General Comment About People Who Don't Lift



  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I realize you may not have read all the posts, but I did not suggest that weight lifting decreased flexibility. I suggested that a dancer who lifts weights would look different than someone who only lifts weight (without the other training that dancers require). Let's face it, if dancers didn't have a different look to their body, I highly doubt we'd be discussing how to get a dancers body.

    Well a lot of people have asked just what "a dancer's body" really even means. There seems to be no answer. Look at the dancers on So You Think You Can Dance. Some of them look like bodybuilders, some of them look like the girl next door.

    The simple fact is that you're wrong. You have false conceptions about the nature of human body, and instead of trying to listen and learn you are stubbornly sticking to these conceptions. What you say simply doesn't make sense.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    I realize you may not have read all the posts, but I did not suggest that weight lifting decreased flexibility. I suggested that a dancer who lifts weights would look different than someone who only lifts weight (without the other training that dancers require). Let's face it, if dancers didn't have a different look to their body, I highly doubt we'd be discussing how to get a dancers body.

    Well a lot of people have asked just what "a dancer's body" really even means. There seems to be no answer. Look at the dancers on So You Think You Can Dance. Some of them look like bodybuilders, some of them look like the girl next door.

    The simple fact is that you're wrong. You have false conceptions about the nature of human body, and instead of trying to listen and learn you are stubbornly sticking to these conceptions. What you say simply doesn't make sense.

    Additionally there have been pictures of a dancer and lifter posted in this thread that show no distinction or difference.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Pretty much exactly this. You cycle through a bunch of lame machines doing 60 seconds on each machine and move to the next one. To music.
    There's no weights.

    How does that even make sense? What do the machines do?

    They are a variety of resistance machines. I'm not really familiar with machines, but one did a bicep curl type motion, some you push with your legs, etc. In addition, there are platforms between each machine. I thought it was only 30 second intervals, but perhaps it was 60. Anywho, you do a machine, then you get on the platform and do whatever you want (squats, run in place, jumping jacks, etc.) I don't think the platforms in the Curves I visited provided room for something like burpees or pushups, though that may vary by location. Then on to the next machine, then the next platform, etc.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I realize you may not have read all the posts, but I did not suggest that weight lifting decreased flexibility. I suggested that a dancer who lifts weights would look different than someone who only lifts weight (without the other training that dancers require). Let's face it, if dancers didn't have a different look to their body, I highly doubt we'd be discussing how to get a dancers body.

    Well a lot of people have asked just what "a dancer's body" really even means. There seems to be no answer. Look at the dancers on So You Think You Can Dance. Some of them look like bodybuilders, some of them look like the girl next door.

    The simple fact is that you're wrong. You have false conceptions about the nature of human body, and instead of trying to listen and learn you are stubbornly sticking to these conceptions. What you say simply doesn't make sense.

    I have been "listening" (reading). I just don't agree with you. Chill out man.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    My image of a lifter's body is that the muscles look more "bunched up" while a dancer's muscles (in my mind) look more elongated and smooth. But I know there is cross-over. Some dancers also lift.

    I lift, too.

    Did you see the pictures of the dancer that were posted together with a lifter? Did they look different to you? Also, have you read the comments from KatrinaWilke who is a dancer?

    No, I haven't seen all the posts to this thread. I was skimming along, came to a question about what I thought a dancer was supposed to look like as opposed to a lifter, and replied to that specific question.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    lifting weights is good for you.
    it helps women look better and helps them maintain bone density.
    as you age, holding onto lean body mass is pretty important.

    so, congrats on whatever progress you made without lifting, but you need to start.
  • alexisu96
    alexisu96 Posts: 103 Member
    You dont have to heavy lift so muscles arenpopping out. Light dumbells will do it.

    I keep seeing comments like this. This is nonsensical. Lifting heavy things doesn't make muscles pop out. It takes years of dedication and hardcore dieting to get big muscles with low body fat. If lifting heavy things made muscles pop out instantaneously I'd look like Arnold by now.

    I don't.

    Light weights are incredibly inefficient. Using light weights does not give you the benefits of heavy weights. It will take forever to see results, if you ever see any. You will not get the bone-strengthening. You will not build muscle mass.

