Please stop…I beg of you…



  • brookelynhoneycutt
    I think the best way to stop these alternative recipe indecencies is to berate and insult those who like and use them!

    And the best way to defend these alternative recipes is to berate and insult those who don't like or use them!

    Good work! :drinker:
  • CookieCrumble
    CookieCrumble Posts: 221 Member
    I've obviously misunderstood this thread completely because I read the OP and laughed so much that I tipped half of my cup of tea down my bra... :blushing:

    But then I am a Brit - and I'm blonde... :bigsmile:

    Thank you, OP, for making me laugh today... :smooched:
  • pikachuFL
    pikachuFL Posts: 75 Member
    In fact, I've decided that your name is Susan. I just feel like you look like a Susan and that whatever your real name is doesn't matter to me. :)
    Hehehee, that's funny! My middle name is Sue, named after my mom whose middle name was Susan. You're a psychic!
  • jcfromtb
    jcfromtb Posts: 15 Member
    So long as you're eating responsibly most of the time, an occassional slice of pizza or a few chicken wings shouldn't be a big issue. Now, if you end up eating 6 slices and polish off a dozen wings... that's probably not the best meal if you're trying to improve your health and fitness.

    Personally, I feel that trying to turn healthy food into something I associate with "comfort" food is detrimental to my psyche. This is a trap that a lot of people trying to lose weight fall into... "Oh my god, I really want that donut... but I can't because Im trying to eat healthy". That's flawed logic... you can eat that donut and the 11 others in the box if you want to. You can eat 24 snicker bars in between a pizza and pitcher of beer... but that's not the best choice for your health.

    When I am confronted with a food that previously I would tear into with no thought, I simply say "I can eat that If I wanted to... but it's not a good choice and won't help me reach my fitness goals." It's less about "I CANT EAT THAT" and more about "I DONT NEED TO EAT THAT".
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    BTW, I have no problem with calling substitute foods by the name of the food they were inspired from. Who says pizza only can be made with a flour crust?? If I want to call cauliflower crust pizza crust, that works for me. If you don't, call it what you want but don't have the nerve to tell me I'm wrong. Words are subjective and no one has a monopoly on their proper usage.

    <-- about to have the nerve to tell you you're wrong. lol

    I don't think words are all that subjective. The reason we can have language and a dictionary is that words have common meaning. Sure, there's some interpretation. If I say "chair" we're probably going to picture different types of chairs. But we both understand the idea of what a chair is. Although I think we're getting into philosophical territory here, and it's too early for that.
  • missy_1975
    missy_1975 Posts: 244 Member
    I substituted a good hour of my day reading this thread instead of doing real work :tongue:
  • JossFit
    JossFit Posts: 588 Member
    In fact, I've decided that your name is Susan. I just feel like you look like a Susan and that whatever your real name is doesn't matter to me. :)
    Hehehee, that's funny! My middle name is Sue, named after my mom whose middle name was Susan. You're a psychic!

    LMAO! Touche! :drinker:
  • uwharriegold
    The voice of reason!
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Whiner's Law. When a thread is posted to complain about another post, thread, or a general forum trend, it will contain at least one response saying something to the effect of, "if you don't like it, ignore it." This will be responded to by someone telling the "ignore it" person to take their own advice.
  • wnbrice
    wnbrice Posts: 244 Member
    Veggie-burger is yummy, I think they are delicious. They are not a hamburger.
    Turkey bacon is yummy. IT is not BACON

    Just call it what it is, but dont try to make me think I am eating one when I am ont.
  • LauraMacNCheese
    LauraMacNCheese Posts: 7,198 Member
    Whiner's Law. When a thread is posted to complain about another post, thread, or a general forum trend, it will contain at least one response saying something to the effect of, "if you don't like it, ignore it." This will be responded to by someone telling the "ignore it" person to take their own advice.

  • Selani


    um so what amazing recipe did you use to make those little delights? lol
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Splurging once in a blue moon is not a sin. I will not go to hell for it. I will go to hell for finding wildly inappropriate things hysterically funny.

    Did you just say we can drink Blue Moon and sin? I'm in.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Whiner's Law. When a thread is posted to complain about another post, thread, or a general forum trend, it will contain at least one response saying something to the effect of, "if you don't like it, ignore it." This will be responded to by someone telling the "ignore it" person to take their own advice.


