What's your phobia - mine is coat hangers



  • pobalita
    pobalita Posts: 741 Member
    Caterpillars, maggots, larva of any kind.
  • kaitie23
    kaitie23 Posts: 119 Member
    Heights, pain, sea life, small spaces, holes like in honeycomb, mesh, and netting. It grosses me out.
  • angelamary61
    angelamary61 Posts: 97 Member
    Damns freak me out, all that concrete on one side and deep water on the other, horrible.
  • SneakyBat
    SneakyBat Posts: 55 Member
    I'm another for the anti-spider brigade..even the tiniest spider will send me shrieking/crying/wailing to my other half to remove the offending monster RIGHT EFFIN' NOW! I don't mind tarantulas too much though, they're almost cute(?) - not quite but almost...
  • UnrequitedLoveSong
    Crowds, Snakes(Can't even look at them in books or television without wanting to vomit), forests or wooded areas after dark... the list goes on.
  • ZombieKillaPrincess
    The sound of velcro... and clowns.
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
  • red8424
    red8424 Posts: 160 Member
    I hate looking at someone (or myself in the mirror) with sunglasses on and seeing their eyeball through the glasses. Freaks my freak.
    Oh and MOTHS- I am deathly afraid of moths getting anywhere near me.
  • Silver_Star
    Silver_Star Posts: 1,351 Member
    If someone tries to tickle me...

  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
  • mcflat29
    mcflat29 Posts: 2,159 Member
    Falling... It's not really heights, because if I'm strapped in and feel secure I'm okay. But if you walk by me and tilt my chair back, that feeling of falling and bouncing in my seat will send me into a fit of hysterics and tears. I can't ride straight up and down coasters. Last "Fear Immersion" test had the medics at Cedar Point prying me out of the seat... I was latched on for dear life, sobbing, and not blinking... Frightening beyond belief. I can't look up at great heights without getting sick. I can't even watch videos of people "falling" over the edge of something... It's gotten a little better over the years with videos.

    Another phobia I'm learning to do better with is spiders. Oh God, I hate all spiders except the fuzzy jumping spiders. I don't know why I like the jumping spiders. It's something about the way they study us and hang back. Almost a funny, inquisitive face. IDK, I'm an oddball.
  • There isn't an animal, reptile, insect, or other creature that scares me - unless it surprises me, jumps out of the dark, etc. However, what does scare me... Ever since I watched an episode of a crime show in which one murder was discovered because someone turned on their shower and blood came out, I CANNOT get in the shower without letting it run for a few minutes first. As soon as I'm satisfied that only water is coming out, I'm fine. Not like I'm scared of blood, per se, as I think anatomy is fascinating and have no problem with blood and guts...just can't stand the thought of blood coming out of my shower.
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    heights unless im strapped into a roller coaster then i go wild!!

    Oh! I hate the big dip. I feel like I'm falling :sad:
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    The sound of velcro... and clowns.

    What is it about clowns?
    They're kind of creepy, hey?
  • turbophoenix
    I have emetophobia - an extreme, irrational fear of vomit and vomiting.
  • wolfelements
    wolfelements Posts: 117 Member
    Stairs. I can barely get down two of them, which makes leaving my house hard. I'm also constantly panicking about aliens (the outer space kind).
  • mommyelly85
    Leftovers! I hate leftovers. I do not hold any leftovers in my fridge my husband hates it. If there is extra pizza it goes to the garbage. Leftover lasagna...garbage. Anything that has been cooked will not be stored in the fridge. I hate the smells it can give off. I imagine bacteria growing on it. Or reheating it....gross! When my family at leftovers when I was a child never ate. That was cereal night for me, lol. I also get creeped out with other peoples' fridges. I freak out if I see a tomato just sitting on the shelf, like the skin is touch the fridge...and then you eat the skin?! Noway!
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    I have stacks of phobias that are common boring 1's - like snakes, heights, small spaces, driving behind a truck with logs on it (Final Destination can be thanked for that)...
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    bridges and dams, spiders, mushrooms, lighting gas grills, flying, and opening champagne
  • mommyelly85
    I hate looking at someone (or myself in the mirror) with sunglasses on and seeing their eyeball through the glasses. Freaks my freak.
    Oh and MOTHS- I am deathly afraid of moths getting anywhere near me.

    Omg this is funny! I just picture it....lol thats hilarious. Don't mean to be mean. I just think its crazy how everyone has such different things they freak out over.