No Homo?



  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    Oh and to add - I hear plenty of things in a similar vein about women.
    "Stop being such a girl", "you run like a woman", "man-up and sort it out" - all heard said by women to blokes, but of course also said by blokes to other blokes, which could suggest women are 'lesser'.
    Thankfully, my friends generally accept that they can make fun of the differences between people and it not be a problem.
    The one black guy that turned up to our bike forum BBQ was joking about being 'Token' :).

    Yes, thankfully your friends are totally okay with sexism and think it's completely cool to continue oppressing women.
  • rotill
    rotill Posts: 244 Member
    First: I agree that this is very offensive. One of my kids is queer, and this kind of prejudice wakes the mother lion in me. I don't let people get away with that.

    However: tonight a very dear young friend was in tears on my couch, because of the extremely nasty prejudice in the gay community, which makes men write in their profiles "no asians" (just in more crass language). What is it with men? Is it impossible to give things a positive spin? Does every message have to be about people you don't like, even when you are saying what you like?

    It is obviously not a straight or gay thing though, but just a "I don't care who is hurt as long as I maintain my comfort zone" thing.
  • SeaRunner26
    SeaRunner26 Posts: 5,143 Member
    you're kind of a hetero :tongue:

    Hope you can sense the joke in this comment. No offense intended. :smile:

    Oh yes, and much appreciated.

    People are taking this much more seriously than I intended. But I should have know better.

    probably a few wording choices to be sure, but if they snap back that harshly, trust me they were offended that you were offended, meaning they don't take their own advice.

    *brace for incoming fire.*

    Don't worry, I'll protect you, in a totally platonic way.

    So let me get this straight...

    Oh, certainly you can appreciate the irony!
  • bikinibeliever
    bikinibeliever Posts: 832 Member
    Are the majority of guys on this site so insecure with their sexuality that if they compliment another guy, they have to end the comment with "no homo"? As a gay guy, I find this kind of insulting. As if being gay is something I should be ashamed of and requires a disclaimer. Yes homo.

    Bahaha....those last 2 words, the best way to end that! It's the simple things that really make me laugh. :flowerforyou:
  • rmarshalla
    rmarshalla Posts: 103 Member
    Ugh, I hate "No Homo."

    Do women say "No Les" after complimenting each other? No? Men are so insecure.

    silly double standard of sorts.
    Quit being insecure, people!
    Take the complements you can get! Sometimes they're hard to come by.

    PS. Your "yes homo" comment = so. awesome.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Oh, the evolution argument.
    Know who loves that argument? Racist people claiming we evolved to dislike other races.
    Yep, I've read that, seen the research in respected journals and certainly consider it a legitimate theory.

    In the bits I deleted I waffled on about how I'd campaigned against racism in other forums.
    However, one argument that took the wind out of my sales there was redheads - that I wasn't also campaigning for their rights.

    My argument was that generally redheads hadn't suffered 'real' abuse on a big scale.
    I've known plenty of homosexuals and I've never seen or heard of them receiving abuse in the societies we live in.
    Of course some do, no doubt.

    But if we were to try and not offend ANYONE, it would be a very dull place.

    Though, with stand up comedians abolished, which would be a good thing, at least!

    In my younger days, I took a variety of substances, but I never felt the need to take personal offence when someone used 'a right stoner' in a derogatory manner about another person - or even me, for that matter. Some people don't like the life style and express it - that in it's self isn't a problem to my mind.

    So, I'll go with some internet slang and suggest people need to 'MTFU' and stop being so thin-skinned.

    For the record, it's not a phrase I would use; but I would defend people's right to say it.

    On said motorcycle forum we had a VERY similar argument.
    The main protagonist claimed he'd never do anything like that.
    Trawled through his posts and he used the word 'fraped' - something that surely cause considerable distaste to someone that HAS been sexually assaulted - bringing it down to the level of changing a page on facebook.
    Most of us are guilty of saying something that could offend someone - so he who is without sin, etc.

    And yes, Southpark, which is great at offending EVERYONE has at some point got me annoyed - but I've cooled down, realising that yes, we're just back to the stand up comedian thing.

