For Big Women on the Edge When the Subway is Too Crowded



  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member

    There is ALWAYS and I mean FREAKING ALWAYS some tiny, underfed chick with a HUGE purse that will start some ish with me. Seriously.

    Wait a sec? Sorry but I am one of those 'underfed chicks' you just discriminated against.... thing is...I used to be one of those 'fat chicks that should know better' like you 12 months ago. I can see now why I walk everywhere.......perhaps you should start that as well rather than having a go at someone for being an 'underfed chick'

    PS.... I'm hardly underfed, in fact I eat MORE now than when I was a fatty..... I just work had to stay here. But I'm far from rude, unless you complain. Have a go at me for being skinny or underfed & I'll have a go back. But I'll never start anything.
  • Excellent write up! you should send that in to some magazine editors and see if you can get it published!

    I totally agree with this post!

    OP, you are an amazing writer. No, you do not ever have to hide...from anybody!

  • There is ALWAYS and I mean FREAKING ALWAYS some tiny, underfed chick with a HUGE purse that will start some ish with me. Seriously.

    Wait a sec? Sorry but I am one of those 'underfed chicks' you just discriminated against.... thing is...I used to be one of those 'fat chicks that should know better' like you 12 months ago. I can see now why I walk everywhere.......perhaps you should start that as well rather than having a go at someone for being an 'underfed chick'

    PS.... I'm hardly underfed, in fact I eat MORE now than when I was a fatty..... I just work had to stay here. But I'm far from rude, unless you complain. Have a go at me for being skinny or underfed & I'll have a go back. But I'll never start anything.

    I don't know YOU. I am NOT having a go at YOU.
    This chick on the train though? She had issue with the fact that I stood in front of her, period. She was grasping at straws to make me back down. I didn't discriminate against her. I stood my ground when she acted an *kitten*.
    I walk at least 2 miles A DAY, by the way. I eat when I'm hungry, too. Usually after weight training and doing cardio for an hour.

    So glad you found a way of being that works for you. Hopefully you'll feel better about your body image and will stop letting it define you sometime soon.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member

    There is ALWAYS and I mean FREAKING ALWAYS some tiny, underfed chick with a HUGE purse that will start some ish with me. Seriously.

    Wait a sec? Sorry but I am one of those 'underfed chicks' you just discriminated against.... thing is...I used to be one of those 'fat chicks that should know better' like you 12 months ago. I can see now why I walk everywhere.......perhaps you should start that as well rather than having a go at someone for being an 'underfed chick'

    PS.... I'm hardly underfed, in fact I eat MORE now than when I was a fatty..... I just work had to stay here. But I'm far from rude, unless you complain. Have a go at me for being skinny or underfed & I'll have a go back. But I'll never start anything.

    I don't know YOU. I am NOT having a go at YOU.
    This chick on the train though? She had issue with the fact that I stood in front of her, period. She was grasping at straws to make me back down. I didn't discriminate against her. I stood my ground when she acted an *kitten*.
    I walk at least 2 miles A DAY, by the way. I eat when I'm hungry, too. Usually after weight training and doing cardio for an hour.

    So glad you found a way of being that works for you. Hopefully you'll feel better about your body image and will stop letting it define you sometime soon.

    I feel better about my 'body image' now than when I was in denial of my weight. Only thing that defines me is how far I can push myself mentally..... and I'm doing great with that. Strange how it's always the ones who are now like how I WAS that say I have a body image problem.
  • chooriyah
    chooriyah Posts: 469 Member
    Good for you for sticking up for yourself. You are going to be fit and healthy some day soon; she will likely be ill-mannered and rude forever.

  • I feel better about my 'body image' now than when I was in denial of my weight. Only thing that defines me is how far I can push myself mentally..... and I'm doing great with that. Strange how it's always the ones who are now like how I WAS that say I have a body image problem.

    I'm not saying you have a body image problem, I'm saying you have a problem not letting that define you.

    And just from these posts, I can tell I am not like you. I am not in denial about my weight. I own a digital scale with fresh batteries and I clean my glasses off to make sure I am reading the numbers correctly. What I find interesting is that you took this personally and decided to take action against me for relating my experience. Further, you try to cover your baseless attack by saying that you'll never start anything.

    Aaaaannnd...I'm done. Peace.
  • makaiya
    makaiya Posts: 80 Member
    Come on, we'll tag team and eat the skinny people.

    Oh no, wait, they get bitter over internet rants.
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,159 Member
    I lived in Manhattan for 14 years so I know the adventures of riding on the subways well. That woman is nuts and I'd feel sorry for her because she has to live with herself. Glad you handled it so well, and glad you shared with the rest of us.
  • witchy_wife
    witchy_wife Posts: 792 Member
    I don't think it had anything to do with whether she was fat, thin or what..... that is just downright rude! I applaude you restraint in not slapping her in the face.

    Some people are unbelievable. I don't know how people think they can get away with talking to someone like that. Man.... I feel so angry on your behalf! You dealt with it way better than I would have done.

    Sorry you had to deal with such a cow. Trust in karma. If she was pregnant she may just gain 100lb in her pregnancy due to those comments lol!
  • makaiya
    makaiya Posts: 80 Member
    Just for the record, I hate skinny people, fat people, and those peaky ones in between.

  • There is ALWAYS and I mean FREAKING ALWAYS some tiny, underfed chick with a HUGE purse that will start some ish with me. Seriously.

    Wait a sec? Sorry but I am one of those 'underfed chicks' you just discriminated against.... thing is...I used to be one of those 'fat chicks that should know better' like you 12 months ago. I can see now why I walk everywhere.......perhaps you should start that as well rather than having a go at someone for being an 'underfed chick'

    PS.... I'm hardly underfed, in fact I eat MORE now than when I was a fatty..... I just work had to stay here. But I'm far from rude, unless you complain. Have a go at me for being skinny or underfed & I'll have a go back. But I'll never start anything.

    It's possible this girl was just underfed and rude... It's also possible you take things too seriously.. Maybe you should eat something. You seem cranky. This post wasn't about you.
  • I love this post!! I've taken the NYC subways often, and I know all about "casing out" a seat to see if my big a** will fit in it before trying to sit, for fear of displacing an entitled and disgruntled skinny b****. Good for you for standing up for yourself!
  • usernameMAMA
    usernameMAMA Posts: 681 Member
    <slow clap>

    <clap turns into thundering applause>
  • danaelizas
    danaelizas Posts: 22 Member
    Bravo bravo bravo! I'm sorry but her rudeness was totally uncalled for and I'm glad you stood your ground. One of my biggest pet peeves is folks who put their their bag on an empty seat on a crowded-jam packed train. Did she pay a second fare for her bag too!?!? Skinny bint needs to eat a couple of hamburgers, have a coke and a smile and stfu!
  • seena511
    seena511 Posts: 685 Member
    i'm sure a person like that could have found something to complain about even if you weren't overweight. good job standing your ground.
  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    Did you have to describe her as an 'tiny underfed' woman??? The hypocrisy of this post is astounding.
  • BranMuffin947
    BranMuffin947 Posts: 104 Member
  • :smile: You did a great thing! people are so rude on these trains for no reason, she felt so entitled take a cab!!! Go Girl!
  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member
    I read the title wrong and expected this to be about the restaurant Subway.... :blushing:

    Buuut I'm glad I stuck around and read it. Go you! I woulda taken her luggage of a purse and thrown it out the door at the next stop and sat right down.
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    ugh..that just pissed me off FOR you..i would sit on her $h!+..make her see she needs to move her greedy @$$:laugh: :wink: