I quit



  • CarmenSRT
    CarmenSRT Posts: 843 Member
    If you want to quit, just do it. "Flounce" posts are demands for attention. Usually the poster ends up sorry when they get that attention, because it ends up being negative attention. Sure, there will always be a few people who give you the "You poor thing!" you fished for, but there will always be everybody else.

    Stay and butch up a bit or leave. Pretty simple.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    I'm sorry - I read the other thread and I fail to see the connection between that disagreement/discussion and bullying? Are you implying that jacksonpt is a bully because he disagreed with the OP's other post?
  • esy1024
    esy1024 Posts: 28 Member
    Faceless names on a screen. don't let them get to you. suck it up, and move forward.We all have hardships in our lives. There are more that do care, than there are people who don't. Put the past behind you, and start again. You will not fail, if you move forward. (((hugs))).
  • michelejoann
    michelejoann Posts: 295 Member
    Honestly, I'm a big fan of looking into yourself for strength. There are far too many cynics out there that have nothing better to do than put people down, or start an argument or question everything. I take everything with a grain of salt, and there's been times where I'd ask someone a question, being what I thought was constructive and then they turn around and accuse me of judging them and attacking them. In a private message, no less. I mean, seriously...WTF?

    Um, sounds like a poor esteem/image/defensive behavior to me. It takes a lot of different types of people to make the world go round, some are more well balanced with themselves than others.

    OP isn't obligated to tell the entire world what is bothering her exactly to a T. Perhaps this was her way of letting off some stress without divulging what was really bothering her and, as per usual, it got misconstrued and twisted and turned around.
  • BOOMaggedon
    BOOMaggedon Posts: 244 Member
    I have found some awesome people on these boards. I have also found people that I am quite sure aren't the same in r/l than they come off on these boards. Take everything with a grain of salt. And be strong in your beliefs and convictions. And if someone wants to disagree, be a jerk, or basically run you down...let them. If you are posting to have everyone be nice to you...this isn't the place. If you are posting proudly and believe proudly...whom shall you fear? All you can be is salt and light. But my encouragement would be to endure and be strong. Running away is not the answer.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Quitting is not an option.
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member

    Haha, this is as epic as your original thread a few days ago. If you can refer back to any posts that 'bullied' the OP, either in this thread or her last thread, then please do, as I'd be intrigued to see what your interpretation of 'bullying' is. I'm pretty sure 99% of the people that repeatedly cry 'bully!' on here have never actually suffered real bullying once in their life.

    As I said at the beginning, I rather impolitely tacked onto this thread merely because I knew people would be more likely to read it here. I did not read OP's controversial (or not) post. I did, however, offer to discuss the topic with her personally, since she seems upset. And that's an interesting assumption of yours-- are you an authority on "real" bullying? I am not, which is why I quoted an article. I do not claim to know everything. Have a nice day.

    Ah, so you have posted a huge comment about bullying when you have no actual idea if the OP has been bullied or if that's why she is upset? Are you going around posting this on everyone's threads just in case people are 'more likely to read it'?

    I am not an authority on 'real' bullying - however, I HAVE been bullied, and I can assure you that is not what happens here.

    You clearly don't like this forum as you repeatedly go on about all the nasty bullies on here, so how about you just don't post. Have a nice day.
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    Oh no, no. Apparently she hasn't read the other post and only posted this on here because it is 'more likely to be read.' :huh:
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I must have missed the OPs original thread. I'll take a look for it to see what this is all about. But can someone please explain to me why Ramberta is always so butthurt? Her other thread was ridiculous and now she's trying to hijack this one. Seriously, wtf?
  • Momiofour
    Momiofour Posts: 155 Member
    OP - I hope you are feeling a bit better this morning.

    Why don't you wait a couple of days until you make this decision to quit? Maybe a rest and a break from the message boards can help. Stick with your network of friends instead until you feel stronger.

    Is this decision final? Can you give yourself a few days to cool off? Can you find your inspiration again?
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
  • ToFatToBeSick
    I missed the other thread. Can someone fill me in?

