For Vegans / Vegetarians only.



  • jjrichard83
    jjrichard83 Posts: 483 Member
    Just because I find it hilarious, and have yet to meet a Vegan who can actually conquer this article in any way, here it is:

    Be warned, it's NSFW, but it slaps around almost every point made here, my favorite is his part about 'Famous Vegan Athletes'. I'll put that part here for those who don't want to actually read the whole thing, since it really shows the point I was making earlier:

    "Wherever you find a vegetarian website, you'll find the same dumbass list of vegetarians and vegans trotted out for you. The list, as you can imagine, is just as wrong as feeding soy formula to a male baby is- horribly, horribly wrong. Bill Pearl and Andreas Cahling are held aloft as two bodybuilders who ate no animal protein and yet succeeded at their sport. These two men, however, ate a ****ing boatload of animal protein at every meal. They might not have been sitting down to a steak that'd choke John Candy's fat *kitten* to death, but Pearl ate a couple of dozen eggs a day and drank ****ing GALLONS of milk a day, while Cahling ate nothing but open faced goat cheese sandwiches.(peep it) Mind you, Cahling was a ****ty bodybuilder, but that's beside the point. Tony Gonzalez abandoned veganism after a month of sucking, and Prince Fielder became a vegan after reading SB promptly (only to be blasted in the press as his batting average dropped lower than his daily protein consumption) In addition to these guys, you'll find a comprehensive list of about ten other people, of whom you've likely heard of none, and for good reason- they've not done anything worth knowing about. Thus, the argument that people flourish on this diet is invalid, as they'd have much more than a list of ten people, and far more accomplished people, at that, to proffer as proof of the legitimacy of this diet. Oh, and to the ten people who are going to shout : "Mac Danzig could kick your *kitten*!" SUCK IT. If a 140 lb vegan would kick my *kitten* in the octagon, I suppose I'd deserve the beating I received."

    The reason may not be because they can't, it's because the way this douche wrote it. I bet many wouldn't even read it.

    here is a part of it for those who did not check it out: " The Verdict
    Vegetarianism is clearly only embraced by people with severe mental illnesses who are also attention *kitten*. They wish to foist their idiocy upon others due to the fact that they feel tremendously insecure about the poor life decisions they've made, and are incapable of defending themselves from the predations of others due to their poor dietary decisions. As such, they'll attempt to convince anyone softheaded enough to be snowed by their half-baked arguments that they're correct, in the face of mountains of evidence to the contrary. As such, my friends, I believe it's high time we send them to the camps, where they belong."

    Really? this guy is more insulting than I am! And bodybuilders are not a prime example of healthy at all! In fact, if they were on a deserted island, they would be the first to die. Plus Bill and the rest injected enough steroids as well. Why would someone in their right mind compare anything they do to the average person? It makes no sense, since many things they will do will produce far greater results due to the steroids.

    This article is okay, but doesn't dispute what I showed.

    So why don't we just wait and see. We may both get cancer, but you'll be much more likely to have diabetes, clogged arteries, higher chance of cancer, high cholesterol, and a whole wack of other things.

    I think the only thing we can all agree on is that if you're a meat eater or plant eater, eating more veggies is better in everyones diet.
  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member
    oh geez. this really gives vegans a bad name.

    i'm in it for peace, love, equality for all beings. not to put down others.

    i'm a vegan because i enjoy helping others, including animals to have a better life. my reason for being vegan is because i don't think anyone deserves to die for another's pleasure. survival is another story. i am vegan because i feel it's the least i can do to be the change i wish to see in the world. :flowerforyou:

    so please, don't think all vegans are self righteous. and other vegans- please don't start these threads because they go nowhere.

    If you don't want people to think vegans are self righteous, then maybe reword your self righteous comments. I am eating this way because thats how we are designed to. Because I feel better this way than eating meat. I think if you're a carnivore, kill and eat the meat you need! Thats life. They go nowhere because trolls come in to do what they do best... troll.

    I purposely wrote this knowing idiots would come in here pushing their ideas. Thats why I said "vegans and vegetarians". If you eat meat, then why would you come in here? just to cause trouble. Simple as that.

    My gf, co-workers, best friends all eat meat. I never tell them it's crap for them b/c I occasionally will have some too... When they do comment on my diet I will set them straight with science and biology.