    While you are saying lots there I read this and all I thought was...Yay motorcycles!</kawi>
  • foxro
    foxro Posts: 793 Member
    Here I go: why do I do this ....what consenting adults do sexually is their own business. That's one thing rights and freedoms are all about. When something sexually is forced upon someone without their consent, that's abuse. The term HOMO - At one time pedophilia was cast upon as an activity of male homosexuals , that only gay men did little boys. Hence people become fearful and judgemental of gay men. In public school we were warned of "homosexual " men who offered to give you a ride or give you candy. Hence the mistrust if you said I'm gay or homosexual. It's an unfortunate legacy term that gay men today have been branded with
  • Gjallarhorn
    I like how I'm actually expressing an opinion that brings others who are different than me to an equal plane... and then I get snapped at by a few feminists. It's awesome. I love it.
  • AmazonRDH
    AmazonRDH Posts: 203 Member
    Depends on what you are complimenting I imagine. "Nice package" probably would not go over well with certain people.:wink:

    Yet I can get away with saying to a gal "nice rack" without ending the comment with "no hetero".

    LOL! no need to clarify that one........ my dad was gay ("was" because he passed away), my favorite cousin is gay, i hang with a lot of gay folks, and no one --- NO ONE--- appreciates a nice pair of ta-tas more than a gay man >go figure< HA! :drinker:
  • DonaA123
    DonaA123 Posts: 337 Member
    totally agree:drinker:
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    I like how I'm actually expressing an opinion that brings others who are different than me to an equal plane... and then I get snapped at by a few feminists. It's awesome. I love it.

    "I'm bringing you poor gays to an equal plane by letting you know WHY I'm choosing to use oppressive language, despite you asking me not to . :D Aren't I such a sweet privileged overlord?"
  • McChubbyruewho
    I am not saying its right to call people names that hurt them, CAUSE it really is NOT

    BUT I want to expose the myth that if some one makes fun of somone who is gay, that doesn't mean they are afrade of people who are gay! or that they are insecure of their preference, in most cases its just what they learned in their familys an such.

    For instance I know people who spent the most of their lives in prision, they will say things like that, and they in no way FEAR gay people, and they will somtimes joke about being gay with each other showing they are not unsure of their preference...

    I think the majority of people say these things and too them it has caused a new meaning, such as Gay used to mean happy, then it meant homosexual, now a lot of people use it to mean lame, (with out thinking of homosexual at all)

    As far as Homo goes, it is a shortened word for the proper usage, if they say it in a context of "I am not a homo" then you cuold play around with them and be all "too bad" lol

    its o.k. if there not homosexual, and if you view its o.k. for you to be then why care what they think you know, its alright if he is not. now if they mean it to hurt you, well just pitty them, cause people that go out just to hurt others are sad people
  • gauchogirl
    gauchogirl Posts: 467 Member
    I have NEVER seen or heard this, which surprises the hell out of me since you all mention it like EVERYONE knows about it. I LIVE on the internet (sad, but true) so I guess I must not hang around men who feel the need to qualify their friendly banter with "no homo." Happy about that! Ain't got no time for homophobes.
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    But I still stick by my first statement, noone should live their life assuming everyone is trying to offend them.

    But then they can't be victims.

    This. This is my problem with how the gay community acts. Always like a victim of something or other. Who you want to be with is your decision and you should be afforded the right to equal things.

    Guess what we all get made fun of in some form or another. Or have some sort of fun poked at us. Most of it take it what at what it is light hearted fun. And not turn everything into a crusade.

    I use the term. So what? I have no problems with my sexuality. I'm not homophobic. But I will use this like any other internet meme because I feel like it.

    Also, I guess thats what she said, Calling someone a milf, or FAIL should be on this page too. Youre not special just being lumped in with the rest of us
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    I am not saying its right to call people names that hurt them, CAUSE it really is NOT

    BUT I want to expose the myth that if some one makes fun of somone who is gay, that doesn't mean they are afrade of people who are gay! or that they are insecure of their preference, in most cases its just what they learned in their familys an such.

