for the ads are coming from somewhere...
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    When humans terraform Mars and people start moving there, you can be sure someone will post a gif that says "Earth is for earthlings. Mars is for martians." Because as you know if it fits on a bumper sticker, or rhymes, it must be true.
  • Christieson
    Christieson Posts: 36 Member
    People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) and the foundation that manages it—the Foundation to Support Animal Protection, also known as the PETA Foundation—donated over $850,000 to PCRM between 1988 and 2000, and Barnard sat on the Foundation's board until 2005. Barnard also writes a medical column for Animal Times, PETA's magazine.....

    PETA and other organizations like HSUS have a clear and deliberate anti animal agriculture agenda. They collaborate with other groups like PCRM to promote that agenda. With the high levels of funding that heavily protected charities can provide, of course it is in PCRM's interests to publish such misleading "research". How else would they survive.
  • SwimFan1981
    SwimFan1981 Posts: 1,430 Member
    Do you have to be gullible and completely uniformed to post on the subject of nutrition here or does it just work out that way? There is not milk conspiracy, milk is healthy. Calcium and vitamin D are both essential for weight regulation.. Worry about eating processed foods, don't worry about the whole foods. Just eat it moderation.

    Most milk in the western world IS processed....

    so? it's processed?

    To quote the poster "worry about processed foods" just saying...
  • SwimFan1981
    SwimFan1981 Posts: 1,430 Member
    When humans terraform Mars and people start moving there, you can be sure someone will post a gif that says "Earth is for earthlings. Mars is for martians." Because as you know if it fits on a bumper sticker, or rhymes, it must be true.

    Oh dear....
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    Check it out! Last night I made home made mac n cheese with bacon bits stuffed jalapeno meatloaf wrapped in apple cider cured BACON!! It...was...epic!!!!

    I want that.
  • forgtmenot
    forgtmenot Posts: 860 Member
    Check it out! Last night I made home made mac n cheese with bacon bits stuffed jalapeno meatloaf wrapped in apple cider cured BACON!! It...was...epic!!!!

    I want that.

    Omg that sounds oddly delicious!
  • forgtmenot
    forgtmenot Posts: 860 Member
    PS: I don't drink cows milk because it gives me gas... the end.