    OP made a post about how God made us the way we are and that's great etc.
    Some people disagreed, some people agreed. One person was maybe a bit rude, but most weren't. I disagreed but was perfectly polite, and a few people really liked the post.

    If that's enough to make someone quit, maybe they never really started to begin with. Seems a bit flimsy.

    Well I guess God made her quit as well.
  • Michelle7897
    Michelle7897 Posts: 108 Member

    I am sorry, if you need support please feel free to add me. {{{{hugs}}}}

    God bless,
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Honestly, I'm a big fan of looking into yourself for strength. There are far too many cynics out there that have nothing better to do than put people down, or start an argument or question everything. I take everything with a grain of salt, and there's been times where I'd ask someone a question, being what I thought was constructive and then they turn around and accuse me of judging them and attacking them. In a private message, no less. I mean, seriously...WTF?

    Um, sounds like a poor esteem/image/defensive behavior to me. It takes a lot of different types of people to make the world go round, some are more well balanced with themselves than others.

    OP isn't obligated to tell the entire world what is bothering her exactly to a T. Perhaps this was her way of letting off some stress without divulging what was really bothering her and, as per usual, it got misconstrued and twisted and turned around.

    No, she isn't obligated to, but she also isn't owed fathomless agreement if she posts something rather subjective. She also cannot possibly expect the world to know she is going through "difficult times" without letting said world know until after she's been "offended." Basing one's emotions or feelings off of anything someone else says isn't healthy; fueling existing issues with warped perception of what others have said is even worse.

    It's a shame you think it's bad to question, though. "The unexamined life is not worth living" - Socrates.
  • OddChoices
    OddChoices Posts: 244 Member
    I've had a hard week.....family members in critical aneurym life threatening surgery among other things and I read something that comforted me and I tried to share that on a thread on here -- rather than reading, deciding it's not for you and moving on - some folks felt the need to make unnecessary comments.

    I get we all have our opinions - on every topic -- but you can respond or not respond. Even when I disagree, I try to be kind. Sometimes, you need to think about the poster and where they may be. It's just been a really heartwrenching few weeks and I could have used some friendly comments - or none at all - as opposed to some that I received.

    I don't need to be 'rescued"....and I'm not manipulative. I'm just a person trying to provide something comforting to those who may be receptive to that - at a time I needed comfort as well.

    The only person that will hurt is you. The folks who (you thought) were mean to you will continue to enjoy tbe benefits of MFP
  • SwimFan1981
    SwimFan1981 Posts: 1,430 Member
    I missed the other thread. Can someone fill me in?

    OP made a post about how God made us the way we are and that's great etc.
    Some people disagreed, some people agreed. One person was maybe a bit rude, but most weren't. I disagreed but was perfectly polite, and a few people really liked the post.

    If that's enough to make someone quit, maybe they never really started to begin with. Seems a bit flimsy.

    Well I guess God made her quit as well.

  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    I utterly despise how frivolously the word "bully" is thrown around.

    OP, if that's all it takes to get under your skin, I suggest you grow some thicker skin.
  • GG70
    GG70 Posts: 232 Member
    Faceless names on a screen. don't let them get to you. suck it up, and move forward.We all have hardships in our lives. There are more that do care, than there are people who don't. Put the past behind you, and start again. You will not fail, if you move forward. (((hugs))).

    ^^^ This is a positive person.. Focus on the good ones and perhaps stay away from the forums.. maybe discuss certain topics with your MFP friends so you don't feel too discouraged. Don't quit on yourself.. rise above any negativity and look for personal growth and transformation..
  • meglet175
    Haters gonna hate - don't let them get to you! :flowerforyou:
  • gentlemang
    Suffer the pain of discipline, or suffer the pain of regret.

    Those are some words that have helped me in the past, hopefully they'll help you too, regardless of your view on religion, which is the number one subject that you should not discuss on the internet by the way.