30 Day Shred (May 15th - June 15th) Support Group



  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    I should post my stats for accountability:

    CW - 140
    Height - 5'0"
    Neck - 12.5
    Bust - 34
    Waist - 30
    Hips - 36.5
    Thigh (aka arch nemesis) - 22
    Calf - 8
    Arm - 12
    GW upon completion - 134

    I predict I'll get stuck at 134 then have to push harder to get down to my next set point at 126. I just need to cut the flub I've developed over the last 8 months :( I was around 130 back then, got injured in a car accident, recovered, and got lazy. Blargh. No more excuses!

    Just finished my day 5 workout. Increased to 8 lbs on the chest fly & row. The anterior lunge / raise still beats the poo out of me.

    Hope everyone else is doing well!
  • DeannaWilsonHHC
    DeannaWilsonHHC Posts: 2 Member
    Ok. I'm in! I just happened upon your 30 day shred idea this morning. What luck! I just received 3 of her DVD's and tried the cardio fat blast yesterday. It was hard! I could only do one set of everything so I'm kind of scared of the 30 day shred LOL. But seeing your thread I think it's a sign to just DO IT. ; )
    Starting stats: 5'4, weight 158, measurements 40-35-43. Ok. Deep breath.....JUMP IN! LOL
  • lovmykids
    lovmykids Posts: 51
    She is kicking my butt! I am on day 3 today and I don't know how my sore body will do it!!! Anyone else having this much pain?
  • She is kicking my butt! I am on day 3 today and I don't know how my sore body will do it!!! Anyone else having this much pain?

    I had that soreness after workouts 1 and 2, when day three came around it was much better. Now after days 4 and 5 I feel nothing at all!
  • i am on day four and the first three days i was REALLY sore. its a little better today, just keep pusing yourself and it will get easier! :)
  • lovmykids
    lovmykids Posts: 51
    Thank you! I just did day three!! So glad I got it over with for the day!!! Thanks for all your support!
  • anikab
    anikab Posts: 150 Member
    I'm going to be on day 5 today and my muscles are still a tiny bit sore but nothing compared to the first 3 days. and I found that yesterday I could get through the entire workout with a lot more stamina than the day before so I'm really excited about it! I'm starting to feel a little better about myself, so I will continue to push it to the limit. I'm a little scared for level 2 since I've been hearing a lot of people say it's way more intense than level 1. either way, I'm committed to losing this weight and feeling good about myself so I'll push myself through it just like I did with level 1.

    I hope everyone is doing well!
  • AprilChampion
    AprilChampion Posts: 184 Member
    HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!! so, i weighed myself this morning...........a THREE POUND WEIGHT LOSS already!!!!!!! in two DAYS!!!!!!! WOOHOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I had a 2 pound weight loss after 2 days!! Congrats to you!! It feels great doesn't it?!

    yeah it does!!!!!!! =)
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I've been surprised that I'm not really that sore after the workouts. But my EA Sports Active was pretty good preparation. I didn't get to do it today since my mom and sister are visiting me, but we did walk around the museums in Washington DC for the afternoon so that was good exercise. And I managed to do great eating out. We went to Outback Steakhouse for dinner and they had a light option for one of their steak dishes. Under 500 calories! Sooo tasty too. I managed to stay under my calories with my walking factors in. Whoot! I'll pick up the 30DS tomorrow with Day 4. I might start alternating between 2lb and 5lb weights depending on the exercise to add a bit of intensity. We'll see if I'm sore after that. I really need the scale to start moving again. I've been stuck on 183 for over a week and it's a pain.
  • OpenHeaven
    OpenHeaven Posts: 275 Member
    Ahhhhh....day four complete!! The soreness is starting to decrease which is WONDERFUL!!! LOL!!! I always use two 5-pound weights so my arms feel like they are about to fall off by the end of the workout, but yay for toned arms in my future!! I think I am going to stay at level one for a few more days......any thoughts on level 2??? How long should you wait until you go to level 2? Has anyone gone to level 2? Is it just a bit more of a challenge, or is it crazy hard? I should maybe watch it!! LOL!!

    I normally take Sunday's off for a rest but my goal is to fit a session in AND to drink more water tomorrow - I have NOT been doing well with that (and water is the ONLY thing that I drink so....)