    I love irony.

    Poster: Here is a picture of me after a year of weight loss and training.
    Responder: WOW! I wish I had the time to look that good.
    Poster:That is ironic to say sitting at a computer posting on forums all day.
  • IWantToo
    IWantToo Posts: 162

    I hate when people steal names of food and TRY AND GIVE IT A BRAND NEW NAME like burritos... breakfast wrap, no thats a breakfast burrito.. if you put cold ham and cheese in a flour tortilla shell its not a "wrap" its just a really weird disgusting faux burrito... thank you continue the thread please lmaooo

    um, if being wrapped in a tortilla was the prerequisite for being a burrito, 1/2 of all mexican foods are burritos.

    what about an enchilada, no thats a baked burrito.
    what about fajitas
    what about soft shell tacos

    if its a burrito it needs to have burrito fillings. otherwise its a wrap. just like people (in australia anyway) have taken to calling every flavour of chicken on a stick a (satay). NO, SATAY IS A SPICY PEANUT SAUCE, NOT THE FACT THAT IT IS ON A STICK!!!!
    lmaoooo point 1 its all mexican food.. point 2 there is so many points i can make that I wont cause its pontless to argue over a burrito... burrito is like the generic word for sandwich... you can have a burger, a panini, a sub.. its still a sandwich no one is saying its not.. but a wrap isnt a burrito?????????????? foolish!
  • ThinWhiteDuchess
    ThinWhiteDuchess Posts: 28 Member
  • juliekaiser1988
    juliekaiser1988 Posts: 604 Member
    I'm of the opinion that

    A) The world does not revolve around you (or me) so if someone wants to put buffalo sauce on cauliflower and call it a faux hot wing, they're welcome to do so. Doesn't mean I have to eat it.


    B) Just because you (or I) think a bunch of "faux food" recipes might be a waste of time/money/resources/whatever your nitpick is - doesn't mean I have to create a thread to complain about it. We're all perfectly able to roll our eyes and move on to the next thread.

    So, cauliflower "hot wings" recipe isn't for you? Very good. On to the next recipe.

    I don't see anything wrong with Faux Food. I mean really- what DOESN'T have a faux counterpart? Diet Dr Pepper isn't Dr Pepper. But I don't consume sugar, so it's my ALTERNATIVE. I love my La Tortilla Factory low carb high fiber tortilla. Because it's low carb, is it FAUX because it isn't made of a ton of white flour? What about my kamut pasta- just because it's not semolina flour, is it faux?

    I can go on for hours....

    Faux Schmaux. Rock on, Fauxs!!
  • funhouse77
    funhouse77 Posts: 179 Member
    If that works for them, how is it hurting you???

    You know what works for me? Having an occasional laugh. :smile: Joking and bonding with friends and strangers about things we believe are a bit absurd. Which is what THIS thread is about. I suppose it could have been in the Chit Chat forum, but it's also about food, so this is an appropriate place for it.

    And as someone who's made many of the foods mocked in this topic, I'm laughing at myself as well.

    ^^ This

    I agree, stop the madness. I tried the Banana Pancakes. I'd love to say they were good and my life has changed forever, but no, I got banana-flavoured omelette....obviously. Not good. :ohwell:
  • rm7161
    rm7161 Posts: 505
    The quasi-food recipes are the herpes of MFP…there is an outbreak almost daily.

    Yes, those sound distasteful, but not everyone can eat gluten... just saying.

    So yea, some of my substitutes probably sound like quasifood to you, but I can't eat the real thing :( It's not about losing weight either... celiac disease sucketh.
  • curds
    curds Posts: 201 Member
    I'm actually shocked at how many comments this thread has gotten in what an hour?

    There's nothing wrong with sharing recipes on here, if we all knew how to eat healthy or what foods will work with what I don't think we will be on here.

    Yes, the recipes might not taste exactly like what they masquerading as, but if people don't share different recipes then well I would be stuck with making what I usually make. Yes, some of the stuff tastes horrible and I'm stuck with eating them, but once in awhile I get a really nice recipe.

    It's a free website and people can post what they like, if you see a recipe like mashed cauliflower or gluten free pizza etc skip it. I like that people try to make fast food healthy because well sometimes every once in a while the healthy version tastes much better than the fast food.