    There is absolutely nothing that using light weights does for you that heavy weights will not do for you ten times faster and better. You could spend hours and hours in the gym using light weight and never get half the benefits of 30 minutes in the squat rack.

    Sorry I wasn't clear. What I meant was a lifting program doesn't have to mean heavy weights. But a 5 lb dumbell or body weight, with correct form and many reps will do,the job. I think alot women new to this asume lifting means a bar with 45 lb plates and so they are intimidated. And think lifting means heavy weight and bulking. Though heavy weight doesnt mean bulking. Weights dont even have to be involved. I have had more sore muscles from using rubber bands, resistance and own body weight vs plate weight.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    My image of a lifter's body is that the muscles look more "bunched up" while a dancer's muscles (in my mind) look more elongated and smooth. But I know there is cross-over. Some dancers also lift.

    I lift, too.

    Did you see the pictures of the dancer that were posted together with a lifter? Did they look different to you? Also, have you read the comments from KatrinaWilke who is a dancer?

    No, I haven't seen all the posts to this thread. I was skimming along, came to a question about what I thought a dancer was supposed to look like as opposed to a lifter, and replied to that specific question.

    I'd suggest you go back and look at the pictures and read Katrina's comments. There is very little difference between what a lifter's body looks like and what a dancer's body looks like.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I realize you may not have read all the posts, but I did not suggest that weight lifting decreased flexibility. I suggested that a dancer who lifts weights would look different than someone who only lifts weight (without the other training that dancers require). Let's face it, if dancers didn't have a different look to their body, I highly doubt we'd be discussing how to get a dancers body.

    Well a lot of people have asked just what "a dancer's body" really even means. There seems to be no answer. Look at the dancers on So You Think You Can Dance. Some of them look like bodybuilders, some of them look like the girl next door.

    The simple fact is that you're wrong. You have false conceptions about the nature of human body, and instead of trying to listen and learn you are stubbornly sticking to these conceptions. What you say simply doesn't make sense.

    Additionally there have been pictures of a dancer and lifter posted in this thread that show no distinction or difference.

    I'm sorry but I've never seen So You Think You Can Dance. I wouldn't expect the differences to show as much in a still photo, though the poses chose suggest the difference. If you were to see two women in real life, one who was a dancer who lifted weights, and one who lifted weights as her only form of exercise, there would likely be a difference in they why they walked and moved. The dancer would be more lithe and graceful.
  • BlueInkDot
    BlueInkDot Posts: 702 Member
    Personally I want to be able to do anything anybody else can do

    I don't wanna try to pick something up and be like uuuunnnnnnnnggggggghhhhh it's too heaaaavyyyyyyy waaaaaaaaaaaaaah....

    yeah... #lame

    Being a badass is better. #my2cents
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Sorry I wasn't clear. What I meant was a lifting program doesn't have to mean heavy weights. But a 5 lb dumbell or body weight, with correct form and many reps will do,the job. I think alot women new to this asume lifting means a bar with 45 lb plates and so they are intimidated. And think lifting means heavy weight and bulking. Though heavy weight doesnt mean bulking. Weights dont even have to be involved. I have had more sore muscles from using rubber bands, resistance and own body weight vs plate weight.

    It simply won't. Those pink dumbbells won't give you any results.

    Yes, women are intimidated by barbells and big dumbbells and plates and squat racks and benches. Yes they have ridiculous misconceptions about what lifting will do to their bodies.

    But that doesn't change reality though. You have to move weights that are approaching your 1RM in order to get the benefits of lifting. And reality is that it's quick and efficient. You can do an entire full-body heavy strength training program by lifting for 1 hour 3 times a week.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I'm sorry but I've never seen So You Think You Can Dance. I wouldn't expect the differences to show as much in a still photo, though the poses chose suggest the difference. If you were to see two women in real life, one who was a dancer who lifted weights, and one who lifted weights as her only form of exercise, there would likely be a difference in they why they walked and moved. The dancer would be more lithe and graceful.

    Oh, so they don't LOOK different, you're saying that the dancer would walk differently.