    Time for bed! Have a WONDERFUL Sunday everyone!!!
  • bekah1301
    bekah1301 Posts: 48 Member
    Urgh, I feel really groggy and horrible today (not Jillian's fault! I think it's due to exam stress...) should I do the DVD but take it light? Or is it better to have a day off?
  • BGent
    BGent Posts: 112
    Urgh, I feel really groggy and horrible today (not Jillian's fault! I think it's due to exam stress...) should I do the DVD but take it light? Or is it better to have a day off?

    If the stress is causing you any physical ailments then it may be better to do something more calming like yoga. If you are just mentally drained it may be better to give it your all in a Jillian workout...I know it helped me to workout before a long day a work.
    The endorphins and the satisfaction of completing your workout may help with the stress you are under.

    Hope your day improves! :flowerforyou:
  • Donnavdh
    Donnavdh Posts: 8 Member
    D6L1 complete! I must say it's nice just reading everyone's comments, it makes me feel like I'm not alone! Going for a 5 mile walk this afternoon. I weigh and measure tomorrow morning... I'm a little afraid! I wish for the best. Good luck everyone!:happy:
  • OpenHeaven
    OpenHeaven Posts: 275 Member
    Day 5 COMPLETE!!!!! I feel SO SO SOOOOOO GOOD!!! I even kept up with Natalie for most of the workout (not full-on pushups YET lol)!!!!!! How is everyone else doing? I so appreciate doing this with lots of people - you all keep me motivated to push myself. THANK YOU!!!

    I watched level 2 and 3 today also....hello planks! I think I will do one more day at level one and then go to level 2 on Tues since I don't have to work that day!!

    Have a fabulous Sunday everyone!!! Work out hard and then just enjoy the rest of the day!
  • AprilChampion
    AprilChampion Posts: 184 Member
    just completed day 4 ( it should be day 6 or 7 but i had to take the last two days off for personal reasons) and, i have to say....i dunno what it is...either the working out i did before this made me more "fit" to do it or its not real intense for my body....im waiting another few days before i switch to level two, hoping that itll be more of a challenge.
  • lovmykids
    lovmykids Posts: 51
    Great Job everyone!!!! I just got through with day 4! It is still kicking my butt though!!!!!! I am not rushing on to level 2 anytime soon. The fibromyalgia is setting me back but I really want to do this! I am going to fight the fibro with all I got!!!
  • ladybug220
    ladybug220 Posts: 14
    I just started the 30 day shred, and I finished day 2 this morning... I haven't sweat like that in a while. wow. even though it's kicking my butt... what fun!

    Good work everyone else! we're that much closer to "being shredded"
  • h_eloise86
    h_eloise86 Posts: 124
    I started on May 3rd (232.2lbs) and today I just finished D2L2 (225.5.lbs).
    *I know I started earlier than this group says but I want to talk to more people who do the Shred*
    She is kicking my butt but I keep feeling stronger after each session.
    It's an awesome high isn't it?
    I couldn't finish D1L1 first try and now I am on L2. Loving this :)
    (Oh and I can't do the ab portion because of the c-section I had at the end of Jan so I just do extra cardio.)

    Ps: Add me if any of y'all want. I'm looking for more friends/motivation on those difficult days :)
  • BGent
    BGent Posts: 112
    I started on May 3rd (232.2lbs) and today I just finished D2L2 (225.5.lbs).
    *I know I started earlier than this group says but I want to talk to more people who do the Shred*
    She is kicking my butt but I keep feeling stronger after each session.
    It's an awesome high isn't it?
    I couldn't finish D1L1 first try and now I am on L2. Loving this :)
    (Oh and I can't do the ab portion because of the c-section I had at the end of Jan so I just do extra cardio.)

    Ps: Add me if any of y'all want. I'm looking for more friends/motivation on those difficult days :)

    Wow, great job h_eloise86! I agree it does kick your butt , after each workout I do feel stronger and thoroughly enjoy the great high after each workout. lol

    I hope in a few more workouts I will be able to keep up with all the advance moves, so far I can do the squats and running in place move.

    Enjoy the rest of your Sunday! :flowerforyou:
  • h_eloise86
    h_eloise86 Posts: 124
    Thanks BGent :)
    Enjoy the rest of your sunday too.
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