    I think the info is good for vegans to know- those who do it "so i can help the environment" don't seem to get this.

    I understand meat eating people's ideas. brainwashed for their entire lives. I am sure I'm brainwashed about other things, but I was able to listen to vegans, and really learn from them. The problem is many are not willing to accept that what they thought to be true their whole lives to be wrong. How did you think I felt when at 28, I realized my diet was not the "ideal" diet for my species. same ****.

    Watch Jamie Oliver's food revolution. I feel like he does when he is trying to explain to those lunch ladies who are so close minded. Most people can't see that they are close minded, but if they see someone else being that way, they can, so go watch that show. fyi it's not about not eating meat. he makes chicken :)

    1) people have been pretty tame in their objections so far. That chip on your shoulder about other conversations I'm assuming you've experienced is bigger than you are

    2) Your combative tone while simultaneously attempting to prescribe your audience as "allies" rather than "enemies" makes it sound like you're just trying to have people tell you how wonderful they think you are--rather than actually having a discussion or simply providing info.

    You get to rant/pedantically lecture or discuss, but trying to do both just comes across as weird. And let's be honest, the title of the thread combined with your tone kind of points to you wanting some sort confrontation. Who's trolling who?
  • Admiral_Derp
    Admiral_Derp Posts: 866 Member
    If you eat meat, then why would you come in here? ...

    My gf, co-workers, best friends all eat meat. I never tell them it's crap for them b/c I occasionally will have some too...

  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    I wasn't trying to make an argument. I was JUST SAYING.

    Oh come on. You know as well as I do how flammable this forum can be, and you just basically did the equivalent of jerking the steering wheel of a gasoline hauler toward a burning building...but you were just saying? ;)
  • jjrichard83
    jjrichard83 Posts: 483 Member
    I wasn't trying to make an argument. I was JUST SAYING.

    Oh come on. You know as well as I do how flammable this forum can be, and you just basically did the equivalent of jerking the steering wheel of a gasoline hauler toward a burning building...but you were just saying? ;)

  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    Some people don't think black people or women are equal...js

    Now you're basically trying to turn a species argument into something race/sex based? Not sure if serious....

    I wasn't trying to make an argument. I was JUST SAYING.

    Have you seen the movie Lincoln? that part where they are saying if they give blacks citizenship, then they might have to give them the right to vote....if blacks get the right to vote, then we'll have to give it to women. And then where do we draw the line? Dogs next???

    They ACTUALLY thought like this back then. It seems insane to us now, but that's the kinda crazy we are capable of:
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    If you eat meat, then why would you come in here? ...

    My gf, co-workers, best friends all eat meat. I never tell them it's crap for them b/c I occasionally will have some too...



    FR incoming!
  • jjrichard83
    jjrichard83 Posts: 483 Member
    oh geez. this really gives vegans a bad name.

    i'm in it for peace, love, equality for all beings. not to put down others.

    i'm a vegan because i enjoy helping others, including animals to have a better life. my reason for being vegan is because i don't think anyone deserves to die for another's pleasure. survival is another story. i am vegan because i feel it's the least i can do to be the change i wish to see in the world. :flowerforyou:

    so please, don't think all vegans are self righteous. and other vegans- please don't start these threads because they go nowhere.

    If you don't want people to think vegans are self righteous, then maybe reword your self righteous comments. I am eating this way because thats how we are designed to. Because I feel better this way than eating meat. I think if you're a carnivore, kill and eat the meat you need! Thats life. They go nowhere because trolls come in to do what they do best... troll.

    I purposely wrote this knowing idiots would come in here pushing their ideas. Thats why I said "vegans and vegetarians". If you eat meat, then why would you come in here? just to cause trouble. Simple as that.

    My gf, co-workers, best friends all eat meat. I never tell them it's crap for them b/c I occasionally will have some too... When they do comment on my diet I will set them straight with science and biology.

    I think the info is good for vegans to know- those who do it "so i can help the environment" don't seem to get this.

    I understand meat eating people's ideas. brainwashed for their entire lives. I am sure I'm brainwashed about other things, but I was able to listen to vegans, and really learn from them. The problem is many are not willing to accept that what they thought to be true their whole lives to be wrong. How did you think I felt when at 28, I realized my diet was not the "ideal" diet for my species. same ****.

    Watch Jamie Oliver's food revolution. I feel like he does when he is trying to explain to those lunch ladies who are so close minded. Most people can't see that they are close minded, but if they see someone else being that way, they can, so go watch that show. fyi it's not about not eating meat. he makes chicken :)

    1) people have been pretty tame in their objections so far. That chip on your shoulder about other conversations I'm assuming you've experienced is bigger than you are

    2) Your combative tone while simultaneously attempting to prescribe your audience as "allies" rather than "enemies" makes it sound like you're just trying to have people tell you how wonderful they think you are--rather than actually having a discussion or simply providing info.

    You get to rant/pedantically lecture or discuss, but trying to do both just comes across as weird. And let's be honest, the title of the thread combined with your tone kind of points to you wanting some sort confrontation. Who's trolling who?

    The info is for other vegans who have family members who keep pushing them on meat. I knew that others would come on here to troll, so I framed it that way. Thats all. I was right, the bait was too hard for the meatheads to wander past...

    I have had about 8 people add me b/c of this thread as friends, and they all seem very nice, so something good came from it.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Your topic is rather redundant and it is quite obvious you titled it with the full hope and intention that indeed meat eaters would venture in to read your silly insults and pseudo academic drivel. I guess you enjoy drama or simply meant to insult your fellow vegetarians and vegans by assuming they somehow lack the same knowledge. There is a saying about empty vessels making the Most noise. You also seem incredibly arrogant, maybe you should spend the time wasted writing this topic on working on your basic nature.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    I wasn't trying to make an argument. I was JUST SAYING.

    Oh come on. You know as well as I do how flammable this forum can be, and you just basically did the equivalent of jerking the steering wheel of a gasoline hauler toward a burning building...but you were just saying? ;)

    Oh I did but you didn't say anything to that chick that had to make the stupid bacon joke...okay, makes sense.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    As many of you know, the sheer ignorance of the general population when it comes to talking about a vegan / plant based diet is very misinformed. Most will say we are designed to be Omnivores (which is what our current diet suggests). Those that say we are carnivores just are too far gone to help anyway.

    I wrote that title so we all know when a troll comes in - a non vegan/vegetarian shouldn't have even opened this thread if they were not interested in becoming or learning about it. :) & yes I'm prepared for the heat from people saying "I don't like your tone". Truth hurts everyone one time or another.

    According to your cherry-picked list a rabbit is a carnivore.

    What you are calling "science" is an agenda. An amusing uneducated, biology-poor balderdash.
    We are not "designed" but evolved. And the simple fact that a majority of the population eats as non-vegetarians makes us omnivorous. This was an evolutionary advantage because it allowed to cultivate, kill and eat high energy sources in inhospitable regions and during long winters.

    That you want to be be vegeterian is perfectly fine, that you have an agenda is great, that you wish to spread the word? Go ahead. Ethical, moral or even health reasons - sure, post away.

    But bad biology, bad science? I'm sure a lot of like minded people are going to call you on it.

    BTW, if you want to focus your threads to a sub-population of people - start a group. The Food and Nutrition sub-board is intended for all, despite your title thread.
  • Laurenmp16
    Laurenmp16 Posts: 344 Member
    This is such a good discussion! People that are unwilling to accept the science are just defending the habits that they are comfortable with. Of course we can survive with it, but why when we can be healthier, kinder, and more sustainable without it?
  • accebx
    accebx Posts: 5 Member
    love this :)
  • jjrichard83
    jjrichard83 Posts: 483 Member
    Derek Tresize
    Robert Cheeke
    Ed Bauer
    Terre Washington
    Amanda Wheeler
    Patrick Reiners

    ALL successful vegan body builders! :)

    you're not helping with some of them... some of them look like how I look after a vigorous pipe cleaning session.

    I would say b/c other body builders are more inclined to use other supplements and enhancers that vegans are not though.
  • I am vegan and frankly I don't get into the stupid "oh we were design to eat this, this, and this, but not that." Because who cares? How revelant is it? Did ancient man drink almond milk? Did he buy potato chips? How natural are these things?

    All I can say people need to worry about their own bodies when it comes to what they are eating. I cannot eat dairy without bad reactions so I don't. Dairy also was a nice culprit to me being pudgey since I ate a high dairy diet for along time before I realized it was making me sick. I thought it was "healthy" to eat dairy, like we are all told. Obviously, it wasn't for me.

    What irritates me is when vegetarians and vegans post here asking for help in weight loss and some idiots think they need to post a picture of a dead animal or tell them to "just eat meat" like it will solve all their problems or make stupid jokes unprovoked. Grow the Heck up.
    I completely agree! But I don't think Vegetarians or omnivores are "better people" in anyway because of what they do or don't eat. If you believe in evolution we were probably designed to eat whatever was available to us regardless of what that might have been. I personally am mostly vegetarian because I know in today's society this diet seems to be the most effective way to be healthy....
    What people choose to do is what they choose to do and will experience the consequences of those actions (good or bad). I hope all try and make the decisions that are right and healthy for them and that they are happy with the decisions they make.
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    oh geez. this really gives vegans a bad name.

    i'm in it for peace, love, equality for all beings. not to put down others.

    i'm a vegan because i enjoy helping others, including animals to have a better life. my reason for being vegan is because i don't think anyone deserves to die for another's pleasure. survival is another story. i am vegan because i feel it's the least i can do to be the change i wish to see in the world. :flowerforyou:

    so please, don't think all vegans are self righteous. and other vegans- please don't start these threads because they go nowhere.

    If you don't want people to think vegans are self righteous, then maybe reword your self righteous comments. I am eating this way because thats how we are designed to. Because I feel better this way than eating meat. I think if you're a carnivore, kill and eat the meat you need! Thats life. They go nowhere because trolls come in to do what they do best... troll.

    I purposely wrote this knowing idiots would come in here pushing their ideas. Thats why I said "vegans and vegetarians". If you eat meat, then why would you come in here? just to cause trouble. Simple as that.

    My gf, co-workers, best friends all eat meat. I never tell them it's crap for them b/c I occasionally will have some too... When they do comment on my diet I will set them straight with science and biology.

    I think the info is good for vegans to know- those who do it "so i can help the environment" don't seem to get this.

    I understand meat eating people's ideas. brainwashed for their entire lives. I am sure I'm brainwashed about other things, but I was able to listen to vegans, and really learn from them. The problem is many are not willing to accept that what they thought to be true their whole lives to be wrong. How did you think I felt when at 28, I realized my diet was not the "ideal" diet for my species. same ****.

    Watch Jamie Oliver's food revolution. I feel like he does when he is trying to explain to those lunch ladies who are so close minded. Most people can't see that they are close minded, but if they see someone else being that way, they can, so go watch that show. fyi it's not about not eating meat. he makes chicken :)

    1) people have been pretty tame in their objections so far. That chip on your shoulder about other conversations I'm assuming you've experienced is bigger than you are

    2) Your combative tone while simultaneously attempting to prescribe your audience as "allies" rather than "enemies" makes it sound like you're just trying to have people tell you how wonderful they think you are--rather than actually having a discussion or simply providing info.

    You get to rant/pedantically lecture or discuss, but trying to do both just comes across as weird. And let's be honest, the title of the thread combined with your tone kind of points to you wanting some sort confrontation. Who's trolling who?

    The info is for other vegans who have family members who keep pushing them on meat. I knew that others would come on here to troll, so I framed it that way. Thats all. I was right, the bait was too hard for the meatheads to wander past...

    I have had about 8 people add me b/c of this thread as friends, and they all seem very nice, so something good came from it.

    Well hopefully they are, in fact, vegetarians, and will encourage you to become one yourself one day.

  • jjrichard83
    jjrichard83 Posts: 483 Member
    As many of you know, the sheer ignorance of the general population when it comes to talking about a vegan / plant based diet is very misinformed. Most will say we are designed to be Omnivores (which is what our current diet suggests). Those that say we are carnivores just are too far gone to help anyway.

    I wrote that title so we all know when a troll comes in - a non vegan/vegetarian shouldn't have even opened this thread if they were not interested in becoming or learning about it. :) & yes I'm prepared for the heat from people saying "I don't like your tone". Truth hurts everyone one time or another.

    According to your cherry-picked list a rabbit is a carnivore.

    What you are calling "science" is an agenda. An amusing uneducated, biology-poor balderdash.
    We are not "designed" but evolved. And the simple fact that a majority of the population eats as non-vegetarians makes us omnivorous. This was an evolutionary advantage because it allowed to cultivate, kill and eat high energy sources in inhospitable regions and during long winters.

    That you want to be be vegeterian is perfectly fine, that you have an agenda is great, that you wish to spread the word? Go ahead. Ethical, moral or even health reasons - sure, post away.

    But bad biology, bad science? I'm sure a lot of like minded people are going to call you on it.

    BTW, if you want to focus your threads to a sub-population of people - start a group. The Food and Nutrition sub-board is intended for all, despite your title thread.

    Can you please explain the rabbit thing to the rest of us how they are like carnivores?
  • jjrichard83
    jjrichard83 Posts: 483 Member
    oh geez. this really gives vegans a bad name.

    i'm in it for peace, love, equality for all beings. not to put down others.

    i'm a vegan because i enjoy helping others, including animals to have a better life. my reason for being vegan is because i don't think anyone deserves to die for another's pleasure. survival is another story. i am vegan because i feel it's the least i can do to be the change i wish to see in the world. :flowerforyou:

    so please, don't think all vegans are self righteous. and other vegans- please don't start these threads because they go nowhere.

    If you don't want people to think vegans are self righteous, then maybe reword your self righteous comments. I am eating this way because thats how we are designed to. Because I feel better this way than eating meat. I think if you're a carnivore, kill and eat the meat you need! Thats life. They go nowhere because trolls come in to do what they do best... troll.

    I purposely wrote this knowing idiots would come in here pushing their ideas. Thats why I said "vegans and vegetarians". If you eat meat, then why would you come in here? just to cause trouble. Simple as that.

    My gf, co-workers, best friends all eat meat. I never tell them it's crap for them b/c I occasionally will have some too... When they do comment on my diet I will set them straight with science and biology.

    I think the info is good for vegans to know- those who do it "so i can help the environment" don't seem to get this.

    I understand meat eating people's ideas. brainwashed for their entire lives. I am sure I'm brainwashed about other things, but I was able to listen to vegans, and really learn from them. The problem is many are not willing to accept that what they thought to be true their whole lives to be wrong. How did you think I felt when at 28, I realized my diet was not the "ideal" diet for my species. same ****.

    Watch Jamie Oliver's food revolution. I feel like he does when he is trying to explain to those lunch ladies who are so close minded. Most people can't see that they are close minded, but if they see someone else being that way, they can, so go watch that show. fyi it's not about not eating meat. he makes chicken :)

    1) people have been pretty tame in their objections so far. That chip on your shoulder about other conversations I'm assuming you've experienced is bigger than you are

    2) Your combative tone while simultaneously attempting to prescribe your audience as "allies" rather than "enemies" makes it sound like you're just trying to have people tell you how wonderful they think you are--rather than actually having a discussion or simply providing info.

    You get to rant/pedantically lecture or discuss, but trying to do both just comes across as weird. And let's be honest, the title of the thread combined with your tone kind of points to you wanting some sort confrontation. Who's trolling who?

    The info is for other vegans who have family members who keep pushing them on meat. I knew that others would come on here to troll, so I framed it that way. Thats all. I was right, the bait was too hard for the meatheads to wander past...

    I have had about 8 people add me b/c of this thread as friends, and they all seem very nice, so something good came from it.

    Well hopefully they are, in fact, vegetarians, and will encourage you to become one yourself one day.


    SYA. ty!
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    Derek Tresize
    Robert Cheeke
    Ed Bauer
    Terre Washington
    Amanda Wheeler
    Patrick Reiners

    ALL successful vegan body builders! :)

    you're not helping with some of them... some of them look like how I look after a vigorous pipe cleaning session.

    I would say b/c other body builders are more inclined to use other supplements and enhancers that vegans are not though.

    If you want to read back, I already offered to tackle that one too, but nobody accepted. Even on the drug tested powerlifting records, there is not a single Vegan to be found.
  • jjrichard83
    jjrichard83 Posts: 483 Member
    Since as this thread is for vegans and vegetarians ONLY.....I kindly show the OP to the door.

    Are you one of the above? If so, how long?