    I see....
  • _Witsy_
    _Witsy_ Posts: 609 Member
    Some of these responses are breaking my heart. Light weights, hundreds of reps...oh bother.
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    See, Strength Training I am 100% behind and have been doing the whole time I was losing weight. I just recently (literally on Thursday) asked my trainer to start making me do weighted squats because I want a butt.

    The thing I often see on threads that gets me is the push of 'lifting heavy' which is what I thought this thread was referring to. I don't think you NEED to lift heavy, but strength training is truly beneficial if you want to maintain the weight loss you achieve.

    Heavy is heavy *for you*. Meaning heavy enough where you struggle to complete the last couple of reps with good form. If you lift with your trainer, chances are you lift somewhat "heavy" at least.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    I realize you may not have read all the posts, but I did not suggest that weight lifting decreased flexibility. I suggested that a dancer who lifts weights would look different than someone who only lifts weight (without the other training that dancers require). Let's face it, if dancers didn't have a different look to their body, I highly doubt we'd be discussing how to get a dancers body.

    Well a lot of people have asked just what "a dancer's body" really even means. There seems to be no answer. Look at the dancers on So You Think You Can Dance. Some of them look like bodybuilders, some of them look like the girl next door.

    The simple fact is that you're wrong. You have false conceptions about the nature of human body, and instead of trying to listen and learn you are stubbornly sticking to these conceptions. What you say simply doesn't make sense.

    Additionally there have been pictures of a dancer and lifter posted in this thread that show no distinction or difference.

    I'm sorry but I've never seen So You Think You Can Dance. I wouldn't expect the differences to show as much in a still photo, though the poses chose suggest the difference. If you were to see two women in real life, one who was a dancer who lifted weights, and one who lifted weights as her only form of exercise, there would likely be a difference in they why they walked and moved. The dancer would be more lithe and graceful.

    So they may move differently. Ok. For the third or fourth time, in what way would they LOOK differently. KatrinaWilkes who is a dancer has said they would not. You, who are not a dancer I believe, says they would. Yet, you can't seem to either demostrate how or alternatively, admit that you are mistaken. Pick one. Either one.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I'm sorry but I've never seen So You Think You Can Dance. I wouldn't expect the differences to show as much in a still photo, though the poses chose suggest the difference. If you were to see two women in real life, one who was a dancer who lifted weights, and one who lifted weights as her only form of exercise, there would likely be a difference in they why they walked and moved. The dancer would be more lithe and graceful.

    Oh, so they don't LOOK different, you're saying that the dancer would walk differently.

    I see....

    Oh, so you are talking about photos? Sorry, I was talking about people.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    This is fun *munch munch munch*
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    I'm sorry but I've never seen So You Think You Can Dance. I wouldn't expect the differences to show as much in a still photo, though the poses chose suggest the difference. If you were to see two women in real life, one who was a dancer who lifted weights, and one who lifted weights as her only form of exercise, there would likely be a difference in they why they walked and moved. The dancer would be more lithe and graceful.

    Oh, so they don't LOOK different, you're saying that the dancer would walk differently.

    I see....

    Oh, so you are talking about photos? Sorry, I was talking about people.

    The photos are of people. A person that is a dancer and a person that is a lifter. What's so hard to follow?
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I'm sorry but I've never seen So You Think You Can Dance. I wouldn't expect the differences to show as much in a still photo, though the poses chose suggest the difference. If you were to see two women in real life, one who was a dancer who lifted weights, and one who lifted weights as her only form of exercise, there would likely be a difference in they why they walked and moved. The dancer would be more lithe and graceful.

    Oh, so they don't LOOK different, you're saying that the dancer would walk differently.

    I see....

    Oh, so you are talking about photos? Sorry, I was talking about people.

    Oh give me a break. This is an obvious attempt to backtrack and CYA. You said they would look different, and are now conceding that they won't look different but will, perhaps, move differently. You are fooling no one.

    The strong person admits when they are wrong; the weak person tries to make it look like they were right all along.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    A dancer who lifts, will look different that someone that only lifts.
    In general the dancer would likely be more lithe.
    I suggested that a dancer who lifts weights would look different than someone who only lifts weight (without the other training that dancers require). Let's face it, if dancers didn't have a different look to their body, I highly doubt we'd be discussing how to get a dancers body.

    In case you forgot.