    For instance I know people who spent the most of their lives in prision, they will say things like that, and they in no way FEAR gay people, and they will somtimes joke about being gay with each other showing they are not unsure of their preference...

    I think the majority of people say these things and too them it has caused a new meaning, such as Gay used to mean happy, then it meant homosexual, now a lot of people use it to mean lame, (with out thinking of homosexual at all)

    As far as Homo goes, it is a shortened word for the proper usage, if they say it in a context of "I am not a homo" then you cuold play around with them and be all "too bad" lol

    its o.k. if there not homosexual, and if you view its o.k. for you to be then why care what they think you know, its alright if he is not. now if they mean it to hurt you, well just pitty them, cause people that go out just to hurt others are sad people

    Thank you so much for heterosplaining to me, I UNDERSTAND NOW. :noway:
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Oh and to add - I hear plenty of things in a similar vein about women.
    "Stop being such a girl", "you run like a woman", "man-up and sort it out" - all heard said by women to blokes, but of course also said by blokes to other blokes, which could suggest women are 'lesser'.
    Thankfully, my friends generally accept that they can make fun of the differences between people and it not be a problem.
    The one black guy that turned up to our bike forum BBQ was joking about being 'Token' :).

    Yes, thankfully your friends are totally okay with sexism and think it's completely cool to continue oppressing women.

    Yes because if you asked them I'm sure they'd agree with you *rolleyes* How do I end the drama tag on this girl...
    *makes sure to not make a queen joke*
  • Gjallarhorn
    I like how I'm actually expressing an opinion that brings others who are different than me to an equal plane... and then I get snapped at by a few feminists. It's awesome. I love it.

    "I'm bringing you poor gays to an equal plane by letting you know WHY I'm choosing to use oppressive language, despite you asking me not to . :D Aren't I such a sweet privileged overlord?"

    Not sure what you mean by privileged. If you mean white male, sure, I'm about as privileged as it gets. I burn in the sun like butter on asphalt in florida in mid july.

    If you mean I've had it easy, you're dead wrong and more prejudicial than anyone else in the thread. Not to mention flaming pretty hard so far from what I've seen. It's almost cute.
  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member
    My advice? Don't be offended by it. Go on with your life. If I got offended by everything that could potentially, in some universe at the right angle of the sun be perceived as offensive to females...well, I'd never leave the house. But that'd be lame. And not effective as pertains to my fitness goals...
  • McChubbyruewho
    I am not saying its right to call people names that hurt them, CAUSE it really is NOT

    BUT I want to expose the myth that if some one makes fun of somone who is gay, that doesn't mean they are afrade of people who are gay! or that they are insecure of their preference, in most cases its just what they learned in their familys an such.

    For instance I know people who spent the most of their lives in prision, they will say things like that, and they in no way FEAR gay people, and they will somtimes joke about being gay with each other showing they are not unsure of their preference...

    I think the majority of people say these things and too them it has caused a new meaning, such as Gay used to mean happy, then it meant homosexual, now a lot of people use it to mean lame, (with out thinking of homosexual at all)

    As far as Homo goes, it is a shortened word for the proper usage, if they say it in a context of "I am not a homo" then you cuold play around with them and be all "too bad" lol

    its o.k. if there not homosexual, and if you view its o.k. for you to be then why care what they think you know, its alright if he is not. now if they mean it to hurt you, well just pitty them, cause people that go out just to hurt others are sad people

    Thank you so much for heterosplaining to me, I UNDERSTAND NOW. :noway:

    Not sure of your......joke?
  • lovelyMYlovely
    lovelyMYlovely Posts: 1,066 Member
    goodness whats the deal?? were all people we all have hearts, lungs, a stomach, eyes, lips, etc... we are ALL PEOPLE so why not treat eachother like we ALL deserve, with respect.
    it doesnt matter if someone is a different color, what background they come from, what their sexual preference is, WE ALL BREATH and EAT and Smile and Cry.. WE ALL HAVE FEELINGS.. and on the inside everyone is made up of the same things!
    I love people for their heart and soul and what makes them a good person.. no need for people to be rude because they dont have the same opinions...
    Lets love one another and make this world a better place :)